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31-Mar-2007 14:55 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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eh kid, i kok your head then you know. ah niama, call me lao jie..... :P just call me elf lah. sheesh.

yea act. NS can be cut to one year. go for intensity rather than length. works better to me...

did you guys see the thread on 'greed leads to downfall'??? interesting talk going on there...
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31-Mar-2007 14:50 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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eek. sj is still funny. gonna log off now.

chinkiasu, no prob lah. but yea. i can't and won't talk anymore abt work. it's too dangerous.

 act, i agree with you abt PY: that he did think what he did was the best for astar. also think he was right to sue the blogger: what that blogger said was truly slander: you simply shdn't allege such corruption. esp since it's a national insitution you're talking abt. i mean, even if i don't like the guy, i won't say things without proof.

not to mention such things are tricky things. there are deals that have to be done, but yea. not overtly.
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31-Mar-2007 14:39 Stamford Land   /   Time for Re Rating?       Go to Message
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thanks shplayer! any tech you wanna know just lemme know. mail or on fellowship
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31-Mar-2007 14:37 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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is is just me, or is SJ acting funny? i had this blinky thing going on, lights flashing and couldn't post. thought comp kena virus....eek.


asterisk! keep the adoption plan in mind. hehe. a kid bro. i'm gonna call you kid or sundance. ahaha. and again, pls note that elfin adoptions are standalone and come without the rest of the family/pets. won't ya say you're more you as you are to yourself on SJ, than in real life? oksssss kid,....let's start with stocks 101:


Give me your call on HPL. Tech wise, and more importantly, figure out the reason behind its movement. (reason = FA or psychological). hehe.

lemme know what techs you're familiar with or not.


and haha. what capital you starting with, if you don't mind saying? let's set you a target. gotta focus/incentivise this distracted little bro. keke. hm...ok. thus far this year, elf has hit ~20% returns on initial capital. i'll go easy on you: Make this return for this year. Up to the challenge? if not you ain't worthy to be my kid bro. muah haha.
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31-Mar-2007 14:22 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke. eastonbay, agree wtih you and shplayer abt SCI and SIA etc...Smiley 

and yea. the trouble with civil servants, esp the high flyers is that they've never been in the outside world....even corporate exposure for them amounts to them simply being the 'top management' during their stint there. and that, it's an iron rice bowl. They're selected at 18 (actually even younger: they're eyed at 14), told they're the best, enter ministries with the title of Assistant Director. How to expect a leadership that relates the ground then? Smiley


and keke. ever realised: it's only the GLCs that want them as their heads? never heard of a real private firm that was keen on hiring ex-high fliers...Smiley


seriously, it worries me tho. how can a govt lead if it does not know its people? Smiley


and to all our NS men and boys out there. elf apologises yea. don't mean to cast any aspersions on you guys. this whole thing started out 'cos of an innocuous comment anw. dun wish to drag it any further. esp due to job sensitivities. here's one for the boys: Smiley

and sigh. salary. i dun wanna go there again man. all i know is this elf is investing like siao to reach financial indep.  Smiley

oh man, i like this little guy. relates to me very well. keke.: Smiley

SJ has emoticons! wheeeee!!! eheh kee jang, hows about a puppy for the elf? Smiley keke.


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31-Mar-2007 14:06 Stamford Land   /   Time for Re Rating?       Go to Message
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when is stl releasing/released its FYE results?


oh cool, SJ has emoticons now! hehe. thanks admin! Smiley
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31-Mar-2007 13:44 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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sigh. you guys ah. before i become public enemy no: 1 *haha*


1) I agree with NS. Guys should serve it. they're too soft otherwise. don't know abt the generation lausk/shplayer etc came from, but for my generation and younger, it certainly applies. and shplayer, no, there was reason in what you said, not 'fire' as dunno who else commented. Agree with some of yr pts. And yea, i should have sep out country from govt. my mistake there.


2) Why i said NS is child's play: I was thinking of child soldiers in Afghanistan, Somalia, etcetc. They're picked from 7 and start training then. They train them by killing their parents in front of them, and picking friends for them to practice on. In the Khmer Rouge, the soldiers in Tuol Sleng were 14-15 years old, because they are the ones who can be trained to kill. In contrast, how many of our guys here have seen actual combat? war games perhaps should not count; since any deaths from there are accidents of human error, not hostile enemy fire.


3) chinkiasu. Remember that elf is first and foremost a rationalist. as with my calls on SJ, i never say anything without proof. So. desk job or not: no comments. Any further cursory assumptions by anyone is unwelcome. Henceforth, nothing else abt my job. Will not reply to any further barbs/questions/jokes/whatever on that area.


