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05-Apr-2013 16:33 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Octavia      ( Date: 05-Apr-2013 10:00) Posted:

Printing money war starts.. a signal to  world power struggle.

US vs Japan.

China  suffers.

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05-Apr-2013 16:21 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Hows the stock market


ozone2002      ( Date: 05-Apr-2013 10:47) Posted:

time get get ready to close ur stock positions soon

Where the Market Stands Where It’s Headed: My eight reasons why I believe the stock market is at or close to a top:
1. Corporate insiders are dumping stock.
2. Bullishness amongst stock advisors is at a multi-month high.
3. Companies are propping up earnings with record stock buyback programs.
4. Corporate earnings growth will be negative again in the first quarter of 2013.
5. The global economy is slowing. Certain countries in the eurozone are in a depression. The U.S. economy could be contracting.
6. The percentage of assets that mutual funds have invested in the stock market is near a multiyear high.
7. The underemployment rate (which is the unemployment rate taking into consideration people who have stopped looking for work and people who have part-time jobs but want full-time jobs) is over 14%—it really hasn’t changed much in months.
8. The American consumer is in trouble. Real disposable income is lower today than it was in 2008. The personal savings rate has fallen more than 70% since 1980. Average hourly earnings of production and non-supervisory employees have crashed 50% since 2008. (Source for all data in list: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.) What do we really have? We have a stock market bubble created by the “too easy” money polices of the Federal Reserve—policies of multiyear artificially low interest rates and $2.5 trillion in newly created (printed) money.

What He Said: “Why Google stock will go higher: Most investors in Google, surprisingly, are retail investors. And that’s why the stock can go higher—because only 20% of the stock is owned by institutions. If the institutions jump in and buy Google, the stock will certainly move higher.” Michael Lombardi in Profit Confidential, June 2, 2005. Michael recommended Google as a buy on June 2, 2005, when the stock was trading at $288.00. On November 5, 2007, when Google reached $700.00 per share, Michael advised his readers to sell their Google stock and to put the proceeds into gold-related investments. Coincidently, gold bullion was also trading at about $700.00 per ounce in November 2007. Michael’s message was to trade each $700.00 share of Google into $700.00 of gold because he saw gold as a much better investment at that time.

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22-Oct-2012 16:31 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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can you start one ...  hahaha!


chartreader      ( Date: 22-Oct-2012 11:01) Posted:

I miss iPunter posting on his betting philosophy ... forum is quiet without him

rotijai      ( Date: 22-Oct-2012 10:06) Posted:

he will come back when sti drops below 3000 :

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22-Oct-2012 16:29 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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today dont buy share,  buy TOTO

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05-Oct-2012 19:03 Renaissance United   /   Neglected, Illiquid, Undervalue, Recovery counter       Go to Message
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This stock    being  " neglected'      for so long..  hahahah!
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05-Oct-2012 17:02 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Tonite    report  :    Huge Job report from US
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05-Oct-2012 14:45 SPH   /   SPH       Go to Message
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If they could sell the paper in different sections  cost  @ as low as $0.20 per section, this will sell well.

I read news , but, i dont need classified act.

Some need classified act (for job looking), but dont need to read news.

This should be the  new trend for selling  reading mateirals to cut down 'Wastage' " and more environmentally friendly.

niuyear      ( Date: 05-Oct-2012 14:41) Posted:

Do you still subscribe to straits times etc? 

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05-Oct-2012 14:41 SPH   /   SPH       Go to Message
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Do you still subscribe to straits times etc? 
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05-Oct-2012 14:29 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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London Luxury Enjoys China's Golden Week

Becos China still celebrating their National Day!!!  Wow,  China people spend and spend    wow, come, plse spend in singapore property

risktaker      ( Date: 05-Oct-2012 13:30) Posted:

of course .... I buy when apple win lawsuit.... short apple buy Samsung..... iPhone 5 is not a must get iphone no wow factor......

alooloo      ( Date: 05-Oct-2012 13:22) Posted:


Samsung operating profit up 85%


u huat already? you bought samsung right?


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27-Sep-2012 09:56 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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i think  this year  burning of  'paper monies'  like    much lesser compare to years ago.

