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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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25-Feb-2007 19:12 Others   /   how about vesting in our SJ yearly for $10. Any1?       Go to Message
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yep, thank you very much SJ founders. :)
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25-Feb-2007 19:10 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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gah. bunnie, try not to keep contra-ing lah....'cos even for TA ppl, i mean, we can tell you a counter is likely to go up, but for us to be right that it does go up, and within a certain period of time as well is very difficult. that's two criteria to fulfil; one is already very difficult....

elf kinda stress on allgreen now man....think a lot of ppl riding on it....eep.....stressssss......
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25-Feb-2007 16:48 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke, chinkiasu, elf isn't that choosy lah...am actually quite sui bian when it comes to things.

victorian, yea. As Plato says, "You can learn more about a man in an hour of play than in a  year of work."

going long for tmrw perhaps less worth. it's more a day for shortists. hehe.
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25-Feb-2007 16:45 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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hey chaihock,

no prob. SMB is a better buy for long term in terms of value per dollar, tho be prepared to ride out the ups and downs. :)

saw your post on genting. From chart data alone: Monday likely to drop; it broke its lower bollie again. Not familiar with shorting (the time period for it and all that), but by my estimates, a 2-3c drop on monday. From there, one of two scenarios:

either ranging btwn 0.8-0.86 (due to desperate retailers buying it back in), or a further drop.

If it's the latter, then the drop is likely to be abt 8c. ie, end on friday at abt 73c. 

This stock is a speculative stock, so its movement will depend entirely on sentiment, and has nothing to do with value at all. Was heavily sold down on friday. Note all figures given are just rough guidelines, pls don't take them as fixed targets!
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25-Feb-2007 16:33 Chartered   /   Re-rating of Chartered       Go to Message
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charts say up, with strong buying. fibo giving target of 1.76.

note csm very volatile tho, esp to intraday trends.
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25-Feb-2007 16:32 Allgreen   /   Allgreen       Go to Message
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gah. yes. it'd better go up man. too many ppl riding on my call. stresssss.....

all TA signs say up tho. Think AG might declare a dividend that retailers don't expect or something like this.
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24-Feb-2007 18:30 Others   /   Thai very uncertain signalling to foreign invester       Go to Message
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hehe, sporeguy, it's the same scenario that america pulled with iraq. a 'wag the dog' situation to distract the domestic public from the real problem. we're just the whipping boy in the political situation.

sigh. i think the south situation is out of control already. Not even a muslim head of army and constant visits could control them. actually, not even thaksin could. very very tricky since it can spill over regionally. malaysia is on its guard already (Shared borders). Singapore, i can assure you, is keeping a very close watch on the situation.
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24-Feb-2007 18:25 ST Engineering   /   ST Engg       Go to Message
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yep thanks s'poreguy, that tallies with my calculations of a sell in prob mid-late april.

am thinking there might be one dip before then tho...

if it should break below 3.30, sell or hold? i read 3.3 as the support level too.
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24-Feb-2007 18:22 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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hm. need to be careful of oil price rising.

the rise of oil could precipitate the swift redrawal of foreign funds from asia and s'pore to invest back in that.
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24-Feb-2007 18:21 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ahhhhh!! the puppy eyed emoticon is backkk!! so cute so cute! :)))))

keke. yoda. keke. aw so sweet, spinning a toddler around. hehe. a bull run would be fantastic tho, but lets not ask for too much lah. :)

oh my goodness. you're in that little house by the lake? the yeats one??? lucky guy.....

btw, before i forget, why EastonBay? East on the Bay?

yah. oh where oh where has my bunnieee gone,

oh where, oh where can she beeee?

hehe. argh. lausk22. no improper thoughts! bad boy bad boy! shoo! :P
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24-Feb-2007 17:54 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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hi chaihock,

i'm vested in edmi and not smb, so if i might share how i chose the daughter co instead of the parent, fyi in case it might help you make your choice. :)

as victorian has already noted: SMB is likely to do a series of dips and ups, while EDMI is likely to be a snail crawl upwards, with little downward action. In terms of actual value, EDMI is more solid cf to SMB, if you look at their NAV and PE ratios (victorian, am not sure of smb's exact data here tho). Plus, logic follows that since EDMI is the daughter, then likely movement is EDMI up first, then SMB.


