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10-Apr-2007 11:47 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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keke. gege, i told you stl above 2ndchance, but you went for the latter, not my fault wat. :P


but yes, i do owe mister victorian a lot for recommendation of edmi. HEEHEE. sorry for the loss of composure, i'm in my rm now and can't help grinning to myself like crazy.

ok, better not talk too much other stuff in hiap hoe thread (apologies to the other hh-ers here). just for you guys:


techwise: HH appears to be an early HB. Just go see the charts for HB at abt june last year, cf it to HH now. Elf seeing a lot of potential in this counter. hehe. note: not vested.
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10-Apr-2007 11:31 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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oh yea baby, we've hit the psych rerating. upwards from here onward. the storm code reads at 52-53c, fyi. But watch the trend and follow. don't set concrete targets.

surf's up! wheeeeee......bunnie, grinning away now? ;)
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10-Apr-2007 11:28 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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whoohoooo.....stamford land is at 49c and edmi is at 41c. c'mon ppl, making money already? keke. thanks to shplayer and victorian respectively for recommendation for the former and latter.

keke. Smiley


aside: edmi is starting to chiong up alr. it's just hit its psych rerating of 41c. upwards for this baby now. stl is up and still going strong: despite its recent runup, MACD shows its only at the beginning of an uptrend. Smiley
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09-Apr-2007 13:57 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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erm, chinkiasu, great that you have such faith in me, but in investing, please ah.. make your own mind and trading decisions. Elf will NOT be held liable for any gain or loss... Primarily 'cos i can't be 100% right all the time. And also 'cos while i can call a buy/sell, the time of the trade matters a lot too: i don't guarantee i can tell in time when to sell since my net access is infrequent at best.


k, back to work, tata all! and wail! why do you get to travel so much! sigh..... Smiley a blue elf. haha.
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09-Apr-2007 11:21 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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fyi for my godpa, chinkiasu and those vested/interested:

STE: 219 lots bought at 1st bell, another 742 at 1105 hrs. both at 3.5. they trying to ramp up now perhaps. chinkiasu, dun get nervy hor. hold steady as the steadfast tin soldier.

All quiet on SPC. as expected. somehow ste and spc have an inverse relation. only retail lots traded.


Consider UOBKH and KE. charts more bullish for the latter but my instinct's that UOBKH gonna chiong first; supported by tight bollies too.

standard disclaimer: above just my opinion, buy/sell at own decision and risk.
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05-Apr-2007 17:58 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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btw, resistance and target prices shd be taken as guidelines only and not as fixed points....you run the risk of not being able to react fast enough if you keep insisting mentally on concrete targets. must be more fluid. buy when trend says buy, sell when trend says sell.

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05-Apr-2007 17:55 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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fast one:


chinkiasu, re: STE:

Firstly and most importantly, you need to make up your own mind and your own decision.

elf's choices might not be yours ah, so keep in mind. But if me: i sell only if signal reads sell, or if i see something with better upside. STE is not reading sell. Qn then: do you need the cash, or are you eyeing some other counter? If not, ride it out.

note very strong resistance at 3.5 tho. is there any warrants at that strike px that why control there? alt, there's a brokerage house that gave full value rating to STE at 3.5. didn't see sense of it tho, since previous rating was $3.99, and since that first report, STE had act reported increase in contracts.

it's gonna be volatile.


aside, stamford land chionged today. muack muack.


that's all folks, elf away on hols for the weekend. hold on to your dollars! keke. Smiley 
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04-Apr-2007 11:41 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ok, peeps still holding onto HB and AG, might like to run on the former alr if you haven't alr done so. am seeing large vols being sold now.

AG still has some space to go up but note 300 lot sold down at 0938 this morn. When you start seeing AG registering consistent HB readings like today (sold down large lots), can consider letting go alr perhaps. market very volatile, reward might perhaps not be worth the risk.


sell into strength.


l_tan, must disagree with you there. def luck plays a part, but the point of responsible investing is, why depend on luck? Whether TA or FA, it's good because it helps you to mitigate such 'ill-luck'.

