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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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27-Jan-2007 20:56 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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hey livermore, if you can find out how to invest in vietnam, lemme know. the last time i checked there were a lot of restrictions...

oh yea, the motorcys. Don't the vietnamese girls look lovely in their ao dais? :))) it's like the cheongsam. regret that none of us wear them now and instead wear western clothes. so sian. lost all the elegance of the east. :(
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27-Jan-2007 20:53 Others   /   an elfin question       Go to Message
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nono, cannot be defensive. that achieves nothing but misery and the pretence of happiness.

what you risk is what you have the chance of getting. it's like showhand poker: all in!

"If Heaven I cannot Bend, Hell I will Arouse."

World, beware the elves! haha. I believe it's by emerson. or one of the english poets. 
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27-Jan-2007 20:39 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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yes, vietnam. they've posted consistent 100% returns yoy. a friend and i wanted to invest a couple of years back, but didn't have the way to.

enjoy yourself, livermore! (HCM must be noisy now with all the car honks....hope your hotel's removed from the main streets!) :)))
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27-Jan-2007 20:26 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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yongjiu my boy, the lady will not take that question, thank you!

so here, you can have a flower to ease your heartache.


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27-Jan-2007 20:20 Others   /   an elfin question       Go to Message
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hey, the chip's here! :))))

yep. actually i spend most of my money on my mum and sis. may i note here that mothers and sisters are expensive to maintain as they require occasional diamonds. haha. elves on the other hand are very easy to keep. no need big house/car/diamond/ branded clothes. just flowers and mousies and lots of space. whee! haha. oh and holidays too. love to travel. :))))

that's not to say i don't appreciate the finer things in life tho. after all, i don't believe in being stingy on yourself. but i think there should be a limit. Rather a beer lifestyle on a champagne budget than the other way around. 

change smaller car lah! i calculated before already. you can take a lifetime of taxis here and it's still cheaper than owning a firsthand car. so elf will not own a car. (apart from the no sense of direction thing). not unless of course i get a chaffeur. hm...any volunteers? i'm willing to pay in the form of stock tips. keke.   

yep, money is the means to an end. which is why, always be its master and not its slave.
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27-Jan-2007 20:12 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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mm, sorry, am not familiar with the term position trading?

and haha yea, i'll admit sometimes there's a fine line. but in all seriousness i do try to differentiate my stocks, particularly in such a market. roughly in my own definitions:

FA stocks: solid fundamentals, so pennies allowed. Hold for normally at least 3 mths, sometimes up to 5 years. like EDMI. These stocks tend to be resistant to market changes--both rallies and downs; even if they are affected, it's usually only nominally.  

TA: don't care fundamentals, as long as meet initial rules (>$1, 1 mil ave vol for past year etc), can trade. normally less than a month.

TA+FA: fundamentals are kinda there, but not as solid as FA. Plus, they move partly on sentiment too. like SPC and innoval now. which is why i'm looking to offload them. A bit difficult for me now to monitor tho 'cos workplace got no net access. sian.   

i dooooo try to separate my stocks! 'cos trading them requires different strategies. *wail* why doesn't anyone believe me....*sob*

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27-Jan-2007 19:59 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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and yah, been meaning to post this but didn't get the right thread to:

i normally talk only abt my TA trades here on SJ, 'cos for some reason no one seems to be interested in the FA stocks i hold. did try posting on innoval and macq before, but few/no one responded, and the thread died out.

prob 'cos TA stocks are sexier eh, ipunter? everyone likes a fast game. ;)
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27-Jan-2007 19:55 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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?? I said i had cleared all my TA holdings.

I separate out my stocks, remember? TA and FA holdings.
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27-Jan-2007 19:53 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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eh..chinkiasu, relax leh....i said the support is 4.20, but i also said the trading range in the next few weeks is btwn 4.34 to 4.5...
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27-Jan-2007 19:50 Others   /   an elfin question       Go to Message
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ok. mebbe i'm an odd child. but even if i can afford the BM or merc, i wouldn't buy one anyway. it's just a car to me. and cars are not worth in s'pore leh. would rather invest the money in property. at least that appreciates in value.

but then again, you're talking to someone with absolutely no sense of direction....i'd just waste petrol getting lost. ..and you'd see periodic profit spikes in SPC. haha.

hm. cars...think the volkswagen beetle is damn cute tho. i'd dress mine up as a real lady bug! Red and black spots, with feelers and all. heehee.

the authorities would never allow me on the road. haha.   
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27-Jan-2007 19:45 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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aw. poor bunnie. *patpat* it's ok....you can be my pet! heehee. i'll tell ya what i'm trading when...hopefully, won't get burnt together. bwah haha. buy me back something nice from india! heehee.

heh. the stocks you and giantlow are holding onto are not on my radar...with exception of celestial, which is not time yet anyway. apologies...Cenersave i know is a speculative counter....the rest dunno...and nah, CHRT wasn't worth the risk.

i'm only holding 4 counters now (have been shifting to mainly FA or FA+TA positions since allgreen), and they're all in paper profit....SPC, EDMI, Innoval and MacQ.

