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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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07-May-2007 22:05 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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this has got to be the ultimate in rational (or should it be lunatic) investing: but yes. TA-wise, i concur with singaporegal. Does not look bullish.

Note tho that TA is almost wholly inaccurate for this counter. too cornered and vol too low.

still say up tho. let's see what's right. techs or psych. experiment time. keke.

thanks shplayer for the news. something to look forward to. Smiley 

eh, this little guy is new. what does he do? let's try.... Smiley
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07-May-2007 17:14 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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argh! silly me! been going through the bu/sd data and previous records. just realised what's happening with this baby. argh, shd have guessed earlier. my bad.

anw, won't say why first but my guess for likely direction of major change: up.

anyone wants to side-bet???

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07-May-2007 17:10 Others   /   Interested in diversifying your investment?       Go to Message
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keke, my dear mister rogue, you're too softhearted lah... money is money; it should perhaps be kept separate from friendship... besides, i think min sum shd be at least 10k right?

no prob, good luck for all your trades! here, a lucky star for you. Smiley

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07-May-2007 17:05 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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eh bro, i thought your very own bb is due, still got time to worry abt the BBs ah? haha.


RSI, Williams increasing. chaikin showed slight up, A/D is down. Candlesticks show slightest of beginning of uptrend (note this tool abt most accurate for dang counter). Accurate as for friday. bu/sd reads down for today.

Up to investors to make sense of the above whether up or down.

i say don't guess, wait for signals to clear.
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07-May-2007 16:57 Others   /   Interested in diversifying your investment?       Go to Message
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yoz rogue, PP you have to be careful. they're based in UK, and UK has land regulation rules against collective investors schemes (CIS). investors got caught once 'cos one of the land parcels they were selling was actually slated as a conservation site (ie, can't sell. no refund too).

yeps, standard will have taxes, exit fees, maintenance fees, clawback contract, high commission, etcetc. go google them, you'll have quite a bit of info.

not that landbanking is a bad thing, people have made money that way. esp in the past. but risky, def, esp now. Do check legality first yea.

good luck!   
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07-May-2007 16:51 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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hm.. eastonbay.. do you see now what i mean by don't trust analysts reports totally, and do what they do, not what they say? cf the 3rd may UBS (?) analyst report posted by my kitten, with target of 1.33, and the previous CGK of 1.37. if you just saw that and rushed bought this morn, you'd be crying now man....

anyhow, did you divest to buy in again, or just sitting pretty? (more like nervy? :P)

check out the bu/sd data peeps. something interesting appears to be going on. seems as tho they're trying to force out one/some guys. BB fight BB. hehe.

watch from sidelines. 1.13 now.

anyone knows what the float of this stock is?  
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07-May-2007 16:39 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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woah. this baby's dropping faster than expected. current 1.14. way past dividend yield. def something fishy going on. major depression of price: look at the bu/sd data.

trymyluck, don't get so caught up by the nos, like i said on previous threads etc, what nos i quoted shd not be taken as concrete, but rather, fluid targets. They're guidelines merely, not stone. Follow the trend. rem that techs are true only when the trend holds true.  

not so simple as wave theory; not all stocks conform to that. must do a bit of graphical shift to left or right according to each stock, momentum and psychology to be taken into acct. part guess work, definitely. always an unknown element in the market.  

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07-May-2007 16:03 Others   /   Interested in diversifying your investment?       Go to Message
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26% tax on gains?!!

altho haha, yea, agree that if you bought 28 years ago (or even 10), you'll most prob make your dough already.

yeps, due diligence before investing. STI wise, looks to be profit taking in swing now. cheers all! Smiley
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07-May-2007 15:04 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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argh! how can it be corrupted?! it's new, i haven't even downloaded anything, apart from the java software! my lappie! *wail*

or is it just some bug in windows vista? it isn't IE that can't run leh, it's any java program.  

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07-May-2007 15:01 Others   /   Interested in diversifying your investment?       Go to Message
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1) Even assuming 26% over 6 years, that's a return of only 4.3% p.a. Not much dif from a FD. Which is much safer, too. Not to mention a six year wait.

2) Pros of land banking: choose the right piece of land, voila! Cf Bob Hope, Howard Hughes, Donald Trump.

3) Cons: if you're going in as a bitty investor: need majority vote to accept sale of land at the quoted price; need to pay high exit fees if you decide to up and out. Also: check for clawback in contract. Check for maintenance of land fees.

4) Alternative investments: consider gold, or art. Price of gold in oct 06 = US$580 per troy ounce. Now: ~690 per troy ounce. Picassos increase by 15% p.a. There are also bonds, unit trusts, fixed deposits.

5) Or if you really must have land but cannot afford a prop: reits. booming biz, div yield p.a. for say, macquarie infrastructure, is at least 5% p.a. Exclusive of capital gains.  

6) Walton buys agricultural land. Remains to be seen if it can be sold as for property development.

7) Land is not affected by stock market volatility? cf Asian financial crisis, 1997, sars crisis, 2003. Enough said.

caveat emptor.
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07-May-2007 14:10 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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maxliukt, signals are actually mixed: some read down, others start of up. 

wait and see close of today for confirmation.
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06-May-2007 23:36 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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gah. eastonbay, don't worry, i won't hit you for a vertu. Smiley

$100 good enough already, like i said. plus, a hp is just that, a phone. can call out, receive sms, send sms smoothly, can already. i don't need the other functions. as long as doesn't look too obiang hehe.

same as cars what. as long as it can get me from pt A to pt B without breaking down/too slow, i pretty much don't care if it's a porsche or a hyundai. (altho of course, when the former comes around, i'll auto turn around and go ooh! haha)

let's put things into perspective: vertu in HK = US$800. that translates at exchange of 1.5 as S$1200. Use $100 to buy hp. use the other 1100 to buy one lot of straitsA when it consolidates (alt top up a bit and buy in). If StA really hits 1.8, you make $700 on top of getting a new hp.

