Market drop more than 200 points from may on wards but Fragrance has hovered around 40-48cts did not drop much with 2 dividends for FYE the other to be paid soon ex on 4th june.As the bonus issue has been approved 1 for 1 I believe the share price will remain stable pending approval at an EGM to be convened soon.At this price say 46cts U can $15 per 1000 shares 3.26% which should be higher than that as U get paid withou having to wait for 1 year

At 46cts the ex bonus shd work out to be 23cts...lower than its subsidiary GPH trading at 25.5cts now...very unlikley..last year after its bonus aslo 1 for 1 was approved the price shot up 42...54...62...68...76cts believe the CEO Mr Koh Wee Meng and his corny will act in concert again to push up Fragrance's share prices$file/Announcement_bonus_SGX_approval.pdf?openelement

Company Registration No.: 200006656M
Unless otherwise defined, all terms used or referred to in this announcement have the meanings
assigned to them in the announcement made by Fragrance Group Limited (the “Company”) on 15 May
2012 in relation to the Proposed Bonus Issue.
Further to the Announcement, the Directors are pleased to announce that the Singapore
Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the “SGX-ST”) has today given its approval in-principle (the
“AIP”) in respect of the Company’s application for the listing of and quotation for up to
3,360,000,000 new ordinary shares in the capital of the Company1 (“Bonus Shares”), on the
basis of one (1) Bonus Share (or such other lesser number as may be permitted under the
applicable rules) credited as fully paid for every one (1) existing ordinary share (the “Shares”)
held by the shareholders of the Company (the “Shareholders”) on the Official List of the SGXST.
The Bonus Shares to be issued shall, on allotment and issue, rank pari passu in all respects with
the existing issued Shares, except that they shall not be entitled to such dividends, rights,
allotments or other distributions, the record date for which falls on a date before the date on which
the Bonus Shares are allotted and issued.
The Bonus Shares will be effected by capitalising up to approximately S$113,739,858.34 by way
of a transfer from the accumulated profits of the Company (based on an issue price of
S$0.0338512 per Bonus Share) to Share Capital and applying the same towards payment in full
for the Bonus Shares.
The AIP granted by the SGX-ST is subject to the following conditions:
1) compliance with the SGX-ST’s listing requirements
2) shareholders’ approval being obtained for the Proposed Bonus Issue and
3) a written confirmation that the bonus issue is in compliance with the relevant Companies
The grant of the AIP by the SGX-ST is not to be taken as an indication of the merits of the
Proposed Bonus Issue, the Bonus Shares and the Company and/or its subsidiaries.
1 As at the date hereof, the Company has 3,360,000,000 issued Shares (as defined herein) (which includes 3,363,000
treasury shares) and does not have any outstanding warrants or convertible securities in issue or share options
granted. On the basis that there is no change in the outstanding issued share capital of the Company as at the Books
Closure Date (as defined herein), 3,360,000,000 Bonus Shares will be issued pursuant to the Proposed Bonus Issue.
Company Registration No.: 200006656M
The Proposed Bonus Issue is subject to the approval of the Shareholders by way of an ordinary
resolution at an EGM to be convened. The Circular containing