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16-Mar-2010 13:49 Tiger Airways Rg   /   TigerAir       Go to Message
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Nothing is impossible.
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16-Mar-2010 13:46 Tiger Airways Rg   /   TigerAir       Go to Message
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No big deal letting taiger airway fly shanghai / beijing .   SIA handle flights to Moon and space,,, hahaha!

pharoah88      ( Date: 16-Mar-2010 11:38) Posted:

The BilliOn dOllar QuestiOn iS

"WiLL SiA  allOw  TiGER AiR  tO  fly  SHANGHAI & BEIJING rOutes?"

The EffEcts:

TiGER AiR  will  bOOmz  bOOmZ.

SiA  prOfits  will  bE  dampEnEd,

cOnflict  Of  iNTERESTS

whO's  iNTEREST  iS  mOre  impOrtant?

jUst LiKE GST is gOOd  fOr  the gOvernment but nOt gOOd  fOr the peOple.

That is why GST is  rEfundEd  tO  tOurists.

hOng kOng  has nO GST  absOlutely. 

anOther  blOOdy  jOkE

risktaker      ( Date: 15-Mar-2010 19:23) Posted:

I am very very tempted to buy this baby today. Any news coming out for this baby ? Looks pretty solid ...

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16-Mar-2010 13:43 Others   /   Jack Neo saga cont'd.....       Go to Message
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Some said this whole scandal, got 'master mind' behind it.   May be this master mind is from overseas? or perhaps, local?    No one knows, but, i am sure this will let out sooner or later, hopefully so..

purelotus      ( Date: 16-Mar-2010 12:53) Posted:

Politically view,

Don think that Mark Lee can open his own company without Jack Neo backing.

What Mark Lee has? He direct and produce movie before?

Mark Lee has to transfer skill and experience from Jack Neo company with Jack Neo backing, of course Jack Neo earn less than before.



If really Mark Lee open his own company without Jack Neo backing, then this scandal is created by Mark Lee, he backstab Jack Neo. 

renzokun      ( Date: 16-Mar-2010 11:14) Posted:

i guess it really explains y mark lee wan to setup his own company

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16-Mar-2010 13:41 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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No. should not cancel the Levy.   This will encourage more to gamble.

Some office workers go there after work, then, play for a few round, go home, come back again (within the 24 hours) in the morning before heading for office to work...............



pharoah88      ( Date: 16-Mar-2010 12:22) Posted:

CANCEL  the  casinO lEvy.


there are already  casinO BAN Orders.

"dOn't  Gean  Lui"

pharoah88      ( Date: 16-Mar-2010 11:51) Posted:

CasinO Dress Code sO dOwn?

S$100 casinO  lEvy  iS  at faUlt.

gOvernment  shOuld  nOt  nOt take away the S$100  dress budget 

Of  singapOrean and PR casinO  visitOrs 

this is  a  BAD pOlicy

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16-Mar-2010 12:40 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Think about the transportaion business - they will boom not only in Singapore, but around the world.!!

From Beijng to London, needs only less than 48 hours compared to last time, one week!! -


Orient super express: From London to Beijing by train... in just TWO days

By Peter Simpson and David Wilkes
Last updated at 11:10 PM on 09th March 2010

Taking up more than a week of your life, the train journey from London to Beijing is not one most people would currently consider.

But fast forward a few years and you could find yourself stepping off in the Chinese capital in a mere two days.

The prospect of the incredible journey came closer to reality yesterday with China's ambitious plans to build a high-speed rail network to Europe.

Enlarge   Orient super express.jpg

Under the scheme, British passengers would be able to depart from King's Cross in London and, using the Channel Tunnel, join a service to the Chinese capital.

Rail expert Wang Mengshu, from China's Academy of Engineering, said: 'We are aiming for the trains to run at 215mph.'

That means the 5,070-mile trip from London to Beijing - which currently takes a week or more and several changes of service - could be completed in 48 hours.


Life on the slower, glamorous Orient Express

The new service will not be arriving in Britain just yet, but the Chinese are hopeful it could be here within ten to 15 years.

China already has its own high-speed railway network, and is negotiating to extend this to up to 17 countries.

Mr Wang said most of the countries already at the negotiating table are in south-east and central Asia. The talks involve a trade of resources for technology. Many of the countries are under-developed but mineral rich.

China has proposed three highspeed railway projects, although the specific routes have yet to be decided.

The first would potentially connect Kunming in southern China, with Singapore via Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia. Another could start in Urumqi in northern China and go through Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, and possibly end in India.

