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31-Oct-2013 22:13 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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中 船 国 焦 china Shipbuilding company Tuesday report Q3 - 37% . This is also china government company . Will cosco doing the same things ?
Q3 losses - 10 - 30% ?
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31-Oct-2013 20:18 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Fund manager and small wanted to see cosco Q3 show good profots . Before buying .
Or may be they already know cosco losses in Q3 . Then strategy is selling .
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30-Oct-2013 11:50 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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中 国 海 工 : 接 单 创 纪 录 船 企 莫 失 良 机

China Offshore: record orders ship enterprises miss our special offers

Source: CSIC 2013-10-30 09:09:29

October 10 to 11 at the 2013 China International Conference on Ocean Engineering from the Chinese Shipbuilding Industry Association, the American Bureau of Shipping, COSL, COSCO Shipyard and other marine industry and petrochemical industry leaders and experts " of vision a reality - and the alpine region towards deepwater offshore industry " as the theme to introduce global petroleum and petrochemical equipment development status and trends, gather cutting-edge technology, communication industry hot topics, and explore the future development of China's marine equipment plans.

China Offshore orders record

The past two years, by the international financial crisis, the shipbuilding market continues to slump, but all the way to the ocean engineering equipment market is strong. The experts disclosed a set of numbers even more marine industry professionals exciting: the first three quarters of this year, turnover is very active in the global marine equipment, with a total turnover of 45 billion U.S. dollars, close to the financial crisis in 2006 and 2007 peak levels. China offshore company orders amount also hit a record high, the first three quarters reached 110 billion dollars, accounting for nearly 25% share, ahead of the completion of long-term planning in the marine proposed share of world market share in 2015 target of 20%.

Chinese offshore companies in previous years, orders mainly from marine engineering ship, China since 2004 to become the world's marine engineering ship one of the main building strength, market share remained at about 30%. 1 to September this year, the global turnover of 183 various types of offshore support vessels, China got one of the 61, still 1/3 share. But the biggest difference is that this year, the first three quarters of the global offshore platforms worldwide turnover of all kinds 96, China accounted for 40 of them, from the figures we have more than 40% of the global number of transactions. Including nine Chinese shipyards received 28 orders up drilling platforms, accounting for about 60% of global orders, more than a long ranked first in Singapore.

Participating marine professionals agreed that the coming period which global oil prices will remain high and continue to drive the marine engineering market boom, deepwater oil and gas production will be the main source of growth in world crude oil.

To force policy should thoroughly understand the

Country attaches great importance to the development of marine engineering equipment, from 2009's " ship industrial restructuring and revitalization plan," to 2010's " The State Council on accelerating the cultivation and development of emerging industries of strategic decision" to 2011's " Ocean Engineering Equipment Industry Innovation Development Strategy " , and then two months ago, the State Council promulgated the" shipbuilding industry to accelerate the implementation of structural adjustment programs to promote the transformation and upgrading, " the policy of force constantly to China's marine engineering equipment manufacturing industry new impetus. The conference, the new introduction of the " ship industry to accelerate the implementation of structural adjustment programs to promote transformation and upgrading" has become the focus of the industry.

China Shipbuilding Industry Association Secretary-General Wang Jin Lian at the conference, said, " implementation plan" from the structural changes in world demand in mind, to speed up the restructuring of China's shipbuilding industry. First, the technical restructuring. Through innovation-driven, vigorously develop green technology, deep-sea technology, fully meet international shipbuilding new codes, standards, achieved by the " Imported" , " follower" to " lead type" Second, product structure adjustment. Structural adjustment as the leading technology, vigorously develop green ships, high-tech ships, special vessels dedicated, high-end marine engineering equipment, localization of marine equipment, and promote upgrading of product structure, to meet market demand Third, the industrial structure adjustment. Improve shipbuilding industry restructuring and development policy system, promote key areas of reform and institutional innovation, strengthen enterprise management, improve the service industry, and promote the coordinated development of the shipbuilding industry, and enhance self-development capacity Fourth, capacity restructuring. Current China's shipbuilding industry structural overcapacity prominent, low homogenization overcapacity, high production capacity, by controlling the production capacity, promote mergers and restructuring, to encourage transformation converting, optimized production structure, eliminate backward production capacity, improve industrial concentration .

Through structural adjustment to achieve the goal to upgrade and enhance innovation-driven capabilities, advanced manufacturing capabilities, marine development capabilities, marine support capabilities, equipment capabilities, capacity control, so as to enhance the international competitiveness of China's shipbuilding industry, achieved by a Major shipbuilding shipbuilding power shift.

Offshore companies need to raise quality

As marine equipment business users, device manager, general manager of CNOOC clothing Luoyou An detailing the demand and equipment requirements. He said, COSL will follow " structural adjustment, into deep water, to high-end" principle to determine the direction of investment, and key equipment for large equipment will be selected mature technology, advanced technology, green energy, popular in the market mainstream design and products. From the user's point of view, I hope marine equipment is designed to help improve operational limitations, increased job window, reduce downtime devices and platforms accessible with a spacious deck equipment, easy job action sports performance, with rapid evacuation Typhoon and recovery operations capability.

