Why Isn't The Media More Skeptical Of Obama's Decision To Attack Libya?

It was eight years ago this weekend that the U.S. invaded Iraq. 

Presumably the media, and the military, and the country in general is wiser for intervening years, and revelations, and losses. 

Or not.

Here's Howie Kurtz on this morning's Reliable Sources, asking some actual important questions.

U.S. warplanes hitting targets in Libya for a second day today. And I have to say this at the outset -- the media get excited by war, the journalistic adrenaline starts pumping as we talk about warships and warplanes and cruise missiles, and we put up the maps and we have the retired generals on. And sometimes something is lost in that initial excitement.

It reminds me of eight years ago this very weekend, when Shock and Awe was rained down upon Baghdad and the media utterly failed to ask skeptical questions. So, I looked at my " New York Times" this morning, went through all the sections, I looked at my " Washington Post" this morning and looked through all the sections. Didn't see any skeptical articles, columns, editorials about this no-fly position. Two fine newspapers, don't see the skeptical questions.

What if there's a long-term stalemate here? What is this goes on and on? What if there are American casualties? Do you stop this operation with Qaddafi still in power?

These are the questions I think we need to be asking.