He has since been forced out of his job after an ethics scandal, but before that he made $1 million a year. (He also got paid $1.2 million to resign).

Can you guess who he is? Can you guess what he did?

His name's Kevin Broadus. He was the Men's Basketball coach at SUNY Binghamton.

He took his team to the NCAA tournament, before being benched after various recruiting violations and allegedly pressuring teachers to give his players better grades. Then he was forced out.

Anyway, Mr. Broadus tops our new database of New York State government employee salaries.

Here are some other fun facts from the database:
  • 35 New York State employees make more than $400,000 a year
  • 98 New York State employees make more than $300,000 a year
  • 594 New York State employees make more than $200,000 a year
  • 28,920 New York State employees make more than $100,000 a year.

The lower-paid folks in the latter group include boatloads of court stenographers, police, correctional officers, professors in the state university systems, and at least one " mapping technician."

The numbers above (and in the database) don't include benefits, which are prodigious. And the database doesn't even include teachers yet! (It will soon).

Have a look. And when you're finished scrolling around, have a look at our New York State Pension Database, which is just as interesting. You wouldn't believe some of the pensions these folks get.