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Latest Posts By Alligator - Veteran      About Alligator
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08-Jul-2009 13:35 Neptune Orient L Rg   /   NOL       Go to Message
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well, thing changes. i went for lunch and tried the same POSB ATM that could not accept rights application during the CCT rights payment period, today it worked well.

i guess that ATM machine had some problem AT THAT TIME, perhaps software upgrade, machine issue, whatever.

so on the cautious side, you just go do it asap and give enough time to try another one or two. if  there are many ATM machines in suntec then it is relatively safe...

aircraft      ( Date: 08-Jul-2009 13:15) Posted:

Hope suntect's ATM can make it as I only can go after 8

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08-Jul-2009 11:14 Neptune Orient L Rg   /   NOL       Go to Message
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 Oh yes this is bad. I read from another forum last time on CCT rights. Then discover also some POSB ATM would not accept rights application.

This is good advice for people who need to make payment today. Do it early, dont wait till 9pm, if that ATM cannot handle rights you still need time to go next one.


Posted: 08-Jul-2009 09:23       Contact Andrew          *  Quote this Post!
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* Alert Admin

Today last day leh.....don't wait for the last minute man.....my wife panic for 2 days with DBS ATM because so how, the few ATMs she went to, do not offer rights issue application.....

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08-Jul-2009 10:23 Neptune Orient L Rg   /   NOL       Go to Message
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NOL, 13 Ship Lines Seek End to Transpacific Price War, ‘Panic’ 

 July 8 (Bloomberg) -- Neptune Orient Lines Ltd., China Cosco Holdings Co. and 12 other container lines agreed to raise rates on Asia-U.S. routes, seeking an end to a price war caused by slumping demand, overcapacity and “panic.”

The lines decided on a $500 increase for carrying a 40-foot box from Aug. 10 as a “voluntary guideline,” the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement said in an e-mailed statement yesterday. The companies will also raise fuel levies and may add peak season surcharges as well, the group added.

Container rates have dropped to levels that are “not sustainable” as lines battle a 20 percent drop in shipments and rising competition, the statement said. Demand has tumbled as U.S. retailers pare orders for furniture, toys and other goods on weak consumer spending.

“The eastbound transpacific trade lane has been driven by panic,” Lee Won Woo, the chief executive of Hanjin Shipping Co.’s container unit, said in the statement. “Panic is difficult to stop once it has begun.”

Hanjin, South Korea’s largest shipping line, is a member of the TSA, along with companies including Evergreen Marine Corp., Hyundai Merchant Marine Co. and Nippon Yusen K.K.

Container-shipping lines traditionally raise rates in July and August as shops stock up for the peak back-to-school and holiday shopping periods.

“It’s likely that the trade will encounter significant financial challenges” if current rates are not increased, Lee said.

To contact the reporter on this story: Wendy Leung in Hong Kong at wleung12@bloomberg.net Last Updated: July 7, 2009 21:24 EDT
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08-Jul-2009 08:49 Neptune Orient L Rg   /   NOL       Go to Message
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no, DBS internet banking cannot be used for Rights

Use ATM only

aircraft      ( Date: 08-Jul-2009 08:19) Posted:

can I use DBS internet banking to apply for the rights ? or only ATM ? Thanks

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07-Jul-2009 08:56 CapitaCom Trust   /   CapitComm RIGHT Discussion Corner       Go to Message
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Take a quick look at the filed insiders trade, notice the big seller become big buyer..... Green =BUY , Red = Sell

Jul 03/09 Jul 02/09 Substantial Shareholder Buy Stichting Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn ("PFZW") # Others 28,589,600 Not Filed 4.25 % Long Position
Jun 12/09 Jun 10/09 Director Buy Liew Mun Leong # Others 75,000 Not Filed 0.01 % Long Position
Jun 12/09 Jun 10/09 Director Buy Kee Teck Koon # Others 150,000 Not Filed 0.01 % Long Position
Jun 12/09 Jun 10/09 Director Buy Lynette Leong Chin Yee # Others 51,000 Not Filed 0.00 % Long Position
Jun 12/09 Jun 10/09 Director Buy Olivier Lim Tse Ghow # Others 150,000 Not Filed 0.01 % Long Position
May 11/09 May 08/09 Substantial Shareholder Sell Stichting Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn ("PFZW") # Others -44,241,000 Not Filed 6.50 % Short Position
May 07/09 May 06/09 Substantial Shareholder Sell Stichting Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn ("PFZW") (formerly known as Stichting Pensioenfonds voor de Gezondheid Geestelijke en Maatschappelijke Belangen ("PGGM")) # Others -5,302,000 Not Filed 9.60 % Short Position

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06-Jul-2009 19:40 Others   /   CDL TRUST       Go to Message
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Aberdeen up stake to around 6.41%.