Marine equipment industry is a high threshold, high-risk industries, the participating entrepreneurs regardless of their capacity for some shipyards, a rush on into the marine market phenomenon expressed concern. Nantong COSCO Shipyard vice president Zhuang Jianjun reminded that the ship can be mass production, but the sea is a single custom manufacturing engineering equipment, strong personal, not for mass production. In the technical requirements, mode of administration and shipbuilding are very different. Chinese enterprises must rely polished marine technology to improve the level of development and construction, supporting the ability to enhance the local products, optimize marine construction mode, to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.

Luoyou An said that the marine equipment is quality first, in addition to the depreciation of equipment, damage, etc. Once an accident occurs, a tremendous impact on the marine environment, the Gulf of Mexico accident compensation is astronomical, marine equipment manufacturing enterprises and users must be considered This factor, do not just look at immediate, blindly into this high-risk industries. China Offshore enterprises must make enough in the quality of homework.

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29-Oct-2013 22:02 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Vroon Offshore Services Orders Two More ULSTEIN PSVs

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29-Oct-2013 21:59 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Vroon Offshore Services Orders Two More ULSTEIN PSVs

Posted on Oct 29th, 2013

Vroon Offshore Services Orders Two More ULSTEIN PSVs

ULSTEIN has entered into an agreement with COSCO (Guang Dong) Shipyard Co. Ltd, China, on deliveries of ship design, power & control equipment and on-site follow-up services of two platform supply vessels of the PX121 design. The vessels are ordered by Vroon Offshore Services of the Netherlands.

â??These two vessels are part of the Vroon commitment to our business partners and will support us in meeting their service requirements in the best possible way. All at Vroon are excited to welcome these new vessels to our fleet in 2015,â??â?? comments Jan-Piet Baars, Managing Director of Vroon Offshore Services.

â??The PX121 is becoming increasingly attractive to oil companies as it offers a competitive combination of fuel-efficiency and cargo capacities/deadweight,â?? explains Sigurd Viseth, Managing Director of Ulstein Design & Solutions. â??This translates to a performance level that is usually expected from larger PSVs, but at a medium-sized PSV cost â?? delivering excellent value-for-money for the owner and operator. Weâ??re delighted that Vroon sees the compelling benefits of this vessel. We expect to see more newbuilds of the same design type in the years to come.â??

Earlier in 2013, Vroon committed to two of the same PX121 design and equipment deals, with an option for a further two. Todayâ??s agreement marks the declaration of that option.

Each of Vroonâ??s four PSVs is scheduled for delivery in 2015 and intended for operation in European waters. Measuring 83.4 metres in length, with a beam of 18 metres, they boast a rectangular cargo deck of 830 square metres and a load capacity of 4,200 tonnes (dwt).

Thanks to flexible tank capacities, the PX121 is set up to support drilling activities with longer and deeper boreholes and activities further from shore. In addition to tanks for oil, water and drilling fluids, the vessel also has two stainless steel tanks for flammable liquids or corrosive chemicals. Each ship will be equipped with dynamic positioning system Class II and meets the requirements of â??Clean Designâ??, according to ABS class.

The PX121, which has a maximum speed of approximately 15 knots and modern accommodation for 23 people, also comes with the iconic ULSTEIN X-BOW®. The X-BOW offers efficiency over a wide draught range, which is important for PSVs as they often operate with varying loads. Furthermore, the X-BOW has unique, advantageous qualities in terms of motion and propulsion efficiency in moderate and heavy seas. Its innovative shape eliminates wave slamming and bow impact delivering better performance, while reducing noise and vibration, which in turn translates to enhanced crew comfort and safety levels.


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29-Oct-2013 16:24 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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The third quarter net profit of COSCO Pacific $ 80,150,000 ( bro of cosco )

Source: shipping industry 2013-10-29 15:14:59 


COSCO Pacific (01199) announced results for the third quarter report, the company recorded a net profit of $ 80.15 million, down 18.4% yoy turnover of $ 203 million, an increase of 10.92% at.

The first three quarters, the company recorded a net profit of $ 640 million, an increase of 131.1% at turnover of $ 598 million, an increase of 8.72% at.

The third quarter and the first three quarters of this year, the total container throughput reached 16.2 million and 45.69 million TEUs, respectively, yoy growth of 11.1% and 10.2%.

Overall average occupancy rate was 94.6%, long-term rental income accounted for container leasing revenues were 95.5% and 95.3%. Group has acquired a new container volume was 3.46 million TEUs and 99,600 TEUs. Group's container fleet modulus of 1,879,100 TEUs, an increase of 1.9%.

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29-Oct-2013 13:18 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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中 远 集 团 推 内 贸 集 运 交 易 平 台
2013-10-29 08:34:32来 源 : 船 舶 网  

过 一 年 多 的 研 发 与 试 运 营 , 中 远 集 团 昨 天 推 出 其 内 贸 集 装 箱 运 输 业 务 在 线 交 易 平 台 ?泛 亚 航 运 电 商 网 ?, 为 客 户 提 供 ?网 上 下 单 、 订 舱 、 支 付 、 反 馈 ?一 站 式 服 务 。
该 平 台 开 创 了 国 内 内 贸 集 装 箱 船 ( 船 型 船 厂 买 卖 )公 司 在 线 交 易 先 河 , 为 客 户 和 船 东 架 起 一 座 ?直 通 ?桥 梁 , 绕 开 中 间 的 层 层 代 理 。
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28-Oct-2013 11:23 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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COSCO Shipyard: good fight " wind ball" repairing Ruoshi significantly stronger among

Source: China Ship News 2013-10-28 10:24:31

2013, COSCO Shipyard Engineering Group Co., Ltd. to further increase the ship repair and conversion business to undertake efforts to play a high-tech ship conversion and repair strengths, so repairing production to achieve a higher grade modification, repair, more refined level, showing a weak market not weak sight. January to September, the company achieved a ship repair and marine engineering refit more than one billion yuan output value.

