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11-May-2007 11:29 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hey kitten, sorry, missed your post. baby boy...hm.... go get booties! or a year's supply of diapers. haha. something cute lah. mittens and booties? those little nike shoes, have you seen them? damn cute.

btw, could anyone give idea? for victorian's kantangs---'cos not sure if his 'following' read the fellowship thread. shd i update on each respective kantang thread, or can i just do it all here? in 1st place, they're FA ppl who follow his posts; so do i even need to call techs for his kantangs?


byes, going for early lunch!
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11-May-2007 11:11 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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yeps, concur with singaporegal. just morning profit taking. normal aft an upsurge. in fact, the all sing equities comm has just turned slight green. expect sesdaq and all sing equities foreign up next.

market's v strong really, if you look at the data.
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11-May-2007 10:34 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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actually choohian, i think yours is a very rich life already. if i can live to there and be like you, that'd be more than enough already. :)

eh..jerome, the banks you're naming are purely for go-getters.

do consider well what you want? if you really want those banks you've named, then, wedding, full time job now, no time for leave etcetc might not come across as reasons for not applying. It might sound rather like it's your 2nd priority; or that you're only entertaining vague notions 'cos of the money, in which case, they're not likely to consider you. You have to show that you want it, and it'll be your 1st priority. it's a lot of sacrifice. that's why they're paid so well.  What you give is what you get, know that saying?  

And eh. UBS, deustsche etc employees do not go on the ground canvassing like that.

1st foothold in is perhaps difficult without lobangs, since they hire globally. Your competition comes from HK, China, US, UK, Europe. deustche, you'll need to clear ~7 rounds of interviews in all. UBS easier, abt 4-5 only. inclusive of a battery of team tests, lunch time test, phone call, panel interviews, sequential interviews, case studies. note: all these hold true only for front end high positions. NOt sure abt the tech side. think it shd be easier.  

and yep. eastonbay is right. you need to hit director level by 35. Fast burn. In private wealth mgmt, you'll do things like bringing the clients' kids around when they fly to s'pore. Zouk, Butter factory, St James etc are de rigour. It's work in day, entertain at night. so yea. don't just look at the money. consider if you're a personality fit for what i've said first?

good luck!

market wise, it's a normal profit taking; so not much need to be alarmed.
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10-May-2007 23:32 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm. jerome. re microsoft.

if it's an American co you're trying for, rem one thing. they're very, very more forward than asians. singaporeans are regarded as too humble.

Like how, ya know american idol? the kids go in saying, "I am the next american idol." It's not even "I want to be the next idol." That's the level of self belief you have to project. your line is good already: "I firmly believe that I will never know if I don't try."

use that in your resume. perhaps a short para somewhere on your guiding philosophies in life. one page ah.

dun worry lah. big MNCs take in from all backgrounds. accountancy degree not nece.
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10-May-2007 23:27 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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eh no; didn't attend lessons. i gave lessons actually. on resume writing and interview skills. do it too for college uni entrance essays. teach 'em little ones how to look their best and brightest when faced with the world of scary adults.

interviews are the fun part. i know all the psycho tests and mtds etc that MNCs to govt corps here use; so ahhahaaa! fun to play. :P it's showmanship, essentially. from dressing, to posture, to vocal tone, etc.

sometimes when i'm bored or feeling especially friendly, i'll also give my friends tips on how to write their resumes, esp if they've been jobless for long. i prefer not to write it for them tho; since must always have your own voice in your resume. plus if in interview, they ask you, and you don't even know what's in your resume, that's a dead giveaway.


nono asterisk. you don't cold call. that's too obvious, too eager beaver. if you don't have connections, do it a simpler way. Go to their website, see their company hierarchy. See their financial reports, which guy is bringing in the most money. then go read their blurb abt their company culture (normally it's dynamic, go getting, open minded etc). then when you write, show that you have these stuff too. and that you want to work with that guy 'cos this is his track record.

it's all the little tricks and skills. note: you can learn the lessons, but gotta apply them. 2 ppl can go for same lesson, but they'll write very differently.

like, even if you were just a waiter, you'll put under skills learnt:

-excels in handling difficult requests, easy-going and able to get along with people of different culture. 


heehee. jerome, when you say the cos i mentioned, you mean the big4, or the MNC banks?