Chart seems to maintain the accumulation and ADX trend is still up for last several days.

would anyone keen to check the updated chart and see if it is time for profit taking or can wait till uptrend exhausted?
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06-Jul-2009 19:28 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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read this and follow, should be ok to post a chart

Others   /     /   Posted: 11-May-2009 13:07      4Go to Message
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basically two types of images: one is image that are already hosted in some website, then it is easy. you can read the second part of my post ( see below link)

second type is image that is NOT hosted in website, like those in your computer or those you read from reports and you want to extract the image for posting, then more complex, you need to use a 'free' image hosting website to help.  please read the following posts. and try it.. hope this helps


aircraft      ( Date: 11-May-2009 12:42) Posted:

Hi Alligator, How do you insert charts and images into the posting ? THanks


fartist      ( Date: 06-Jul-2009 19:21) Posted:

How do i upload a chart? Thanks.

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06-Jul-2009 13:43 Others   /   shares after death       Go to Message
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having a will is wise. however one should be very very careful of choosing the trustworthy executor, and also preferably the executor is younger or will outlive the person writing the will.

 i believe at some point, one can also consider using 'joint account' in CDP, joint account allows the other surviving party to withdraw easily without going thru the lengthy legal process. there is a transfer fee when shares are transfered from single-name account to 'joint account'

check CDP informations on related to this subject. below are the links


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06-Jul-2009 11:52 Others   /   Unit Trusts       Go to Message
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since you are already in UT, you must have lready leanrt that you need to pay upfront sales charge ranging 2.5% to 4.5%.

if that is what you prefer, you should take a look at doing UT investment directly with FundSupermart, they charge much less on sales charge


 Next consideration is just play STI ETF, this trade like stock! and has dividend. Can also use CPF.

vthnay      ( Date: 06-Jul-2009 11:48) Posted:

Hi junction, thank you for your comment. I understand what you are saying. But Unit Trusts do serve, and it's a way for clueless people like me to make some money. I know, not all Trust funds make money but then again, not all shares make money. I believe there are good, reputable fund houses and fund managers out there. Just have to be careful where you park your money and with who. I guess one has to pay the price for being clueless.

junction      ( Date: 05-Jul-2009 23:37) Posted:

UT are for those who are absolutely clueless what the managers do with their money.  If you think they invest to make money for you, you are partially correct because they first make money for themselves, the balance is for you.  One key indicator is the expense ratio.  But management fees, which they will pocket from the fund even if they lose your shirt for you, is only one of the many ways your money can disappear bit by bit under management.  If you learn how your money is spent then you will not likely touch UT with a ten foot pole.  Singaporegal asked a pertinent question

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06-Jul-2009 09:07 Others   /   Most - S-Chip get ready to get 10-20% Price Hike       Go to Message
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I think AK seems to quote:


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02-Jul-2009 20:23 CapitaComm R   /   CapitaComm Rights       Go to Message
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as China Sports rights is renounceable, so you can either sell off your nil-paid rights during rights trading period, or keep it and exercise , pay for 10 cents and convert to mother shares. Or before it goes ex-rights, sell off your holdings

fartist      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 20:17) Posted:

Nono wait. Im just asking cus chinasports is issueing rights now. And what if i dont wanna buy the rights? What else can i do with it, like selling to a 3rd party?

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02-Jul-2009 20:20 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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I looked at the chart, i have the same comment like Bintang. the chart showed its is going down further

i hope buyers come in quickily to buy up.
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02-Jul-2009 17:43 Others   /   CDL TRUST       Go to Message
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hi lawcheemeng

nothing chim lah,  if you are familiar with indicators then it is easy to read

share price hit upper bolliger band means it is bullish. you can see that it rises from lower to upper over last few days. the brown colour dotted lines are lower and upper bolly bands.

then it has momentum to carry on charging up, that means it has strength, buyer are pushing up. the accumulation/distribution up trend is showing more buyers.

today STI overall market was bad and many shares went down, look at this CDL Hosp, it ended up 4% higher and close at the peak of the day ( in candle stick it will become a white candle or green candle ), showing buyer interest is strong especially when the volume is about 7.4 million shares. or put it another way, today BULL took control on the price.


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02-Jul-2009 14:25 Others   /   Most - S-Chip get ready to get 10-20% Price Hike       Go to Message
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Suspense means no trading for UNKNOWN period of time.

Shareholders still hold their share. They have to wait until the counter un-suspense again.

Read L&M, that one suspense for very long.

chewwl88      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 12:57) Posted:

It show that Celestrial is SUSP. What will happen to those who own the share? Does it everythings has gone?