'cos after a while, you'll realise that what ppl call 'good luck' in the market or 'those lucky ones' are the same ppl who actually didn't depend on luck and did the work for it, esp long term. Think Warren Buffet depended on luck? no such thing as a free lunch. eg, on AG, if you act watched day before that big crash, you'll see BB sell down 3 pm onward. you'd have followed and firehouse sold, instead of holding on, esp since one's likely on profit already.

Similarly with Ellipz--stocks recommended in papers are likely to spike up, then come down when ppl realise it's just rumors and there's no FA basis at all. Think HPL, think csm, think any stock recommended in the 'investors page' in the straits times. Essentially it's patterns. and 'cos humans behave in more or less fixed ways, you can similarly track stocks. Nothing much to do with luck at all, except for the really major world events that happen fast, in which case, everyone's gonna be caught by surprise and that's just one of those things.


sorry ah, just my opinion here....
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04-Apr-2007 09:47 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hi l_tan,

apologies, have never been for a TA course, so am unable to recommend. apparently quite a few forumers here find terraseeds good tho? if others can rec?

agree wtih ipunter's two pts abt buying when everyone else losing their heads (and selling), and vice versa. basically, keep rational when everyone getting emotional. and yah, how much lower is also a big factor. as well as all this being easier said than done. 'cos its really hard to keep rational when everyone is euphoric/pessimistic.


yah, lewsh, unfortunately that's my generation. I'm not representative tho! but yea, that's what happens when you spoil your kids and give them everything. ppl need to fight for thigns in order to treasure it, or as an old 1950s ladies journal advised, "lightly won is lightly prized".


and haha. anyone seeing the market??? was wondering how come the bona fide BBs (henceforth bfBBs) suddenly came back in market even tho easter weekend up. No wonder, they were taking positions ahead of Dow rally. action's in construction and finance. pls be careful tho; no exuberance needed. Faster rise equivalent faster falls if any untoward news occurs. 


ok, tata.
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03-Apr-2007 22:43 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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l_tan, sorry to hear abt your losses. and yea, might be a good idea to take up some courses or read up/learn some TA. At the very least, it helps one make some sense of what's going on in the market so can perhaps lessen mistakes... i know TA helped me a lot. eg, if i didn't know TA and saw SPC dropped yesterday, i would have likely panic sold. Even if you are an FA investor, TA helps time entry and exit. good tool. :)


singaporegal! *hugs* keke. yea, china toilets are apparently dirty. i've heard stories abt it. yea, apparently most don't come with doors. My friend told me a horror story abt toilets with no toilets--ie, just cubicles and you 'go' on the floor or in the common running drain through all the toilets (think longkang style), so never enter the last cubicle 'cos everything's stuck there! >~< oh yah, and always bring umbrella or sarong. Eastonbay, Beijing different 'cos they've cleaned up for the Olympics! haha.


my vote for short hols goes to coastal thailand. or maldives. :))))))) beach! sun, sand, sea. ahhhhh.....


ahhh my sis wants to use comp. ok byebye ppl! and nono, singaporegal sounds single-sex school but i think she's more RGS type leh. ok gotta go tata 
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03-Apr-2007 17:51 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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haha, godpa, money doesn't drop from the sky lah. need to work for it... and in case ppl start to wonder: this kind of analysis i do might seem easy, but that's only 'cos i'm just sharing my neatened 'final results' with you. the entire analysis/thought process is actually more complicated--you can ask my godpa and bunnie. i think i kinda killed them when i tried to take them through my thought processes. haha.


and pls note it's all only my opinion/analysis ah. buy/sell everything at your own decision and risk!


shplayer, some fyi for you: HPL earlier run up was institutional sell, retail buy. Then they came out and said they aren't involved in F1 bid. Which caused HPL to drop friday/yesterday. But what i'm seeing now is retail sell, institutional buy. In large volumes, too. Something going on? Techs don't match the reported news. But then, news, as proven on this counter, have been shifty to say the least.