Modified atmosphere on the level of high-end business

Modification has always been COSCO Shipyard 's strengths, in 2013, the strength to play a more thoroughly in the ship repair market slump, hard to find a single case of Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO) conversion business to undertake, greatly ease COSCO Shipyard market tight to the enormous pressure. April 20, Dalian COSCO Japan's Mitsui Heavy modified for the " Song Jie" completed all the FPSO projects, smooth sailing, which is COSCO Dalian Shipyard successfully completed the eighth FPSO conversion project. This year, Dalian COSCO once appeared in three FPSO conversion boat at the dock while the spectacle.

In addition to FPSO conversion, the Nantong COSCO Shipyard assumed pipelay vessel refit, semi-submersible offshore rigs modification, are highlighted COSCO marine refit the absolute strength. April 23, Nantong COSCO Shipyard for the Helan Fan · Nordisk (Van Oord) company modified the shallow water pipelay vessel " Christie Grenada" (STINGRAY) No. of completion from the factory. Pipelay vessel is divided into two sections, two pipelay frame by a hinge connection, stand part of the structure all of API-5L-X52 welded pipe, pipe laying pipe main body by the composition, assembly and welding and other work involving The technical quality requirements are high. After more than three hundred day and night of fighting, the project construction workers to complete the 54 meters long, 12 meters wide, 4 meters high, weighing about 250 tons of pipe structure pipe laying device production. In addition, Nantong COSCO Shipyard has signed with the Norwegian Shipowners' 2 " SEWAN 300" cylindrical semi-submersible offshore platform life refit contract also marks Nantong COSCO Shipyard has formed a marine construction and offshore mutual modification promote a good situation.

Zhoushan COSCO Shipyard for the French company CMA CGM container ship refit 3 bulbous bow, but also the conversion business COSCO Shipyard in 2013 one of the highlights. Shipping companies on the face of energy conservation and environmental protection vessels increased demand, a great effort COSCO Zhoushan research bulbous bow modification techniques, and undertake to fly to France's three container ships bulbous bow conversion business. Among them, " Tuscaloosa" was bulbous bow conversion project involves the removal of the original bulbous bow weighs about 350 tons, about 290 tons steel structure modified parts. After testing and data comparison, bulbous bow modification " downsizing" , the maximum speed can ship remain unchanged, while saving fuel consumption, as owner bring significant economic benefits. After it has completed COSCO Zhoushan " Nabucco" and " Outlaw" was bulbous bow conversions. COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard still bulbous bow demolition of the old and install the new process, created a new bulbous bow will be the key to successful positioning technology, and constantly refresh the key modification works node records.

On the level of skilled repair business

Natural selection, survival of the fittest. Ruoshi years of ship repair, especially persistent low prices, a serious test of the viability of ship repair enterprises. In this case, the ship repair companies only improve their management level, tap their own potential to meet the needs of the owner, so as to realize their own survival and development. This year, COSCO Shipyard various enterprises through Chengxiu Hai on an oil rig, offshore engineering vessels, chemical tankers and other high-tech products, enhance the comprehensive management capabilities, innovative construction technology, improve management service capabilities, making the process technology and quality control capability been effectively improved.

September 5th, Dalian COSCO Shipyard repairs as CNOOC offshore oil drilling platform " Bohai on the 7th," finished sail. Various maintenance works on the platform, the most difficult construction is four legs a sand pile and sales eye welding and grinding, you need erection total height of 75 meters and a height of 57 meters of scaffolding high scaffolding, which is Dalian COSCO Ship Since the construction works tallest scaffold erection. To ensure construction safety, the project team has in scaffolding before the former Dismantling held by former Planning Council of Safety Supervision Department detailed identification of the sources of risk, developed a comprehensive anti-collapse, fall protection and other risk prevention measures, and a reasonable set of scaffolding construction protection zone and danger zone, sent guardianship, set the security channel, installing iron bridge plate protection against falling objects. Eventually, after two times scaffolding erection, high standards to complete four high pile leg scaffolding tasks.

This year in April, Nantong COSCO Shipyard usher repairing peak production, 11 while in the factory ship repair berths, dock digital resources of high tension. To tie in with the construction of the project launch, ships, ship repair needs downshift in transposition. In the full investigation of the ship production node, the company will be in a bold attempt to repair the ship, " Linden" and " Na Luoni" number two vessels tied up while moving files, reducing the conventional two-thirds of the action shifting berths and time and greatly reduce the production cost. In addition, COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard's ship repair capacity has also been the world's three largest container shipping carriers - Maersk of Denmark, Switzerland Mediterranean, to fly to France's highly recognized. According to statistics, by COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard has for Maersk repaired " Ake Silvio" number, " Margaret Reese," No. " Maggie" number, " Ke Madi" number, " Karui Ba" and " Mahlon " sign and many other vessels, repair quality by the shipowner praise.