MNC banks: you don't get in 1st step--ie resume fault, or 2nd--ie, resume cleared, but interview no go?

eh. IT background even better. stress on two terms i'll give you here:

transferable skills, lateral knowledge.

think abt it. keke.

and yes, altho we know it's true, never, never tell them you're in it for the money.

muah ha.
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10-May-2007 23:08 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ahahha! nono jerome, wait til the no: is 9898 then register the baby!! heeehee. like, i wanna know who's the lucky bug who got 8888 man.....

anyhow, digression. let's continue. for CV:

Your CV needs the following sections:

Personal Details

Relevant Working Experience

Other experiences

Education History (incl your scholarships and awards if any; CCAs as well)

Special Competencies (eg, piano, violin, vocals grade 8, photoshop skills, languages, etcetc).


order the sections as per what stands out best. hehe. So if you're a student, education history comes before the working/other experiences. if you've worked before, then working/other experiences come before education. esp if your education history has been less than stellar. hehe.

note, also include in what you've learnt and achieved in those sections.


Coordinator for xxx IT development, may 1999-june 2003.

-led a team of people to develop cutting-edge precision technology for xxx company.

-generated revenue of 100k in 2 months, achieving the highest sales record for the company in that year.

-organised a successful major convention for 800 people in june 2002.


everything point form. No long story. Max 2 pgs.


ok nites, elf wants to sleep now. talk abt a digression man. potato reporting to job hunting. haha.  
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10-May-2007 22:59 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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eh, is jerome an undergrad too?

1) your resume shd not be more than 2 pages long.

2) When you apply, you shd have 2 things: a cover letter, and a curriculum vitae (CV).

3) In the cover letter (one pg, including address, etcetc), you shd address the following pts:

a) why you are interested in the job

b) why you are a fit for the job

c) why you are a fit for the company

rem that ppl are hired for ability, but they're fired for 'fit'. ->ie, id what the company culture is (dynamic/spontaneous/rule abiding/strong fraternity etcetc) and show that you fit in with them. note: show, not tell.

Note also: common mistake most ppl make: they write what the job can give them, and not the other way ard. BUt think abt it, why on earth wld i want to hire someone who tells me, "oh, i want to join your company because i can learn a lot from you." Like, duh. I'm hiring you to work for me. What you shd be saying instead is something like "I wish to join your company because you've shown xxx expansion into china, and the chinese market is something i am personally interested in. Being fluent in both mandarin and english, i believe i can be an asset to the team there."

Look to give, not take.  

And note: if it's MNCs you're applying for, personality has to come through. Cut out the 'I's in your resume. Shdn't be 'I am this this this, I studied in that that that.' If your potential boss is reading 300 resumes, how do you stand out? THat's the qn you answer.

in short: cover letter: make it short, sharp, sweet. Impress with your personality and show that you know something of the company, while tying in your own skills. If you can, give the specific department you want to join, and not "I want to join AA." like, which dept in AA, under whom? THe more specific you can get, the better your chances.  
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10-May-2007 22:46 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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btw, for those of you depending on victorian, pls know that his new baby has just been born a couple of days ago, so he's kinda tied up with family right now.

in fact, i'm surprised that that bro of mine is still posting in such a situation.


so his little sis will be good and update his counters for him here. I'm just going to do it one shot here ah; don't wanna accumulate so many posts. plus, can't be bothered to go find all his dang potatoes. haha. note i can't rem what exactly he's holding, so i'll post only the most popular kantangs.

hh: same story. via MACD, downtrend appears to be petering out. likely range tmrw:  1.00-1.05.  Notice that BBs are actually not moving.  small fries are auto being shaken out by the days of consistent lowness. For the vested, hold your nerves. 

