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watch out for mdr
Master |
18-Mar-2013 11:30
![]() Yells: "I don't entertain trolls." |
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Nearly 100k lots selling. Not much buying. Looks like it might stay red today. | ||||||||||
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Elite |
18-Mar-2013 09:16
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Buying-in Executed on March 15, 2013 SECURITY TOTAL QTY EXECUTED CURR TOTAL VALUE AEI CORP 7,000 S$ 1,092.00 ALLIED TECH 4,000 S$ 184.00 ARMARDA 953,000 S$ 27,637.00 AUSSINO GRP 1,000 S$ 230.00 CARRIERNET 500,000 S$ 13,000.00 CCFH 10,000 S$ 530.00 CEDAR 232,000 S$ 3,016.00 CHINAACORP 1,280,000 S$ 48,640.00 CSC HOLDINGS LTD 1,000 S$ 133.00 DBS 1,000 S$ 15,760.00 DTAC 800 US$ 2,512.00 EUROPTRONIC 100,000 S$ 6,500.00 EZION HLDG 10,000 S$ 19,800.00 GLOBAL TEST 50,000 S$ 3,950.00 GP HOTELS 10,000 S$ 2,800.00 HO BEE 5,000 S$ 9,400.00 KEPPEL REIT 1,000 S$ 1,365.00 KINGSMENC 1,000 S$ 890.00 MAGNUS 990,000 S$ 43,560.00 MAPLETREEGCC 5,000 S$ 5,375.00 MDR   21,000   S$ 399.00 NOBLE GRP 3,000 S$ 3,645.00 NTEGRATOR 674,000 S$ 63,356.00 OCEANUS 10,000 S$ 580.00 RAFFLES EDU 7,000 S$ 2,625.00 RAFFLESMG 1,000 S$ 3,440.00 SING TEL 8,190 S$ 29,844.36 SPH 1,000 S$ 4,540.00 STAMFORDTYRES 2,000 S$ 930.00 STI ETF 2,000 S$ 6,680.00 STXOSV 25,000 S$ 32,125.00 TELEDATA LTD 831,000 S$ 13,296.00 TIANJINZX 10,000 US$ 10,650.00 WE HOLDINGS 1,078,333 S$ 77,639.98 ====================================== TOTAL S$ 442,962.34 US$ 13,162.00
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Supreme |
17-Mar-2013 23:16
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Yup i think company is keeping price at 16. Thats why no one dares to short after e first two days. Those shorted at 16 must be bleeding like mad.
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Senior |
17-Mar-2013 22:41
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Short covering Monday onwards - price should rise. | ||||||||||
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Supreme |
16-Mar-2013 14:26
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Press wrongly la. that someone is cryin now. Be nice. This short sell button really make more room for err.
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Senior |
16-Mar-2013 11:47
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Very likely and matter of time they will do that...warrant price should be fixed to convert to ordinary share. Only change probably got to convert few warrants to 1 ordinary share. Else it would not affect the current warrant structure.
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Senior |
16-Mar-2013 11:36
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Maybe a share consolidation program? | ||||||||||
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Senior |
16-Mar-2013 11:25
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  Did anyone notice this annoucement in SGX ON 12-Mar-2013? Looks like going to have some action soon....raise funds through rights issue/share consildation that may affect the warrants? Watch out!! Pursuant to the Deed Poll and the Conditions, the exercise price and the number of Warrants shall be adjusted in consultation with an “Approved Bank” upon the occurrence of certain events. An “Approved Bank” is defined in the Deed Poll and the Conditions as a bank or merchant bank in Singapore of international repute and selected by the Directors. The Company has entered into the Supplemental Deed Poll to modify the definition of “Approved Bank” to include holders of capital market service licences so as to allow the Directors to tap into a larger pool of independent professional third parties. |
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Elite |
15-Mar-2013 17:11
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Funny, why someone shorted 21,000 share. Buying-In Securities on March 15, 2013 HP NAME QUANTITY AEI Corp 7,000 AUSSINO^ 1,000 AlliedTech 4,000 Armarda 953,000 CCFH 10,000 CSC 1,000 CarrierNet 500,000 Cedar 232,000 ChinaACorp 1,280,000 CourtsAsia 2,000 DBS 1,000 DTAC 200US$ 800 Europtron 100,000 EzionHldg 10,000 GP Hotels 10,000 GlobalTest 50,000 HSI23600UBeCW130429 100,000 Ho Bee 5,000 Jardine C& C 803 Kep REIT 1,000 KingsmenC 1,000 Lyxor Asia 10US$ 200 MDR 21,000 Magnus 990,000 MapletreeGCC 5,000 Noble Grp 3,000 Ntegrator 674,000 OCBC Bk 136 Oceanus 10,000 Raffles Edu 7,000 RafflesMG 1,000 SPH 1,000 STI ETF 2,000 STXOSV 25,000 SingTel 8,000 SingTel 10 97 SingTel 100 100 StamfordTyres 2,000 Teledata^ 831,000 TianjinZUS$ 10,000 Triyards 20 WE Hldgs 1,078,333    |
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Elite |
15-Mar-2013 10:31
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RESPONSE TO SGX QUERIES REGARDING ANNOUNCEMENT MADE BY THE COMPANY ON 8 MARCH 2013 Where capitalised terms are used in this announcement and not otherwise defined, such capitalised terms shall bear the same meanings as ascribed to them in the announcement made by mDR Limited on 8 March 2013. mDR Limited (the “Company”) refers to the queries from the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited in relation to the announcement made by the Company on 8 March 2013 (“Announcement”) and the Company would like to provide the following additional information to the Announcement: (1) There is no introducer for the proposed acquisition of Quanli SZ and Quanli HK (2) There is no cap to the Consideration of RMB60,000,000 for the proposed acquisition of Quanli SZ and Quanli HK and (3) The Company has complied with Listing Rule 1003(3) when computing the relative figure for Listing Rule 1006(c). BY ORDER OF THE BOARD PHILIP ENG HENG NEE Director 14 March 2013 |
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Member |
13-Mar-2013 21:19
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Then our shareholdings will reduce accordingly, leaving our wealth unchanged. Share price rise but we own less shares. I think the warrants pose as a strong barrier to any capital gains. Thinking of letting go. Thoughts? Thanks for the reply anyway
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Supreme |
13-Mar-2013 20:39
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They will either pull a share consolidation in e future.
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Member |
13-Mar-2013 20:27
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Just wondering. A lot of outstanding warrants left. Wouldn't this limit the upside potential for MDR since conversion of the warrants will dilute the shares of the company?  |
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Senior |
12-Mar-2013 19:32
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Ok buy mother share now will get dividend in May. Wont be long wait dont worry..earliest this month or latest jun will double share price. My optimistic personal view do your own homework. Good luck.
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Senior |
12-Mar-2013 19:24
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Thanks. Got bad experience with warrants so rather take on stocks. Looks like a long wait before it breaks 0.019 resistance.  
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Elite |
12-Mar-2013 10:24
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Supreme |
12-Mar-2013 09:26
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Darn press too slow 15 cleared. Miss my chance to add morr. Q in line | ||||||||||
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Supreme |
12-Mar-2013 08:44
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If shorted at 0.017 he/she need to cover back at 15 to make slightly less den 1 click. Correct me if my count is wrong.
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Supreme |
12-Mar-2013 08:42
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According to some forumer sgx posting 4900000 short sell yesterday. Warrent at 0.010 n dividends ar 0.00016 ... If short sell need how much to cover cost?? Hero
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Senior |
12-Mar-2013 07:27
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It may if penny still under pressure. Better bet on warrant if got fund to collect. 
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