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Latest Posts By WanSiTong - Master      About WanSiTong
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29-Apr-2013 09:12 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Calm before the storm !!

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26-Apr-2013 12:49 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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If YZJ has the same profit margin as SM or Keppel,  market price now would be more than  $ 4 or $10 !!

pcscorpio      ( Date: 26-Apr-2013 12:37) Posted:

from wad i heard yangzi's contracts the profit margin very low. much lower then sembmar or keppel's

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26-Apr-2013 11:46 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Those attending can you ask how is the progress of :

The placement of 330m warrants with exercise price  of around $1.50.

sk6666      ( Date: 26-Apr-2013 11:19) Posted:

Are you attending? Can update us the outcome of the meeting? Thanks.

oldflyingfox      ( Date: 26-Apr-2013 11:14) Posted:

I think won't be so fast, but I'm surprised that it came out just before the AGM this afternoon. Let see how the chairman comment during the AGM Q& A..

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26-Apr-2013 11:03 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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12 months Prospects: (Extracted from The SGX announceement) :

The Group delivered 9 vessels in 1Q2013, and announced the cessation of 1 shipbuilding contract recently. The cessation is for one 2,500TEU container ship of which 40% deposits was collected. The Group ceased the above contract in accordance to contractual terms and confiscated the corresponding deposits so as to minimize operational risks. With the cessation of two 2,500TEU container ships announced on 22nd February 2013, the Group is now actively sourcing for potential buyers for the three 2500TEU containerships. These three 2500TEU containerships were ordered by the same owner in year 2007, and scheduled for completion in 2013.

2013年 第 一 季 度 , 集 團 共 計 交 付 9艘 船 舶 , 並 在 近 期 宣 佈 終 止 1艘 船 舶 合 約 , 此 船 舶 為 一 艘 2,500TEU貨 櫃 輪 并 已 收 取 40%的 定 金 。 公 司 根 據 合 同 規 定 終 止 此 訂 單 , 並 沒 收 相 應 的 定 金 以 控 制 經 營 風 險 。 加 上 在 2013年 2月 22日 已 宣 佈 終 止 的 兩 艘 2,500TEU貨 櫃 輪 訂 單 , 集 團 正 積 極 的 為 三 艘 2500TEU貨 櫃 輪 尋 找 意 向 買 家 , 此 三 艘 2,500TEU貨 櫃 輪 訂 單 均 為 同 一 客 戶 於 2007年 定 下 的 訂 單 , 計 劃 將 在 2013年 完 工 。

Despite the intense competition and headwinds faced by the commercial shipbuilding industry, following the Seaspan order secured in January 2013, the Group entered into eight new shipbuilding contracts amounting to USD237 million recently, comprising five 82,000DWT dry bulk carriers, two 36,000DWT multi-purpose vessels and one 94,000DWT trans-load vessel. The orders also come with 5 optional units worth USD155 million, comprising two 82,000DWT dry bulk carriers, two 36,000DWT multi-purpose vessels and one 94000DWT trans-load vessel. With the additions to the order books as mentioned above, the Group’s outstanding shipbuilding order book stood at 65 vessels with a total value of USD3.31 billion as at the announcement date.

儘 管 市 場 疲 軟 競 爭 激 烈 , 繼 集 團 在 2013年 1月 接 獲 西 斯 班 公 司 的 訂 單 後 , 集 團 又 新 簽 八 艘 總 額 為 2.37億 美 元 的 新 造 船 合 同 , 新 簽 訂 單 為 五 艘 82,000DWT散 貨 船 , 兩 艘 36,000DWT多 用 途 船 以 及 一 艘 94,000DWT自 卸 船 。 這 些 訂 單 配 有 價 值 1.55億 美 元 共 計 五 艘 船 東 可 選 擇 生 效 之 合 約 , 分 別 為 两 艘 82,000DWT散 貨 船 , 兩 艘 36,000DWT多 用 途 船 和 一 艘 94,000DWT自 卸 船 。 在 新 增 上 述 訂 單 後 , 集 團 在 截 至 公 告 日 的 手 持 訂 單 價 值 為 美 金 33.1億 元 , 共 計 65艘 船 舶 。