Added to that is the stability of cornered share float, so you're not likely to see the action that SMB has (which is a plus point for me, since i can just go to sleep on this counter even in correction times). One negative point is as victorian pointed out tho: edmi has a very tight float. you probably have to be willing to buy at seller's price and just grab whatever lots come up.
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24-Feb-2007 17:39 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke, eastonbay, *leaf badge!!!*

hehe. yea, i know i like to 'ding dong' a bit, esp with my bunnie, it's all just in fun tho. if we're so serious all the time, how to enjoy life? at the same time, i'm serious when it comes to serious topics. thanks for the compliments. :)

and no need introduction, i watch all the people here, so even if i don't talk to them, more or less have an idea of who they are and how they're like. :P SJ is not just for socialising you see, or just to do TA. To get a clearer idea of the market, i need an idea of the sentiment on the ground too. SJ acts as one such barometer for me. hehe.

gahh!! eastonbay and victorian! so scary.....i dun wanna talk to you guys anymore man.... o_0 otherwise no more secrets liao. spot on. hehe.

lausk22, (see, i make you as pink and sweet as my bunnie!), yah, i know you're just kidding lah. relax, no offence taken at all. :))) wow, sounds like you run your office well. :)

shplayer. yes. fully agreed. some of our ministers are.... well. let's just say they're hothoused scholars. :P  

back to eastonbay: languages--I speak basic bahasa and thai as well actually. Would like to improve my competency of bahasa. simply because our neighbours are malaysia and indonesia, and in the future, they'll rise faster than singapore.

If i had one language choice other than the ones above: arabic.

in terms of business, the arab world is the next destination after china and india. Oil money is big money, and Dubai is tax free, for instance. And if you talk about the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, you need to be able to understand arabic to understand the mentality of this specific terrorism.
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24-Feb-2007 12:04 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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yepyep, godpa, totally agree with you. i did my calculations when i was 21 already. That even if you're good in your job and work til you retire, you'll likely never make enough for old age, to say nothing of being wealthy.

which was why i started investing. a simple 10K invested at 21 yrs old for 40 years at a modest 15% pa returns you cumulative $2.7 mil at 61. This excludes what you will put into market from your salary.  

Did consider biz, but it's difficult when you're working two/three jobs, and investing on sideline too. :(
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24-Feb-2007 12:00 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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ok good...by my estimate, can hit abt 38 then.... ???
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24-Feb-2007 11:59 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm...ok da gege, in case i'm scaring all the 30-something and 40-something year olds now that ppl of my age are taking away all your jobs....

let me just say that i'm not typical of my generation. Most of those my age will be

a) spending beyond their means

b) in credit card debt

c) unhappy in their jobs but not daring to change it

d) don't read the news at all, and know nothing of what is going on in the world around them. don't even talk of old monuments etc. They aren't even aware of the iraq situation, or closer to home, who our key ministers are.

it's not that i think i'm better than them. in fact i wish i could be as closeted and cossetted as them. But i had to be who i am simply to survive, so that's just that to it. believe rogue_trader will tell you pretty much the same thing.

and haha. yes. sorry. but as the chinese saying goes: du3 po1 shang4 wu2 fu4 zi3. (on the gambling table there's no father-son relationship). When it comes to the crunch for job hunting: if you ask for 9k as your salary, i'll ask for 8k. if you ask for 5, i'll ask for 4. if you ask for 2.5, i'll ask for 2. And i'll do more work in the bargain, cheerfully. That is the PRC mentality, which is mine too. That's how i keep earning even in bad times.  
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24-Feb-2007 11:44 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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oh yea. may i note here that warren buffet does not believe in warrants.