edmi: XD is tmrw. So will naturally expect a slight drop. Note tho that it has factored in full year's earnings already. Bigger pic, techs show counter at an impasse for now; neither up nor down. rem its pattern in jan, again at the 40c mark. Consistent tech pattern: does a hummingbird hover hover hover....then sudden spike up in  a few days.

ek: just XDed. This short period of time likely to trend in the same range for accumulation. Very, very tight float. SHowing resistance of uptrend. tmrw's range likely 22-23.5c.

pohtc: likely sideways for now. MACD shows in downtrend. 20.5-21.5c is my call range for tmrw.

nippecraft: stock is being sold but px is remaining about constant. indication of passive accumulation (ie, ppl queue at one price instead of chasing). alternatively, equal push-pull factors at play. indicating experienced, patient players in this counter, but very few or no BBBs yet. tricky techs 'cos of inconsistent vol. Look for RSI sudden jump above 8 pts as your guide to sudden momentum. Alt, rely on busd data. likely range for tmw: 11.5-12.5.


pls note that all tech targets given are just a guideline. and i'm calling for 5 counters at one shot. so don't kill me if any is off by a half cent or whatever. niama dunno what kantangs my gege digs up, they all have tricky techs. THose interested in doing more research, pls find the relevant threads, yea. victorian's posted a huge amt of info on them.

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10-May-2007 22:11 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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eh? if the entire cohort gets in, then you won't need my help wat. no pt doing unnecessary work. the irony is, i'm trying to help a kid get OUT of one of the big four (he's in alr even before his final year), and here is this one, wanting in. sigh.

 why??? grass always greener on other side eh.

eheh. kid. your goals don't seem to be in accountancy. Why not just whack straight. Aim for the big banks. like UBS, like Deustsche Bank, like Rabobank. Forget the local banks, forget the accountancy firms. Whack straight. "Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men's blood." --Daniel Barenboim.

This is where the four rounds of interviews come in. muah ha. trial by fire, kid. Test yourself and see if you're the gold standard. If you're game, i'll teach ya how to write your resume such that they'll pick you up. job-hunting, singaporeans lose to foreigners 'cos they can't write their resumes well enough.
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10-May-2007 21:50 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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 sporeguy! long time no see your posts! hullo!!! Smileynah. it's more private stuff we yak via email la. only the family had my email. (read: one godpa, two bros, one bunnie, one kitten...wld be one little bro too but i'm disowning him for filial disobedience muah ahhahahaaa.).

and haha. yea, i guess stimes i do give more detailed stuff abt market movement; but am wary of posting it online since i'm quite afraid that ppl will just rush and buy... 'cos like, trends change all the time, esp if you're talking micro, day to day patterns. so techs necessarily change. but i'm not online all the time to give the buy/sell cue, so i don't want to 'lead anyone on' or something like that.

BB stories. ooh. just name me your counter. elf likes to play. hehe. watching eastonbay's sweet potato now just for fun.

and baseerahmed is right. it does read like a fiction detective noir novel. but haha, mebbe that's 'cos me and vic are more hyper ppl lah; 'cos we post so detailed, it looks like drama. Esp if you're new to the game. Altho, it's very easy to get caught in the stories, but newbies shdn't read and freak out and get a persecution complex.

singaporegal: so your email addy is activated now??? heehee. ok, i'll try again and you'll know. heehee.  
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10-May-2007 21:41 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ah ha. i knew it. you only wanted the job contact right? tsk tsk. must know that when a person recommends another, then whatever the recommended person does reflects on the one who recommended too. Won't risk my rep for anyone just like that. ya gotta clear me first. reps are made in years but can be lost in a day.

o/w, to get into EY, AA, PWC (what's the last one ah? KPMG?), you shd havta clear at least 4 rounds of interviews if you didn't get internship. You do the internship in yr 2nd year, by end of 1st sem final year you shd have your job offer alr. hm. shd let you fight it out. it'd build character. muahahhahahaa! Smiley

yea, admin did drop a mail. they work fast. Smiley

eh, vic is vic, elf is elf. Just 'cos he's my gege (with all due respect, bro), doesn't mean i'll do everything he says, or believe everything he says/does. Rem, this is a stock market forum. Independence above all. And hahahahaha! sorry, no, i don't believe in 2ndchance. 