(and from STE thread: haha, yah, even after death cannot escape the paying...pun noted. :P)


victorian gege (something for everyone in the family *haha*) and all else vested: SMB nicely being bullishly bought up. EDMI being cold-palaced and controlled. SMB control at 28.5c, EDMI control at 38.5. Very fine balance btwn this mother-daughter pair. Likely 'cos BBs need to keep EDMI below its fair PE of 2x (41c), o/w, gonna have an EDMI chiong followed by SMB ramp up as daughter stock rerates and goes up to the UOBKH target of 53c or tech target of 52c, when BB accumulation still not complete.


fine day on the markets today! Smiley


and goodness, have you guys seen the mooning emoticons?! hahaa.... k, tata!
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03-Apr-2007 16:57 ST Engineering   /   ST Engg       Go to Message
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yah. as if it's not enough that in life we gotta stay cramped in HDB flats, in death post cremation must also stay in 'flats' (ever seen the crematorium housing of urns)?

ok, topic a bit macabre. sorry to if offend anyone. keke.
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03-Apr-2007 16:55 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hi l_tan,

chartwise HB still shows upside but advise caution. I seriously don't see BB play on this counter at all--it's been all retail for past few days. for today excepting one big lot thrown down of 100, the rest all small fries only....its running up entirely on speculation that local props might (key word, might) run up to twice valuation as in london.

yanlord had only three large trades--100,200 sell downs (1600, 1620 hrs) and an earlier buy of abt 264 lots at 1420 hrs.


actually, the BBs are in allgreen now. rem what i said, HB leads AG? beautiful lots of 100, 200 boughtup. missed the runup today tho. dang. was chionging work btwn my post earlier and now. siggghhhh....mebbe i shd just invest full time. haha. AG techs: resistance at 1.85. caution on it too tho (yea fine, i'm a little bear): brokerage houses (think UOBKH) rate it a hold, full valuation upgrade from 1.33 to 1.76. So it's actually above valuation alr.


chinkiasu and godpa, hold your nerves on SPC and STE. Very, very pretty play classic of your BBs. consistent pattern of large lots thrown down preceded/followed closely by large lot bought up. Esp telling is the time of trades. =>SPC 500 lot thrown down yesterday was likely to weed out retailers to panic sell. SPC control today at 4.8. But i'm seeing retail sell, institutional buy mainly on both. If you have the funds (and stomach), hold. Gonna be a rollercoaster. but sit quiet as a mouse and you're likely gonna make big. heehee.


watch resistance for STE at 3.5, SPC at 4.96. always, caution tho. no exuberance needed. foreign funds very volatile. Note: neither trade advisable for the contra player. You need funds to hold either/or.  
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03-Apr-2007 14:01 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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haha, as long as i ain't included in their ranks, that's fine. haha.


anyhow, godpa and chinkiasu, this is for the two of you:

finally we're starting to see some real BB play. on one of your counters, too: St Engg. Godpa, rem i told you STE lags SPC and will follow its pattern? You're starting to see that now. 700lots big buys (200,200,300) from 1147 to 1153 am. sudden throwdowns too of 500 lots in morning and later 100 lots at 1201. Consistent with BB play and not like on counters like HB, where it's all retail players. MOmentum swing now but pls be careful, for some reason one brokerage house revised STE rating to 3.50, hold. (altho why then are BBs buying...)


