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Latest Posts By risktaker - Supreme      About risktaker
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01-Oct-2009 10:07 FrasersComm   /   FrasersComm       Go to Message
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wont call that heavy buying

beckleong      ( Date: 01-Oct-2009 10:06) Posted:

Heavy buying last 1 hr.   Something gg on??

A48U (FrasersComm)
Last retrieved on Thu, October 01, 2009 at 10:05:02
 SPREAD/PRICE RATIO : -1.0000 AVG TRADE SIZE : 453,882.353
Last Trades VolTraded BuyVol Mid SellVol
0.160 14 7,158,000 7,158,000 0 0
0.165 3 558,000 0 0 558,000
TOTAL 17 7,716,000 7,158,000 0 558,000

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01-Oct-2009 09:57 Others   /   Earth Quake in Sumatra       Go to Message
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omg felt another after shock
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01-Oct-2009 09:49 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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zhou yu this kind of money i would rather not earn ....
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01-Oct-2009 08:52 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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haha well i think i share once regarding this :) go search thru my post

aircraft      ( Date: 01-Oct-2009 08:49) Posted:

Hi Risktaker,

 Errr.. how you pull the price down ? ES/CFD short ? If you already have the shares and sell now, will be losing $ right. thks

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01-Oct-2009 08:42 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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If zhou yu is as smart as he should be .... Midas will down

keepnosecrets      ( Date: 01-Oct-2009 08:37) Posted:

The upward move will be happening since the consolidation is about over.  Look at the congested area of the upward inching "phase". This is going to explode very urgently.

risktaker      ( Date: 01-Oct-2009 08:27) Posted:

Zhou yu ah zhou yu, i know u doesnt like him :) Please have some mercy on the rest of midaser

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01-Oct-2009 08:27 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Zhou yu ah zhou yu, i know u doesnt like him :) Please have some mercy on the rest of midaser
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01-Oct-2009 07:37 Others   /   Stocks Correction Mid September to Early October       Go to Message
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Zhuge Liang and me have our own reasons. But its against the Heaven if we reveal :) So Good luck

CWQuah      ( Date: 01-Oct-2009 01:19) Posted:


Don't bother to predict. Not many ppl can secondguess the market correctly. And secondguessing wrongly can be very painful.

Just plan for both up and down scenarios - mark out your technical charts diligently, or review the fundamentals of your stocks objectively. And once you have a trading/investment plan, ACT UPON THE PLAN. And make sure stoploss always in place.

Don't even assume certain previous market norms/behaviours will persist. See what mkt does, then act. Don't act just because so-and-so month is traditionally bad for mkt, etc. All these persistence of beliefs can cloud judgment.

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01-Oct-2009 07:36 Others   /   Earth Quake in Sumatra       Go to Message
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I read the papers and they say singapore buildings are built to withstand tremor .... so not earthquake ?

Well the earthquake strike on the other side of Sumatra "900 km" away and almost the whole Singapore felt it...... I guess if the earthquake strike even closer we might see some destruction...  This is not good.
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01-Oct-2009 07:31 Others   /   Stocks Correction Mid September to Early October       Go to Message
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I trust Zhuge Liang :)

CWQuah      ( Date: 01-Oct-2009 01:19) Posted:


Don't bother to predict. Not many ppl can secondguess the market correctly. And secondguessing wrongly can be very painful.

Just plan for both up and down scenarios - mark out your technical charts diligently, or review the fundamentals of your stocks objectively. And once you have a trading/investment plan, ACT UPON THE PLAN. And make sure stoploss always in place.

Don't even assume certain previous market norms/behaviours will persist. See what mkt does, then act. Don't act just because so-and-so month is traditionally bad for mkt, etc. All these persistence of beliefs can cloud judgment.

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01-Oct-2009 00:17 Others   /   Global Crisis - Do you Care ?       Go to Message
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Thats why knowing it without doing anything is worst than not knowing it. We have to act now :)

Spread the words :) We have to take a Sharp turn right now People. For our future generation ...... Do it

equator2010      ( Date: 30-Sep-2009 23:59) Posted:

In my visits to a senior's home, there was this very bright 90 year old lady. We were talking about cakes and pastries, and then we moved to the topic of environmental degradation - how oil riggers were dumping chemicals and acids into the seas, how mercury in the oceans were poisoning the fish that we eat for sushi (that's why people suffer from mercury poisoning from eating too much sushi), how man uses explosives in the seas that kill all marine life (including dolphins and coral reefs) to fish,  how man has been overfishing with big trawlers (resulting in what marine biologists predict will be the depletion of fish by 2050), how defenceless factory farm animals continue to suffer under their cruel masters, (see http://www.heart4animals.com ) how all the ice in the North and South Pole would be melted, how islands would disappear under the rising oceans....

she smiled knowingly  and raised her hand to me, with an eerie smile, and asked me : are you ready ?  The end of the world will be marked by all kinds of disasters and calamities as you are seeing now.  Are you ready?

