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$794 Billion Barrels Buried... Until Now
By Keith Kohl | Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

kohlLast year, a group of companies successfully extracted $794 billion worth of crude oil from a piece of land approximately one-third the size of Saudi Arabia.

With oil prices trading around $109 per barrel, these profits amount to over 700 million barrels ? 66% MORE than the now-famous Bakken Shale in North Dakota, one of the largest shale plays in the country!

Now, these companies had one huge advantage: a deep-seeded secret buried in the U.S. oil industry that's fueling their profits.

You see,  there's a special select group of oil wells  that will produce  one out of every three barrels  of oil in the United States in 2013.

What's more, practically every drop of the crude extracted out of the ground by these wells is of the best quality ? the light, sweet crude that U.S. refineries are desperate to get their hands on.

The U.S. government surreptitiously refers to them as  " Code 42 wells."

And thanks to this very specific set of wells, that same group of oil and gas companies is now on pace to sell more than 830 million barrels of this quality crude on the open market throughout 2013.

In a short matter of time, they could be generating more than a trillion dollars per year from extracting this oil supply.

The best part is this situation is still in its infancy  ? which means the more of these " Code 42 wells" that pop up, the more lucrative these profits will be for early investors.

I strongly urge you to take a few minutes to  review this investment presentation.  It explains in full detail how you can capitalize on these highly productive oil wells tucked away in one of the most prominent oil plays in the United States.

But hurry...

You'll want to  watch it  before it leaks to the Wall Street and this story breaks wide open.

Good investing,

Keith Kohl Signature

Keith Kohl
Investment Director,  Oil & Gas Trader