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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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06-May-2007 18:40 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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singaporegall!!! you're on!!! wheee!!

dang it. i think it's my javascript. i can't load the charts either...so sian. sigh.
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06-May-2007 18:38 Osim Intl   /   OSIM       Go to Message
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hm ok. update from last week: counter holding range bound as expected. will expect this week to cont the same; perhaps slight dip. it's going to meet a lot of resistance along the way up again. so don't expect a smooth ride.

certainly wouldn't expect to see a heyday repeat of 1.60+ til they settle brookstone and china imitation problems. the first def needs to be divested; perhaps they took on more than they could handle...altho of course, hindsight easy for us armchair critics to do. heh.

sigh. i like ron sim leh. really admire that guy.
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06-May-2007 18:28 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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aiyah, not nece won't see us lah. it all depends. i'll try to make it for sure. and i'll order gege victorian down too. muah ahahaaa. then you two can educate me on margin. what is the % you have to pay on a loan, anyway? say the figure is 100k, what's the leverage and interests on that? (or pick any other figure; i took 100k for easier calculation. is 10k easier? or is there a dif interest for dif amounts?) 

anyway, no point thinking so far ahead to aug. life's in the here and now, so enjoy!

(i'd put my signature emoticon, but i'm damn scared if i click on it, the page will freeze yet again....argh).
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06-May-2007 18:20 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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heya colorado, no prob. and no la, no need for all the praises...no lynching if stocks don't move the way we say can already. haha.

bu/sd data: i use poems. think uobkh has a platform also, but i'm not familiar with that. anyway, if it's poems you're using, when you log on, click to LP2, then on the counter of your choice, right click it, arrow out and click on 'time and sales'. you'll get the min-by-min data.

yeps, edmi PE ratio is currently abt 12.3x. Its NTA is 20.5c tho, based on previous report. Forward PE still looks good, since they've registered solid profits 3 years running already--hence its rerating to mainboard from sesdaq earlier.

do take a look at engkong tho. i've given the techs on it there; but if FA is your cup of tea, then my gege victorian has done some damn solid work there too. not that i'm siding family haha--but seriously, when i try to find loopholes (in terms of techs) to fault him on EK, i can't. The FA and TA pics coincide for EK, as it did for edmi in jan/feb back then.

of course, pls do make up own mind ah. shd not take my words at face value. elf always encourages independent research before buying. since we must never preclude the possibility that we left out something in the calculations. trust no one!


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06-May-2007 18:12 Others   /   Why can not go in Poems LP1 and LP2 today?       Go to Message
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yeps. elf can't access poems either. act, i notice that i usually have some difficulty accessing poems on weekends. server doesn't work full time then or something?
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06-May-2007 18:10 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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gah. how idiotic. been trying to reply to godpa's post but the comp/site keeps hanging. baseerahmed: same problem as yours, when i try to click on the emoticons thing. but it was fine before that tho??

anyhow, no funny emoticons then. *sigh*

godpa, had a good breakfast; laksa with hums and kaya roti with teh. altho it's more like brunch, for those of you raising eyebrows at the above menu now. haha.

wait for aug; we can have a gathering of the fellowship! haha. cool....just nice, too. eastonbay and i have a side bet going on abt straitsA. Can claim accounts then from him muah ahhaaa. believe vic and chinkiasu have something on SPC too? wheeee.....just hope i won't be called away on work then man. >~<

been surfing the net for puppies! (real pets, not yongjiu/bunbun style) Elf wants a teacup baby doll yorkshire terrier! they're only 4-5lbs! ahhhhhh! so cute! i wannttttt!!!!

spidermannnnn!!!! dum ba dum! *theme song*

haha. ok, better stop ding donging around. haha. byes for now!
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06-May-2007 10:32 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hullos godpa, saw yr name on so just decided to say hi. a bit bo liao of me but hehe.

anyway, hungry now...gonna go have breakfast. you take care too!

and ehhh, don't spend so much time on SJ! go for a walk or something! you got a beautiful river etc beside you! i only got longkangs.



updates for the vested: market monday likely to be same story. top actives all pennies; likely no change in px however. STI up. we're looking to break 3,500. collective masses want it. be very, very careful tho. an overheated market is a dangerous market.

