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17-Mar-2007 20:55 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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perhaps not the easiest... need to qn the definition of what's high, what's low, for each stock, and moreover, for each specific timeline you're looking at.

what's low in a bull market may very well be high in a bear market. newcomers to investing, pls be careful yea....
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17-Mar-2007 20:52 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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singaporegal! *hugs*

yep, concur with your call on STE. charts consistent uptrend. best of all, for yesterday's buy/sell data: large insti buy up lots; mainly retail sells. DBSVB tp is $4. Might be range-bound til its divvy date tho.

ok, for stamford land: those interested: have been through the FA reports.

its june and sept Q reports were honestly not fantastic when cf with previous year. what's interesting is its dec report tho, which gives the forward look for the march FYE. EPS of 3.08 up from 1.73 from previous dec Q. NAV of 48c cf to 45-46c previous. Going by the FYEs of the props/land stocks released, likely its march FYE is going to be good. Divvy yield appears to be abt 10% to me--so this year's shd be abt 3.5-4c if i'm not mistaken? 

shplayer/anyone, could you pls estimate the divvy yield? that's not my expertise...

HPL: advise caution. Some brokerage houses appear to have been overly optimistic.... DBSVB call is $5.15, this might be a better px than the 8.10 suggested by another house....pls note tho that friday closed with mainly retail buy ups and insti sells.
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17-Mar-2007 19:17 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hey all,

da gege, pls allow me to kiv on the FA for stamford land for now; really too tired to read the FA reports. But the TA call i made for it still stands. i'd look to enter abt 37c, but it's stayed consistently above that. (to recap: book value 52c, fibo target 55c). Yesterday had consistent large buy ups. low vol stock tho.

would you be able to calculate the divvy? is it 4c?

HPL: FA-wise appears sound, they have huge potential because of the land they own; plus, firing on all cylinders, as the DBSVB report says. Into hotels, land, residential props etc. I'm not sure if the PE ratio they use is too high tho.


Tech-wise: very bullish stock. By fibo target tho: this current high should go to 4.84--it hit 4.86 already. so there should be some pullback. My estimate is abt 4.10.

But caveat emptor tho. Pls note yesteday's data of large institutional sells (consistent above 100 lots) and retail buys (1 lot, 5 lot etc). looks to me like the same old story of broker call buy up while they're selling....i need to read their FA report to see what value they're worth; gimme some time for that.   
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15-Mar-2007 22:30 ST Engineering   /   ST Engg       Go to Message
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yeps. still vested in this baby.

note not as a short TA play tho; altho it's been steady accumulation since 5th feb.

yes sporeguy, i'm so waiting for it to break 3.30. erk.
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15-Mar-2007 22:26 Others   /   STI bear trap begins today !!!       Go to Message
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singaporegal, my dear, it's ok. You'll always have elf's support. :) You're my Lady Arwen, and you'll always be. :)))

and yea. 'cos she, like me, are some of the few forumers who post our calls before a stock moves, and so, we'll always have some percentage of inaccuracy. We have never denied this. Singaporegal has said before already that she's abt 70% accurate. She's not an oracle, none of us should be taking her for granted.

What she (and others like me, victorian, sporeguy etc) posts are on pure data/research. That is our work, and it is not easy. We buy and sell on this. But as fellow investors, if all you're doing is

"buy! 'cos singaporegal/elf/etc said buy!"

then, you're not investing, you're speculating

Distinguish between the two. If you're a true investor, then, you'll always do your own homework. After all, no one forced you to call the broker and make the trade, isn't it? Maturity dictates that as the carrier of your action, you will hold full responsibility for its consequences.

Whether one agrees/disagrees with her calls, no one has the right to diss singaporegal. 'cos she's one of the few who have selflessly shared her work, when she has no obligation or need to.

If anyone flames her again, you'll have to face me. And elf is not as nice and patient as singaporegal is.


'nuff said. case closed. let's get back to stocks.   
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14-Mar-2007 23:08 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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Markets: Full Coverage
DJIA +2.25 12,078.21
NASDAQ +5.42 2,355.99
S&P 500 +3.02 1,380.97

eee....we need the dow to close up tonight....

anyhow, some figures for the mathematically inclined. yesterday's dow drop of 242 pts shd correlate to abt a 185 drop in the STI. but max sti drop was only 104 or thereabouts. So if the dow continues a drop tonight, sti will likely go down abt 85 pts tmrw. If it holds steady tho, then the pattern is probably like the first drop. ie, sti stagnate for a couple of days, subsequent up on some counters.

