Businesses that rely on young clientele hurt by HFMD outbreak

Symptoms of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD)

SINGAPORE : Businesses that thrive or rely on a young clientele have been hit by the current hand, food and mouth disease (HFMD) outbreak.

They are working to prevent business from sliding further.

Skating shop Inline Culture has suffered a fall in revenue and attendance by 10 to 20 per cent.

It has stepped up measures to prevent HFMD and assures customers that there is no risk of getting infected.

The liners of the skates are washed more frequently while antiseptic is sprayed onto the skates.

The shop also screens children and turns away those who are unwell.

Play centre eXplorerkid has also stepped up hygiene at its premises, after pre—school centres postponed their trips due to concerns over HFMD.

It has hired more cleaners and added cleaning machinery.

Such efforts appear to be paying off.

One person said: "It is well organised. I think they make sure that everyone is wearing socks and there is a bit of screening also in front."

Another added: "We still go out. Life goes on. We just need to take more precautions." — CNA/ms