cheers! Smiley

(the above emoticon is hereby adopted as my SJ signature. elf in italian aviator shades. haha.)
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06-May-2007 10:25 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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ahaha! no wonder....i thought generation gap. :P

yea. need a new handphone soon. not for 5 mths tho, waiting for my plan to run out. altho my current one is in quite bad shape from wear and tear. haha.

oh dun worry, i go for value: like why i use SJ since it's freeeee!!! (thank yoouuu keejang and fellow SJ creators!) Smiley  i basically don't believe in paying more for a thing than what its worth to me. of course, if i think it's worth to me, then i'll pay direct for it. aiyah, no need vertu and all that lah. i don't believe i'll pay past $100 for a hp. normally i do free exchange.

but of courseeee, if kind mister eastonbay will sponsor me only $100, i can get a better phone! Smiley

but hahaa. too early to say la. Deals must be proper and fair to all. lets see if your StraitsA pans out the way i said first. if not, no need anything in return.

we'll check back in 3 mths, deal?

muah ha.

oh, and i got my laptop already, a pretty little sony vaio. Smiley so you can breathe a sigh of relief there. haha.
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05-May-2007 23:05 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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yeps, when i have FA qns, will ask. thanks in advance. hehe.

and haha, yea. i couldn't give more figures on HH either since nothing much changed since the last report. which fits in with the game going on now, really. Silence unnerves the small fries, BBs keep price under tight control and depression, small fries panic/give up and sell, and BB mop up free float.

it's always the same story all over. just different variations. of course, we still can't loosen our guard tho. must always be wary.

k, tata for now. see youuu! Smiley

man, i love this emoticon. i'm gonna make it my SJ signature. hehe.  
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05-May-2007 23:02 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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aieee...da gege! can you please go in something more dignified than wet market red plastic bags??! talk about cost-cutting measures. sheesh...and yah, morbid. enough already. haha.

yeps yeps. sit and hunt for more counters now. highly churning market tho. significant if you look at top actives. most closed unchanged, and most (all?) are pennies.
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05-May-2007 22:42 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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thank you, shplayer! Smiley

muahhahaha! that means i'm right! Smiley

haha. ok, but seriously, i really do need to learn more FA. my skills there are still very weak. shdn't be relying so much on you and vic. not good for myself.
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05-May-2007 22:36 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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hehe well, i kinda have mine all thought out already too. hehe. i wanna be turned into a reef ball and thrown into the waters off Hawaii. (there's this Florida company that puts your ashes into an artificial reef ball, for your loved ones to throw into the water so that you're eco-friendly, since you'll form part of the reef). Then i can have fishies and anemones and corals and turtles all day swimming around me. friends to play with. heehee.

the morbid part was more of the SC cruises, travelling free of charge. like, eep. i dun wanna be in next cabin man..... Smiley

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05-May-2007 22:31 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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yah, i miss giantlow too. Smiley

yeps singaporegal, elf recovered now. that's why hyper on SJ. Smiley shd be working but sighgghhhh....stock market more fun. hehe.

and yah. market is too hot to handle. careful not to get flipped about. Smiley hunker down on solid stocks or lock in cash man.

yep, still gots a bunnie!!!! *whee!* haha. hmm...i want a real puppy.... a bangkok puppy. you know, the little poofy small white ones that a lot of the shopkeepers have? they only come up to your ankle. about the size of a big guinea pig. damn cute. i want. meh. mehhhhh.

zhirong_thann. hehe. sorry, i know next to nothing abt IPOs. will wait for the others to respond....believe it's something like you check your bank acct, then if they refund the $, means you didn't get the stocks tho.

ok, over and out! Smiley 
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05-May-2007 22:21 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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ehh...winsontkl, ref to the past posts in this thread leh...vic and i have more than elaborated already...

pls note that i'm never 'bullish' or 'bearish' on a stock. i simply try to call what the trend is, and follow it; rather than trying to irrationally second-guess (all the 'what ifs') or impose my will on it or whatever. if hh drops below my threshold, i'll still cut it like any other stock. I attach no sentiments at all.

but ok, rather than techs which i've given, let me talk via FA now. Why the trend reads up to me: if it's comparative data you want: PE ratios of the local prop plays as follows, accurate as of 3rd May (go see straitstime money section for verification):

HH: 19.3

AG: 33.3

HB: 17

CapLand: 23.1

Kepland: 33

WT: 19.3

From this you can see that HH appears to be low/middle-end in its industry sector. Note however that all the above, except HH, have officially launched properties. ie, their PE ratios takes into account already all the props that they have launched this year and last, except hh's.

