Chemoil, a major supplier of diesel and gasoline to the shipping and aviation industries, is seeking to expand its storage capacity by 130,000 barrels.

Currently, the company's waterfront storage facility has a capacity of 465,000 barrels. One barrel equals 42 gallons.

The expansion proposal includes building two additional storage tanks and acquiring more than half an acre of a neighboring property owned by Morton Salt Company.

According to Chemoil, the company provides about 16 percent of the jet fuel used at Los Angeles International Airport and is one of Southern California's leading suppliers of bunker fuel used by large shippers.

The expansion is needed to increase storage capacity for low-sulfur diesel fuels, which are increasingly used in the shipping, rail and trucking industries to comply with environmental regulations, Chemoil said.

Chemoil's current facility is housed at Berth F211 on Pier F. The company also owns tank farms in New York, Houston, Rotterdam, Singapore and Panama.


Just wonder why no BB looking at this counter