Asterisk, thanks, tho, for willingness to see the other view. :) I never take something for nothing. So, wanna be my younger bro? I'll teach you all i know abt stocks. hehe. You're an idealist. imaginative, restless mind. Always jumping abt from idea to idea, so you tend to leave some things uncomplete. Probably like doing things with your hands, or always fiddling/doodling. like spontaneity, dislike routine. Able to see from multiple perspective, so sometimes appear distracted or forgetful. and haha, your room is probably in an absolute mess, isn't it? :P but when you think and focus, you are very methodical, and you sometimes surprise people with 'sudden brilliance', as they think it that way. Likely, everyone ard you thinks you're intelligent, but also think you're a bit of a slacker/underachiever. haha.


4) our guys here might do reservist etc, but chances are, you will never have to fight, ala the child soldiers from war torn countries. Our army serves as a deterrent force. Key word: deterrent. Why? logically: In event of an actual war, you think singapore even stands a chance with infantry? It's technology and strategy that will determine win or lose. That's why we have our missile bases overseas. Good to know tho that most of you guys are willing to fight. 'cos i asked JC kids before, just last year, how many of you would stay and fight for singapore in event of a war. 3 out of 4 said they would run. Class after class said the same thing. They asked, 'what for fight?"


5) NS was initially set up with the help of 11 Israeli officers, who came to singapore in guise of a foreign country to train our men. So that we don't offend out Muslim neighbours, Malaysia and Indonesia, who do not recognise Israel as a sovereign state. In that sense, all our officers are 'Jew trained'. (btw that phrase is a little sweeping. its like saying all muslims are malays.).


6) I know the past generations can wear NS as a badge of pride, and i fully agree wtih that. you guys did actual stuff. But for the younger generations, how many of you know: The guys' IPPT is done in airconditioned gyms. when they go for outdoor training, they have freaking mobile kitchens. Have you seen the living quarters on Tekong? I mean, c'mon, in an actual combat situation, are you gonna have such luxuries?!


that's it with NS. nothing more before the guys all kill me. haha. But yea, times change, things change. NS before and now are different things. Two words for elf to rest her case: White horses.


adrian pang, that commando line comes from the poem, The Charge of The Light Brigade:

Ours not to reason why

Ours but to do and die
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30-Mar-2007 02:24 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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victorian gege, keke, they come here 'cos it's easier to set up a pharma manufacturing in singapore. less issues with copycat medication (think osim's problems in china), greater accountability and ISO certification.

it's consumer logic for the businessman: would you buy medication that's made in china, or made in singapore? plus, malaysia has a lot of unstable governance laws....in the bio field, perhaps it's copyright patents that ppl most look for? dunno. but what's clear is that bio research shd not be lumped together with pharma output in measuring success of the research field: they're two dif things.

gege. i can't sleep. wail. too stressed. tmrw need to work early. stress. elf wants a puppie. wail. :(   
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30-Mar-2007 01:26 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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godpa, thanks for the apologies. and sigh, yea, next time pls pls don't make such jokes. i don't like having to face unnecessary and speculative envy...work stress enough liao. haha.  

lewsh, sounds so interesting. :) want to ask: in the past the different dialect/blood groups got along together, but after the 1997 suharto riots? Did they still get along? 'cos i konw like, in bali, they chased away the madurese....

lausk, oh, you were trained in israel too? gotta love their tech. best in the world. and when did you almost die in the ROC? couldn't have been WWII what...*puzzled*

chinkiasu. concur with bunnie. but haha, i perceive you're a philip yeo supporter. just some points:

1) When you say 'they couldn't bring in top scientist', who is meant by 'they'? Perhaps in judging an organisation, we shd look at the words of people other than the chairman, who def has vested interests.

2) And yea, what brain gain? that shd perhaps be defined as only if they stay. (PRC and indians) They do the research, the publish the papers, they move on to America. What does singapore get, apart from being a stopover?

3) Caucasians: those 'lured' here come with very attractive pay packages, and get to bring their entire teams with them. what place for the singaporean?  

4) Gotta note that US 'brain drain' might be a cultural issue, not a brain drain one: US students prefer to study the arts, not the sciences. And note that despite this so-called brain drain, they hold one of the most numbers of patents, and have the most publications in the world. Not to mention the holy grail of the science field, the nobel prizes.

anyhow, 'nuff said. the life sciences is honestly a done deal for me. Like bunnie said, we don't intend to discourage anyone, but i do wish is for ppl to see clearly, and not just take in information from one source. sporeguy, your friend's daughter needs to remember: a PhD is 4 years. You bind yourself 8 years in return for that. 12 years in all. Can she take it? When you're 18, it might seem like the world; but when you're 22, and have tasted the wideness of world, would a bond be heaven, or resignation?

