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25-Jan-2011 18:55 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Something to look forward to: -


Wall Street Partying in Davos as Bankers Overcome Crisis

Wall Street Partying in Davos

The town of Davos, Switzerland, host site of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2011. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg

Wall Street Partying in Davos, Bankers Overcome Crisis Angst

An "I Love Davos" T-shirt sits on display in a store in Davos. Photographer: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg

As Wall Street chief executive officers flock to the World Economic Forum, they’ll be breathing a sigh of relief along with the Swiss mountain air: There are no panels on compensation or redesigning financial regulation.

After spending much of last year’s meeting defending the industry and debating proposed rules, bankers plan to focus on wooing clients and winning business, according to executives at three Wall Street companies, who spoke anonymously because they weren’t authorized to comment publicly.

The bankers will be coming to Davos, Switzerland, with a renewed sense of confidence. JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s profits last year were the highest in the bank’s history, and Citigroup Inc. returned money to the U.S. Treasury and reported its first full- year profit since 2007. Governments have so far opted against breaking up or levying extra taxes on banks deemed too big to fail, and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which sets global financial-regulatory guidelines, isn’t requiring lenders to meet new capital standards until 2015.

“It will feel less acute,” said Anne M. Finucane, Bank of America Corp.’s chief strategy and marketing officer, who attended with CEO Brian T. Moynihan for the first time last year and is returning this week. “The level of angst should have dissipated some given that there is movement in the economy.”

Goldman, Morgan Stanley

Two years ago, after the 2008 financial crisis, the CEOs of Bank of America, Citigroup and Morgan Stanley stayed away from the annual forum. This year the only major Wall Street banks that aren’t sending CEOs are Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley, instead represented by President Gary D. Cohn, 50, and Chairman John J. Mack, 66, respectively.

That means banks will be spending on parties. JPMorgan upgraded its cocktail reception to the Kirchner Museum from last year’s event at the Tonic Piano Bar at Hotel Europe Davos. Bank of America’s Moynihan and the firm’s other top executives will meet clients for drinks on Jan. 27 at the Steigenberger Grandhotel Belvedere -- the same night Morgan Stanley’s Mack is hosting a private dinner at restaurant Gasthaus in den Islen. Standard Chartered Plc and Deutsche Bank AG are both hosting events at the Belvedere the following night.

Nomura Holdings Inc. is having a British journalist and a newspaper editor speak at a dinner for clients, the first such event the Tokyo-based bank has held in Davos, according to a person familiar with the planning. Barclays Plc will again hold its annual client dinner at the Hotel Schatzalp, and Credit Suisse Group AG is hosting two client lunches, one discussing financial regulation and the other focused on emerging markets.

‘Cup of Coffee’

As always, much of the action at Davos will happen at meetings and parties that aren’t on the official program.

“The most useful thing for us is really just to spend time with key clients over there, even if it’s just a cup of coffee for 20 minutes or so,” said William Vereker, the London-based joint global head of Nomura’s investment banking division.

For bankers like Vereker, in contrast with this year’s Davos theme of “Shared Norms for a New Reality,” the old reality is back.

“They’re out there to make money for shareholders and trying to do that the best way they can under a system they helped design,” said Simon Johnson, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management and a Bloomberg News columnist. “We’re just going through the same cycle again with pretty much the same incentives and power structures. Why would one expect anything different?”

Co-Chair Kochhar

One thing different this year is that none of the heads of big western banks is among the event’s six co-chairs. Chanda D. Kochhar, the 49-year-old CEO of ICICI Bank Ltd., India’s second- biggest lender, is replacing Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann and Standard Chartered CEO Peter A. Sands, who represented the industry last year.

Kochhar’s bank, unlike many of its western counterparts, remained profitable throughout the financial crisis and this week reported a record profit for the three months ending Dec. 31. Her salary, bonus, expenses and pension contributions for the year ending March 31, 2010, totaled 20.9 million rupees ($457,500), the Mumbai-based bank’s annual report showed, less than half the $1 million base salary paid to JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, who is returning to Davos after skipping last year.

