What do women want from men in 2010

By Hugh Wilson, MSN

It's a question that has kept men on their toes for millennia.

What on earth do women want from men? Do they want chiselled and buffed metrosexuals, as familiar with the inside of a gym as they are with the contents of a Jamie Oliver cookbook?

Do they want reliable breadwinners and nest builders, the sort of men who are not only around for the long haul, but can pay for it too?

Do they want hopeless romantics, hard-nosed realists or a confusing mixture of the two?

These questions would be easier to answer if women's preferences stayed the same. Like everything else, however, they change with the times, and often reflect them. What women want from men in 2010 may bear only a passing resemblance to what they wanted 30 years ago.

No wonder we're confused.

Happily, help is at hand. The company behind dating site match.com has just released the Lovegeist report, a study tracking changing attitudes towards love and relationships in the UK.

It's a document that covers all aspects of dating and relationships, but if you boil it down a few patterns start to emerge. There's no doubt that the woman of 2010 is a girl of her times - smart, savvy and realistic - but what she's looking for may not be as obvious as you think.