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Latest Posts By WanSiTong - Master      About WanSiTong
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21-Mar-2013 16:08 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Extraded from para 8 of YZJ 2012 Full yr announcement :

Other gains/(losses) - net 其 他 利 益 /(損 失 ) - 淨 值

Net other gains, which comprises mainly foreign exchange related gains/ (loss) and impairment provision for

HTM investments, recorded a loss of RMB21.3 million in 4Q 2012 from loss of RMB107.4 million in 4Q 2011.

The recorded net loss of RMB21.3 million mainly due to additional of RMB99.2 million impairment provisions

made for HTM Investment at end of 2012. As at 31 December 2012, the provision is RMB 653.3 million.

其 他 利 益 主 要 包 括 外 匯 相 關 損 益 以 及 對 持 有 至 到 期 金 融 資 產 所 作 的 減 值 準 備 計 提 , 與 2011年 第 四 季 度 的


期 金 融 資 產 減 值 準 備

元 人 民 幣 。

As at 31/12/2011, impairmrnt provisions was RMB 554.2 million. (pls refer to Notes 16 of the 2011 Annual Report)

億 元 虧 損 相 比 , 2012年 第 四 季 度 , 其 他 利 益 凈 虧 損 人 民 幣 2130萬 元 。 虧 損 主 要 源 於 增 加 對 持 有 至 到 9920萬 元 人 民 幣 , 截 止 20121231日 , 持 有 至 到 期 金 融 資 產 減 值 準 備 共 計 6.533

darkknight      ( Date: 21-Mar-2013 14:58) Posted:

Is  there a write back on the provision for impairment as the security matured?   The 2012 provision is half that of 2011 despite increases in the HTM assets. Not an expert in reading the cash flow statement, is the cash flow positive from the HTM deployment? If not, I will be worried as it contradicts the intention of using HTM to fund dividend payouts.

cheongsl      ( Date: 20-Mar-2013 21:21) Posted:

Note your sources. 


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21-Mar-2013 12:51 Tiong Woon   /   Tiong Woon       Go to Message
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Total consideration : $ 18M gain on disposal : $ 2M

TWOG (including its subsidiary PT Bintan) has been loss making for the past 6 years Ie Bottom line & cash flow  of TW will  be much better  after the disposal !

WanSiTong      ( Date: 20-Mar-2013 22:58) Posted:

2nd Qtr  (ended 31/12/12)  results improved significantly from a Loss of $0.4M to profit of more than $4M as compared to last yr same period! Share price of this counter has slowly improved ! Today closing $0.385

derekchong      ( Date: 25-Jan-2013 10:32) Posted:

what happen to this counter.

no buy call, px not mioving.

Tat Hong already cross $1.50.

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21-Mar-2013 10:39 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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hen tat kaki hen tak  0.945 / 0.950 for quite sometime !!? Smiley
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20-Mar-2013 22:58 Tiong Woon   /   Tiong Woon       Go to Message
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2nd Qtr  (ended 31/12/12)  results improved significantly from a Loss of $0.4M to profit of more than $4M as compared to last yr same period! Share price of this counter has slowly improved ! Today closing $0.385

derekchong      ( Date: 25-Jan-2013 10:32) Posted:

what happen to this counter.

no buy call, px not mioving.

Tat Hong already cross $1.50.

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20-Mar-2013 22:34 Tiong Woon   /   Tiong Woon       Go to Message
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WanSiTong      ( Date: 20-Mar-2013 22:31) Posted:

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20-Mar-2013 22:31 Tiong Woon   /   Tiong Woon       Go to Message
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20-Mar-2013 13:56 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Extraded from YZJ annual Report 2011 (2012 is not availiable), Pg 56- Significant Accounting policies :

(iii) Financial assets, held-to-maturity

Financial assets, held-to-maturity are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable

payments and fixed maturities that the Group’s management has the positive intention and

ability to hold to maturity. If the Group were to sell other than an insignificant amount of financial

assets, held-to-maturity, the whole category would be tainted and reclassified as available-forsale.

They are presented as non-current assets, except for those maturing within 12 months after

the balance sheet date which are presented as current assets.

(iv) Financial assets, available-for-sale

Financial assets, available-for-sale are non-derivatives that are either designated in this category

or not classified in any of the other categories. They are presented as non-current assets unless

management intends to dispose of the assets within 12 months after the balance sheet date.