With the increase in recent enquires of new orders, the Group believes the down trend has stabilised. We are working closely with potential buyers to secure more orders in year 2013. The Chinese government has also announced a number of strategic measures, including their plan to consolidate 70% of the nation’s shipbuilding capacity into the top 10 local shipbuilding groups in view of the dire state of the shipping industry last year, with proposed supportive regulations recently to incentivise ship owners to demolish and rebuild vessels of more than 15 years of age, provided these vessels are reconstructed in China. In adapting to a depressed shipping industry and increasing pressure on environmental conservation, the Group has witnessed an emerging trend for smaller sized eco-ships with a focus on fuel efficiency. A number of big shipping lines have announced plans for an eco-friendly shipping fleet. The Group is well placed to leverage on this trend, and have existing capabilities to construct eco-friendly vessels of various sizes.

最 近 查 詢 新 訂 單 增 加 , 下 降 趨 勢 已 趨 於 穩 定 , 我 們 正 與 潛 在 買 家 緊 密 合 作 以 在 2013年 爭 取 到 更 多 的 訂 單 。 基 於 船 舶 市 場 處 於 低 迷 期 , 去 年 中 國 政 府 宣 布 幾 項 關 鍵 措 施 中 包 括 把 全 國 70%的 造 船 量 集 中 在 國 內 十 大 造 船 集 團 。 并 在 近 期 推 出 提 供 補 貼 給 在 國 內 重 造 超 過 15年 船 齡 船 隻 的 船 東 的 舉 措 。 在 船 舶 市 場 低 迷 和 環 保 人 士 的 壓 力 下 , 小 型 環 保 節 能 船 也 漸 漸 成 為 新 趨 勢 , 幾 家 大 型 造 船 公 司 已 宣 布 投 入 資 金 建 造 環 保 節 能 船 。 集 團 在 這 方 面 有 能 力 建 造 不 同 型 號 的 環 保 節 能 船 , 迎 合 這 股 趨 勢 。

The Group remains focused on maximizing shareholders’ value through value creation. Progress in shipbuilding and related segments may remain slow, but investment in held-to-maturity financial assets will allow the Group to weather through the challenging times. Investment in held-to-maturity financial assets was made possible due to the Group’s accumulation of reserves throughout the years. Such investments optimize the return of these resources, thereby lifting the Group’s profitability. The Group will maintain the investment strategy and continue to adopt a rigorous risk management approach in assessing and evaluating all investments. In addition, the Group remains committed in executing its plans in its transformation into an integrated marine group with diversified revenue streams, which includes related businesses such as ship repair and ship breaking. The Group will also use this opportunity to strengthen its capabilities and increase its product range by building its offshore segment, which has already secured an order for a jack up rig in 2012.

集 團 將 持 續 致 力 於 通 過 價 值 創 造 最 大 化 股 東 價 值 。 造 船 及 相 關 產 業 的 增 長 將 放 緩 腳 步 , 但 集 團 在 過 去 數 年 累 積 的 財 富 , 使 得 集 團 有 條 件 投 資 持 有 至 到 期 金 融 資 產 以 幫 助 集 團 渡 過 當 前 充 滿 挑 戰 的 時 期 。 此 類 投 資 也 將 有 助 優 化 資 源 的 回 報 , 從 而 提 升 集 團 的 盈 利 能 力 。 集 團 將 保 持 投 資 策 略 , 并 採 用 嚴 格 的 風 險 管 理 評 估 及 評 價 所 有 投 資 。 另 外 , 集 團 繼 續 致 力 於 打 造 綜 合 海 事 集 團 的 目 標 , 其 中 包 括 其 他 相 關 業 務 如 修 船 和 拆 船 業 務 。 集 團 也 將 借 此 機 會 加 強 自 身 實 力 , 加 大 力 度 擴 展 海 工 業 務 。 集 團 在 2012年 已 贏 得 第 一 艘 自 升 式 鑽 井 平 臺 的 訂 單 。

The Board believes that challenges give rise to opportunities. The Board remains confident of the Group’s financial performance for year 2013.