In raising the level and quality of service, while COSCO Shipyard 's ship repair business is also the main " service card" , has won a large number of " repeat." COSCO Dalian Shipyard and Hanseatic Lloyd Schiffahrt GmbH KG first cooperation of its sister ship repair " Los Angeles" and " Oakland" sign in with a good repair technology and good service to win the trust of the owner after he won the Also a container ship owner repair works. Coincidentally, Nantong COSCO Shipyard Intensive French company CMA CGM container ship " ocean" number, its sister ship " Wangaratta" was also to the party. And has been " repeat" COSCO Zhoushan mostly known for its " turn heads" is a record high, according to incomplete statistics, in 2013 the first nine months of repair " repeat" accounted for 84.9%.

Enhance service capabilities to shipowners demand, has become the COSCO Shipyard important support for the development of ship repair business. March 29, LAURITZEN KOSAN A / S Company liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) ship " Kenrui Te" was entered Shanghai COSCO Shipyard repairs. In the 15-day repair period, the Shanghai COSCO Shipyard careful to do service work, especially in the engineering repairs demonstrated consciousness of active service, superb craftsmanship and scientific management and efficient way is to make shipowners amazed. Previously, Shanghai COSCO Shipyard has twice cooperation with the company, were accomplished, ship repair projects, has won the trust of the owner.


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26-Oct-2013 13:37 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Cosco may secures deep water plv from petrofac cost us $550 million . Next week . They are 3 company sumit for is projects kepcorp . And cimc .
Cosco prices is the lower side .
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26-Oct-2013 00:41 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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English version

Global marine engineering industry trend showing transfer to China

Source: Xinhua Dalian 2013-10-25 13:50:38 

October 23 electric Following COSCO Shipyard Group Co., Ltd. for the design and construction of the Singapore Energy Drilling Company marine auxiliary drilling rigs Edrill-1 (N490) was launched successfully, the company recently was awarded jackup drilling platforms and other orders. Yuhang Wang, general manager, said the recent 2012 China offshore industry has developed rapidly, the global marine engineering industry has shown a trend to shift to China.

With the global marine industry to shift to China, relying on continued strong demand for marine engineering equipment and the development of marine industry in China advantage, China Ocean Engineering industry promising.

Yuhang Wang said that at present COSCO Shipyard in Dalian, Nantong, Zhoushan, Guangdong, Shanghai and many other shipyards to carry out marine operations, started the construction of offshore projects over 30, breaking the Europe, America, South Korea and Singapore and other countries monopoly on the market . Last year, COSCO Shipyard marine industry achieved a total sales income of 9.0 billion, next year is expected to achieve 14 billion yuan.

With the accelerated pace of global industrial transfer, the current marine equipment manufacturing section has basically shifted from Europe to Asia. South Korea and Singapore, two strong side by side, which accounted for 37% of global market share and 27%, while China and Brazil in recent years has demonstrated a strong chase momentum.

Data show that: From the early 2013 deadline to the end of August, a total turnover of 49 global platform will produce expected after September 20 platform. Platform mainly jackup drilling platform based, where China to undertake 28, for the first time over Singapore.

Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd., general manager Yinxue Lin said that Singapore in the semi-submersible drilling rigs and jack-up drilling platform built in a traditional field advantage, but currently under challenge from China.

He said the Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd. successfully constructed the world's top three deepwater drilling company Seadrill company two platforms Norwegian flag, international jack-up drilling platform construction center transferred to China, China has had with Singapore old shipyards to compete with Taiwan's strength.

Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd. The main products are self-elevating drilling platforms, has reached world advanced level, since 2003, there have been 18 delivered. Currently, the company orderbook 20.

Yinxue Lin said the company independent design 400 feet jack-up drilling platform has entered the international market. Now, China's production of jack-up drilling platform has accounted for about half of world production.

Yuhang Wang believes that South Korea and Singapore in the field of marine engineering equipment manufacturing supremacy, dominance will face the challenge of developing countries like China. Meanwhile, American and European countries and developing countries in the field of marine engineering equipment manufacturing and technical cooperation will be more extensive and in-depth, this is the future development of offshore important feature of the market.

Yuhang Wang said that China has good infrastructure, including COSCO, including several shipyards are in the high-tech equipment, some success, with the direction of the high-end marine equipment condition. In addition, a growing number of Chinese equipment suppliers or joint ventures are in the development of equipment to the ocean, which causes an increasing proportion of domestic production.


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26-Oct-2013 00:38 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Ya gzijiang N Cosco       Go to Message
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English version

Global marine engineering industry trend showing transfer to China

Source: Xinhua Dalian 2013-10-25 13:50:38 

October 23 electric Following COSCO Shipyard Group Co., Ltd. for the design and construction of the Singapore Energy Drilling Company marine auxiliary drilling rigs Edrill-1 (N490) was launched successfully, the company recently was awarded jackup drilling platforms and other orders. Yuhang Wang, general manager, said the recent 2012 China offshore industry has developed rapidly, the global marine engineering industry has shown a trend to shift to China.

With the global marine industry to shift to China, relying on continued strong demand for marine engineering equipment and the development of marine industry in China advantage, China Ocean Engineering industry promising.

Yuhang Wang said that at present COSCO Shipyard in Dalian, Nantong, Zhoushan, Guangdong, Shanghai and many other shipyards to carry out marine operations, started the construction of offshore projects over 30, breaking the Europe, America, South Korea and Singapore and other countries monopoly on the market . Last year, COSCO Shipyard marine industry achieved a total sales income of 9.0 billion, next year is expected to achieve 14 billion yuan.