(b) Recognition and derecognition

Regular way purchases and sales of financial assets are recognised on the trade-date – the date on

which the Group commits to purchase or sell the asset.

Financial assets are derecognised when the rights to receive cash flows from the financial assets have

expired or have been transferred and the Group has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of

ownership. On disposal of a financial asset, the difference between the carrying amount and the sale

proceeds is recognised in profit or loss.Any amount in the fair value reserve relating to that asset is

transferred to profit or loss.

(c) Initial measurement

Financial assets are initially recognised at fair value plus transaction costs except for financial assets

at fair value through profit or loss, which are recognised at fair value. Transaction costs for financial

assets at fair value through profit or loss are recognised immediately as expenses.

(d) Subsequent measurement

Financial assets, available-for-sale and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, are

subsequently carried at fair value. Loans and receivables and financial assets, held-to-maturity are

subsequently carried at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

cheongsl      ( Date: 19-Mar-2013 07:30) Posted:

Hi dippyboy,

I don't quite get you what do you mean by 11 rmb htm asset is like CAO, what do you mean  by 6% interest as this seems to be different from their financial report? Maybe you can provide your proof for your wording why with htm asset is big time speculating?

Most company have held to maturity investment, especially in building industries. They will need vest amount of raw material, and the project is not complete within a short period. Eg. when the contract is sign, the fabrication and manufacturer might take 1 years later to start. Thus to avoid the contract from getting into loss, the company will need to hedge the material price for 1 year, so that the price of material go up the company will still get the material at the same price as 1 year ago, if it go down the company might consider loss the hedging and purchase directly outside or just complete the hedging sales. Similar go to foreign currency, hedgeing might also required.

Every normal individual also have held to maturity investment, insurance, fixed deposit, saving insurance, etc.

dippyboy      ( Date: 19-Mar-2013 02:16) Posted:

If theres a systemic default in the 11b rmb htm asset on the balancesheet, then the 6% interest to be the guarantor of such loan on behalf of the banks to take on all the default risk will make it look foolish since banks earns the other 6% risk free off balancesheet.

  Always fishy when a company went big time to speculate big on its non-core business. Sounds like another CAO if the credit bubble implodes in china. Its cheap for a good reason ........

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20-Mar-2013 09:52 Baker Technology   /   It's time to rebound ????       Go to Message
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Wow, it's active today after sleeping for  so many daysSmiley 

$0.435 with 6.5 m transacted!
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19-Mar-2013 16:58 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Pls be reminded the terms and conditions of posting on the SJ forum :Smiley

No.  11 ...................... Please post your comments in English.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

ofcauseme      ( Date: 19-Mar-2013 16:35) Posted:

Simi lan cheow?? A nice decent forum turn into freaking melayu threat?
Alot of us are not impressed by all your abilities to speak foreign language. Must b our so called foreign talent.

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19-Mar-2013 15:36 Vard   /   STXOSV       Go to Message
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up also win, down also win!

huatzai      ( Date: 19-Mar-2013 15:25) Posted:

yesterday -0.025 u tangkap ikan.

today +0.020 u dayung sampan!


GorgeousOng      ( Date: 19-Mar-2013 15:11) Posted:

Hahaha!!!Is time to dayung sampan....enjoy n relax!!

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19-Mar-2013 12:01 Vard   /   STXOSV       Go to Message
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On 8 Mar 2013  :

The change in interest of Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC  arises by way of an off-market transfer in of 73,754,000 STX shares.

On 13 Mar 2013 :

The change in interest of Credit Suisse (USA), Inc. arises by way of:
1) 50,000 000 STX shares tendered  as at 13 March 2013 based on Client instructions *
*In the provision of prime brokerage services to the beneficial owners, Credit Suisse AG, Credit Suisse Group AG, Credit Suisse Holdings (USA), Inc., Credit Suisse (USA), Inc. and Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC have the rights of use of the shares held and is deemed to have an interest in such shares.

SJ-Stomp      ( Date: 19-Mar-2013 10:14) Posted:

is old news right?

CWC2929      ( Date: 19-Mar-2013 02:43) Posted:

50MIL share not small amount........must find out offload to who???.......who the new buyer???

offload via open market ?????........or marriage deal!!!!!........how much if marriage deal???




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19-Mar-2013 11:15 CapitaMalls Asia   /   First Day trading open at $2.30       Go to Message
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After few days drop, today hit $2.10 again !!

