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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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26-Jan-2007 12:27 Others   /   an elfin question       Go to Message
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genting. ahaha. i did tell you guys to stay off that counter...even without insider news (so-called), by TA or FA alone you wouldn't touch that stock.

all i can say is, expect delay and/or modifications to their IR construction.
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26-Jan-2007 12:26 Others   /   an elfin question       Go to Message
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hey geojam,

finally someone asked the question i was waiting for. hehe. yep, it's what i meant when i asked, what do you want the money for.

'cos, most of us will have hazy ideas of wanting this and that, but if you were to exactly quantify it, then, you'll realise that it's actually achievable, in terms of discrete dollars, and how much you need to make; and people don't need that much money to be 'happy', as defined by the attainment of desires.

ok, back to work, cheers all! :)
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25-Jan-2007 14:28 Others   /   Stock Brokage - Please help a NOVICE!       Go to Message
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hi media2368,

internet brokerage some of the guys here will help you out with; that's not in my knowledge, but for live brokers (that's my term for them), in addition to hughsh's post:

commission charges: min $45 per trade currently or 0.5%, whichever is higher (so trade above 9k each time more worth).

in addition there's like plus 10%, 5%, 3% etc charges. A figure that works for me is to add 1.2% to my buy price (assuming above 9k each time), have found that this about equates to brokerage charges. alt is to take 2c. rather on the high side but i prefer overestimating costs than overestimating profits.
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25-Jan-2007 14:22 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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oh yea. agree with victorian. cherry picking time. completing the execution of all TA sells, and FA buys. winding down liao. :)
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25-Jan-2007 14:20 Others   /   an elfin question       Go to Message
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nice to see all the replies here. :)

misery loves company...why not let's be positive instead, and be grateful for what we have? the grass is always greener on the other side, after all. i've backpacked cambodia, laos, etc. if you've seen the lives of some of them there, then really, we have it good.

just that it's boring, so hey, that's what the market is for! :))))
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25-Jan-2007 14:18 ShareJunction   /   Gold ETF       Go to Message
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your Genting-Ho refer to genting hotel or what? clarify....

eh. if i post out here it's not insider news anymore what. haha.

hm, personal question. could we pls swop this over to the elfin qn thread? you reply there pls? let's leave gold to gold. what's a normal guy? and oh, curiosity can always be deflected. :P

oh yah. jewelry. if you see a little spike in their profit charts, it's me. hahahaaaa!

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25-Jan-2007 00:55 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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muah ha, oh yeah chippie, it's the perfect time to offload dud stocks. haha.

hm. wonder if we suffer bad karma for that tho...

not to mention the crazy prop stocks run...niama....really beyond reason man... 

but hm. i think speculation is good only when others are speculating, and you're calm, so that you can take advantage of the situation.

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25-Jan-2007 00:48 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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dow up 49.75, nasdaq up 28.73. sti gonna go up tomorrow.

ok *yawn* this is one tired elf. too tired even for colours. haha.

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25-Jan-2007 00:44 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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*grin* hybridvestor, doesn't everyone want to be right?

haha. aiyah, all we're doing is guessing. we're mostly preempting on hope or fear. but that's not right. let's just see what is. too much speculation alr. bad for accurate viewing of the market.
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25-Jan-2007 00:42 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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oh hullo. wasn't expecting the special divvy. not bad.

think spc can clear 4.44 tmrw.
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25-Jan-2007 00:35 Koh Bros   /   Koh Brothers       Go to Message
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awchyeong, signals mixed for this stock. On lag indicators it's actually going to reach a sell signal soon.

its breakout was act on oct 25th onward from 12c. this is its fifth wave already; would advise not to buy, unless its fundamentals are that good?

if you must pick a penny to buy; my vote goes for EDMI. For FA reasons alone, if not the fact that it is cornered and getting fun to play. haha. Vested in that. Go see the thread on it; victorian has made an excellent post there. :)
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25-Jan-2007 00:31 Chip Eng Seng   /   Reason to Vest       Go to Message
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hey awchyeong, apologies missed this post since i usually don't read on counters i'm not vested in.

