Germany to close all nuclear plants by 2022

30-5-2011. (Mon) Germany became the 1st major industrialised power to agree an end to nuclear power in the wake of the disaster in Japan, with a phase-out due to be completed by 2022..Smiley 23excitedSmiley 154excited.

Chancellor Angela Merkel said the decision, hammered out by her centre-right coalition overnight, marked the start of a " fundamental" rethink of energy policy in the world's number four economy.

" We want the electricity of the future to be safer and at the same time reliable and affordable," Merkel told reporters as she accepted the findings of an expert commission on nuclear power she appointed in March in response to the crisis at Japan's Fukushima plant.

" That means we must have a new approach to the supply network, energy efficiency, renewable energy and also long-term monitoring of the process," she said.

teeth53 thot: Why we, we need to secure unclear free Asean.

In the wake of Japan Quake and nuclear crisis...Asean must wake up to apocalyptic gamble.