董 事 局 相 信 挑 戰 與 機 遇 並 存 , 並 對 集 團 2013年 的 財 務 表 現 充 滿 信 心 。

pcscorpio      ( Date: 26-Apr-2013 10:49) Posted:

Shipbuilder Yangzijiang on Friday posted a 30 per cent slide in net profit to RMB717.2 million for its first quarter ended March 31, 2013, down from RMB1 billion a year ago. Revenue for the quarter fell 22 per cent to RMB2.9 billion, from RMB3.7 billion a year earlier, hit by lower contributions from its core revenue driver, the shipbuilding related segment. " The group was affected by the challenging environment faced by the overall commercial shipbuilding industry, which resulted in the cessation of one additional shipbuilding contract in 1Q2013, as well as the cessation of four shipbuilding contracts in 4Q2012 which impacted the original delivery schedule. " As a result, the group delivered nine vessels in 1Q2013, compared to 15 vessels in 1Q2012," it said. (Source: Business Times)

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26-Apr-2013 09:45 CapitaMalls Asia   /   First Day trading open at $2.30       Go to Message
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New malls contribute


guoyanyunyan      ( Date: 26-Apr-2013 08:47) Posted:

CapitaMalls Asia: Sharp execution bearing fruit

CMA’s 1Q13 PATMI came in at S$73.2m – up 9.6% YoY mostly due to contributions from Star Vista, four malls in Japan and Queensbay Mall, a S$6.6m gain from warehousing of two assets sold to CCDFII, better performance from CMT, ION Orchard and the China Funds, and a sale at The Orchard Residences. Excluding one-time items, we judge 1Q13 results to be somewhat above expectations. Given the H7N9 bird flu outbreak, shopper traffic for CMA’s Chinese malls showed a decrease of -0.9% YoY. On a same mall basis, however, tenant sales were up +15.9% YoY. We see worsening H7N9 fears potentially reducing retail traffic over the nearer term but a sustained long-term business impact, in our view, is unlikely. Maintain BUY with an unchanged fair value estimate of S$2.55.

...Prev Close: $2.04...

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26-Apr-2013 09:12 Vard   /   STXOSV       Go to Message
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Last yr results out on 14 May

NoRiskNoGain      ( Date: 25-Apr-2013 15:20) Posted:

Wake me up too when Vards managed to secure the Brazil yard contract.  SmileySmileySmiley 

  Anyone have any idea when the result will be out ?

eddyte      ( Date: 25-Apr-2013 14:50) Posted:

There was an unknown buyer of a cable layer ship in October 2012 announcement.   I just wonder if this is the same contract, the delivery time is almost the same.

If it is a new contract, Vard should have announced it earlier than Tradewinds.

Anyway, can't expect much from this counter for now.... Sleepy....

Good Luck. 


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26-Apr-2013 05:10 Baker Technology   /   It's time to rebound ????       Go to Message
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  all resolutions relating to matters as set out in the Notice of AGM were duly passed. ie 10 dividend is approved.

tea444u      ( Date: 26-Apr-2013 00:24) Posted:

Hi thanks   those who responded...but wansitong...i dont understand the second part....so 10 cent div is approved right?

WanSiTong      ( Date: 25-Apr-2013 23:04) Posted:

1. Notice of AGM:



javascript:showDocns_7_2AA4H0C0908270IURSS5IF31H4_(" E16F44AE1C29FD5D48257B58003C5CAB" , " IPO New Listings" )

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25-Apr-2013 23:04 Baker Technology   /   It's time to rebound ????       Go to Message
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1. Notice of AGM:



javascript:showDocns_7_2AA4H0C0908270IURSS5IF31H4_(" E16F44AE1C29FD5D48257B58003C5CAB" , " IPO New Listings" )

gnsmj5056      ( Date: 25-Apr-2013 22:40) Posted:


Although I did not attend the AGM today, BTL informed SGX  that COO has resigned but will remain as director.

This could explain why he has been dumping the shares.

Still waiting for any feedback from any attendees at the AGM.