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01-Oct-2009 00:15 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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No Doubt this counter is a gem. But currently we are in a correction round. So this counter will be corrected as well. Just depending on Zhou Yu how far he wanted to press this Burger down :)

star888      ( Date: 01-Oct-2009 00:06) Posted:

I believe this counter is a gem. Sometimes you can know how irrational people is. Awarded billion dollars contract, people throw. Cash call ie issue warrant, they chase like hell.  

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01-Oct-2009 00:13 Others   /   Stocks Correction Mid September to Early October       Go to Message
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People refuse to listen/believe because they think they are smarter than the rest or they refuse to face reality.
But coming days will prove my prediction :) Watch
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30-Sep-2009 23:24 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Short :) for at least 1 week hehe 

handon      ( Date: 30-Sep-2009 23:22) Posted:

follow the flow lah.... haha... Smiley

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30-Sep-2009 22:58 Golden Agri-Res   /   What is Golden Agri Intrinsic Value?       Go to Message
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goldenagri will still go down. Also please for the sake of human stop clearing the land with fire..... Your killing earth "goldenagr".
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30-Sep-2009 22:50 Others   /   Stocks Correction Mid September to Early October       Go to Message
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None left :) (expect certain Correction Proof stock)

Run liao lor..... :)  The effects will be bigger due to the natural disasters happening in US and Sumatra. Trade with Cautions.

Peg_li      ( Date: 30-Sep-2009 22:34) Posted:

u,out already?clear all aready?

risktaker      ( Date: 30-Sep-2009 22:30) Posted:

Hope u guys already out.

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30-Sep-2009 22:38 Others   /   Global Crisis - Do you Care ?       Go to Message
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The era of human will be ending if we dont stop/roll back what we are doing right now. Everyone play a part. Each of us contribute carbon in some ways. We have to control our growth and seriously practice the 3 Rs ... Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Stop using plastic bags, Bring your own recycle bags to shop. Turn off Air-Con, Take more public transport, use biodegradable products we have to educate everyone about this. I fear very extreme weather gonna hit us pretty soon.

All the warning sign is here. I really hope i am wrong ...... We have to REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE. WE HAVE TO ROLL BACK NOW OR ELSE ITS TOO LATE.
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30-Sep-2009 22:30 Others   /   Stocks Correction Mid September to Early October       Go to Message
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Hope u guys already out.
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30-Sep-2009 22:09 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Good luck guys :) Already warned End Sept till Early Oct will be deadly

risktaker      ( Date: 28-Sep-2009 22:18) Posted:

final push before correction :)

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30-Sep-2009 20:47 Others   /   Earth Quake in Sumatra       Go to Message
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i expect some indonesian stock gonna be affected.
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30-Sep-2009 20:28 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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This is what happen today :) Zhou Yu hahaha

but the price is from 0.915 - 0.860

risktaker      ( Date: 17-Sep-2009 18:48) Posted:

Monday Jim brought 20 lots @ 0.85 (How many buyers are like Jim)
Tuesday Jenny Brought 10 lots @ 0.86 (How many buyers are like jenny)
Remember there are big time contra player as well.

Wednesday BB Pump it up to $0.89 - Those contra players who brought yesterday = confirm dead. If BB want them dead.
More people chase @ $0.88 , $0.87 because somehow the charge shows that the trend and direction = positively up.

Thursday BB pressure it to 0.86 -0.87 range Jim & Jenny still can make money if he exit today

Friday BB Pump a little up $0.87. People chase again. What if BB short it down to 0.84 within few throws and all they have to do is hold it for 2 days next week (Tuesday and Wednesday). All Contra players will lose money. The BB of course have to make money la. so it is eventually the Contra player that will pay BB profit.

Now ask yourself if that make sense.

In shares If you win, someone will lose thats the balance law.


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