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04-Aug-2009 01:01     
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Hi shweli,

I m trying to refer raymonng to an earlier posting wherby I had replied either to u or another forumer about buyer q and seller q.but somehow tat post mysteriously disappeared into some "blackhole".

In any case, I had replied similar question by erictkw, as below.

China Hongx   /   Good News for China Hongxin   /   Posted: 26-Jun-2009 11:17      4Go to Message
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Do not trust wat u see, those buy n sell queues are most often times fake queue, dun believe, spend some time n observe, it can suddenly increase n likewise also can suddenly pulled out to create false impression  to either create fear or greed, to do their "block" n "thrust"

erictkw      ( Date: 26-Jun-2009 10:34) Posted:

Sell down vol is very high today. Do we see it as good as there are many buyers queueing to buy or see it as bad as there are many sell downs? Is it hitting a wall and falling back soon or is it still drilling through the wall and will penetrate later.


richtan      ( Date: 04-Aug-2009 00:53) Posted:

Hi shweli,

I m bewildered, I remembered posting a reply either to u or some other forumer earlier on but somehow, tat post disappeared and now, I couldn't trace it.

shweli      ( Date: 03-Aug-2009 23:08) Posted:

Hi richtan,

Thanks for your kind reply, but something missing of ""see my below reply to shweli."" Look like I am saying about q volume.

Thnx in advance.

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04-Aug-2009 00:53     
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Hi shweli,

I m bewildered, I remembered posting a reply either to u or some other forumer earlier on but somehow, tat post disappeared and now, I couldn't trace it.

shweli      ( Date: 03-Aug-2009 23:08) Posted:

Hi richtan,

Thanks for your kind reply, but something missing of ""see my below reply to shweli."" Look like I am saying about q volume.

Thnx in advance.

richtan      ( Date: 03-Aug-2009 22:41) Posted:

Hi raymondng,

I think u are confused between the "buy q volume / sell q volume" and the "Trade Summary" ie, trade vol done at the "buy q /sell q", see my below reply to shweli.

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03-Aug-2009 23:08     
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Hi richtan,

Thanks for your kind reply, but something missing of ""see my below reply to shweli."" Look like I am saying about q volume.

Thnx in advance.

richtan      ( Date: 03-Aug-2009 22:41) Posted:

Hi raymondng,

I think u are confused between the "buy q volume / sell q volume" and the "Trade Summary" ie, trade vol done at the "buy q /sell q", see my below reply to shweli.

raymondho      ( Date: 03-Aug-2009 18:40) Posted:

Thanks. I still blur blur, may be my right brian does not work properly.

I just know the total selling greater than buying is a sign of buying up, but really confuss why so high the selling vol is buy up sign.

My brian still stuck there, since  so  many selling queue, there must be a down sign. When I go to place order, if the sell vol is high I know I can place a buy queue one bit lower as sellers may not want to wait and sell down to me. Anyway will go to search as suggested.

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03-Aug-2009 22:41     
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Hi raymondng,

I think u are confused between the "buy q volume / sell q volume" and the "Trade Summary" ie, trade vol done at the "buy q /sell q", see my below reply to shweli.

raymondho      ( Date: 03-Aug-2009 18:40) Posted:

Thanks. I still blur blur, may be my right brian does not work properly.

I just know the total selling greater than buying is a sign of buying up, but really confuss why so high the selling vol is buy up sign.

My brian still stuck there, since  so  many selling queue, there must be a down sign. When I go to place order, if the sell vol is high I know I can place a buy queue one bit lower as sellers may not want to wait and sell down to me. Anyway will go to search as suggested.

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03-Aug-2009 22:14     
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Hi raymondho,

U r most welcome.

Let's huat together.

raymondho      ( Date: 03-Aug-2009 21:24) Posted:

Hi! Richtan!

Really appriciate for your hlep and kindness for taking the trouble to search for me!

This has cleared my doubt and confirmed my understand of it.

Hope to read more your post in the wonderful forum.


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03-Aug-2009 21:24     
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Hi! Richtan!

Really appriciate for your hlep and kindness for taking the trouble to search for me!

This has cleared my doubt and confirmed my understand of it.