It's the rockefeller principle, ppl. "To grow wealthy, you must make your money work harder for you." 

as you can see from the above, i'm definitely not the clientele profile that vertu is after. haha.

of course tho, some things shdn't be saved on, to me. like on friends, family. And yea, it's a qn of value in the end.

Altho, yes, value is arbitrary. haha.  

nites, people. elf needs to go sleep now. sure lack of sleep tmrw already. sigh. ah well! must be bright! cheers!

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06-May-2007 23:21 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm. yep victorian, that's pretty much what i mean when i say almost nothing can stop the china juggernaut. the fact is that, there is too much money going on in there. So long term the trend is only one way: up.

what i meant was more for the short term pic. because of the newness of the investors, they are likely to pursue any rumor that comes along, be it good or bad. So unlike s'pore, where the damage can be contained (open system, dif classes of investors etc), one takes flight because of some rumor there, the rest will follow. The shanghai meltdown was exactly that. There was no logical reason at all.  The second meltdown was even more ridiculous: because the economic data was released later than usual, investors panicked upon rumors of bad news, and took flight.

Yes, the bourse recovered swiftly after, but there are repercussions for the short term trader.

And that is where it affects singapore. Chaos Theory in full play. We're at the mercy of the dow (not so much anymore really, but 'cos of export reason: US is our 2nd largest trading partner) and china. When china melts down, even if it's for a week, singapore will feel the full storm. Anyone who traded during the feb-apr period will know what i'm saying.  

long term, of course, the mini meltdowns are just that: patterns on a long term uptrend. But for the short term investor, such mini meltdowns can be extremely detrimental, and they are what TA traders and other short term players need to be careful of.

Plus, we need to rem one more thing: if china rises too much, investors are going to park their money there; be it via backdoor entry, or via HK. Big pic-wise, STI will lose foreign support. Already, the foreign funds flowing into our region is much less than before. STI is currently supported mainly by domestic investors, and private funds. Esp if you track the tech patterns. THe foreign institutions don't seem to be here much at all. (the straits times published on the money flow to s'pore before. can't rem the exact figures tho). 

act, one qn: what's the average net value a china investor puts into a company? that gives you a better idea of fund liquidity, rather than no" of investors per se.  
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06-May-2007 19:30 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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okkk!!! my emoticons work!! yessss! i'm back! muahhahhaha

 ring a ling ring a ding a ling! Smiley

 eh, ed88ks, why the sudden post on china? and yeps, they're opening stock accts faster in 1 mth than in 4 mths last year. and increasing, too. 200k new accts a day. it's a bubble waiting to happen. not 'cos of fundamental reasons: pretty much nothing can stop the china juggernaut. more 'cos it's entirely irrational; so just do the maths: 200k new accts a day, all gungho new traders. one rumor flies, what's gonna happen?

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06-May-2007 19:26 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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btw, just loaded firefox. running very fast now. 

testing to see if can put in emoticons..... Smiley 

yesss!!!! i can! but how come the fella not moving? eh?? try again....Smiley 

hm...do i gotta post before they move? puzzled....lemme see...

and this has been a ding dong monologue courtesy of elf truely.


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06-May-2007 19:24 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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oh ok godpa, i get what margin call is now. then i presume if you can't fork out that 7k, they'll force sell it for you, is that it? 

in other words, need to do the maths really, really carefully so you have reserve to top up margin if necessary.

ooh boy. a lot to absorb.... 
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06-May-2007 18:58 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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can't be kena virus right? o_0 i haven't downloaded any program yet what...new lappie too. wail.

sigh. i'll see. trying to get firefox now....

k ppl, logging off for now; wanna settle my comp first.

see you guys!
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06-May-2007 18:55 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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?? godpa? stocks are stocks, reits or not. i thought capital gains not taxable?

one more qn on margin (to those who are using it expertly already, pls bear with the silly qns): what do they mean when they say they force a margin call/margin top up?

in what instances do you have to top up?? ie, specifically, what price does the share have to fall to before they force a margin call? (can we take SPC or something as an eg? or anything hypothetical)
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06-May-2007 18:50 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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nono, godpa, i'll kick him by the butt. :P

muahahhahahaaa! (sorry gege, no offence hor....haha.)

dang it, i want my emoticons! wail.....no fun! i can't put in all the faces! sigh....meh. mehhhhh....

but seriously: what qualifies as a good grade share? is there a list of approved counters or something? that means margin is 4-5x including your initial, is it?

oh ok, so that's why you and vic focus so much on dividends....use it to cover margin costs...oh i see.....*food for thought* will def have to learn abt this. and i need to learn FA too. man, i'm like a real sotong there. erk.  
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06-May-2007 18:46 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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oh dang it, nevermind, i've just tried clicking on the charts again, and again my comp hung. *sigh* so what is it? a fault of the antivirus protection or what? wail. i'm a tech idiot! (not TA tech i mean. haha)

yahyah! tighten them around his neck! heehee! i'll spin the web so he can't get away!

and erm. the above sounds damn kinky lah.

pai seh. haha.
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