A survey released a year ago by New York-based public relations firm Edelman showed the percentage of respondents in India who said they trusted banks rose to 83 percent, while in Germany, France, the U.K. and U.S., trust in banks tumbled below 30 percent. Edelman is scheduled to release an update of that study later today.

Lessons Learned

Finucane and other senior bankers said the lessons learned from the financial crisis aren’t forgotten. They also said the reform process isn’t finished. Many of the rules required by the U.S.’s Dodd-Frank financial legislation have yet to be written, and Basel still has to craft rules for too-big-to-fail banks and capital requirements for trading units.

“The way that Dodd-Frank is implemented is still up for grabs,” said Jane R. Gladstone, who leads the financial- services corporate advisory practice at New York-based investment bank Evercore Partners Inc. and is going to Davos for the third time. “There is a chance that we still have some important sessions and regulatory meetings at Davos.”

This year the discussion at Davos will probably move to different topics such as economic stimulus, monetary policy and the role played by emerging markets, Finucane said.

Geithner, Cantor

Timothy F. Geithner is scheduled to be in Davos, the first time in more than a decade that a sitting U.S. Treasury secretary has flown to Switzerland for the conference. The leaders of France, Germany and the U.K. will also appear, as will seven members of the U.S. Congress, including Republican Majority Leader Eric I. Cantor and Massachusetts Democratic Congressman Barney Frank.

None of the U.S.’s main financial regulators, such as Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Mary L. Schapiro or U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chairman Gary Gensler are on the list of participants.

“Last year there were a lot of conversations about who to blame, how to blame them, and how to re-jigger the industry,” said Yury Spektorov, a Moscow-based partner in Bain & Co.’s mergers and acquisitions practice. “It’s not a hot topic anymore. Some people probably learned their lessons, some probably didn’t, but they will discuss how to move forward.”

Back on Track

Goldman Sachs’s Cohn and Standard Chartered’s Sands are scheduled to participate in one of the first panels tomorrow, discussing “The International Financial System: Back on Track?” The discussion will also include Liu Mingkang, chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, as well as London- based lawyer David R. Childs and hedge-fund manager Frank P. Brosens. That session is closed to the press.

JPMorgan’s Dimon, 54, will make a more public appearance the following morning on a panel titled “The Next Shock: Are We Better Prepared?” Dimon is the only financial-industry participant in that discussion, which also includes Israeli President Shimon Peres and the leaders of consulting firm McKinsey & Co., Alcoa Inc. and Paris-based advertising company Publicis Groupe SA.

Pandit, Diamond

Other appearances by top bank executives are less likely to focus on Wall Street and regulation. Citigroup’s Vikram S. Pandit is on a panel about expanding financial services to the poor; Bank of America’s Moynihan will talk about currency devaluations; and Barclays’s Robert E. Diamond Jr. will discuss the global economy in a session that features World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick and the finance or economy ministers from three countries.

Jonathan Chenevix-Trench, who spent 23 years at Morgan Stanley and went to Davos in 2006 and 2007, said the event could be more useful than ever if executives used the time with politicians and regulators to address unsolved problems in the financial system.

“There will always be client meetings, that’s what they’re there to do, so absolutely they’ll be doing that,” said Chenevix-Trench, 59, who co-founded London-based African Century Group, which invests in sub-Saharan Africa. Still, “we’ve not solved this conundrum of bankers making hay when the times are good and taxpayers picking up the tab when times are bad, and that model, everyone’s got to look at it very carefully.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Christine Harper in New

niuyear      ( Date: 25-Jan-2011 18:34) Posted:

STI  3400  cannot matintain,  it will be  laughing stock.

The SGX CEO  will be  'eat himself' aka 吃自己!

krisluke      ( Date: 25-Jan-2011 15:33) Posted:

dear readers,

fomc start today and tmr. most likely expects nothing special. see dj bull charge last nite alredi knew liao. sight. lol / lal. market so quiet. good time to buy into deep. anyhow buy blue chip olso can make money. no hurry, market is always there for U, money inside pocket is better than money in the market. choose a few blue ones for spare pocket money. pump and dump strategy applied.