At the end of the day, time is the gold standard. Check back in 10 years and we'll see who's right on the life sciences here. haha.

godpa. If you are a second liner, then, i wanna be just like you when i get old. :)
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29-Mar-2007 20:29 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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lewsh, your friend has to make his/her own call.

but tech wise: uptrend in place. All indicators read up (a/d, co, RSI, williams, MAcross, MACD). Your next resistance to break: 5.2.

Can guess what's happening. a middle east fear and hence psychological rerating of SPC. think i said somewhere long ago here before, SPC is defensive against other stocks. When fear of war/tension rises, other stocks will drop, SPC will go up. Your indicator is oil prices, again, not refining margin--because investors link SPC with oil, not refinery. it's that simple sometimes.
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29-Mar-2007 20:26 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hey lewsh, would like to hear more abt your experiences in the kalimantan jungle actually. sounds very interesting. here's to courage and a life less ordinary! *cheers!* :)

and yea, hullo to my godpa, da gege, gege and my two pets. keke. nites!
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29-Mar-2007 20:19 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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eastonbay, thanks for that refreshing breath of rationality. yes, i'm not a superscale.

and civil service logic dictates that i'll probably never be a superscale. why?

1) I'm not a scholar.

2) I'm female.

eg, For the first jump in ranking, females need to 'tun' at least 2-3 years. No matter how capable you are, no matter how good the work you produce. For the guys, as long as they don't majorly screw up, even if they coast along, they get a promo in the first year. logic? "Oh, 'cos guys serve NS". It's the kind of logic that'd be laughed out of any private firm.

and in case anyone is wondering: is elf a typical civil servant? No, i'm not. Elf does things for the heck of it. Life's meant to be lived dangerously. ain't it? ;)

ok gotta go, tata ppl!  
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29-Mar-2007 20:10 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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chinkiasu/sporeguy: re a*star:

turnover rate: i didn't mean of researchers/scientists, i meant of ordinary staff--like your biz comm people, marketing, etc.

If you talk abt scientists, then it's your degree and the quality of the papers you publish that determines your status and desirability in an international field. If it's job posting then really, the science arena internationally esp when down to specific bugs/fields of speciality, is relatively small. Most job transfers etc are internally settled, via recommendations by your professors who know someone else. a*star or not doesn't matter a whit at all.

why i agree with lee wei ling:

1) s'pore jobs data posts that the biomedical (ie, pharmaceutical) output is very high and accounts as our fifth pillar of economy, that it brings in a lot of jobs. But note: that is manufacturing output. think assembly line making prozac, or whatever. It also means jobs available are low end, blue collar types. in other words, false advertising on the 'booming' life sciences.

2) why false advertising? Yes, they lured big names here: Eli Lilly and Johns Hopkins set up labs here. Everyone knows that. But how many of you know that the JHU labs started with 11, and have eventually closed down to only 1, a shell lab that does practically nothing? Eli Lilly's come and gone, btw. The labs are shells.

3) In terms of researchers and jobs: Yes, you have the big names like Sydney Brenner. But they come here, set up labs, then they go. Our principal investigators (PIs) are foreigners. Our PhD students are PRC chinese and indians. Where does that leave the singaporeans?

4) Singaporeans on a*star scholarship: caveat emptor. you need to keep a GPA of at least 4.8 out of 5, if not, your scholarship is 'under review'. They have a clause that lets them cut you off during your studies if you fall below that. But anyone of you who ever studied via the modular system will know: one C takes an entire semester of 6 As to bring it up to GPA of 4.5. In other words, no mistake allowed. 

5) Qn to all of you here: Ever wondered why Philip Yeo is suddenly being shifted out of a*star, when his 'vision' has not been realised? Think about it.

ministers salary: in statistical terms:

1) they justified the ministers increase by comparison with the top 8 professionals in 6 fields. My qn: are ALL the ministers performing to such a high level? it's a simple thing, that a top banker gets paid that much because he BRINGS IN that much income.

2) Therefore: taking a median is fine, but the median should be of the ENTIRE industry, not just the top 8. The alternative: just as the rest of us civil servants are ranked, then likewise, let the people rank their ministers. Only the top 8 ministers should get the top 8 salary.

lausk: if my salary were that high, would i need to invest? I'm not even getting one tenth a minister's pay. For a job like mine, we're 24/7 on call, the moment we get notice, we'll dump our families, everything, to go back to work. We put our lives for this stupid country. NS is child's play. Are you prepared to make such a sacrifice? If not, there's no comparison to make, no 'obscene' salary at all. Ministers don't die for their country. People like us do. And we get paid nothing in comparison.

