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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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25-Mar-2007 17:20 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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godpa....'cos i talk abt eating his heart, and he's actually going 'ok la, i'll do it for you'. (with a smiley face emoticon, too)

like i said, that's not a lion, that's a kitten. o_0
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25-Mar-2007 16:53 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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cmi. market's too volatile for TA trades; not unless you're an excellent sprinter. elf moving all into FA plays for now (and using TA to call entry/exit points). enough profit from technical liao. shift strategy.
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25-Mar-2007 16:50 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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yep singaporegal, thanks. yea, i know TA (esp the leads) may not be too accurate; that's why i was reading it by lag indicators, and also unsure. most leads are a bit shaky in this current market actually.....

where's that kitten, yongjiu? hehe. man, must give him points for being able to bring a smile to elf. keke.

singaporegal, let's meet up when my bunnie's back! :))))))  
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25-Mar-2007 16:47 Others   /   First lesson on Investment       Go to Message
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yep burntbadbad, my sympathies with you. but don't worry; all of us here, i'm sure, got burnt before. the idea's to learn from it and to benefit. 'tuition fees'. might be painful, but look at it in a positive light; it equips you with lessons for tomorrow. :)

agree with punter abt following stock tips on forums. Discrimination and discretion are the most impt things. must realise that all of us here are just traders too; our opinions are just that, opinions. And mostly, when we post, it's to share our findings and see if anyone else correlates. you certainly shouldn't be buying/selling just 'cos you read an uptrend/downtrend call on SJ or anywhere else. The point is to use our opinions and do your own research, then buy/sell only if it factors in with your own calls.

i.e., all calls on SJ/anywhere else is just a source of information; it's not fact to be totally trusted. in the market, you trust only yourself.

as for minimising wilmar occurences. hehe, it happens to the best of us. The key thing is not to panic; you need to see what's actually happening. The idea too, is not to look back. 'what ifs' only hamper trading. Nostalgia kills.

Wilmar is a punting stock; easy to get caught in crossfire if you're not fast. You can suss out such stocks easiest by volumes. if you look at past year's vols (or in day to day trades) and you find sudden large lot action, while rest of year is stagnant/low vols, it's indication of big boys play. Eg, if you look at wilmar, it had a high vol of 61.7mil on 22nd aug, cf to lows of abt 2-3mil only recently. that's a dif in vol of 30x. => BBs at play. even clearer on stocks like tat hong.
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25-Mar-2007 16:29 Entertainment   /   Proper managing of money       Go to Message
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haha. elf will refrain from posting on the ministers and govt and ministers salary, 'cos sure as hell i'll be 'taken out'. haha.

but yea. khaw is one of the few ministers i actually respect. he knows how to reach out to the grassroots.

databank: ever realised the discrepancy, that our singular databank is always around, yet the insistence on the policy of regeneration in the civil service? Must say tho, that without MM Lee, singapore would be nothing. So its quid pro quo i guess. Fair's fair.

and well, i do whine a lot abt life here too *haha* but let's put it reasonably, as oscar wilde once said, on ideas of democracy and freedom, "If Liberty comes with her hands soaked in blood, will you shake it?"

If you ask me, a lot of young ppl here will say they want freedom, free speech ya dah ya dah ya dah. But then my qn is: can they take the ugly side of freedom? The homeless people, increased taxes, dirty streets, higher rates of crime, higher medical bills, etcetc? Because nothing in life comes free, not even freedom.

At end of day, as Aristotle once said, 'Man is a political animal'. I think citizenry can expect their governments to take basic care of them; that's why we elect our leaders after all. but to expect full support (nanny state) and to be totally dependent such that you can whine but yet hold the 'i'm powerless to do anything' mentality is erroneous. It is to take the easy way out and disclaim all responsibility for yourself; it is to cede free will to your leaders.