Hold out the SPC lag if you're not short of funds. It's reverse tandem play on these two counters. (ie, SPC up, STE down. vice versa.) The one thing you need to do is to sell them at dif times.  


dang i wish i had funds to play. :( meh. ahhhh ok  bossie here gotta work tata
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03-Apr-2007 09:48 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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caution on current market. might be going up simply due to retailers wanting it to go up so they can recoup losses. been tracking vols of counters; there's very little bona fide BB action. No consistent pattern of buy/sell, except for the undervalued counters like SMB. what i'm instead seeing is indiscriminate ramping up of stocks by deseperate retailers/some BBs.


also: caution on following news. there seems to be an increasing amt of 'talk up' in our papers, which if you follow FA basis, or take from foreign media, is not what the perception is on singapore stocks at all....briefly, singapore market is trading at current PE ratio of 16.9x, which is perceived by foreigners as overstretched already.
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03-Apr-2007 09:40 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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hey baseerahmed,

the component stocks of the STI are chosen based on their market capitalisation. They pick stocks across all industries, from large, mid and small caps. This is for representation; with larger proportion weightage given to the large caps (ie, blues). what this means is that the STI gives a snapshot of broad market performance, normally. ie, the 'health' of the market, across industries, across large/mid/small caps.


where an individual counter you hold deviates from the STI, is generally when there is rotational play in market (like in late jan/feb), and/or where your counter has specific good/bad news, so that it moves regardless of the STI.


Larger proportion weightage means that some stocks in the STI moves the STI more. eg, if you see SIA and CDL being bought up like crazy, the STI will shoot up even if its small caps don't do well: an eg was just before CNY, when STI went up but pennies and broad market were bleeding, due to select buying of only blues by BBs.


So what this means all in all is that in a healthy market, you can take the STI as a general indicator of performance for all stocks (such as this run up from May 06 to Jan 07), but in a trending market, where there's select buying and sudden shocks, be very careful of taking STI as indicator.  


weightage matters if you play sti warrants. haha. you can conceivably derive a formula of correlation based on the largest components, and convert to equivalent price and hence movement of the warrants. tho the work put in might not be worth the effort.
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03-Apr-2007 09:28 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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eh....you ppl damn cute man....SPC goes up 12c a day, i don't hear anyone worried abt why the sudden spike; but it drops 8c a day, and ppl panic....pls control emotions and see rationally leh....


it's really quite normal for a stock to drop a day after a sudden spike....esp when tech-wise it broke its upper bollie. unless that stock is ho bee of course *curses* (more on that on fellowship thread; won't distract the spc forumers). do concur with singaporegal on slight weakness; but note too that vols have fallen.

update: 98 lots sell down at 9.21; 30 and 47 lots buy up at 9.23 and 9.25 am.
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02-Apr-2007 15:30 Others   /   What would you do with a million pounds?       Go to Message
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haha. always good to dream. Smiley

one mil pounds equivalent 3 mil sing.

i'd split into overseas properties, gold and equities. with this kind of money, no need to take risk on pennies and punts; go direct into blues and high yield defensive plays. can live comfortably off the divvies and rentals alone.

oh. and stay in HDB flat here. lower cost, conservancy, and can qualify for rebates.

money makes money. muah ha.

take long holidays, too. everything to be spent comes from profit, so principle remains untouched, til you're too old to invest.


yours truly,

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02-Apr-2007 14:26 Food Junc   /   Another potential quality FA stock. (Researched)       Go to Message
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ok victorian, this one's for you:


tech-wise: accumulation going on since feb 12, short term sell down btwn feb 23 to mar 13, thereaft shaky pattern (is this anr cornered stock/tight float of yours?!), some days zero vol, but on days with vol, williams indicate consistently it's a buy. bollies tight. something's gonna happen soon. my guess is up from the looks of things.


cannot give you target price tho; fibo inaccurate for this counter. from pure graphical correlation however: normal upswing will be abt 5c from low of 64c. if this is your big one, it's a ~9c upswing from same price.


happy hunting to the vested.

your resident elf :)
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31-Mar-2007 15:01 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke, scotty, you aren't the only one. Smiley


eheh. since this is an shares forum, shdn't we have a mascot emoticon or something? or how abt a smiley holding wads of cash? Smiley

did you guys see the kissy emoticons?! sheesh....
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