in addition, note phenomenon of all retail sells today, but little BB movement on some of the singapore stocks, esp those that were on strong uptrend since jan. institutional speculatives like singtel and wing tai, those vested, pls be very careful tho.
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14-Mar-2007 22:54 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ah. asterisk. if you're going to mail for a job/internship, then my suggestion is to personalise each mail and not mass mail. you need to key each mail to the right person, say something abt that co's history and what you admire abt them, and why you want to join them.

not a general 'dear sir/mdm, i apply' kind of thing.

people are like lobsters. they like to be buttered.


an accountant?! why?!! every flipping cent needs to balance....act, i don't think most securities research firm would want an intern in. you need to pull strings. meanwhile, at least beef up your TA or FA so you can be of value to them. you need to think cheap and good value when hunting for a job. must come across as a bargain to reel 'em in. keke.
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13-Mar-2007 23:10 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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asterisk, good boy. that wins you a nod of approval from the genuine elf here. keke.

k, ppl. time to sleep, nites! :) singaporegal! *hugs!* and one for my bunnie too! may you see it in the morning and be cheerful *hugs*  
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13-Mar-2007 23:07 Trading Techniques   /   From Fundamentals to the Reality Disconnect       Go to Message
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man, i've got to learn forex from you someday....and try not to twitch at every drop of the point-something decimal. haha.
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13-Mar-2007 23:02 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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da gege/victorian...sorry can't rem who posted what....but yea, i'm a long time member of the sgx website. and yes, i'd be interested in which one of you has the info on the cos....was it victorian? if so, could you pls pass your email to my godpa? sorry, really don't wanna post it out here....

stamford land. TA coverage as follows:

for past year, lowest px 28c, highest 44c in feb this year. RSI and williams all up, crossing a buy signal soon on MAcrossver. C/O reads a weak buy, A/D actually dithering tho; but long term trend from dec is up. Note a/d and c/o might not be too sensitive to this stock. Interestingly it responds well to fibo. The next target given is ~55c from its recent low of 37c. Which dovetails with its book value of 52c. Might be an early Macqinf, in my opinion. hasn't caught a lot of attention yet.
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13-Mar-2007 22:52 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm. asterisk, can understand where you're coming from. for a guy, it's def something befuddling; that you're expected to treat a woman as an equal, yet must pay for dates, hold doors open etcetc or risk being called ungentlemanly.

well, not all women are like that. those who are want superiority, not equality. haha. :P and before i get lynched by my fellow womenfolk...

lemme just say that it isn't easy for the women too. esp the women here. 8 out of 10 guys here do not do more than 4 hrs of housework a week; burden of raising a child is always the woman's. If a child's sick, the teachers ask for the mother, seldom the father. A guy can work late in his job, but the woman has to go home or risk disapproval from in-laws etc for being 'career-minded'. In addition to holding down a full time job, taking care of both sets of parents/parents-in-law etc. just witness how many of the guys here left the angpowing to their wives. haha.

perhaps the trouble is that women did not know what they want. the initial fight for equality i agree with, where it had to do with things like the right to vote, to be educated, to choose family or career, the right not to die when your husband dies (suti/suttee--the hindu custom), the right not to be treated as property or cattle. But honestly, if you ask me, where it comes to the silly things today like having to use the word 'chairperson' instead of 'chairman' since the latter is 'offensive and unequal', then to me, that's plain silliness.  

and haha, may i give here a quote from an anonymous source: "I am woman! I am invincible! I am pooped!". haha.

asterisk. you poor boy. if your trouble's getting a date, then simple. treat the lady like how you'd want her to regard you as. ;)
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13-Mar-2007 22:40 Trading Techniques   /   From Fundamentals to the Reality Disconnect       Go to Message
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good post. could have done with some paragraphing tho. hehe.

yea. most impt is to stop loss. and seeee....this is why i believe in TA too! or psychology. whatever you want to call it. Fundamentals are impt, definitely, but momentum's always dependent on perception/emotion....
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13-Mar-2007 22:22 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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asterisk and ipunter, keke, yea, keep conversation here clean lah....we're in public after all. asterisk, it's ok, you're a newbie, we'll all excuse the newbie, right? ipunter, don't worry either. :)

on the topic of gender equality and gentlemen tho: I feel that people tend to mix up equality with being straightforward equals, when what men and women, in actuality, are complementary

In other words, if it is strength, or being in competition, that you are talking about, then, the strength of a woman is very much different from the strength of a man. And, as Anais Nin once said, if a woman were to compete with a man on his strength, his terms, she will always lose.