Ascenda reits is still the best, rock n roll ya !!!! olso all green properties too.  potential chiong in long term, of course capitaland than kepland... ....

my view Smiley

signing off, cris luck!!!

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25-Jan-2011 18:39 Oceanus   /   new year to buy abalone and lobster       Go to Message
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RWS (genting sentosa)  allows member to use their  gambling reward points to  exchange for  chinese new year goodies,   no need to use money to buy abalone,  can use point to change.   

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25-Jan-2011 18:34 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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STI  3400  cannot matintain,  it will be  laughing stock.

The SGX CEO  will be  'eat himself' aka 吃自己!

krisluke      ( Date: 25-Jan-2011 15:33) Posted:

dear readers,

fomc start today and tmr. most likely expects nothing special. see dj bull charge last nite alredi knew liao. sight. lol / lal. market so quiet. good time to buy into deep. anyhow buy blue chip olso can make money. no hurry, market is always there for U, money inside pocket is better than money in the market. choose a few blue ones for spare pocket money. pump and dump strategy applied.

Ascenda reits is still the best, rock n roll ya !!!! olso all green properties too.  potential chiong in long term, of course capitaland than kepland... ....

my view Smiley

signing off, cris luck!!!

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25-Jan-2011 18:18 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Yes sir!   You are very right.

Today's movement,  is  a   Human's  herd behaviour!!!

1) When A sells,  B start to get panic, when B's  10% stop-loss triggers, stocks are automatically sold.  

2)  then,   come to C  .    He also panic also,  may be his stop loss is 15%, and when his 15% triggers, his stocks are sold.  

3)then, come to  D's stop loss is 20%,  his stock triggers a SELL.




iPunter      ( Date: 25-Jan-2011 18:01) Posted:

I don't know what makes MasterLim so optimistic about Gaoxian.

  But one thing I strongly don't agree with him is he said,

    "... chart is showing uptrend! it is going rally!".

       I have always maintained that, no matter how good a chart is,

          and no matter how great a chart reader one is,

             a chart cannot tell you what is going to happen

                A chart only show what has happened.


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25-Jan-2011 17:52 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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A  lesson  to learn :

Next time, when buying into korean related stock, must check if  the  promoter (aka Master Lim)  in this forum, got  "Suck-up"  to the Korean mother because the mothers got great influence on their sons........ 

Master Lim forgot to  sweet talk  the mother .  

des_khor      ( Date: 25-Jan-2011 17:09) Posted:


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25-Jan-2011 17:40 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Life goes on, celebration of CNY goes on.......

Hold on and see how it goes...

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25-Jan-2011 17:34 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Let me rewind a bit......


masterlim8888      ( Date: 25-Jan-2011 07:20) Posted:

SmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmiley top gem!
rock solid financial gem Smiley, unshakeable! Smiley, undeniable! Smiley gem of the year!

opening px 50 cents! Smiley  load!Smiley load!Smiley load!Smiley

SmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmiley top multi bagger!

Smiley SmileySmiley krx is here! Smiley SmileySmiley krx is here! finally we going to show all stocks in sgx whats a gem is like today.

50 cents closing px is an under estimation! chart is showing uptrend! it is going rally! its going rally! prepare for wide wide upside ride! Smiley SmileySmiley


Why it has all the factors to rally on the first week of trading and good for long term:

Smiley Gaoxian supplies to the domestic market in China which is a tremendous growth story and Gaoxian is an indirect play on retail consumption in China.

Smiley Winner is going to be the one who is the biggest. And Gaoxian is the biggest.

Smiley Intention to use the proceeds from the Korean dual listing to move upstream by creating its own PET chips supply in order to expand its profit margins. This vertical integration is a complicated endeavour but it’s a very good story. In all manufacturing companies, vertical integration is a very key point and a winner when you talk to institutional investors. At the end of the day, it’s about size and economies of scale.”

Smiley Compared to its peers in Korea on a trailing 12-month basis, Gaoxian is heavily discounted by about 50% to its Korean comparables.

