The FDA just greenlighted Medtronic?s Endeavor drug-coated stent. That means there are now three manufacturers (Boston Scientific and J&J are the other two) fighting for a coated-stent market that?s been battered by safety concerns and accusations of over-use.

And before you start dividing that battered market by three, recall that Abbott?s probably going to get in on the action shortly, assuming the FDA follows everybody?s expectations and approves the Xience stent.

So how will the new stents compete against the old ones? Docs like to stay with what they know ? in this case, JNJ?s Cypher and Boston Scientific?s Taxus stent, Joseph DeGregorio, Director of Interventional Cardiology at Hackensack University Medical Center, told the Health Blog. But the word on the street is that the new stents are easier to put into tight spots, he said.

?A lot of the cases we do are not complicated and you can deliver any stent you want,? DeGregorio said. ?When you?ve had a proven product out there that you?re comfortable with, you?re gonna stick with that.?

The new stents may find a sizable foothold in the 20% to 30% of cases where doctors want to put the stent in some especially hard-to-get-to place, according to DeGregorio, who said he has financial ties to all of the stent makers. Because of factors such as the profile of the delivery package, the new stents from Abbott and Medtronic may work better in those cases.

?I have to get my hands on it,? he said of the Endeavor. ?I have to see what I think about the deliverability, which I?ve heard is better? [If] I couldn?t get in a Cypher or Taxus, I might use this stent.?

*** Doctors are "keng" kings also. Stent deliverability seems to be the top in their list of considering which DES to use. As long as their angioplasty job is done, any future problems is not the doctor's problems since they did their job already. Blame FDA or the medical device companies if the patients have late-thrombosis problems. All the DESs are approved for use anyway so the doctors will use whichever one that gives them the best "commission/loyalty program" package and ease of performing their surgery job.