ooh, double meaning. haha. :P  






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10-May-2007 18:01 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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l_tan, re smrt and comfortDG: if you look at the mar cap and px of the two counters, then CDG dwarfs smrt. which means in an M&A deal, it's likely more an acquisition: CDG will have to buy SMRT. Hence, SMRT price will go up, CDG will go down/trend sideways. THere'll be an equivalent pt between the two prices that can be reached/calculated, but generally the story holds true for all acquisitions: the bought co goes up, the buying co share px goes down, due to capex. 

yah godpa, dow less relevant. we've more or less delinked alr.

re STI/bull run: minor corrections along the way, def. but the big one isn't likely for these few mths, short of any sudden events. Analysts have just called today for an overweight position on Singapore, with the STI targetted to hit 4,100 by year end. It's on CNA; the scrolling ticker. saw it at lunch but can't see which analysts called it..

ok, wanna go home. shacked out with work alr. was running abt whole day. btw asterisk, got yr mail fr SJ admin, gimme some time first hor. currently flooded.
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10-May-2007 18:00 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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think bunnie referring to StA. hh still same story la. all retailers only; small fries getting nervy. Elf will wait to strike if px goes lower. muah ha. hm. asterisk was right tho, if SJ becomes too big, i'm not gonna post price targets out liao. susceptible to inference from the small BBs (ie, big time private investors). haha.

kitten is busy with work i think. haha, bunnie, i'm sure if we bring him out for alcohol (hmm...something in common already! haha) he'll start getting yakky. still haven't found him his companion leh. poor kitten. sigh...

where's singaporegal??? meh. and yah. giantlow. double meh. and yah, where's billywows? meh meh mehhhhhh.......and now i sound like a motherless lamb. haha.
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10-May-2007 14:12 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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k, a quick post in midst of work:

StA: control today at 1.17. This baby quite easy to track. Very strong retail interest for some reason. And one bullish small BB. Just ride it out. quite stable.

hh: same story. hold steady amidst the rollercoaster. game of nerves. sit pretty.

SPC: large lots buying. be careful tho. could easily be just a tech rebound since stock has dropped for previous week, from high of 4.86 on 2nd may. c/o up 2 days, a/d still down. divergence going on. watch for break above 4.86 for chance of going higher. note that SPC's intraday trading range has always been quite large, abt 10c. sometimes it's even higher--17th apr trading range 16c. so an 8c rise a day is act not out of the ordinary.

k that's all for now. and eastonbay, you want your tee-boon same size, you come and cut them up yourself. haha. i'm updating StA 'cos vested interest. hp. :P

haha, k byes all!

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09-May-2007 21:49 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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elf likes cookies. hehe.

and yea choohian, happy, happy birthday!! Smiley


on cooking: let's just say it's something i do only when necessary. haha. trouble's that when your mum's a good cook, you get chased out of the kitchen all the time for not meeting her high standards. and like, when you're helping her to make achar (elf is part peranakan), all the flipping cucumbers and carrots have to be sliced to the same width, length and thickness!!! like, the first one, fine, but when you're cutting up the 40th one..... Smiley

is canada a nice place to emigrate to? i'm kinda looking out for a nice country leh...

anyhow, a bit tired aft whole day at work, update the techs here at one shot, pls excuse me ah:

STE: downtrend. It's broken the lower resistance i called on the STE thread. for whatever reason, it's being sold down heavily. But large lots bought up too. cross fire of the BBs. be careful.

HH: real BB play. Did warn way earlier that it'd be volatile. By techs and FA, the dilution shd make the 'fair price' abt 95-99c. However, possibly supported by strong retail interest; BBs can only afford to throw down so many of their lots. Converting warrants already suggests they might have made a mistake earlier by throwing down too many.