And no free human should ever cede such power.  
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24-Mar-2007 17:06 Others   /   First lesson on Investment       Go to Message
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ahhh....nono punter, elf will talk nothing on love/personal life in a public forum! o_0 general discussion can, but nah. let's focus on the stocks. more interesting. elf on the hunt now. hehe.
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24-Mar-2007 17:04 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ok back to biz: note as usual, all the below just my opinion, pls make your own judgment and call

SPC: uptrend all the way. c/o, a/d, rsi, williams, MAcross, MACD all up. Broke 4.64, the next level it needs to clear is ~4.76. Momentum and oscillation has definitely increased. Look to ride up all the way to XD. Short term target (to May, prob) is 4.96.

STE: as predicted earlier, downtrending for now. For TA ppl, if fall below 3.1 support, might be wise to cut. FA people can hold and/or look to buy in, really. 6 mth fibo call dovetails with DBSVB's one year target: Fibo of 4.07, DBSVB of $4. Note this stock has relatively constant cyclical movements.

UOBKH: rangebound. bollingers getting tighter. might see breakout soon. note indicators contradict on direction of breakout but overall, my guess is up. (singaporegal, mind commenting?). If it going up tho, then the fibo upside is to about 1.9. Current close 1.53. note this stock is a sleeping beauty tho. from comparison with its previous data, has the ability to sleep for abt 4 mths before it breaks out (2 week period); and its bands are only just starting to narrow in.  

SMB and EDMI: SMB's fibo shortterm upside is to 34c. those hunting this baby need to note: EDMI's psychological barrier is 41c ('cos traditional PE of 2x with its NTA of 20.5c)--> the moment EDMI breaks this barrier, SMB is likely going to start moving fast. For EDMI, the barrier to break is 41c. if it can break that, then upwards to 52c is not a problem.

Going by my calculations and the charts, if you're looking to acquire SMB next week, i do not honestly believe you can get it below 24c. A likelier bet is 25-25.5c. Personally, for me tho (ie, make your own decisions!), considering the upside is 8c (from its current 26c), even with brokerage, i'd choose to enter direct. any 'loss' is buffered by the div of 1.8c anyway.

hm. idea. Those vested in EDMI can perhaps look to play SMB as a TA trade now. short term cap gains. hehe. note: neither stock is for a contra punt. Pls back up all in full cash.

Stamford land (abbr: stl from now on): MAcross showed buy on abt 19th mar at 39c. stock shows steady accumulation and play from 6th mar. upside is to ~58c in half a year's time. Not for short term punt.
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24-Mar-2007 16:28 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ok peeps, let's keep this thread of quality and not disappoint the viewers. haha. more practically, I'm finding that there are too many threads and i just can't keep track, esp since i don't log in everyday. so i'm putting all my tech calls here yea....

oh, and for his introduction of EDMI, victorian is now officially adopted as my er gege. I'll call him gege for short. shplayer has 'first rights' as my da gege. heehee.

oh and victorian, pls note that elfin adoptions come stand-alone and does not include the rest of the family or the pet hor. haha.

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24-Mar-2007 16:18 Others   /   First lesson on Investment       Go to Message
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em. punter, by sentimental, i meant 'attached'. ie, never get too attached to your stocks that you cannot cut loss.

the 2nd line was separate actually. but yea, now that you mention it, i do see your point. love or money, need to know when to put a stop loss.  
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24-Mar-2007 16:13 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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keke. my dear victorian gege, smiling from ear to ear doesn't even begin to describe it man. half my funds are in EDMI. ;)

back to biz:

EDMI techs: entering a very, very strong rally phase. Vols shot up more than 10x in two days alone (from 276k to 3,600k lots traded). RSI and Williams up, MAcross and MACD showing the beginning of a strong uptrend. (ie, strong buying). Won't use A/D and C/o 'cos these two not accurate for low vol counters like this baby.