The iPhone  Apps got  'paper monies and can send  faster and  less polution.... .......hahahah!


risktaker      ( Date: 01-Sep-2012 08:40) Posted:

1) 4882
2) 2995
3) 8790
Ang Bao from " 好 兄 弟 公 "

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27-Sep-2012 09:43 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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Bonbon,  Dont worry about  virus!!

We have enough  new citizens to SUCK UP the virus .  They are NOT YET IMMUNE to many types of  virus and mosquitoes, so , these virus will go to them first, before you and I get it...............  hahahah!!!!

Bon3260      ( Date: 27-Sep-2012 09:10) Posted:

If News confirmed dat new virus' SARs.
It shdn't hv happened tis yr.

So wat'll happen  during 2013?


I'm getting old & slow of my prediction... : (

Bon3260      ( Date: 12-Jul-2012 08:42) Posted:

I got a same feeling wif Risktaker.
But my concept of Trading's diff btw others.
When alot of pple got retrenched, news & experts said econ not gd.
I'll go in Mkt & buy shares.
When alot of Co. hiring pple, news & experts said econ picking up.
I'll sell all my shares.

Nxt yr 2013 sm experts r based on histories of 2009.
But sm how I'm more worried of virus attack.
Rmbr e case b4 during yr 2003? (my view only)


Monies loss, can earn it back.
If health din take care,  got winning monies  oso no use...


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27-Sep-2012 09:40 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Dump to who.  lol!

risktaker      ( Date: 27-Sep-2012 09:18) Posted:

left less than 1 million shares on ezion for me to dump..... come up pls.......

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27-Sep-2012 09:38 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Their target of 6 million , does it include:

" newborn babies"     born to existing new citizens and singaporeans to form that 6 million?

If not,  we should think twice of having to bring in those  mature foreingers.

Mature =  Not fertile / unable / not willing to produce babies   = waste of   $$$ to bring them in.   

We might as well just  implement new rules to have  surrogate mothers  to meet the decreasing population in singapore.

Bopanha      ( Date: 27-Sep-2012 00:55) Posted:

Dow is just playing a fool with the market analysts for the time being.   It should move above the 14,000 mark with employment picking up given the recent stats, as fuller employment adds more shoppers to the market.   Even without QE3, it had been felt that DOW would exceed 14,000 points.

As for Singapore property prices, I don't know what Isolator meant, whether burst and rocket up or burst and destroyed. Niuyear could be right if population increased to 6 million for Singapore.   There will be lesser opportunities for locals as we don't really can expand further in our industries or commerce to cater to expansion in job seeker numbers.. There also might be a problem as many FTs are eyeing our situation and ready to flock in.   I believe we should not go in for 6 million.   Over the last 40 years we had been doing well with smaller population. We were a happy lot then. We can do well with 3 million, 4 million or lesser.   I don't understand govt policies on population. There is no urgent need for it, I suppose.  


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26-Sep-2012 23:00 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Wow, european side stock dipping..  but why say 'crushing'?  lol!  Today says 'crushing', tomorrow says " ok" .

Are these so call crushing countries have been living above their own standards ?

Or some countries dont pay tax?  Is definitely a big NO NO.  Can imagine singaporeans no need pay tax? 

See this extract : 

" ............Why? One man restored a road crossing his land and agreed (not on paper) with than local officials that he wouldn't have to pay for his water during his lifetime. Others have the opinion that water is a gift from God so they simply don't understand why they have to pay for it. Hotel owners don't pay because they have giving services such as free food and lodging to government officials visiting the island......................"

This is definitely a failure country!!

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26-Sep-2012 22:28 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Our population will hit 6million,  proeprty price will go north.  At least , stable as it is right now.

89% of singaporeans 'OWN'  HDB flats, and the rest own private property.  Given the fact that such a huge population own property, our government will not let the property prices 'DIP'. and it should maintain as it is.    Also, there are NOT many investment alternatives for singaporeans to go for, property ownership is singaporeans'  'must have', at least a HDB flat.    This is in line with government's objective to have 100% ownership of flat/property among singaporeeans.

The price of property should stay as it is, i think, if not, economic will be affected in this little red dot.




Isolator      ( Date: 26-Sep-2012 17:06) Posted:

DOW will break above 14000... and stay above for sometime..... before something big  happen..... Remember to do the necessary profit taking......Also prepare for the property burst next year in Singapore.... Enjoy...

