GE: Government will take note of issues raised at forum, says PM Lee

PM Lee Hsien Loong (L) and the participants

SINGAPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong told Channel NewsAsia that the recent televised forum was a good opportunity for Singaporeans to engage the government on issues, and that the government will take note of the issues raised.

" I’m happy to engage with the participants of the forum and also the questions that were sent in, email or sms, good questions, I think they are on top of most Singaporeans minds and it was good that they didn’t pull their punches and so we had a frank exchange which I hope viewers would have found not only interesting but relevant and thought provoking," said Mr Lee.

Participants also said they were encouraged by the spontaneity of the discussion, and added the forum reflects the gradual opening up of political space in Singapore.

" Contrary to maybe what people may think, this was spontaneous so it was enlightening and it was something new and different to have people selected and have issues discussed, so I think it was a progressive step," said Mr Rahayu Mahzam, lawyer at Heng Leong and Srinivasan.

" Usually the government won’t do such an open forum, LIVE telecast. Actually the perception online is this whole thing is staged, we are planted but it really is LIVE and it’s a good platform for us the citizens to express our views," said Mr Matthew Zachary Liu, student at Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

Twenty—two—year—old Matthew added: " In my generation, we are more vocal these days, be it online or on stage and we want to express our views and for the government to want to hear the young generation’s opinion, it makes us feel part of the country and makes us feel appreciated as well" .

Some participants said they would have liked to have more time with the prime minister.

Not all had the answers they were seeking.

Businessman Kurt Wee said: " Some of the issues really got to do with whether there is enough room for political expression or participation of the opposition parties.

" If you don’t give them enough space for them to grow and mature, I think we could be setting ourselves up for a risk in the longer term.

" I’m not convinced with the fact that we don’t have enough talents in Singapore, I’m not convinced with the fact that the NMP (nominated member of parliament) system and the NCMP (non—constituency member of parliament) system is sufficient for our country.

" I think you really need a voting Member of Parliament on the alternative side that can vote in Parliament" .

View the show Question Time with the Prime Minister