Will prob not be buying anymore for month of feb, prob even march. Looking to offload SPC and innoval, leaving the two pure FA counters EDMI and MacQ. Will park SPC and Innoval money into macq, alt to keep as cash. sorry lah, but i just don't trust the market exuberance now. the cheapo in me refuses to pay more for overvalued stocks.

targetting to enter macq again at sub $1, but it's holding strong. book value is $1.01. EDMI i have completed buying this week and just waiting for results at end feb. interesting stock 'cos it's been cornered. (read victorian's post on it). i like it 'cos undervalued by the market; yet it's backed up by NTA of 17c per share. Excellent in this overheated market.  

yongjiu, what movie? and ehhhhhh, don't get curious leh.. elves are shy. the more interest, the more likely i'll disappear *poof!* haha.

i'm act more interested in getting the girls together for a shopping and san ba session. then we can gossip abt all the guys here. heehee.

bwah hahahaaa! :P   
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27-Jan-2007 14:07 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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ok, just doing some calculations here. There's divvy included so you need to include that in your pricing too.

EPS for SPC is 55c. if you've noticed, the psychological PE ratio for SPC is actually 7x. Which means SPC technical and psychological support is at 0.55 x 7 + 0.35 =$4.20.

Sentiment is starting to change for positive on this stock, but apologies, UBS has downgraded oil from US$65 to $60 per barrel. Perhaps a PE of 8 is too optimistic. I take a count of 7.5x which gives total final of ~$4.48.

so if nothing changes, taking in a graph shift to the left to account for slow sentiment shift to positive as well i'd expect SPC to trade between 4.34 to 4.50 in the coming weeks. It needs to break 4.48 to have a chance of going higher.

where it has a realistic chance of going higher is in May before the div is released. then you'd expect upside spike of abt 20-28c from whatever its current price then is. Because it'll hit investors then that this stock is giving out divvies and it's undervalued comparative to its peers. I'd put max then at 4.78.

pls note i use price targets only as a guide, and don't make actual buy/sells on the fixed price/range i call; it all depends on the trend at the time. SPC is notoriously volatile to sentiment and politics.
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27-Jan-2007 13:50 Others   /   an elfin question       Go to Message
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hey forrest, glad to  know you're enjoying yourself here! :) no msn tho, sorry. i'm an anomaly in my generation. haha.

geojam, agreed. it's all about the right combination. which unfortunately isn't so easy to find. sigh.

giantlow, what you said doesn't contradict me what....when i said happiness is a choice you consciously make i meant precisely your 3rd paragraph--that yea, we might be sad, but we choose to let go of the sadness, after a period of grieving/whatever. It's impossible to be 100% happy all the time. And to deny your emotions is just self-deceit, too. But to me the entire idea is to let go of whatever hurt/pain etc; can't let it keep eating you up after all. (that's also what i meant by state of mind. You choose to let go or cling on. that's what 'price' meant, too.)

and yea, comparison is good if it motivates you positively; but if it eats you up (ie, obsession) then, it's not good.  

so you see....no contradiction what....
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27-Jan-2007 13:43 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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..'cos it got tongkat ali-ed. haha.

been meaning to dig up this thread but didn't have time. btw, giantlow, are you only holding onto SPC warrants, or other stocks too?

how's everyone doing in this minor correction? and where's bunbun? is she fine? not a roasted little bunnie i hope.....elf would miss the bunnie! :(  
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27-Jan-2007 00:54 Others   /   an elfin question       Go to Message
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i think happiness is a state of mind. the trouble with being human is that we're always comparing ourselves with others. But perhaps happiness should only be dependent on yourself, and not your physical possessions. I mean, to reduce your sense of self-worth to the number of diamonds you possess, or the model of handphone you carry?

And, having come from the gutters,  i don't believe there's such a thing as 'no choice'. Happiness is a choice you consciously make, regarding who you are, where you come from, where you want to go, and the price you are willing to pay for all these. Since of course, nothing comes free.

Because it takes more strength to be happy than to be angry, or sad, or envious, or depressed.

agree with shplayer and lewsh. The first rule of financial management: it is not how much you earn, it is how much you keep.  
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27-Jan-2007 00:42 Others   /   Stock picks       Go to Message
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hey...are you picking on short-term/TA or longterm/FA basis?

just a quick TA glimpse: they're mostly downtrending with the exception of HG metal and hupsteel; but for the latter the runup started jan 3rd. might be a bit late already.
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27-Jan-2007 00:30 Jiutian   /   How's this stock       Go to Message
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sian...i look at this stock (it's one of those TA-able ones) and i regret not playing china counters. haha.

whoever's interested in buying this can probably relax first... monday likely to have abt 3-4c drop on continued uptrend.
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27-Jan-2007 00:21 Chartered   /   Re-rating of Chartered       Go to Message
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hey ace6868, just checking in if you should happen to read this post...

sold your csm yet? i rem calling a sell on this baby at 1.33-1.35 in the other csm post... monday likely to drop....

note the above is only for very short term traders. T+4 etc.
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27-Jan-2007 00:08 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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which positions are you holding, cashiertan?
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27-Jan-2007 00:06 Others   /   wat's your trading strategy if u have 30k on hand?       Go to Message
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this is strictly my opinion yea...but if i had 30K to play:

-15K into one or at most two good, undervalued, underplayed FA counters. 15k isn't a lot, so you have to pick your stocks well. target of at least 30% return.

-15k into TA stocks. i'd play sequentially in one stock each time and roll over profit into next stock for cumulative benefits. so counting 8% gain each time for 8 plays, and 3 losses (stop loss max 5%), total of abt 11 plays a year should reap you >10k.

This will be hedged against your 'safe' FA stock. so you can potentially make 2x, i.e., 15k profit. Even if your TA skills are bad and luck factor etc, you shouldn't do worse than a bank return of 0.25%. Realistically, your total returns including unknown factors should be abt 50%.

sorry, i don't do margin or short.  
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