With the accelerated pace of global industrial transfer, the current marine equipment manufacturing section has basically shifted from Europe to Asia. South Korea and Singapore, two strong side by side, which accounted for 37% of global market share and 27%, while China and Brazil in recent years has demonstrated a strong chase momentum.

Data show that: From the early 2013 deadline to the end of August, a total turnover of 49 global platform will produce expected after September 20 platform. Platform mainly jackup drilling platform based, where China to undertake 28, for the first time over Singapore.

Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd., general manager Yinxue Lin said that Singapore in the semi-submersible drilling rigs and jack-up drilling platform built in a traditional field advantage, but currently under challenge from China.

He said the Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd. successfully constructed the world's top three deepwater drilling company Seadrill company two platforms Norwegian flag, international jack-up drilling platform construction center transferred to China, China has had with Singapore old shipyards to compete with Taiwan's strength.

Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd. The main products are self-elevating drilling platforms, has reached world advanced level, since 2003, there have been 18 delivered. Currently, the company orderbook 20.

Yinxue Lin said the company independent design 400 feet jack-up drilling platform has entered the international market. Now, China's production of jack-up drilling platform has accounted for about half of world production.

Yuhang Wang believes that South Korea and Singapore in the field of marine engineering equipment manufacturing supremacy, dominance will face the challenge of developing countries like China. Meanwhile, American and European countries and developing countries in the field of marine engineering equipment manufacturing and technical cooperation will be more extensive and in-depth, this is the future development of offshore important feature of the market.

Yuhang Wang said that China has good infrastructure, including COSCO, including several shipyards are in the high-tech equipment, some success, with the direction of the high-end marine equipment condition. In addition, a growing number of Chinese equipment suppliers or joint ventures are in the development of equipment to the ocean, which causes an increasing proportion of domestic production.


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26-Oct-2013 00:35 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Cosco talks to drillship suitors

Cosco sources said numerous rig owners and contractors have shown interest in the large newbuild and have come to survey the unit at Coscoâ??s facilities in Dalian, northeastern China, where the drillship is being completed. Sources added that Cosco has been approached by buyers from North America...become clear late this year or early next. Cosco said that the unit is substantially completed, with the source confirming that Cosco will install

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25-Oct-2013 17:10 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Ya gzijiang N Cosco       Go to Message
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Guangdong COSCO Shipyard Offshore platform supply vessels N569 started

Source: China Ship Net 2013-10-25 10:27:20

October 21 afternoon, the Guangdong COSCO Shipyard built by the Dutch VROON.BV first two offshore platform supply vessels N569 started. ABS classification society representatives, ship construction supervision team and Guangdong COSCO Shipyard offshore project team members witnessed this important moment.

The platform length of 83.4 m, width 18 m, depth 8 m design draft 6.7 m, speed 14.5 deck area of ​ ​ 830 square meters, deadweight of 4200 tons, equipped with DP2 dynamic positioning system.

VROON.BV company in the Netherlands a strong shipping company to transport special ship for the main business, with ocean engineering vessels, livestock vessels, car carriers and so many different hull vessels of more than 160 vessels. In Guangdong COSCO Shipyard expand specialty shipbuilding business, the two sides established a good relationship of cooperation. Currently, VROON.BV company has four livestock vessels, two offshore platform supply vessel COSCO Shipyard construction project in Guangdong, where a livestock ship has been delivered, the other projects are planned in an orderly manner.


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25-Oct-2013 16:26 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Ya gzijiang N Cosco       Go to Message
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China: COSCO Secures Jack-Up Rig Order  ( news contracts )

Posted on Oct 25th, 2013

COSCO Secures Jack-Up Rig Order

COSCO (Dalian) Shipyard has entered into a contract with Dalian Deepwater Developer Ltd. for the construction of one LeTourneau Super 116E jack -up drilling rig.

Based on the LeTourneau Super 116E design, the rig will measure 70.09 metres in LOA, 62.8 metres in breadth, 7.92 metres in height.

Each spud leg will be 145.3 metres long. The rig will be capable of working in water depth of up to 350 feet and has a drilling depth of 30,000 feet.

The rig will have a crew of 120 and be classed by ABS. This is the third jack-up rig construction project COSCO (Dalian) has secured in 2013, following the two ordered by the British owner Foresight Limited.

The construction of the rig will begin in early 2014. The rig is scheduled for delivery in the 3rd quarter of 2015.

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25-Oct-2013 15:23 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Ya gzijiang N Cosco       Go to Message
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全 球 海 洋 工 程 产 业 呈 现 向 中 国 转 移 趋 势



      新 华 网 大 连 1 0 月 2 3 日 电   继 中 远 船 务 工 程 集 团 有 限 公 司 为 新 加 坡 E n e r g y   D r i l l i n g 公 司 设 计 建 造 的 海 洋 辅 助 钻 井 船 E d r i l l - 1 ( N 4 9 0 ) 顺 利 下 水 之 后 , 该 公 司 日 前 又 获 得 自 升 式 钻 井 平 台 等 订 单 。 公 司 总 经 理 王 宇 航 表 示 , 最 近 一 两 年 中 国 海 工 产 业 发 展 迅 速 , 全 球 海 洋 工 程 产 业 呈 现 向 中 国 转 移 的 趋 势 。