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25-Apr-2013 11:56 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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vested. Flyordie also vested @ 0.925 right ??

pcscorpio      ( Date: 25-Apr-2013 11:07) Posted:

Who is vested? 

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25-Apr-2013 09:27 Vard   /   STXOSV       Go to Message
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Let's wait & see how is the performance for 1st Qtr '13 which will be announced on 14 May
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25-Apr-2013 09:16 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Dividend 5 cents Ex date : 8 May

Flyordie      ( Date: 24-Apr-2013 20:11) Posted:

Don't know is it real, my "boss" asked me to watch it closely...don't miss the boat

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23-Apr-2013 09:22 Vard   /   STXOSV       Go to Message
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Kee chiew Smiley 29

Stormer      ( Date: 22-Apr-2013 22:04) Posted:

To put it very simply: this Student shorted Vard very heavily lah. Those who agree, kee chiew!

I support your view, brother SFGRZ.

SFGuyRuleZ      ( Date: 22-Apr-2013 21:04) Posted:

I am not here to debate with you nor discuss with you forum etiquette as I do not have the time also. If you think about many of the comments you posted, not just in this STX OSV forum but others as well, how many of your posts are really beneficial to investors? All I read were about feelings of yours to particular stocks and how they will sink,etc... I do like some posts commented by you which states that investor emotions determine market movement alot, which I agree to a very large extent also. Other than this, most of your posts contain negative attacks about how bad a stock fares, how low it will sink, etc... without even stating your explanation but merely just say what you wanted to say. And in any case, my intention is not to " flame" you or to argue with you, but merely out of goodwill that you should not say certain things. Once in a while I know we can be emotional in our postings about the movement of certain stocks, but definitely is not alright to do it all the time, worse when not substantiated with explanation or facts.

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22-Apr-2013 11:29 Sembcorp Ind   /   SembCorp Industries       Go to Message
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15 cents dividend Ex date : 29 Apr

WanSiTong      ( Date: 19-Apr-2013 17:26) Posted:

you are right! down almost 2 months. Over sold,   time to rebound!!?

marubozu1688      ( Date: 03-Mar-2013 00:54) Posted:

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19-Apr-2013 17:26 Sembcorp Ind   /   SembCorp Industries       Go to Message
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you are right! down almost 2 months. Over sold,   time to rebound!!?

marubozu1688      ( Date: 03-Mar-2013 00:54) Posted:

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19-Apr-2013 17:18 Sembcorp Ind   /   SembCorp Industries       Go to Message
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WanSiTong      ( Date: 19-Apr-2013 17:09) Posted:

Extraded from 2012 Full yr results announcement:

2013 Prospects look good !!! 15 cents dividend ex 29/4



In 2013, the completion of Singapore’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal is expected to increase natural

gas supply to the country. In addition, over 2,400 megawatts of new generation capacity is expected to

come onstream over the next few years, starting from 2013. The increase in gas supply and generation

capacity is expected to intensify competition and may impact the performance of our Singapore


2013 will see a full year’s contribution from our newly-acquired power assets in China and the completion

of our second woodchip boiler in Singapore in June.

The Utilities business, underpinned by long-term contracts and strong operational performance, will remain

focused on the execution of its pipeline of projects and pursuit of new growth opportunities to deliver longterm



Our Marine business has a net orderbook of S$13.6 billion with completion and deliveries stretching into

2019. This includes S$11 billion in contract orders secured in 2012 and a S$900 million contract secured

since the start of 2013.

The new yard at Tuas will commence operations in the second half of 2013 and the construction of the

Brazilian yard is on track.

The business continues to receive healthy enquiries for the various segments although competition

remains keen with effects on margin.

Urban Development

The Urban Development business is expected to deliver a better performance in 2013.


The Group, underpinned by sound business fundamentals and a healthy pipeline of projects and

orderbook, continues to be well-positioned to deliver long-term growth.


