Lim Wee Kiak withdraws, apologises for remarks on ministerial pay

Dr Lim Wee Kiak

SINGAPORE: Member of Parliament for Nee Soon GRC, Dr Lim Wee Kiak, has withdrawn and apologised for his recent remarks on ministerial pay.

Dr Lim said on further reflection, he agreed that the example he quoted regarding a minister from the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts meeting the heads of telcos and saying that there may be some loss of face if the minister’s salary is low is inappropriate and incorrect.

In a statement on Friday, Dr Lim said dignity cannot be and must not be measured purely in monetary terms. He said a minister’s pay is a sensitive issue and is one that many are concerned about.

Dr Lim also clarified his comments made to Lianhe Zaobao, which were reproduced in Lianhe Wanbao.

He said he made three fundamental points.

One, that Singapore needs a balanced approach to the question of ministerial pay.

Two, that he personally felt that pay and perks should not be used to attract capable people to come forward to serve. He agreed with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong that there is a service to country element and an element of sacrifice expected for the ministers by the public.

And three, that their responsibilities and job scope must be taken into consideration in the remuneration for ministers.