Singaporeans by and large are too soft, too sheltered, too narrow-minded. That's why we're gonna get eaten alive by the chinese and indians. haha.  
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27-Mar-2007 23:47 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke. 'cos bunnie, the mtg with victorian was a private one with only a few of us. didn't want to publicise...elf nervy in meeting too many ppl so told gege to keep it small... good to see him in person tho. he's busy with work these few days so likely won't be on SJ. next time you're coming along with me. :)

aw. kitten, it's ok.... *patpat* elf rather busy now with work, but guess i always got time for little creatures... hm...lets see now...bunnie is a snow white bunnie with blue eyes and a little golden elfin bell... what shall you be now, kitten? elfin pets must not be common creatures...shall i have you the colour of fire with white paws and deep blue eyes? or hm, you strike me as being more smoky grey instead. 'cos you're peaceable by nature, and you sleep easily at night. ok. you can be smoky grey with white paws and serene violet eyes. oh, and your little elfin bell. it's silver. *here*.

yah, i'm odd. that's why i'm an elfin child. indulge me. keke.    
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27-Mar-2007 23:33 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hey sporeguy....i'm familiar with both a*star and Temasek labs...pls consider a*star very carefully... there's a lot of shine there, but be careful. a prestigious uni phd is excellent, of course, but note that you're bonded for 5-8 years after, and you will not get to choose a project of your liking upon completion of your phd.

perhaps the most telling sign of an organisation's health is the frequency you see its job ads in the papers. If you realise, a*star posts out job adverts almost every week. => turnover rate rather high, since they're certainly not expanding that fast.

pros and cons i guess. temasek is the new kid on the block, so chances there will be limited in terms of project scope, and uni education (local vs overseas prestige). i guess it also depends on the girl's interest. Can't reveal the details of temasek's projects, but sure as hell they've got some very interesting tech in the military side. Their turnover rate strikes me as being rather low, too. since post temasek you can go into DSO, DMERI or DSTA etc related orgs.

dunno. is anyone here an actual scientist in either/or? perhaps he/she would be able to give a better view then, from the scientist's point of view? and haha, sorry, elf is fully on lee wei ling's side. I come from the field, i know the shenanigans within. The life sciences here is perhaps not working very well.    
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27-Mar-2007 23:23 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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godpa, concur with singaporegal on singpost (bollies tight, breakout soon) and comfortdelgro. my guess for singpost is up tho; 'cos of candlesticks and lag indicators. plus chart pattern.

comfortdelgro: the likely FA reason behind the TA trend observed: CDG owns 75% or so of SBStransit, which is giving out S44 credits of 23c (current px 2.72). so any divvy paid out will add to CDG's NTA, likely by quite a bit. so even if CDG is not rerated, keeping its current PE ratio would mean a proportional increase in share px. Mother-daughter scenario again. Plus, there's talk of taking SBStransit private (in which case, CDG's price might drop while SBS will go up). Can look at sbstransit to make your decision too perhaps? There's been accumulation on both counters: SBS since 14th feb, CDG since at least 9th mar.
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27-Mar-2007 22:52 Stamford Land   /   Time for Re Rating?       Go to Message
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yep da gege,

elf: stland: vested.

note: tech target is 58-63c, in at least 6 mths. So not for contra or very short term. i'm prepared to hold even a year for this counter. low beta, slow growth stock.   
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26-Mar-2007 22:32 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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yep godpa. chinkiasu is right. the increase goes only to the ministers and the top 55 civil servants.

meanwhile, ppl like me being made to work harder while the gods play their political games.

k, gotta go, sis wants to use the comp.

yongjiu, you're cute. i'll give you points for that. keke. you're smarter than you appear on line. tempted to adopt you as a kitten, but elf has only one pet, and that's my bunnie. *hugs bunnie!*

k gotta go, byes! :)
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25-Mar-2007 17:29 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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k godpa, nites for now. elf gonna go for a nap. next week i'm dead at work; external meetings/seminars/etc every single day, plus need to chiong reports and own pjts. will not likely be online much nxt week. :(
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25-Mar-2007 17:25 Entertainment   /   Proper managing of money       Go to Message
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yes godpa. it's a question of what price you're willing to pay for your freedom. we can't vote with electoral paper, but we can vote with our feet.

3 out of 4 young singaporeans talk of emigrating. the only thing stopping most is having to leave their family here, or lack of funds/job offer from overseas.
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