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Latest Forum Topics / Ferrochina  Post Reply

iwonder      ( Date: 01-Mar-2010 17:57) Posted:

This the same story for ChinaEnerSave and Celestial Food.

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01-Mar-2010 17:57     
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This the same story for ChinaEnerSave and Celestial Food.
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01-Mar-2010 17:17     
WeiQiQi About Contact  Quote this Post! Style: Flexible   Mood: sweat
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and hordes of analyts bought FChina's 'fake' stories and were dishing out BUY BUY BUY calls. When situation turned sour overnight... all of them revert to SELL SELL SELL.


Well, at least for China Aviation Oil... it was suspended for a few years and resumed trading due to efforts of multiple parties nad it did climb back to pre-collapse px level at the height of the bull mkt in 2008.

Delisting spells the end for all the investors... SGX should really review their listing ops, there is a pattern there from Ch AO, Ch Fibrechem, Ferrochina, and recently Ch Milk. These CEOs didn't care cos they could just get away with it.

yummygd      ( Date: 01-Mar-2010 16:29) Posted:

wow and it was trading at such a high price too.they are giving fake reports?? anyway so sorry to hear this kinda stuff..

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01-Mar-2010 16:29     
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wow and it was trading at such a high price too.they are giving fake reports?? anyway so sorry to hear this kinda stuff..
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01-Mar-2010 16:06     
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Further to the Company's announcement of 13 February 2010, and subsequent to the Company
informing the SGX-ST that it is insolvent and will not have any resources to comply with Rule 1309 of
the Listing Manual, the SGX-ST has informed the Company that in the absence of a reasonable exit
offer to shareholders of the Company, the Company will be delisted with effect from 11 March 2010.
The SGX-ST has further directed the Company to make an SGXNET announcement detailing the
reasons why the Company is insolvent and unable to comply with the aforesaid Rule 1309.
In this regard, and as previously announced, the Company had received the following:
(i) statutory demand notice dated 5 October 2009 from Citibank, N.A., Shanghai Branch,
claiming for the repayment of the sum of US$176,797,420.64 under the Tranche B Borrower
Shares Charge dated 30 October 2007 entered into between the Company as chargor and
Citibank as security agent, in respect of the borrowings of Superb Team Limited and
Changshu Everbright Material Technology Co., Ltd; and
(ii) statutory demand notice dated 30 October 2009 from BNP Paribas (China) Limited claiming
for the repayment of the sum of RMB96,591,343.66, being the amount outstanding for which
the Company had guaranteed payment by its PRC subsidiary, Changshu Xingdao Advanced
Building-Material Co., Ltd, under a facility agreement dated 12 December 2007.
The Company has no ability to repay its outstanding debts, as its offshore subsidiaries are under
receivership and its PRC subsidiaries have been disposed by the PRC administrator to China
Minmetals and Zhejiang Materials. The Company is therefore insolvent and is not in any position to
make a reasonable exit offer to shareholders of the Company.
Submitted by Nelson Fong, for and on behalf of the Board, on 26 February 2010 to the SGX-ST
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17-Feb-2010 09:55     
Hulumas About Contact  Quote this Post! Style: Flexible   Mood: cool
Yells: "INVEST but not TRADE please!"
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That is the consequence chasing hot and liquid S-stock or SGX stocks!

knightrider      ( Date: 17-Feb-2010 09:33) Posted:

Lets hope there is some residue left for shareholder when they delist ! Good Luck .

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17-Feb-2010 09:33     
knightrider About Contact  Quote this Post!   Mood: worried
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Lets hope there is some residue left for shareholder when they delist ! Good Luck .
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