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24-Feb-2007 11:43 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm. godpa, don't bother so much with what other ppl say lah. remember that it was me who asked you to be my and bunnie's godpa, and not the other way around.

always remember that elves are free spirits, no one can force a decision on us. it will always be of our own volition.

east or west coast: west only bukit timah and orchard area (strictly speaking these are north/NW). East might have more potential tho 'cos hasn't really run up yet. plus, elf loves the sea. if you buy in east i could help you watch the place. hehe. :P in terms of rentals: west tends to be working singles, east tends to be families. so if buying in the west, small condos might be better; east, buy landed house?
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24-Feb-2007 11:28 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm. how globalisation will affect mine and future generation. Make it brief, globalisation style of soundbites:

1) no such thing as an indispensable worker.

2) no such thing as an iron ricebowl.

3) rise to the top by 35 or you'll be retrenched in your 40s.

4) vertical rise in career from cradle to grave is near impossible: need to have transferable, lateral skills to survive.

5) Be willing to jump ship. The idea of loyalty to your company is myth perpetuated by the companies themselves. The romanticism of 'ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country', is just that, myth. When it comes to survival, every man for himself. Don't expect your company to keep you in times of leanness.

6) No such thing as "ah, new tech, the old ways are better."

method to survive:

1) always hold down more than one job: have more than one stream of income.

2) Always have a second job offer open.

3) Pick up lateral, transferable skills: what always matters: the ability to speak well, write well, present well.

4) Do (3) so you can do this: jump laterally between different industries. This way, if the industry you're in is down, you have a second option.

5) Be willing to do shit work. That's how you increase your value in a market where ppl are too proud to do things because 'this is beneath me'.

6) Gain goodwill. Networking is the most important thing they never teach you in school.  

7) Learn more languages. Elf speaks 4 (to varying degrees of competency). That is not enough. I want at least 6 in three years time.

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24-Feb-2007 10:38 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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gah! shplayer, i don't think i get warrants at all! sigh. will need to learn them soon...

anyhow, this goes out to nickyng. do keep having fun, i think you're having more fun than all of us combined here, so keep it up!

go go nicky!

go go nicky!

*wave pompoms and can-can*

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24-Feb-2007 10:32 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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godpa....elf's own view on globalisation (yah, being thickskinned and giving opinion when none asked for hehe):

i think it's good in that it generates wealth, esp for a resource-scarce country like s'pore. it also opens up opportunities where none would have existed--such as overseas job, travel for work, chance to emigrate as a skilled worker, etcetc.

but thing is, nothing's ever free. In return for wealth, s'pore gave up her history, her sense of identity and the people's sense of belonging. Witness how we consider anything about 30 years old as 'old', and tear down all our historical places. In Italy where i went last year, the hotels could come from the 15th century. I saw places that came from the 11-12th century. They were all treasured icons, and preserved. My friend and i were laughing how in singapore, we'd have torn them down already.

We also have to compete on a level playing field now: that means with china and india people who are more hungry, intelligent, and know how to be street smart, while us hothouse flowers are still whinging on about being 'underpaid', 'overworked' etcetc. And to a lot of ppl who don't work with the chinese, they think china's overrated, or they have just some hazy idea that 'china's rising'. What they don't realise is how fast and how good, and how soon our jobs here will be lost.

The complacent Singaporeans think we can speak good english, and that's our advantage over china. But in premier JCs now, there are PRC scholars with A2 for GP. They enter with C5 or 6, and they jump 10 marks by end of their JC years. Singaporeans enter with C5, and leave with C5; worse, they tell you proudly that "I don't read the newspapers".

I worked in the WHO lab for a stint. My working partners were all from china. They work hard, smart and fast. we're simply no competition. They're in the lab 12 hrs a day, 6-7 days a week. We work 10 hrs 5 days and complain it's too much. How to compete?

i do agree that singaporeans are underpaid tho. but then, that's just how globalisation works. if we price ourselves out of the market, we become like europe: high unemployment rates, high taxes to support these ppl, etcetc. I do wish the govt could see more from the ground rather than from the rarefied air of the elites tho. they simply don't know how it's like on the ground--the affective divide that catherine lim talked about is well and alive.  
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