Just keep accumulate the stock. IMOP think it will soar up after the announment :)  The result will be out on 22 Feb for those parties that is selected

South African telecoms group MTN is in talks with Myanmar’s Directorate of Investment and Companies Administration (DICA) with a view to gaining an operating licence in the south east Asian country, local source Eleven Newsmedia reported. MTN is thought to have joined a list of around 18 companies which have submitted an expression of interest (EoI) in acquiring Myanmar licences, including India’s Bharti Airtel, Singapore’s SingTel, Malaysia’s Axiata, Caribbean group Digicel, Singapore-based telecoms investor ST Telemedia (with interests including StarHub and Malaysia’s U Mobile), KDDI of Japan, Thai operator AIS (via parent Shin Corp/InTouch) and Norway’s Telenor (parent of Thailand’s DTAC). Digicel Group CEO Colm Delves confirmed to TMT Finance that Digicel had expressed an interest in Myanmar. A deadline for EoIs has been extended to 8 February following an investigation into alleged corruption involving state officials.