11/3 to 15/3 total short sales  : 7.09 m shares. It's quite ok!


phil1314      ( Date: 15-Mar-2013 20:47) Posted:

Yes agree with you.
Today hit $2.10 but ended 2 cents lower at $2.05 and volume is high.
Looks like a battle between the bulls and the bears but since price has stabilized around $2 to $2.05 very likely short sellers starting to disappear so turnaround is possible.
Strong accumulation today so lets see next week.

WanSiTong      ( Date: 15-Mar-2013 15:42) Posted:

Both MACD & ADX just started uptrend yesterday!

  But don't fully rely on the charts, just for reference

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19-Mar-2013 10:07 Vard   /   STXOSV       Go to Message
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17-Mar-2013 20:27 Vard   /   STXOSV       Go to Message
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Yes, Hockkien .Smiley 21

GorgeousOng      ( Date: 17-Mar-2013 15:26) Posted:

Hi there, what is kee tui? Hockkien ? Just want to learn.:)) thanks!

WanSiTong      ( Date: 17-Mar-2013 15:12) Posted:

Fully agreed with you,   kee tui (sound familiar, right) Smiley 29

That is the difference between investor and gambler !!

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17-Mar-2013 15:12 Vard   /   STXOSV       Go to Message
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Fully agreed with you,   kee tui (sound familiar, right) Smiley 29

That is the difference between investor and gambler !!

TiamTiamHuat      ( Date: 15-Mar-2013 22:25) Posted:

If you are doing contra, this is call betting. If you are doing long investment this is also call betting.

You either follow people blindly or listen to rumous this is all betting to either win or loss 

But to invest on stock, you have to know what kind of company you want to bet on.

Company profile is good? future is good? Year earning is good? If the company fail we loss, if company grow we win. 

Wah price going down means to buy in more liao ^-^

This stock will raise very soon to $1.5, that's my believe. COME $$$$$ COME 

HUART AR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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15-Mar-2013 17:11 Vard   /   STXOSV       Go to Message
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Cheer !! Smiley 380


GorgeousOng      ( Date: 15-Mar-2013 17:09) Posted:

Relax! Have a great weekend!!!!



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15-Mar-2013 16:51 Vard   /   STXOSV       Go to Message
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No need to " Kan Chiong " ! FY 2013 dividend will only be declared 1 year later {ie end Feb 2014}

May be the new boss is more generous !!!? Smiley 21

WanSiTong      ( Date: 15-Mar-2013 16:15) Posted:

Extraded from Pg 20 of their Presentation Slides posted on 26/2/13:

The Company has in September 2012 paid an interim

dividend of SGD 13 cents per share attributable to

FY 2012, representing a dividend payout ratio of

approximately 77.5% of distributable profits for the

financial year, calculated based on the unaudited

results for the fourth quarter and full year ended

31 December 2012

iPunter      ( Date: 15-Mar-2013 15:52) Posted:

Those days may be over for good...

  New boss may be very " giam siap" (stingy)... maybe no dividend at all ...

      As a result, many may be fed up and just dump it... just a possibility... 

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15-Mar-2013 16:15 Vard   /   STXOSV       Go to Message
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Extraded from Pg 20 of their Presentation Slides posted on 26/2/13:

The Company has in September 2012 paid an interim

dividend of SGD 13 cents per share attributable to

FY 2012, representing a dividend payout ratio of

approximately 77.5% of distributable profits for the

financial year, calculated based on the unaudited

results for the fourth quarter and full year ended

31 December 2012

iPunter      ( Date: 15-Mar-2013 15:52) Posted:

Those days may be over for good...

  New boss may be very " giam siap" (stingy)... maybe no dividend at all ...

      As a result, many may be fed up and just dump it... just a possibility... 

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15-Mar-2013 15:42 CapitaMalls Asia   /   First Day trading open at $2.30       Go to Message
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Both MACD & ADX just started uptrend yesterday!

  But don't fully rely on the charts, just for reference.

phil1314      ( Date: 15-Mar-2013 15:22) Posted:

What's next after $2.10 as already hit this price level?

WanSiTong      ( Date: 15-Mar-2013 14:31) Posted:

UOB-Kayhian Chart Genie alert : MACD Bullish

Mow $  2.10 Smiley 77Smiley 77Smiley 77

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15-Mar-2013 14:31 CapitaMalls Asia   /   First Day trading open at $2.30       Go to Message
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UOB-Kayhian Chart Genie alert : MACD Bullish

Mow $  2.10 Smiley 77Smiley 77Smiley 77
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