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02-Jul-2009 10:56 Others   /   CDL TRUST       Go to Message
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chart here for those interested

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02-Jul-2009 10:23 Others   /   CDL TRUST       Go to Message
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This is slowly creeping up. opening the bolly band.
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02-Jul-2009 10:02 Hong Leong Asia   /   Hong Leong Asia       Go to Message
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Worried on S-Chip? Then take a look at Hong Leong Asia, it has high exposure in China.

CIMB issued report yesterday with TP 1.92.   http://www.remisiers.org/research//HLA-010709%5B1%5D.pdf

Valuation and recommendation
Maintain Outperform. We continue to use sum-of-the-parts valuation to value HLA
given its diverse businesses: white goods, industrial engines and building materials.
Our target price remains S$1.92, well-supported by its book value of S$1.65 as at 31
Mar 09.


chart below, waiting for it to break out of the resistance around 1.5x

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02-Jul-2009 07:35 Seatrium   /   Sembmarine       Go to Message
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Singapore, July 2, 2009: Jurong Shipyard (“Jurong”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Sembcorp Marine, has secured a second SeaDragon rig order from Oban B Limited
(“Oban B””) to complete and deliver a Moss Maritime Full Dynamically Positioned
(DP-3) Semi-submersible Drilling unit.

The 6-column Bare Deck hull, built in a Russian yard, arrived at Jurong Shipyard in
early June 2009. Following arrival, Jurong will now proceed with the construction,
outfitting, furnishing, equipping, testing and completion of the bare-deck hull into an
ultra-deepwater semi-submersible drilling rig. The second unit is scheduled for
delivery by end June 2011. The shipyard’s contract value for the second unit is
US$237.3 million, excluding equipment supplied by the owner.

This new rig will be built for a water depth rating of 10,000 feet and maximum drilling
depth of 30,000 ft. The rig’s ability to operate even in harsh environment gives it the
multi-region flexibility to operate worldwide as compared to its peers.

Mr George Sutherland, Technical Director of Oban B said “We are delighted to be
working with the world class team at Jurong on this second project, which we are
confident will result in a first class asset for charter in 2011.”

Mr. Don Lee, Jurong Shipyard’s Senior General Manager of Offshore Division said
“We thank SeaDragon again for their trust and commitment in working with Jurong to
realise this option after the first contract was signed in April 2009. These two stateof-
the-art semi-submersible rigs will complement the range of semi-submersibles
that Jurong is building and demonstrates our versatility in undertaking projects with
diverse complexities. We now have two first of its class semi-submersible rigs to be

We are pleased that, despite the current challenges due to the economic downturn
and the credit crunch, our order book continues to strengthen. This rig order is
testimony of the confidence that our clients, partners and vendors have in the
deepwater market and in particular, Jurong’s proven track record and project
execution capabilities. We are committed to deliver on our promise and to build on
this foundation for many years to come.”
Sembcorp Marine expects positive contributions to its earnings from the contract for
FY 2010 and FY 2011.
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02-Jul-2009 06:40 CapitaComm R   /   CapitaComm Rights       Go to Message
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In their announcement and the document you received if you are entitled shareholder, the time table tells you the date of new share issue is July 2

Date of trading of new shares July 3.

So just check your CDP tomorrow early morning. New shares should be in CDP account before 9am July 3.

SupremeA      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 00:22) Posted:

sry, I"ve been trying like nuts to figure it out. when will they give us the shares?

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01-Jul-2009 10:55 Others   /   Company List by STI indexes       Go to Message
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FTSE has STchina index and ST china top index.


top 10 components are:

1 Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings Industrial Goods & Services 913 11.06
2 Cosco Corp Industrial Goods & Services 911 11.03
3 Yanlord Land Group Financial Services 782 9.47
4 Raffles Education Corp Retail 756 9.15
5 Hyflux Ltd Utilities 712 8.62
6 Biosensors International Group Healthcare 341 4.13
7 China Hongxing Sports Personal & Household Goods 280 3.39
8 CapitaRetail China Trust Financial Services 246 2.97
9 Epure International Industrial Goods & Services 242 2.93
10 Pine Agritech Food & Beverage 236 2.86

The FTSE ST China Index and FTSE ST China Top Index form part of the FTSE ST Index Series, created by
Singapore Press Holdings (SPH), Singapore Exchange (SGX) and FTSE Group (FTSE). Using the existing ST
Index family as a basis, FTSE has evolved this series to include two China themed indices, allowing
investors access to companies listed on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) which have a significant
proportion of Chinese ownership. FTSE’s free-float weighting and liquidity screening have also been
applied to ensure that all of the new indices within the series offer greater transparency and liquidity.

Hulumas      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 09:55) Posted:

Market sentiment in some extent is still biased towards Sgx S-stocks, therfore still no such indece list yet as you asked!

kasuman      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 07:09) Posted:

where can we find the list of companies that are in STI indexes, such as, China, Consumer Products, Tech, Health, Oil & Gas, etc....

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