Hope to read more your post in the wonderful forum.

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03-Aug-2009 18:40     
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Thanks. I still blur blur, may be my right brian does not work properly.

I just know the total selling greater than buying is a sign of buying up, but really confuss why so high the selling vol is buy up sign.

My brian still stuck there, since  so  many selling queue, there must be a down sign. When I go to place order, if the sell vol is high I know I can place a buy queue one bit lower as sellers may not want to wait and sell down to me. Anyway will go to search as suggested.
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03-Aug-2009 17:26     
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Hi raymondho,

I did a search for you and found "syrix11"  had replied on my behalf b4 as below:

China Hongx   /   Good News for China Hongxin   /   Posted: 27-Jul-2009 14:40      4Go to Message
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Hi aircraft,

Sorry for the late rre3sponse and thanks syrix11 for answering on my behalf

syrix11      ( Date: 27-Jul-2009 14:35) Posted:

buy vol is the vol whereby buyer managed to buy at their price -> this is the vol that sellers sell to the buyers

seller vol is the vol seller managed to sell at their price -> -> this is the vol that buyers buy from the sellers.

Example - look at the 0.205. Sell vol = 15, 525. This means sellers managed to sell total 15, 525 lots at 0.205. For sellers to sell at this price, there must be buyers willing to buy at this price.

aircraft      ( Date: 27-Jul-2009 13:57) Posted:

Hi RichTan,

 Can you teach me how to analyse the trade summary shows heavy buying up ? Thanks !

richtan      ( Date: 03-Aug-2009 17:12) Posted:

Hi raymondho,

I hope u dun mind, as this question had been asked b4 , to understand more, dun mind click on my nick or search the keyword "buying volume" or "selling volume" to understand more.

To answer your q briefly, buyers had bot so far from the start of trading up to tat point in time, 3607 lots from the seller q at 0.615.

When buyers keep chasing and buying from the seller's q and once the seller q is exhausted, it will jump up to the next higher seller's ask price, if it is bullish and buyer keep chasing after the seller q price, the price will obviously keep going up.

Hope this helps.

raymondho      ( Date: 03-Aug-2009 16:45) Posted:

Hi! Richtan

I am one of your followers, and always try to learn from your posts. In your Buying up from selling queue, can you enlighten me how do you interprete the buying? As from the table you put up, the bottom column shows last price 0.615, trade ; 61, and buy vol : 0 and sell vol : 3607, do you means that the selling queue 3607 has been bought up by the buyers?

I am using Lim &Tan, as earlier, some friend teaches me in the trade sumary,  when selling vol greater than the buying vol that is a sign of an uptrend. It's confirmed with the intraday chart. But I still don't understand why is it?

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03-Aug-2009 17:12     
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Hi raymondho,

I hope u dun mind, as this question had been asked b4 , to understand more, dun mind click on my nick or search the keyword "buying volume" or "selling volume" to understand more.

To answer your q briefly, buyers had bot so far from the start of trading up to tat point in time, 3607 lots from the seller q at 0.615.

When buyers keep chasing and buying from the seller's q and once the seller q is exhausted, it will jump up to the next higher seller's ask price, if it is bullish and buyer keep chasing after the seller q price, the price will obviously keep going up.

Hope this helps.

raymondho      ( Date: 03-Aug-2009 16:45) Posted:

Hi! Richtan

I am one of your followers, and always try to learn from your posts. In your Buying up from selling queue, can you enlighten me how do you interprete the buying? As from the table you put up, the bottom column shows last price 0.615, trade ; 61, and buy vol : 0 and sell vol : 3607, do you means that the selling queue 3607 has been bought up by the buyers?

I am using Lim &Tan, as earlier, some friend teaches me in the trade sumary,  when selling vol greater than the buying vol that is a sign of an uptrend. It's confirmed with the intraday chart. But I still don't understand why is it?

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03-Aug-2009 16:45     
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Hi! Richtan

I am one of your followers, and always try to learn from your posts. In your Buying up from selling queue, can you enlighten me how do you interprete the buying? As from the table you put up, the bottom column shows last price 0.615, trade ; 61, and buy vol : 0 and sell vol : 3607, do you means that the selling queue 3607 has been bought up by the buyers?