anyhow, ChipES has been on a TA downtrend since the time i predicted the sell for you.

but in this kind of market, haha, even dud stocks will go up.

will find koh brothers thread and post that there.

alanwong; construction stocks shot up on news after lunchtime that their profit last year was (i can't remember how many) billions, and expected to do well this year.  
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25-Jan-2007 00:24 Others   /   an elfin question       Go to Message
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hey shplayer, i never took any offence at all! :) in fact i thought it was a good question. hehe.

ok, i like playing the market for all its permutations (think i mentioned it in another thread somewhere). but realistically, most people have no choice but to play the market--for the ordinary singaporean, if you count that CPF alone is not enough to retire on, and that everything is going up except your wages, and banks' interest rates really, really suck. then, really, there's no choice but to play, is there?

but of course, gotta choose stocks wisely. i try to go for best odds. like if i were in the casino, i play only baccarat. not because i particularly like it, but because it gives the best odds in the house (except for that irritating banker 6 commission thing). It's pure logic for me. added bonus that i happen to like playing the market--cos of the patterns and trends.

and em. i never thought of 'noble sentiment' actually. to me, it's just what is, and what i havta do. scotty, absolutely nothing un-noble with wanting to pay for your own house and car! better than depending on mummy and daddy to do it, isn't it? ;)
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25-Jan-2007 00:16 ShareJunction   /   Gold ETF       Go to Message
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nah, i believe we each hold our own future in our own hands. :)

i haven't been telling much really. and yea, if i want to, i can track any one of you down. rest assured i won't do that tho. haha.

hm. i don't think i've ever really known 'normal'. that's why i'm an elf. haha.

but back to gold: its price rose today too. a bit odd when you consider that dow's shooting up tonight too.
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25-Jan-2007 00:12 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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relax people...if the bull's here you just ride it.. all the more, must keep cool now. :)

hm. do be careful not to rush into whatever analysts recommend as a buy tho. on FA terms, a lot of stocks are simply not worth that much. so that this way, even if a correction does come, at least the fall will not be that bad.
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24-Jan-2007 16:47 ShareJunction   /   Gold ETF       Go to Message
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no, not DSTA. what do they do anw.

pls don't guess leh. for one thing i don't think you can get it unless you're one of my colleagues *haha*, or if you're that high up in the govt, for another even if you're right i'm not gonna say anyway. i still want to live, thank you. haha.

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24-Jan-2007 16:45 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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current time it's 4.34 now. will likely go up. erm, a bit crazy to short this counter today...
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24-Jan-2007 16:22 ShareJunction   /   Gold ETF       Go to Message
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yongjiu...early 'cos i gotta go to work.

haha. my profession. hm. i have no official title or job description. guess you could say i'm a weapons and tactics specialist.

i'm one of those kids hired by the s'pore govt to work unseen and deep in the corridors of power. elves get their own private rooms, free rein to scope any project, do anything etc. No budget limit, no authority to report to except the heads themselves. We're hired solely for our ability to predict the moves of others; to see patterns where no one else sees them, and to pre-empt. Only one aim: to outthink, outsmart and outmaneouvre foreigners.

can't say any more, sorry.  
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24-Jan-2007 07:07 ShareJunction   /   Gold ETF       Go to Message
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just a general observation here...

gold is normally viewed as an alternative investment, your traditional 'safe haven'; so it is a very useful gauge of investor sentiment as well. If dow/nasdaq rises, but gold does as well, it is your signal that investors actually lack confidence in the rising US market, and have been shifting funds to the 'haven'.

broader, sustained US market drop will have implications on singapore; longterm, i'd expect Asia to decouple from the US, perhaps one day we might even trade inversely, but not so soon.
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24-Jan-2007 07:02 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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belated thanks to you for all your work here, victorian. :)

I had missed EDMI when i was weeding through the SGX list at end last year for this year's FA buys (since was looking at dollar plus stocks only); after your post i went to find out more abt it, so vested. :)
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