      随 着 全 球 海 工 产 业 向 中 国 转 移 , 依 靠 持 续 旺 盛 的 海 洋 工 程 装 备 需 求 以 及 中 国 发 展 海 工 产 业 的 优 势 , 中 国 海 洋 工 程 产 业 大 有 可 为 。

      王 宇 航 说 , 目 前 中 远 船 务 已 在 大 连 、 南 通 、 舟 山 、 广 东 、 上 海 等 多 家 船 厂 开 展 海 工 业 务 , 开 工 建 造 的 海 工 项 目 超 过 3 0 个 , 打 破 了 欧 美 、 韩 国 和 新 加 坡 等 国 对 市 场 的 垄 断 。 去 年 , 中 远 船 务 海 工 产 业 共 实 现 销 售 收 入 9 0 亿 元 明 年 有 望 实 现 1 4 0 亿 元 。

      随 着 全 球 产 业 转 移 步 伐 的 加 快 , 目 前 海 工 装 备 制 造 部 分 已 经 基 本 从 欧 美 转 移 到 亚 洲 国 家 。 韩 国 和 新 加 坡 两 强 并 立 , 分 别 占 全 球 市 场 份 额 的 3 7 % 和 2 7 % , 而 中 国 和 巴 西 近 年 来 已 表 现 出 很 强 的 追 赶 势 头 。

      有 数 据 表 明 : 从 2 0 1 3 年 初 截 止 到 8 月 底 , 全 球 共 成 交 了 4 9 座 平 台 , 9 月 之 后 预 计 还 会 产 生 2 0 座 平 台 。 平 台 主 要 以 自 升 式 钻 井 平 台 为 主 , 其 中 , 中 国 承 接 2 8 座 , 首 次 超 过 了 新 加 坡 。

      大 连 船 舶 重 工 集 团 海 洋 工 程 有 限 公 司 总 经 理 殷 学 林 说 , 新 加 坡 在 半 潜 式 钻 井 平 台 和 自 升 式 钻 井 平 台 建 造 领 域 具 有 传 统 优 势 , 但 目 前 正 受 到 来 自 中 国 的 挑 战 。

      他 说 , 以 大 连 船 舶 重 工 集 团 海 洋 工 程 有 限 公 司 成 功 承 建 世 界 排 名 前 三 的 深 水 钻 井 公 司 挪 威 S e a d r i l l 公 司 两 座 平 台 为 标 志 , 国 际 自 升 式 钻 井 平 台 的 建 造 中 心 向 中 国 转 移 , 中 国 已 经 具 备 了 同 新 加 坡 老 牌 船 厂 同 台 竞 争 的 实 力 。

      大 连 船 舶 重 工 集 团 海 洋 工 程 有 限 公 司 主 要 产 品 是 自 升 式 钻 井 平 台 , 已 达 到 世 界 先 进 水 平 , 自 2 0 0 3 年 以 来 , 已 有 1 8 座 交 付 使 用 。 目 前 , 公 司 手 持 订 单 2 0 座 。

      殷 学 林 表 示 , 公 司 自 主 设 计 的 4 0 0 英 尺 自 升 式 钻 井 平 台 已 经 进 入 国 际 市 场 。 现 在 , 中 国 生 产 的 自 升 式 钻 井 平 台 已 经 占 到 世 界 总 产 量 的 一 半 左 右 。

      王 宇 航 认 为 , 韩 国 和 新 加 坡 在 海 工 装 备 制 造 领 域 的 霸 主 、 垄 断 地 位 将 面 临 中 国 等 发 展 中 国 家 的 挑 战 。 同 时 , 欧 美 发 达 国 家 与 发 展 中 国 家 在 海 工 装 备 制 造 领 域 的 技 术 合 作 将 更 加 广 泛 和 深 入 , 这 也 是 未 来 海 工 市 场 发 展 的 重 要 特 征 之 一 。

      王 宇 航 表 示 , 中 国 有 良 好 的 基 础 设 施 , 包 括 中 远 船 务 在 内 的 几 个 船 厂 均 在 高 技 术 含 量 装 备 上 取 得 一 定 的 成 果 , 具 备 向 高 端 海 洋 装 备 方 向 发 展 的 条 件 。 此 外 , 中 国 越 来 越 多 的 设 备 供 应 商 或 合 资 企 业 都 在 向 海 洋 装 备 发 展 , 这 会 使 国 产 化 的 比 例 越 来 越 高 。

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25-Oct-2013 12:55 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Ya gzijiang N Cosco       Go to Message
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Why COSCO Dalian Shipyard a $ 500 million drilling ship withdrawals ?

In 2011 the drilling ship cost Us$500 million , if owners canacell , now can buy two drilling ship .

may be owners  ask he other drilling company to buy half price from cosco . ( us $250 million)

COSCO Corporation (Singapore) Limited Board has announced that its subsidiary, COSCO Dalian Shipyard ( Location  Reviews  News  Job ) on July 22, 2010 with Dalian Deepwater Development Limited, a value of over 500 million U.S. dollars of DP3 deepwater drillship ( ship  shipyard  sale ) signed a turnkey EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) contract.
The Board wishes to announce that shipowners on August 5, 2013 to Dalian COSCO notice to terminate the contract on the grounds that the vessel suspected of late delivery, now largely completed the construction of the ship. September 5, 2013, the owner Dalian Deepwater Development Limited submitted to the Court of Arbitration in London claiming refund request contract amount $ 110 million down payment and interest, losses, damages thus caused further loss of long-term compensation for other losses and expenses . October 7, 2013, COSCO Dalian Shipyard shipowners refused to settle the matter without bias suggestions.
COSCO Dalian COSCO has informed investment, the court appointed legal adviser to London to actively deal with the related arbitration.