Smiley About 4X for the institutional demand. Given the various investor concerns that I have mentioned, this 4X subscription rate is a good one.

Smiley Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank and Nomura took up sizeable chunks of the deal … the majority were taken up by Korean institutions.

SmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileyload! load! load! SmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmileySmiley

load! SmileySmiley  load!  SmileySmiley   load! SmileySmiley .

load up before you are left out x 8008 times SmileySmiley

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24-Jan-2011 22:41 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Dont anyhow  do "Window Dressing" -

The Monetary Authority of Singapore said it won’t tolerate “window dressing” by fund managers in its response to an appeal against the civil stock-rigging lawsuit it won last year against Pheim Asset Management Sdn.

“Any other decision would encourage and embolden professional market players to flout the rules and undermine the integrity of the market,” the central bank said in documents filed at the Singapore High Court on Jan. 21, arguing that the appeal by Pheim and its Chief Executive Officer Tan Chong Koay should be dismissed.

Pheim and Tan, 61, have denied rigging the stock and said they’re “value” investors. They bought almost 90 percent of the traded shares of United Envirotech Ltd. from Dec. 29 to Dec. 31, 2004. The shares rose 17 percent over the three trading days and helped raise the net asset value of the fund’s accounts, triggering bonuses of S$50,790 ($39,560) and a management fee of S$115. The trial is scheduled to start the week of March 14.

Justice Lai Siu Chiu in her Sept. 17 ruling said Pheim and Tan had sought to boost their reputation instead of seeking monetary gains in rigging the stock. The MAS, which had sought a fine of S$1 million each, said in its January filing the S$250,000 penalty imposed was “amply justified.”

Fund management companies, which build their reputations around the performances of their funds, “can be particularly susceptible to the lure of window dressing practices,” the Singapore regulator said.

‘Genuine Activity’

The judge’s decision would “curtail genuine market activity,” Pheim and Tan, who was named Malaysia CEO of the Year on Jan. 20 by the magazine Asia Asset Management, said in their Dec. 21 appeal. The firm and Tan wouldn’t have “risked their livelihood and business” by rigging the stock, they said.

Tan, who founded Pheim Group which manages $1.8 billion, was in 2002 named one of five successful Singapore-based boutique fund managers by the Government of Singapore Investment Corp.

Singapore, which expanded its fund management industry to a record S$1.2 trillion at the end of 2009, has tightened the rules for financial misconduct and set up a team to prosecute sophisticated economic crimes and regulatory offenses.

“The appellants and other fund managers in the market cannot be given cause to think that they can get away lightly with window dressing practices by paying relatively insignificant sums of money,” the regulator said in its 403- page filing.

Tan’s “lies and concealment of his involvement point to a deliberate effort by Pheim and Tan to manipulate the market,” the monetary authority said. “It is clear that this is a classic and insidious case of market manipulation.”

Cavinder Bull from Drew & Napier LLC is acting for the monetary authority and Vinodh Coomaraswamy is representing Tan and Pheim.

The case is Tan Chong Koay v Monetary Authority of Singapore, CA186/2010 in the Singapore High Court.

-- Editors: Joe Schneider, Garry Smith, Douglas Wong

To contact the reporter on this story: Andrea Tan in Singapore at atan17@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Douglas Wong at dwong19
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24-Jan-2011 19:17 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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My personal believe -  Blue chips has another 10% upside. 

krisluke      ( Date: 24-Jan-2011 19:14) Posted:

my view on capitaland is still a gem. it how ppl values this gem at this moment of the price. recently got call at 460 by one of the mft. i think market are re-evaluating the flood in queenland.

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24-Jan-2011 19:15 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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I heard, if not wrong,  one more cooling measure coming?

krisluke      ( Date: 24-Jan-2011 19:14) Posted:

my view on capitaland is still a gem. it how ppl values this gem at this moment of the price. recently got call at 460 by one of the mft. i think market are re-evaluating the flood in queenland.