I am using Lim &Tan, as earlier, some friend teaches me in the trade sumary,  when selling vol greater than the buying vol that is a sign of an uptrend. It's confirmed with the intraday chart. But I still don't understand why is it?
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03-Aug-2009 16:13     
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Roubini Says Commodity Prices May Rise in 2010 (Update2)
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By Rebecca Keenan and Jason Scott

Aug. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Commodity prices may extend their rally in 2010 as the global recession abates, said Nouriel Roubini, the New York University economist who predicted the financial crisis.

“As the global economy goes toward growth as opposed to a recession, you are going to see further increases in commodity prices especially next year,” Roubini said today at the Diggers and Dealers mining conference in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. “There is now potentially light at the end of the tunnel.”

Roubini, chairman of Roubini Global Economics and a professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business, joins former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan in seeing signs of recovery. Commodity prices gained the most in more than four months on July 30 as investors speculated that the worst of the global recession has passed and consumption of crops, metals and fuel will rebound.

“The things he was saying provide good indicators for our business,” Martin McDermott, a manager for metals project development at SNC-Lavalin Group Inc., Canada’s biggest engineering and construction company, said at the conference. “The commodities that we’re involved with, being copper, nickel, gold, iron ore, all seem to have positive signs and we hope to take advantage of that.”

Greenspan said yesterday the most severe recession in the U.S. in at least five decades may be ending and growth may resume at a rate faster than most economists foresee. Oil has jumped 56 percent in 2009 and copper has surged 86 percent.

China Growth Target

Roubini predicted on July 23 that the global economy will begin recovering near the end of 2009, before possibly dropping back into a recession by late 2010 or 2011 because of rising government debt, higher oil prices and a lack of job growth.

Economic growth in China, the world’s biggest metals consumer, accelerated in the second quarter, gaining 7.9 percent from a year earlier. China, the biggest contributor to global growth, overtook Japan as the world’s second-largest stock market by value on July 16 after the nation’s 4 trillion yuan ($585 billion) stimulus package spurred record lending and boosted prices of shares and commodities.

China will meet its target of 8 percent growth in gross domestic product this year, Roubini said. Manufacturing in China climbed for a fifth month in July as stimulus spending and subsidies for consumer purchases countered a collapse in exports, and helped companies from chipmaker Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. to automaker General Motors Corp. as well as mining companies such as BHP Billiton Ltd. and Rio Tinto Group.

China’s official Purchasing Managers’ Index rose to a seasonally adjusted 53.3 in July from 53.2 in June. A reading above 50 indicates an expansion. The manufacturing index has climbed from a record low of 38.8 in November.

Aussie Dollar, Aluminum

A rise in commodity prices may help the Australian dollar, Roubini said today, adding he is “bullish” on the currency. Countries including Australia, New Zealand and Canada have so- called commodity currencies because raw materials generate more than 50 percent of their export revenues.

The Australian dollar today rose to the highest since September before retail sales and house price data tomorrow that may add to evidence the nation’s economy will rebound faster than the central bank forecast six months ago.

The price of aluminum, used in beverage cans and airplane parts, has declined by a third in the past year as the global recession crimped demand. A recovery in demand may be offset by the “huge amount of excess capacity,” which could be a risk to the price, Roubini said.

The Reuters/Jefferies CRB Index of 19 commodities has risen 12 percent this year. It jumped 3.9 percent on July 30 to 253.14, the biggest gain since March 19.

Slow Recovery

“That recovery will continue slowly, slowly over time,” Roubini said today. The global economy may contract 2 percent this year and swing to growth of 2.3 percent next year, he said.

Vale SA, the world’s biggest iron ore producer, said demand for metals is starting to recover and it will begin boosting output. Vale Chief Financial Officer Fabio Barbosa said on July 30 that “the worst is over”.

The price of oil may rise more than other commodities because of an expected rebound in demand, Roubini said separately in an interview with Bloomberg News. It may average between $70 and $75 a barrel next year, he said.

Oil Prices

Crude oil traded above $70 a barrel today for the first time in a month on speculation fuel demand will increase, amid signs the global economy is recovering from recession.