Meanwhile, COSCO Dalian Shipyard received notice of termination of the contract the shipowner, a number of buyers expressed interest in the rig.

Given the current stage is still in the arbitration proceedings, the arbitration ultimate financial impact on the company in the current difficult to quantify. In this issue, the company will release significant developments.
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25-Oct-2013 12:07 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Ya gzijiang N Cosco       Go to Message
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25-Oct-2013 11:52 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Ya gzijiang N Cosco       Go to Message
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中 远 船 务 获 多 艘 新 船 订 单

广 东 中 远 船 务 从 一 家 总 部 设 在 新 加 坡 的 欧 洲 船 东 公 司 获 得 2 艘 4200DWT 平 台 供 应 船 订 单 , 预 计 2015 年 第 三 季 度 交 付 , 该 合 同 还 包 括 2 艘 同 类 型 PSV 备 选 订 单 。 同 时 , 广 东 中 远 船 务 从 新 加 坡 一 家 船 东 公 司 获 得 2 艘 PSV 订 单 , 预 计 2015年 第 一 季 度 交 付 , 该 合 同 还 有 6 艘 备 选 订 单 。

舟 山 中 远 船 务 与 一 家 英 国 船 东 公 司 签 订 4 艘 64000DWT 散 货 船 建 造 订 单 , 这 是 2012 年 与 该 公 司 签 订 2 艘 64000 吨 散 货 船 建 造 订 单 的 后 续 订 单 , 这 4 艘 船 分 别 安 排 在 2014年 下 半 年 和 2015 年 上 半 年 交 付 , 该 合 同 另 附 2 艘 船 的 备 选 订 单 。 据 了 解 , 先 期 签 订 的 两 艘 船 舶 建 造 顺 利 , 目 前 均 已 下 水 。

此 外 , 中 远 船 务 近 日 还 获 得 1座 价 值 2 亿 美 元 的 半 潜 式 生 活 平 台 订 单 , 安 排 在 启 东 中 远 海 工 建 造 。 该 订 单 是 中 远 船 务 第 二 次 获 得 此 项 订 单 , 双 方 第 一 个 订 单 于 2012 年 底 生 效 , 目 前 正 在 启 东 中 远 海 工 建 造 。 此 次 签 订 的 半 潜 式 生 活 平 台 总 长 104.5 米 , 主 甲 板 宽 度 65 米 , 可 变 载 荷 4500 吨 , 甲 板 面 积 1500 平 方 米 , 可 容 纳 500 人 同 时 居 住 , 入 DNV 船 级 社


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25-Oct-2013 11:26 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Ya gzijiang N Cosco       Go to Message
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Cosco can manufacturing all type of vessal

1.) COSCO Zhoushan first started manufacturing 152,000 tons shuttle tankers
August 5, COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard ( location  Comments  News  Job ) for Norwegian KNUTSEN SHUTTLE TANKER 19 AS first ship built 152,000 tons shuttle tanker began.

2.)COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard completed three container ship conversion project
July 19, " Outlaw" wheel at COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard ( Location  Reviews  News  Job ) to complete all modification work, scheduled to sail. So far, COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard is to fly to France company implementation 8200TEU series container ship ( ship  yard  sale ) Conversion Project bulbous bow perfect ending.

3.)COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard has received four orders PSV

It is reported that COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard ( Location  Reviews  News  Job ) Engineering Co., Ltd. has successfully received a four UT771CDL PSV orders. This is the formation of COSCO Zhoushan sea and Industry to undertake since the first marine equipment construction project is its offshore fields into an important symbol.
The project is a PSV COSCO Zhoushan first completely independent production design, and fully in accordance with the offshore marine construction project mode. UT771CDL PSV ship in project scope, technical difficulty, difficult to manage, schedule requirements, etc. should be higher than the market other similar ship, the ship has such flexibility, carrying capacity, the economy is good, easy to dock in the offshore supply and so on. Currently, PSV project organized and formal operation, in accordance with offshore project management, preparation of guidelines to complete the construction, project management, quality management and safety management program files, schedule the delivery of new vessels in the first half of 2014.
It is understood that late last year, COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard from a Hong Kong Shipowners get four UT771CDL type platform supply vessel ( ship  yard  sale ) (PSV) orders, while a number of the same type PSV alternative orders ship in six months to take effect. COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard received this year, has accumulated new marine vessel 8, including 152,000 dwt shuttle tanker 1, 50,000 ~ 80,000 tons FPSO floating storage and processing vessels 1, 4000 PSV 4-ton ships, 150 m pipelay barge a 2-ton 160 m water barge ( ship  yard  sale ) ship one, then another new 64,000 dwt bulk carrier ( ship  yard  sale ) 2.