One key piece of info: Philips has margin on hh, the only brokerage to do so. I believe they're deliberately forcing out the margin players (who have the funds to buy more due to leverage). Fundamentals however, remain unchanged. Could look to buy if dips further.

help required here: could anyone calculate what price does forced margin selling kick in assuming buy price is 1.07?

StraitsA: aka Eastonbay's sweet potato find. haha. Not bad; pic is becoming clearer. Looks like big BBs trying to force out a smaller BB. but the smaller one is refusing to budge, and is supported by lots of small fries. hehe. Yesterday's low of 1.10 was the top end of the consol tech range, today's up. Earliest signs of bullishness, but let's wait and see. don't overstep the techs by pre-empting movement. but eastonbay should be crying less now eh? haha. hp....i want my hp....move up, StA!! *wave pom poms* muah hahaaaa!


btw, singaporegal, would you mind if you could pls update your email addy to SJ? it bounced off leh...


k all, nites!
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08-May-2007 21:53 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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definitely, godpa. kinda like, i asked for that kid's mail once via SJ admin, since i thought family mah, must be friendly to the young ones. plus, never know where you can help him and he seemed bright enough to learn. but he made the fatal error of not responding.

Too bad. could have gotten him into one of the big four on my word alone.

ah well, missed is missed.

k, nites, got a long, long day tmrw and day after; won't be online. can't even monitor market. erk.
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08-May-2007 21:47 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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haha. this proves it man. TA wins for short term trend guidance. singaporegal was right *clap clap clap!* hehe.

selling not over yet. hold fast, people. gonna be one stormy ride. sigh.

on the other hand, even with increased float, stock is still very cornered: notice 4c drop on vol of 519k. ie, abt 100 lots can move price by 1c (1.07-1.03 traded range today = 5c range). Significant considering this isn't exactly a penny stock with small float.
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08-May-2007 21:39 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ha. asterisk. if it's the big four you want, then realise that the most important thing in working life is networking. Esp for something as 'prestigious' as those companies, esp if you have no lobang to go in.

NTU accountancy? what are ya graduating with, 2nd uppers or 1st? or perhaps you have some strings to pull in by yourself; alt did the internship with them in your final year?
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07-May-2007 23:42 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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eh...i did tell you that there was resistance of the uptrend to cont, and that the consol is 1.03-1.10. if you dared to play, you'd have sold in morn. but aiyah, nevermind, hindsight is always perfect. smile! Smiley

oh don't worry, i'm quite confident i'll get that hp off you. Smiley

can perhaps look to buy in at consolidation price. This stock has FA backing, as you noted.

k, byes for now! sleepy liao...feel another sore throat coming on. sigh.  
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07-May-2007 23:38 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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k, victorian and shplayer, correct me if i'm wrong (since i'm a novice at FA):

but bingo, we're in biz. The teos are converting warrants to shares, which indicates that they're increasing their holdings. When the main family steps in, the game's afoot.

My guess is that they might have actually made a miscalculation during these weeks in their depression of hh's price: threw down too many of their own lots so now depleted and need to exercise warrants in order to replenish holdings.

Which fits in with the tech patterns i've been observing: at first, hh control was done via throwing lots of 100 down. but now it's petering out to 68, 50 lots, etc. I was thinking already that they were running out of lots. Alt that you don't use a sledgehammer to kill an ant.

When that's done at a consistent price (~1.05-07 for last week), it shows deliberate depression, esp as retail interest was high. (if you noticed, the pattern was a consistent 5, 6 retail buys, one sudden dumping of 50+ lots).

Which indicates as well that float is now much tighter than probably even what we presume, and time for action is soon.

Greater volatility ahead. BBs seem to be getting impatient.

haha. this is gonna be fun. hang on, peeps. Smiley

PS: geges, do correct me if i'm wrong; don't have to pai seh. above all just my guess, and heh, a lot of it still based on techs. heh. caveat emptor for the rest.
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