Now, HH has only soft launched one (sold 100%), and 3 more in the works (cuscaden royale looks to be selling out before soft launch). ie, a revaluation of the PE ratio is most probably going to be in the pipeline. same way as HB did prior and after Sentosa Cove.  

it follows then that upon rerating of PE ratio lower (due to higher EPS/NAV/NTA by working in the values of the sold props to the bottomline), stock is going to be undervalued. Hence, even if it rerates to this current of 19.3, which is WT's current ratio, the upside is clearly there already. (props trade btwn 20-30x PE ratio normally)

Note: have left out UIC--PE of 8.5x only--since i'm not sure if it launched anything; plus, it's skewed parameters 'cos of UIC building once-off extraordinary gains, so can't be used as comparative perhaps (?). 

A better measurement perhaps is if someone has HB's PE ratio and EPS from mid of last year, cf to its ratio and EPS now? That should give you a gauge of what HH's upside will be via FA.

gege. my first foray into explanation via FA. how did i do??? hehe. shplayer, if you are able to correct me as well? wld be much appreciated. :) esp since i don't have the EPS etc data, so i can't calculate what the revaluation is likely to be. hehe.  

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05-May-2007 22:00 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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eastonbay, cycles, no problem. that means i can get more goodies out of you. muahhahahaa!

hp = handphone lah.... a bit out of the loop eh, someone? :P no need so many lots. the gains from half a lot will do.

beginning to regret asking me to do techs for you, eh?

muah haha. :P
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05-May-2007 15:25 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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eheh, kilroy, that's not called fundamentals man... basing on a single acquisition, that's called speculation. sheesh, i thought you were a sharper trader than that. :P

no offence yea. hehe. yups i sure hope i can someday make millions tooo!! hehe. sama sama to you. Smiley 

anyway, hh's bollies are starting to pinch in. some large change coming soon. don't know if up or down tho. Smiley   BBs Smiley starting something.  this is going to be fun.

whee! Smiley

loony elf. Smiley

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05-May-2007 15:11 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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eh, colorado, there's never such a thing as a good price to buy. ya just gotta decide for yourself what's good. haha.

can consider engkong too (go look at the thread). same story as edmi. both cornered stocks and solid fundamentals; BBs keeping quiet on it, altho held by multiple brokerage houses (they always like to keep good things for themselves eh). note edmi has rode two waves up already, so if you join nw, it's for the final upswing. still likely to be good tho. if you catch ek tho, you can get the chance to ride 3 full waves. whee. hehe.

price target: i do not honestly believe you can get it below 45c. i don't know the no: of lots you want, so do monitor the bu/sd data day to day, and decide on a good entry price for yourself? note that edmi does not do fibo retracement, so don't expect to get it at like, 40c or something. Unless something really big shakes the entire market, it's too solidly supported by FA, institutions and too cornered for that.

caveat emptor yea. but at least ya know that victorian and i will be rabidly monitoring these stocks since we're vested, so you'll always have TA/FA updates. haha. pls note the above is not an inducement to buy. make up your own mind yea.  
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05-May-2007 15:05 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hullo kitten and singaporegal! kitten, you haven't been posting. my pet doesn't want me anymore...weh...haha.

singaporegal, feeling better? give the techs a break lah! market won't go away. haha. when are you off to redang?
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05-May-2007 14:48 ST Engineering   /   ST Engg       Go to Message
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geez, you guys get so sentimental on your stocks. like with the SPC thread, man, it's practically a fraternal/family bond there or something, esp those that weathered the spc drop to 4.04 or thereabouts. sentimental folks. tsk.

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05-May-2007 14:44 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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eh, no prob, godpa.

fwah...just fin posting on eastonbay's straitsasia. lucky i saved it before posting man; SJ auto logged me out before i could post. haha. everyone, go see go see! bwah haha. but no, seriously, it's a good eg of BB manipulation. quite rare now in this current market since it's mainly a hodge podge of private funds and irrational gungho retailers.

and ya lah. dont think too much abt BBs and all. just find something that suits your style and that you know you can do for the next decades. have fun while at it.
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