4.)drilling rigs Edrill-1

October 15 morning, Guangdong COSCO Singapore Energy Drilling Company designed and built the first ship marine auxiliary drilling rigs Edrill-1 (N490) was launched successfully. Shipowners chairman Mr. Stale Rod, CEO Mr. Marcus Chew, Mayong Town, Dongguan City, party secretary Chen Chi, ABS classification society Greater China director Tanhao Ming, COSCO Shipyard operating headquarters, Dongguan City Science and Technology Bureau, attended launching ceremony, witnessed this important moment in history.

5.)Guangdong COSCO Shipyard Offshore platform supply vessels operating

Views: 143 Date :2013 -10-23



October 21 afternoon, the Guangdong COSCO Shipyard built by the Dutch VROON.BV first two offshore platform supply vessels N569 started. ABS classification society representatives, ship construction supervision team and Guangdong COSCO Shipyard offshore project team members witnessed this important moment.

The platform length of 83.4 m, width 18 m, depth 8 m design draft 6.7 m, speed 14.5 deck area of ​ ​ 830 square meters, deadweight of 4200 tons, equipped with DP2 dynamic positioning system.

VROON.BV company in the Netherlands a strong shipping company to transport special ship for the main business, with ocean engineering vessels, livestock vessels, car carriers and so many different hull vessels of more than 160 vessels. COSCO Shipyard expansion in Guangdong specialty shipbuilding business, the two sides established a good relationship of cooperation. Currently, VROON.BV company has four livestock vessels, two offshore platform supply vessel COSCO Shipyard construction project in Guangdong, where a livestock ship has been delivered, the other projects are planned in an orderly manner. (Chen Shusheng Executive sub)

6.) bulk carrier
COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard delivered a bulk carrier
May 28, COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard ( Location  Reviews  News  Job ) Korea FAIRBRID GE ( ship hangar  location ) the company built a second aircraft 82000DWT bulk carrier ( ship  yard  sale ) (N414) successfully delivered, this is COSCO Zhoushan Shipping successful delivery of this year's first six newbuildings. Mr. Shipowner representatives BRChoi COSCO Zhoushan Dong, general manager industry were delivered jointly attended the signing ceremony.

7.) COSCO Shipyard access to domestic first large luxury cruise ship conversion project

Views: 429 Date :2013 -10-16

October 15, COSCO Holdings Company Limited in Shanghai and signed QE2 luxury liner " Queen Elizabeth II" sign (" QE2" ) modified five-star floating hotel project. The project will be an COSCO COSCO Zhoushan responsible for implementing. This is the first to undertake the COSCO Shipyard cruise modification projects, but also Chinese shipyards first implementation of large cruise ship conversion project is Chinese shipyards successfully enter the international cruise market modification landmark project.

Excise collar, COSCO Shipyard Group, Dubai Drydocks World, QE2 Holdings company executives, as well as from the shipping industry, tourism, hotel operators internationally renowned guests, a total of 100 people attended the signing ceremony of the day's program modification.

" Queen Elizabeth II" cruise ship on its legendary 40-year operational career, played host to kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers and celebrities. Soon, she will leave Dubai, UAE, to those in China COSCO Zhoushan in Zhejiang Province, in a thorough restoration and improvement is expected in 2015 to complete all conversion projects. Ship existing 990 staterooms will be transformed for the 400 area ranged between 60-150 m2 Superior Suite. COSCO Shipyard will be responsible for all technical maintenance, alteration and coordination, the designated contractor will be re-cabin interior, banquet hall, seven restaurants, 10 lounges, a theater, a maritime museum showing the history and QE2 a mall. The near future, " Queen Elizabeth II" sign will become Asia's first-tier cities symbolizes luxury, magnificent, high-quality cruise cultural landmarks and tourist destination.

  QE2 Holdings Corporation and Dubai Drydocks World, Mr. Chairman Khamis Juma Buamim, QE2 cruise fame and legendary history is unmatched. She has become a coordinate maritime history, is the best in the world, one of the most powerful ship. Therefore, the choice of partners is critical. We are very pleased with the COSCO Shipyard in the round of technical maintenance and refurbishment process closely.

Deputy General Manager of COSCO Shipyard expressed Yan Chengxiang, QE2 Holdings choose COSCO Shipyard as a partner of the project, reflecting COSCO brand and position in the industry. COSCO Shipping will attach great importance to the implementation of cooperation projects, arranging excellent management, technology, production team to implement, build first-class products, to provide satisfactory services to ensure the smooth implementation of the project and success. (Jiang Yusheng)


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25-Oct-2013 10:28 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Ya gzijiang N Cosco       Go to Message
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Guangdong COSCO Shipyard for 2 + 4 PSV orders
2013-10-17 08:44:37 Source: International Ship Web

It is reported that Guangdong COSCO Shipyard recently from Singapore Chellse get two UT 771WP type PSV construction contract, which is the third and the fourth ship of the fleet Chellsea UT type PSV, is expected to be delivered in 2015, the contract there are four options for orders PSV .

UT 771WP type PSV provided by the Rolls-Royce design and equipment packages. The series will be Asia's first introduced PSV wave-piercing bow PSV, harsh in choppy sea conditions to maintain the same speed and fuel consumption.

Rolls-Royce to provide the equipment package includes MTU ( ship hangar  location ) Host ( Product  Buying  supply ), the propulsion system ( Product  Buying  supplies ), power systems, batch processing system, deck machinery ( Product  Buying  supplies ), automation ( Product  Buying  Supply ) operating system and dynamic positioning systems.
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