Public transport operator, SMRT, says an independent committee will be set up to conduct a comprehensive review of security measures and management of the company. 
[whAt eXcUse cOmmIttee ? ? ? ?  security is a dAIly brEAd & bUtter IssUE ? ? ? ?]
This follows a second security breach at its train depots. 
CEO Saw Phaik Hwa said she will be personally chairing the independent body. 
She said SMRT takes full responsibility 
[CEO shOUld bE sAcked  immEdIAtEly fOr  sUch  LAPSE REPETITION]
for the security breach at its Bishan depot which resulted in a train carriage being sprayed with graffiti. 
SMRT said it occurred at a location where upgrading works to the security measures were " being scheduled."  
She told reporters at a media conference this afternoon that the incident was unacceptable. 
[thE  fAct Is thE LAPSE REPETITION  is AlrEAdy AccEptEd  ? ? ? ?] 
And the top priority for the company now is to ensure all security gaps are immediately addressed. 
[It wAs stIll nOt a tOp prIOrIty AftEr  the fIrst IncIdence ?  ]
-By Hetty Musfirah
gOOd  gOvErnAnce  nEvEr  AccEpt  FAILURE  REPETITION