The third would start in China's north-east and go north through Russia and then into Western Europe.

Though the project may have a bumpy ride with security issues such as illegal migration, smuggling and visas, the ambitions of the world's most populous country are rarely derailed.

China is spending £480billion on domestic railway expansion, aiming to build nearly 19,000 miles of railway in the next five years.

And it boasts the world's fastest train, the 250mph Harmony Express, which speeds 660 miles between the cities of Wuhan and Guangzhou in three hours.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1256536/200mph-train-link-London-Beijing-just-days.html#ixzz0iJMR6MqD

risktaker      ( Date: 15-Mar-2010 23:19) Posted:

Hint: Think about how they get to singapore too. dont limit yourself to the locals

Singapore will see a record number of visitors this year :)

ozone2002      ( Date: 15-Mar-2010 23:07) Posted:

families bringing the kids to RWS universal

hence genting make $$$$$ ...so buy genting.. :)

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16-Mar-2010 12:22 Others   /   Jack Neo saga cont'd.....       Go to Message
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Is only SMS,so what? Why keep those SMS?  To scrutinise the SMS, the police/ lawyer could trace back all her SMS sent to her, including those from her male friends or admirers......to compare the contents and get the expert to analyse whether those SMS sent by her friends or J Neo, warrant the police's arrest or put a person to jail.....

If not, she has to pay back J.Neo's reputation for defamation she had on him.

Three possibility why she want to be in  the press/publicity ::

1) Fame / publicity - yes, she already got it in singapore and she already got a contract to act in Taiwan (is it Taiwan? .if i didnt read it wrongly).  p/s - Taiwan girls are really so pretty and so fair......she got chance to be the leading actress or not? 

2) money - may be she wants compensation?

3) Jail term for J Neo - sorry , this is definitely not going to happen for no physical contact eg. touching her / molesting / or raping her.. .. 



Richman      ( Date: 16-Mar-2010 11:06) Posted:

The Big Jack tactics

Foyce Le Xuan claimed that she had kept SMSes sent by Jack Neo to her as proof that he had been sexually harrassing her.

The latter had earlier denied her accusations and counter-challenged her to show him the proof.

The SMSes had been passed to the police this afternoon after Foyce lodged a police report against Jack Neo.

Two of them were published by Lianhe Wanbao:

1. “Thinking of you now” (in Chinese)

2. “i am on the way to jB doing e album promotion last 2 days were in KL. Miss u.”

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16-Mar-2010 11:40 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Singaporean!! plse dress up if go Casino -  You are making the whole casino looks like 'maket place' and dress down the casino.

Round collar t-shirt with bermudas and Crocs??? Very sloppy!

A proper polo-T with collar and long pants/jeans will be more appropriate. 
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16-Mar-2010 11:32 Others   /   U.S. lawmakers urge action on China yuan policy       Go to Message
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""It called on the administration to include China in its currency manipulation report, due out next month, and urged the Commerce Dept. "to apply the U.S. countervailing duty law in defense of American companies who have suffered as a result of the currency manipulation.""


Hahaha!  If Amercians got no jobs, they can go China and work..........China plentiful of jobs avaialble.


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16-Mar-2010 10:57 Others   /   Jack Neo saga cont'd.....       Go to Message
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Each day is 'HELL' for  the Wife and innocent children!!   WTF , the singming newspaper/press keep on having new pictures and women coming forward to gain publicity.....
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16-Mar-2010 10:42 Others   /   Jack Neo saga cont'd.....       Go to Message
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If nin peh is Jack newo, nin peh will sue her!

She shld have warned J Neo immeditaely she recievd those SMS and threatened to file police report there and then,  NOT NOW!!     Back then, what was in her mind? 

nickyng      ( Date: 15-Mar-2010 19:18) Posted:

wow...looks like there is new development ....wow... :P



Foyce makes police report


This afternoon, Foyce Le Xuan made a police report at the Tampines Police post.

She said she would show the police the text messages alleging sexual harassment that Jack Neo had sent her.

However, she does not know how much the police will be able to assist her.

She has also requested for police protection for threatening phone calls she has been receiving.

One such threat was from a male caller who told her to keep silent.

Her church pastor has also advised her to stop speaking to the media.

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14-Mar-2010 15:54 StarHub   /   Starhub       Go to Message
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I feel that Government came in at the right time!!