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24-Jan-2011 19:13 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Tomorrow we will  probably see   cheers  arrhhhhhhhh,  choeng arrhhhhhhhhhhh


No venture, no gain,

warrenbegger      ( Date: 24-Jan-2011 18:44) Posted:

My wife told me i KPO, why talk so much, who thanks us for giving advise, and wait kanna F**k by many if wrong. Just be selfish and earn quietly yourself can liao, those want to die let them die not our business. Wait like masterlim, help others so much but kanna ban or attack for being too helpfull.

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24-Jan-2011 19:09 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Can all the cooling measures work?  Will this force the  potential investors to invest proeprties somewhere else?  If the buying of properties come to a halt, then, the price depreciates to what extend, no one knows.    Its  a testing strategy whereby, can our government see that or they really have some plans out there if the adverse effect happens?
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24-Jan-2011 18:57 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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No one shout
Cheong arrhhhhhhhh..............................

Must shout, then it can cheong!
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24-Jan-2011 18:53 Global Logistic   /   GLP       Go to Message
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I copy and paste from the postings  ----


There are no sure things in the business of investing. This forum is overpopulated with short term speculative traders, hence the label of junk stock on GLP by such individuals simply because the price doesn't 'chiong' up and down like Genting

niuyear      ( Date: 06-Jan-2011 15:31) Posted:

This posting very enlightening.

blackreplica      ( Date: 11-Dec-2010 16:03) Posted:

I think what he was trying to say is that if gains were a sure thing with this stock, the stock price would have risen by now.

The reason it hasn't is because people aren't sure yet. There is some uncertainty in the chinese economy, and a particular research report which rates GLP as fully valued at $2.10. Being a new IPO as well, there is some uncertainty...but IMO uncertainty is also where opportunity can be found

There are no sure things in the business of investing. This forum is overpopulated with short term speculative traders, hence the label of junk stock on GLP by such individuals simply because the price doesn't 'chiong' up and down like Genting

 As a long term investor i am more interested in value and long term growth potential. IMO this stock offers this, but i definitely don't have absolute certainty, and the fact that i have a well diversified portfolio (as opposed to putting everything i have into GLP) is a reflection of that.

 IMO current prices are good value. But please bear in mind i am not a punter. I pay for my stocks in cash and can keep them as long as I want. It seems my profile is not a common one here.

 I have no idea how this stock will perform in the near term. But i think a guy prepared to hold this stock at least 6-9 months will probably make a decent amount of money, barring some meltdown in the Chinese market (which will demolish just about every other stock anyway)


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21-Jan-2011 17:19 GLD USD   /   Gold & metals       Go to Message
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Gold looks expensive to buy. It takes someone gutsy to buy at such high level.
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21-Jan-2011 17:13 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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CHINA Leader HU Jin Tao!! Where are you ? Please Come out and talk few words this weekend to stabalise the STI.... LOL!!
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21-Jan-2011 17:07 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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May be, possible.

One AngMo (bloomberg news) betting on S&P drop 10%.

I think they are selling past few days, if it is so, all stock will plunge.

nickyng      ( Date: 21-Jan-2011 16:58) Posted:

next wk will break below 3.60! as China is expected to tighten policy to put the housing asset prices in control....b4 CNY China will give u BIG RED=bleeding ang bao! haha.... :P

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21-Jan-2011 17:01 Others   /   Happy Chinese New Year !       Go to Message
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You are right, these ppl are selling ....

risktaker      ( Date: 21-Jan-2011 16:47) Posted:

Zzz NBZ.... AngMo keep selling.... want us to have a bad chinese new year....

need to do something about it.....

I bet a lot of people lost $$$... haizz

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21-Jan-2011 16:51 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Anyone got the next support level for STI ?
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21-Jan-2011 16:47 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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You may be right! Over bloomberg news yesterday, i heard someone (cant remember the name) betting S&P might go down 10% . This guy was the one who predicted last year S&P wld go up and it did go up till now, and now, time to plunge. True or not, wait to be seen.

Isolator      ( Date: 21-Jan-2011 15:59) Posted:

If go below 3120, then can short all STI counter... lol..

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