Latest Forum Topics / Genting HK USD |
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Genting HK US$
Member |
21-Sep-2010 14:52
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HEARD one of the HEAVY WEIGHT SELL ALL ! His initial is P.K
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Master |
21-Sep-2010 14:51
![]() Yells: "$$ very hard to earn :(" |
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i cant cut and paste the market depth out.. -,- it's not like time and sales.. cannot be cut and copied..
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Supreme |
21-Sep-2010 14:50
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Supreme |
21-Sep-2010 14:47
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lUnch tIme receIved a cAll lOng tIme nO heAr frIend whO refUsed tO bUy at S$0.830 bUt thIs mOrnIng bOUght at S$2.160 becaUse belIeved there Is stIll gOOd fUtUre
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Supreme |
21-Sep-2010 14:45
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So, after this boss bought MASSive Lots, then, what happen thereafter? LOL!
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Supreme |
21-Sep-2010 14:42
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Supreme |
21-Sep-2010 14:41
![]() Yells: "no worries be happy !" |
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thanks brother, can post and let me know what is the current market depth if you have subscribe it ?
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Supreme |
21-Sep-2010 14:38
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nOw GENTING SP S$0.830 nO mOre sUch MERRY CHERRY STRAWBERRY Only thIngS left IFs & R E G R E T S |
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Master |
21-Sep-2010 14:36
![]() Yells: "$$ very hard to earn :(" |
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u have to subscribe for it. for poems.. use reward point to redeem.. 1250 points for a mth.. or around $30 cash
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Supreme |
21-Sep-2010 14:35
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GENTING HK USD0.525 >> >> >> USD1.18 [GENTINGS are VerY partIcUlar wIth nUmbers] sImIlar phase as GENTING SP S$0.830 > > > S$2.18 |
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Member |
21-Sep-2010 14:25
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oh yea the more you written over here the more i can see you are a shady pathetic sore loser in real life , and yea thanks but no thanks to your so called " opion ( s) " and you had better incorporate all of it less i sue you for defamation on baseless accusation ! Yes i don't know you and all the more i should not trust will this judgement be abit harsh for you baby ? Come come to daddy here look what i bought for you ? a pokemon toy ! now please do not cry ok ? remember do not bite your new toys .
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Supreme |
21-Sep-2010 14:21
![]() Yells: "no worries be happy !" |
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interesting..... i have a question on market depth, how can you see it....... my online account always tell me i do not have rights to market depth.
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Supreme |
21-Sep-2010 14:13
![]() Yells: "no worries be happy !" |
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relax, do not get angry. firstly i welcome your opinion, of course i did not judge you and like your frank/honest opinion and i know everyone else here is to make some money and angry will not improve your health even you made lots of money. my motto, good life is make more money and live longer. i am sure there will be risk involve in stock trading and everybody have a diff risk portfolio.....some people have a bigger appetite than others. I am sure like myself, i have sold all the genting hk for small profit, but regret not keep it for longer term investment. like you said if it really hit 0.55 then some will curse the heaven and earth, why did not hold longer. btw, i have re-enter the genting hk and think it might goes up again !
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Veteran |
21-Sep-2010 14:11
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Make Strawberry, not War | ||||
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21-Sep-2010 14:01
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oh a clone of brewskie70 in this forum , thank you for taking the time to register yourself again using a different nick this time just to reply me . The decision of whether to gain or to loss is not your say ! go read more books and gain more experience before you act like a professional here
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Member |
21-Sep-2010 13:59
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Obviously, you don't understand what an OPINION is, go check the dictionary. Mind games? So you agree with the tips that Peter Lim is buying? Or maybe the Datuk? Or Sheng Siong? How come i don't see you commenting on these posts? I stated the fact that i'm netural on the stock, and i mentioned that i may enter again if it clears 55cents? What is so wrong with that? Did i ask anyone to load? I gave personal opinions based on my own trades, what's so wrong with that? Well, this is my first day coming into this forum, obviously, i can see that i am not welcome here, then this will be my last post, fine by me. And to tactician, no need for your uncalled hostility, and you don't know me, so don't come and judge me, for i didn't judge you. To everyone else, trade wisely, and trade with care. |
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Member |
21-Sep-2010 13:52
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This stock purely with care...otherwise it will leave a big dent...the damage will be very high
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Member |
21-Sep-2010 13:45
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so what are you trying to prove here ? by saying you are prepared to go in again at some other point you are indirectly telling people to load ? and yet you said you are neutral on this stock ?? Aren't you contradicting yourself ? What is your hidden agenda ? Do not play mind games in here by playing with sweet words , just be honest and tell others you did not do your due diligence on this counter rather than blah blah here and blah blah there? if you do not know how to chart or read reports or lazy to do them all do not assume this stock is being speculativley driven , i know what you are thinking you are still a amateur to me .
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Member |
21-Sep-2010 13:17
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I'm sure everyone here does their own research, and i'm just expressing what he asked. I'm not saying Genting is a bad company, I'm not here to give my BUY or SELL calls. I'm neutral on this stock, and as i mentioned, i am prepared to go in again at some other point. Saying Genting is not speculative is a sweeping statement. Every stock is speculative, the market is speculative. Just thinking if it will go up or down a single cent is speculative, isn't that what the market is built on? The calls made on Genting have been adjusted more than 70 times by the funds and houses, which explains what? They are also not sure which way this stock is headed. Who can seriously say that the rise isn't pushed up by punters rushing in and hoping to make a quick buck? It's on the net, in the papers, everyone wants a piece of the action. As i said, the rise is not SOLELY based on fundamentals, it's also the effect of frenzied buying by people who want to make a quick buck. Just ask any analyst or broker, if they think that Gentings recent rise wasn't propelled by some crazy buying. Anyway, as the saying goes, we choose to hear what we want to hear. All i'm saying is, just trade with some caution, you can never be too careful.
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Senior |
21-Sep-2010 12:54
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Did you do your research? Matureman did.
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