This is beneficial to everyone, and, i think StarHub has to bear the bidding cost of what Singtel has paid.   Next, Singapore Pools must come in also.....hopefully all 3 parties share the burden. 

Raindrops      ( Date: 13-Mar-2010 17:38) Posted:

Funny! everything government also wana say anithing!~ Then should starhub shares the burden of the money bid by singtel to gain bpl?????? DAMN COCK LOR!

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14-Mar-2010 15:44 CapitaMalls Asia   /   CapMallsAsia Doji Moves Out of Down Channel       Go to Message
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Good maths skill .   LOL!

des_khor      ( Date: 13-Mar-2010 23:10) Posted:


Alligator      ( Date: 12-Mar-2010 09:13) Posted:

lets see MFT TP

DBSV 2.51

JPM 2.29

Macq 2.07

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14-Mar-2010 15:26 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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That Wendy mei mei  in xinming newspaper will be very interested to have the 'big and hard'  ones..  The 2nd  meimei in xinming newspaper is going to Taiwan to film, what a pity , she cant have it.  May be can offer to the 3rd 'fake meimei'  and can find her easily in the Massage Palour.    hahahah!

pharoah88      ( Date: 13-Mar-2010 14:34) Posted:

iF only Sarong Party Girl [SPG] can understand this  sEcrEt.

However, SPG is Only the minOrity.

MajOrity of  singapOre  girls are nOt SPGs becaue they knOw the sEcrEt.


iPunter      ( Date: 12-Mar-2010 16:54) Posted:

If Ah Bengs do the right things, Ah Bengs' can also be really big,

Even bigger and harder than angmoh's.

hehehe... Smiley

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14-Mar-2010 15:22 Straits Times Index   /   4D to share in ShareJunction 2010       Go to Message
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i will try my luck on these numbers. :)

risktaker      ( Date: 13-Mar-2010 08:26) Posted:

Ok I donno why i keep dreaming about 1185 !!!!!! In my dream I place $2 big and I strike. I saw the top 3 numbers on my TV. I remember clearly.....

1st Prize) 1185

2nd Prize) 6873

3rd Prize) 3312 

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14-Mar-2010 15:19 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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They will add 'majong' into the casino......  No need pay entrance fee ($100) for those just go there play Majong. 

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 13-Mar-2010 13:58) Posted:

This island city is too small to have two casinos.

Where to find so many gamblers who are prepared

to loss $$$$$$ for the casinos' survival. To date,is

there any record of high rollers gambling in genting

casino.? We read about cheats that are caught. I would

really like to know the profiles of ppls going to genting

casino to gamble. Count me out. I only play the share mkt.

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13-Mar-2010 23:01 Others   /   harrassment at work -- does anybody care?       Go to Message
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the harrased victims must ask themselves :  Why am i chosen to be the target?
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12-Mar-2010 18:33 Parkway   /   Parkway       Go to Message
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lately, you keep seeing 'Ghosts‘!   lol!

pharoah88      ( Date: 12-Mar-2010 18:17) Posted:


MajOr Stake sElling  means  Owner  fOresEEs   trOubles  iN  fUtUrE.

Owner  saw  The  ghOst

sO  iT iS RiGHT  tO  sEll

s E l l

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12-Mar-2010 18:30 Others   /   R U with Jack Neo or RU against him?       Go to Message
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I like ah nam leh!  super cool, this is 'true friend'!  Though he didnt put it up 'professionally', but, can sense his eagerness to help his friend in trouble.  :)
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12-Mar-2010 17:10 Others   /   R U with Jack Neo or RU against him?       Go to Message
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oh yes, u absolutely right. wat i meant was i dont use joss stick to pray a 'life' person.  :)


iPunter      ( Date: 12-Mar-2010 16:40) Posted:

You are a free thinker, then why can't you use joss stick, etc?

A free thinker should be free to do any ritual,

As a matter of being accomodating and or embracing cultural richness... Smiley

niuyear      ( Date: 12-Mar-2010 16:37) Posted:

No lar, i never use joss stick. (me free thinker).  I respect him for he is our founder of our country and done so much for us, though, we hear comments on the system, but, arent we safe and sound even so many comments? 

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12-Mar-2010 16:40 Others   /   imported ikan bilis       Go to Message
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hehehe!  from mkt fortune teller to become most fortunate trader.  Good one!!

Alligator      ( Date: 12-Mar-2010 16:34) Posted:

Most Fortunate Trader

Hulumas      ( Date: 12-Mar-2010 16:32) Posted:

MFT what does that stand for

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