Retain my fibo call of 52c for this counter. Not for contra or short term tho. This one's for FA growth. Caveat emptor.

gege, giantlow and whoever else vested:

SMB united techs: crossed buy signal on 22nd mar at 24c. renewed interest in this counter from 19th mar. very healthy vol from 150k then to close of 2.8mil on 23rd.

by fibo, your next nearest upside is 34c. If looking to strike for entry next week, i do not believe you can get it lower than 24c from today's close, assuming general market conditions remain the same. a better bet is 25-25.5c. Altho if me, i'd prob enter direct. elves don't like waiting. haha.

Eeeee Deeee aMmmmmm Iiiiiiiiiii!!!

*wave pom poms*

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24-Mar-2007 15:57 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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gah....yongjiu, you're not a lion, you're a kitten!


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23-Mar-2007 14:28 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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i'll check smb later for you guys night/weekend.
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23-Mar-2007 14:27 Others   /   First lesson on Investment       Go to Message
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never get sentimental on your stocks. it's money; it's a tool, not your lover.
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22-Mar-2007 23:47 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke, yongjiu, regarding 'adopting' geojam as my godpa...actually i think i just quipped it and he accepted. must be spontaneous you see. and cute.

like me.

bwah ha.

sporeguy....you give me 20k and i'll tell you what i'll buy. :P anw 20k a bit little leh....difficult to hedge for safety...

why genting?! tech wise likely trend change indicated soon... but direction indeterminate.

yea. short term STE might be topping out (1 mth) but if you're a nice duckie and like to sit long on your nest of stocks, this one's a pretty egg to keep tho.
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22-Mar-2007 23:41 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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haha, singaporegal, no, i came on to post on edmi actually, victorian had told me that UOB-KH report on it was target 53c. muah hahahaaa....

i actually wanted to post this for yongjiu (re his welcome to the lion kingdom):

*elf takes out knife and fork*

*slices up lion*

*divides up into: breakfast, lunch, dinner portions*

*and ooh, dessert: yongjiu's heart*

mum mum. yum yum.


keke, yongjiu, no offence yea. hey, singaporegal, sama sama then! heehee....can celebrate bd together....
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22-Mar-2007 16:04 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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i'm not a leo lah. tata gotta work
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22-Mar-2007 16:03 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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oh yea, c'mon baby, nicely done. fibo target 52c. FA target 53c.

dovetails. gotta love this baby. keke.
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21-Mar-2007 22:22 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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215 am!! bleep bleep bleep....sian. will have to wake up early tmrw to see data again. :( okay billywows, do your magic! keke. nites, sunshine boy!
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21-Mar-2007 22:13 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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godpa and yongjiu, if you're both leos, then your birthdays are likely close to mine leh. when's it? :)

ok, tata, sulk time. haha. muacks to you all.
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21-Mar-2007 22:07 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ok, SJ is taking forever to load (dunno if my comp or the site) and i'm kinda pissed and wanna go off to sulk, so i'm posting all the stocks stuff here, pls bear with me, thank you.

HPL: very scary divergence shown between share price (increasing) and lead indicators (drastically going down, esp chaikin). Classic signal to sell, almost. 'nuff said.

STE: signals a bit wonky but uptrend since mid-jan. Likely to continue up. higher highs closing every day, a good sign. This baby needs to break 3.46 to go up. Note reduced sensitivity of A/D and C/O to this counter. Lag indicators might be better.

Singtel: another wonky counter. lead indicators downtrend. Actual trend indeterminate (probably due to the heavy punting if you watch the actual buy/sells). Caution advised.

SPC: this one's for chinkiasu haha. Yes, uptrend likely. Confirmed if can break 4.66 convincingly and sustained.

Longcheer: ipunter, in response to your qn on the longcheer thread: yes, indicators for this specific counter were up, but longcheer (and any TA stock act) is currently risky 'cos of macro-forces--if the fed meeting today/tmrw is bad, entire market's going to do that one day skid yet again, in which case, might not be possible to run fast enough unless you're glued to the screen. Plus will have a lot of stale bulls trying to get out of it. Note Williams of greater use in tracking this stock since it's a trending stock in a trending market--RSI can pick it up too, but pictorially it's clearer on the former.
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