The point is that there's masculine strength, and there's feminine strength. There are more than one ways to win a war, an argument (or hey, the stock market!). Neither's right or wrong. And haha, this is just my personal view, but if i were to have to compete with a guy, i wouldn't use the masculine way of aggression and authority. I'd use persuasion and influence.

so by appearing to submit, i'd actually win. :P

and that's elfin equality for you. haha.    
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13-Mar-2007 22:15 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hullo ppl, i'm here, missed me? *muacks!* keke.

very long thread man....i'll just reply arbitrarily yeah. ipunter, don't worry, won't mistake your words for romantic interest; the tone is not there lah. plus, you're mind first anyway, rather than heart first. if you know what i mean? (aka thinker rather than feeler).

chinkiasu, thanks for the emoticons yea. really much appreciated. sorry to hear you were sick. get well soon. :) and keke, i like that mooning emoticon leh. keke.

sporeguy....gah. you're so analytical! not online doesn't nece mean on hols leh....singaporegal, i have been very, very busy with work lately; really too tired to post. plus, did call the market as range-bound volatile alr, so thus far have seen no need to change that call....actually sporeguy, abt my occupation, so that once and for all put all your curiosity to rest....elf works in counterterrorism. 'nuff said.
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13-Mar-2007 22:01 SingTel   /   Singtel       Go to Message
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caution on singtel. being heavily punted and sold down by the BBs. Don't get caught in cross fire.

agree with happy seah abt the support level. 3.04 was its lowest. if goes below that, can consider cutting.
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12-Mar-2007 02:44 Others   /   View of Next Week       Go to Message
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rogue, likely mixed for the props. likely AG to go up, HB to keep hovering there, might drop a couple of cents tmrw. The bigger ones like capland, kepland etc are showing signs of fatigue tho...market's irrational now. expecting intraday volatility; if you're vested, do be careful. i'm out of all TA trades for this mth.
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12-Mar-2007 02:40 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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hi sporeguy, what was the base of the a wave?

my earlier calculations was for rangebound 2,850 to 3,150 for mar/april, assuming all conditions remain the same. wld like to check if it tallies with your calculations?
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12-Mar-2007 02:34 Others   /   Stock Market - Trading or Betting?       Go to Message
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hullo rogue, how're you doing? agree with you abt the trading/betting thing. There'll always be emotion attached, i guess.

and haha. no, trading is certainly not easy. The amt of charting and tracking work we gotta do, keeping track of macrotrends, proxy indicators etc, is horrendous. It's basically holding down two full time jobs.

yah. first rule of investing. singaporegal said it already. Perhaps just an add on: rules are rules. In investing, you break them at your own peril. Easier said than done tho...for me, I often have to fight against my own greed and impulse just to stick to my rules too.

meltdown: actually, a chartist would be able to tell you that a meltdown was going to happen--cf ipunter's comments about sickly markets and divergence weeks ago--the trouble is, when things are rosy, no one wants to believe bad news. It's human impulse. Plus, guess the trouble with charting is that we can tell you a correction's likely to occur, but we cannot give the speed of it.  
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12-Mar-2007 02:23 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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haha. yes l_tan, any 'recommendation', forum or otherwise, should always be taken with a pinch of salt. opinions are free, money isn't.

victorian and shplayer, would you be able to provide more info on stamford land and courage? alt, direct me to whatever links are available?

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11-Mar-2007 10:14 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hi sporeguy,  yea, my sense is same as yours. somehow, i think the sti has peaked already... the vols now are too low for my liking (as our eminent lady singaporegal has also observed): plus, i've been tracking the actual buy/sell vols of quite a few blues. there's only select buying going on in some counters. mostly it's sell sell sell by the BBs....do let us know abt the d wave yea? i'm still learning on that. :)

baseerahmed...erm. i don't use doji and stochs (see, you can teach me already!) :).  but briefly: STE peaking (altho strong accumulation since feb 5th), UIC likely downing soon, OCBC and CApland up, Kepland and starhub peaking/down.

shplayer, keke, relax lah. Like i said, all the TA and FA in the world can't fight hope. So let it be. :) Investing-wise, we're more alike tho, so as for SPC vs STE, agree with your points, in fact they were what i considered too, which was why i picked ste (diversified and in actual defence biz) over spc.

No prob with SPC as a choice tho, since it's also a blue and high divvy. i fully suspect where we differ on is our calculation of their potential upside; and that you prefer to take a greater gamble than me, but hey like i said, no prob since this is just a minor personality choice. :) Either stock fits into the march strat.

The impt thing to me, as an investor, is that you must be able to rationalise and give concrete reasons for each and every stock in your portfolio, be it FA or TA reason. If you can do that, then you'll likely make. :)

and note for the newbies, 'concrete reason' does not = this stock will make! It'll rise to 50c/1 dollar/2dollars! I want solid proof: how, on what rational grounds? Look at victorian for that. He's the gold standard in FA rationality man....

and hullo godpa! keke.
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