  Just dropby to say hi and bye..... Bye again.... Will be back again one day.... LOL... Enjoy..

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26-Sep-2012 10:35 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Merry Xmas present 

QE4 coming your way this year end .


Morgan Stanley’s Parker: QE4 Could be Here by Year-End

Monday, 24 Sep 2012 12:22 PM

By Dan Weil

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The Federal Reserve’s latest easing program has just been implemented, and already talk has emerged about the need for fourth round of quantitative easing (QE) – and soon.

QE3 isn’t strong enough to lift stock prices significantly, says Adam Parker, chief U.S. equity strategist for Morgan Stanley.

So, “we wouldn’t be at all surprised to see the Fed dramatically augment this program (i.e., QE4) before year-end, particularly if economic and corporate news continue to deteriorate as they have over the past few weeks," he writes in a note to clients that was obtained by Business Insider.

Editor's Note: Economist Unapologetically Calls Out Bernanke, Obama for Mishandling Economy. See What They Did

Under QE3, the Fed will buy $40 billion of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) a month. Parker compiled interesting data on how previous Fed MBS buying has affected stocks.

“At this rate of MBS purchases, … we see only a weekly 25 basis points of expected return for the S& P 500,” he writes.

“While such a return can accumulate over months, it is dwarfed by weekly S& P historical volatility (3 percent since November 2008) and can easily be swamped by macro, earnings and geopolitical events.”

That’s why he “suspects” QE4 is coming.

Some experts don’t even see QE as relevant for the economy at this point.

" QE3, QE4 or QE5 may not do much to boost the economy. The bigger issues are concerns about the election, regulation and the fiscal cliff," Wilmer Stith, manager of the Wilmington Broad Market Bond Fund, tells CNNMoney.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Morgan Stanley’s Parker: QE4 Could be Here by Year-End
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niuyear      ( Date: 26-Sep-2012 10:31) Posted:

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26-Sep-2012 10:31 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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26-Sep-2012 09:07 SingTel   /   Singtel Bullish???       Go to Message
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i will also buy back .  they buy i buy..... hahaha!

yabbest      ( Date: 26-Sep-2012 09:03) Posted:

they sold ard 3.24 region, now trading 3.16

im sure they will buy back some other days, its biz  

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26-Sep-2012 08:56 SingTel   /   Singtel Bullish???       Go to Message
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Temasek sold 400 million share
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24-Sep-2012 19:32 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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following companies under watch list of sgx - hows the outcome.

AUSSINO GROUP LTD 6 September 2011
BAN JOO & COMPANY LTD 3 December 2008 Company is granted an extension till 1 June 2012 to meet the requirements to exit from the Watch-List which are set out under Listing Rule 1314. Please refer to the Company's announcement dated 1 December 2010.
EASTGATE TECHNOLOGY LTD 4 June 2008 Removed from Watch-List with effect from 20 January 2012 as the Company has met the requirements to exit from the Watch-List which are set out under Listing Rule 1314.
JETS TECHNICS INTL HLDGS LTD 3 September 2008 On 12 August 2011, SGX informed the Company that as it had not satisfied the Watch-List exit requirements, it will be delisted. Trading will be suspended from 2 September 2011. Please refer to the Company's announcement dated 16 August 2011.
LINDETEVES-JACOBERG LTD 3 September 2008 Company is granted a 12-month extension till 1 March 2012, to meet the requirements to exit from the Watch-List which are set out under Listing Rule 1314, subject to conditions. Please refer to Company’s announcement dated 18 June 2010.
SUN EAST GROUP LTD 6 September 2011
THE STYLE MERCHANTS LTD (formerly NETELUSION LTD) 3 June 2009 On 8 August 2011, SGX informed the Company that its application for an extension of time for the Company to satisfy the Watch-List exit requirments is rejected and it will be suspended from 16 September 2011. Please refer to the Company's announcement dated 10 August 2011.
ULTRO TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED 3 December 2009 Company's compliance with Rule 1314 will be assessed following the announcement of its results for the financial year ending 31 December 2011. Please refer to the Company's announcement dated 6 July 2011. Please refer to the Company's announcement dated 2 September 2011.

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