The U.S. economy, the world’s biggest, is likely to grow about 1 percent in the next two years, less than the 3 percent “trend,” Roubini said last month. President Barack Obama said on July 30 the U.S. may be seeing the beginning of the end of the recession.

In July 2006 Roubini predicted the financial crisis. In February of last year he forecast a “catastrophic” meltdown that central bankers would fail to prevent, leading to the bankruptcy of large banks with mortgage holdings and a “sharp drop” in equities. Since then, Bear Stearns Cos. was forced into a sale and Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. went bankrupt, prompting banks to hoard cash and depriving businesses and households of access to capital.

To contact the reporters on this story: Rebecca Keenan in Kalgoorlie at rkeenan5@bloomberg.net; Jason Scott in Kalgoorlie at jscott14@bloomberg.net. Last Updated: August 3, 2009 00:36 EDT
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03-Aug-2009 15:53     
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Note the bullish engulfing candle on last Thurs and breakout of the down-sloping bullish flag continuation pattern channel resistance.


richtan      ( Date: 02-Aug-2009 23:46) Posted:

Below is my daily chart analysis for sharing and exchange pointers.

My TA chart is posted to share n exchange pointers with those TA practitioner whom believes in TA.
If u are a TA detractor, plse just ignore n refrain from peeping at my chart posting n start

making unconstructive comments and plse do not be so childish or lunatic as to abuse the

rating system by rating it as "bad post", accumulating for yourself and your

next generation, "bad" karma for your "bad" deeds.

If u think it is a bad post, then be constructive and kindly post your TA for sharing.

This is only my view n I may be right or wrong, so dyodd.

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03-Aug-2009 15:28     
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Trade Summary shows heavy buying up from the seller's queue:
5GJ (AusGroup)

 SPREAD/PRICE RATIO :  0.0000   AVG TRADE SIZE :  62.021 
< />
Last Trades Vol BuyVol Mid SellVol
0.600 33 1,494 1,107 0 387
0.605 181 11,436 5,964 0 5,472
0.610 149 9,760 1,834 0 7,926
0.615 61 3,607 0 0 3,607
TOTAL 424 26,297 8,905 0 17,392
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03-Aug-2009 15:03     
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Oh yah,

Forgot to mentioned, dyodd as we are accountable for our own actions and nobody else is accountable for our own actions.

richtan      ( Date: 03-Aug-2009 15:01) Posted:

Hi grassbeater,

Indeed, TA n FA wise very good.

In fact, I further increased my stake agian today, in anticipation of the handle breakout above the brim of the cup with handle (see my chart posting below)

grass8eater      ( Date: 03-Aug-2009 11:09) Posted:

yes the TA looks good. Improving fundamentals are underpinned by the commodity cycle and the strength of the australian dollar.

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03-Aug-2009 15:01     
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Hi grassbeater,

Indeed, TA n FA wise very good.

In fact, I further increased my stake agian today, in anticipation of the handle breakout above the brim of the cup with handle (see my chart posting below)

grass8eater      ( Date: 03-Aug-2009 11:09) Posted:

yes the TA looks good. Improving fundamentals are underpinned by the commodity cycle and the strength of the australian dollar.

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03-Aug-2009 14:15     
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Hi theresa,

I get it from my broking house online trading website, UOBKH, right mouse click on tat particular stock.and select from a pop-up quick menu.

U can find out from your broking house.

Theresa      ( Date: 03-Aug-2009 13:03) Posted:

Hi Richtan,

Can you inform where did you get the information to see the buy and sell volume and price for all the queue trades ?

Thank you & Regards


richtan      ( Date: 31-Jul-2009 14:55) Posted:

WOW!!!! Look at the volume buy-up. shiok man..

5GJ (AusGroup)

 SPREAD/PRICE RATIO :  0.0082   AVG TRADE SIZE :  61.343 
< />
Last Trades Vol BuyVol Mid SellVol
0.600 129 6,390 4,170 0 2,220
0.605 346 21,939 7,974 0 13,965
0.610 128 10,687 1,167 0 9,520
0.615 124 5,673 498 0 5,175
0.620 2 30 0 0 30
TOTAL 729 44,719 13,809 0 30,910

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