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19-Apr-2013 17:09 Sembcorp Ind   /   SembCorp Industries       Go to Message
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Extraded from 2012 Full yr results announcement:

2013 Prospects look good !!! 15 cents dividend ex 29/4



In 2013, the completion of Singapore’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal is expected to increase natural

gas supply to the country. In addition, over 2,400 megawatts of new generation capacity is expected to

come onstream over the next few years, starting from 2013. The increase in gas supply and generation

capacity is expected to intensify competition and may impact the performance of our Singapore


2013 will see a full year’s contribution from our newly-acquired power assets in China and the completion

of our second woodchip boiler in Singapore in June.

The Utilities business, underpinned by long-term contracts and strong operational performance, will remain

focused on the execution of its pipeline of projects and pursuit of new growth opportunities to deliver longterm



Our Marine business has a net orderbook of S$13.6 billion with completion and deliveries stretching into

2019. This includes S$11 billion in contract orders secured in 2012 and a S$900 million contract secured

since the start of 2013.

The new yard at Tuas will commence operations in the second half of 2013 and the construction of the

Brazilian yard is on track.

The business continues to receive healthy enquiries for the various segments although competition

remains keen with effects on margin.

Urban Development

The Urban Development business is expected to deliver a better performance in 2013.


The Group, underpinned by sound business fundamentals and a healthy pipeline of projects and

orderbook, continues to be well-positioned to deliver long-term growth.


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19-Apr-2013 12:47 Baker Technology   /   It's time to rebound ????       Go to Message
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Oop! Ex-date is 7/5 and not 5/7.Smiley 101

WanSiTong      ( Date: 19-Apr-2013 12:00) Posted:

AGM date is 25/4, Dividend Ex-date is 5/7 ! Only left 2 working weeks !! Yao mai jiu kuai !!!

WanSiTong      ( Date: 19-Apr-2013 11:50) Posted:

Most likely (99.99% )   the dividend will be approved

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19-Apr-2013 12:00 Baker Technology   /   It's time to rebound ????       Go to Message
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AGM date is 25/4, Dividend Ex-date is 5/7 ! Only left 2 working weeks !! Yao mai jiu kuai !!!

WanSiTong      ( Date: 19-Apr-2013 11:50) Posted:

Most likely (99.99% )   the dividend will be approved !

WanSiTong      ( Date: 19-Apr-2013 10:07) Posted:

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19-Apr-2013 11:50 Baker Technology   /   It's time to rebound ????       Go to Message
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Most likely (99.99% )   the dividend will be approved !

WanSiTong      ( Date: 19-Apr-2013 10:07) Posted:

AGM will be held on 25/4 (Thu), by the time it will be confirmed.


gnsmj5056      ( Date: 14-Apr-2013 10:11) Posted:


1.Can anyone give comments on the doubts expressed that maybe the 10c dividends may not be approved ?

    Some people are buying into this counter due to the attractive dividends( I am one of them) because when they look into SGX -   the BTL(568) comes with CD(cum dividends)..

2. Regarding the COO dumping shares and is still dumping .. my hypothesis is he is now - 65/66 years old and maybe calling it a day. BTL appears to be not paying very high salary for their top executives but giving them performance shares and/or warrants. Therefore he could be cashing out this 'make up' to the low salary he is getting.

3. Next earnings announcement (1Q2013) seems to be on 25 April 2013 as per Bloomberg: 



Thanks and best regards


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19-Apr-2013 10:07 Baker Technology   /   It's time to rebound ????       Go to Message
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AGM will be held on 25/4 (Thu), by the time it will be confirmed.


gnsmj5056      ( Date: 14-Apr-2013 10:11) Posted:


1.Can anyone give comments on the doubts expressed that maybe the 10c dividends may not be approved ?

    Some people are buying into this counter due to the attractive dividends( I am one of them) because when they look into SGX -   the BTL(568) comes with CD(cum dividends)..

2. Regarding the COO dumping shares and is still dumping .. my hypothesis is he is now - 65/66 years old and maybe calling it a day. BTL appears to be not paying very high salary for their top executives but giving them performance shares and/or warrants. Therefore he could be cashing out this 'make up' to the low salary he is getting.

3. Next earnings announcement (1Q2013) seems to be on 25 April 2013 as per Bloomberg: 



Thanks and best regards


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