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Latest Posts By pharoah88 - Supreme      About pharoah88
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30-Jul-2011 19:52 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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By Channel NewsAsia, Updated: 30/07/2011

Tony Tan refutes allegations of preferential treatment for son

Tony Tan refutes allegations of preferential treatment for son

Dr Tony Tan (photo: channelnewsasia.com, Hester Tan)

SINGAPORE: Presidential hopeful Dr Tony Tan has refuted online allegations that one of his sons received preferential treatment during National Service (NS).

In a statement posted on Friday night on his Facebook page, Dr Tan — who served as Minister for Defence from 1995 to 2003 — said his son, Dr Patrick Tan, served the latter part of his NS during the tenure.

" My sons all completed their National Service obligations fully and I have never intervened in their postings," he said.

Having spent over three decades in public service, Dr Tan said he is " acutely aware of the scrutiny to which public figures are subjected" .

" Responsibility and integrity governed my choice to serve Singapore for over three decades, motivated me to run for President, and are values I have lived by and instilled in my family," he added.

Dr Tan said he is " deeply disappointed" by the rumours. " I am confident that Singaporeans are savvy enough to see through these distractions and will make up their minds based on solid facts and focus on the real issues at hand," he added.

On Dr Tony Tan’s Facebook page, a netizen named Jessica Tan posed the following question: " ’Elected President candidate Dr Tony Tan helped his son to escape military National Service. He had arranged for his son to do civilian work (research work at National Cancer Centre) and be paid NS salary. It is legally right but morally wrong ?.’... can Dr Tony Tan verify the above statement?"

Earlier on Friday night, Dr Patrick Tan also issued a statement on his father’s Facebook page chronicling his NS stint.

Dr Patrick Tan said he entered NS in 1988 and completed Basic Military Training and his Junior Term at Officer Cadet School.

He was awarded a President’s Scholarship and a Loke Cheng Kim Scholarship to study medicine in the United States, where medical training " typically comprises of a pre—medical degree followed by a graduate medical degree" .

He returned to Singapore in 2000 " ready to complete" his NS, and was attached to the Defence Medical and Environmental Research Institute.

At that time, he said melioidosis — also known as " soil disease" — was a serious concern to MINDEF as it had been affecting soldiers in the field and " is a potential bio—terrorism threat" . " I was instructed to apply the knowledge I had obtained in my MD PhD to study melioidosis," he added.

Throughout his NS, he maintained he received an NS man’s salary and fulfilled all requirements of NS.

He said: " The current allegations — mostly posted anonymously on the Internet — are false. It seems clear that such rumours are intended to hurt my father, which makes it all the more painful for me." —


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30-Jul-2011 19:47 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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shOUld  be  by

actUal  TOTAL  IncOme  Tax 

pAid    by whOle  fAmily

fOr  the  last  five years.

Or Allocated  by

Accumulated  Income Tax Paid  per persOn 

at S$30,000

fOr  One  COE  Or  One  CAR

niuyear      ( Date: 29-Jul-2011 15:45) Posted:

Very easy to have car number under control -

HDB flat dwellers - 50k to 100k - one car

Condo dwellers earning 500k to 1 million  - one big and one small

landed proprty -  2 cars maximum

pharoah88      ( Date: 26-Jul-2011 10:17) Posted:

Time to reduce car import taxes

Letter from Wong Liang Yuan

It is understandable that landscarce Singapore requires high car prices to keep its car population under control.

While the Certificate of Entitlement (COE) system provides that effective means of controlling the car population, the current level of import taxes on cars reduces the standard of living for Singaporeans.

The costs to car buyers here come mainly from three factors:

The Open Market Value (OMV) of the car (the actual landed cost of the car), import taxes comprising the additional registration fee (100 per cent of OMV) and excise duty (20 per cent) and, finally, the COE cost.

With the current new methodology of COE quotas based on actual vehicle de-registrations, the government has an effective control on the actual vehicle population, allowing the free market to price the “right” to own a car for 10 years.

Ever since the new methodology was put in place, and with lower quotas, this “right” has become increasingly more expensive to consumers.

What I find counter-productive is that after bidding and paying large amounts of S$50,000 to S$70,000 for the right to car ownership, consumers have to further pay import taxes of 120 per cent on their cars.

What is the purpose of this sizeable tax amount, which distorts the prices of cars?

It makes better cars (and by better, I refer to higher fuel efficiency, greater comfort levels, et cetera) more costly and more out-of-reach of the consumer.

The high car import tax system here was put in place decades before the establishment of the COE system in 1990, and it is about time this tax system is reviewed.

With an effective means of controlling the car population through COE quotas based on actual de-registrations, the government should not keep the prohibitive import taxes on cars.

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29-Jul-2011 15:27 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Tan Kin Lian defends TOTO , 4D applications by his firm


When he launched the app, he was surprised to find out that the app was created and sold by Tan Kin Lian & Associates, a software and consultancy firm run by presidential hopeful Tan Kin Lian.

Mr Lee, 34, who contacted T

“Even though betting on TOTO and 4D is legal, what is legally right may not be morally right. Given the fact that Mr Tan is running for presidency, he should aim for some moral high ground, especially with public unhappiness over gambling.”


When contacted by T

“This concern (that these apps will encourage gambling) is exaggerated ... if some people like to try my app to get their unique numbers, I will be delighted. But I do not think that it will be addictive, and I certainly do not encourage them to be addicted to any form of gambling. But as a pastime and fun, it is all right.”

He added that he saw TOTO and 4D as an entertainment for many ordinary people — “a way of having some distraction from the busy and hectic life”.

Explaining why the apps were created, Mr Tan said he had asked his developer to try some simple apps and chose TOTO and 4D as they are popular games and are well known.

Mr Tan said the number of downloads for these two apps are “quite small” compared to other apps — including one for taxi booking — developed by his company. “If I get elected as President, I have to pass this business to another person ... But if I do not get elected, I intend to use the knowhow in developing mobile games for many business applications involving mobile and web platforms,” Mr Tan said.— Business development manager Kelvin Lee was surfing through the iPhone App store on Wednesday night when he stumbled on an app that generates numbers for the bi-weekly TOTO lottery.oday, said:oday found another similar app, OneInAMillion — also created by Mr Tan’s company — in the iPhone App store.oday, Mr Tan stressed that the apps were part of “more than 10 apps” that were developed by his company.


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29-Jul-2011 13:39 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Summary of current rate of inflation (CPI) in a large number of countries

  Inflation figure country/region period inflation monthly basis inflation yearly basis
  CPI Austria Austria june 2011 0.000  % 3.282  %
  CPI Belgium Belgium june 2011 0.306  % 3.674  %
  CPI Brazil Brazil june 2011 0.149  % 6.713  %
  CPI Canada Canada june 2011 -0.663  % 3.098  %
  CPI Chile Chile june 2011 0.172  % 3.438  %
  CPI Czech Republic Czech Republic june 2011 -0.170  % 1.824  %
  CPI Denmark Denmark june 2011 -0.238  % 3.025  %
  CPI Estonia Estonia june 2011 0.000  % 4.920  %
  CPI Finland Finland june 2011 0.291  % 3.451  %
  CPI France France june 2011 0.081  % 2.117  %
  CPI Germany Germany june 2011 0.090  % 2.313  %
  CPI Great Britain Great Britain june 2011 -0.084  % 4.188  %
  CPI Greece Greece june 2011 -0.220  % 3.335  %
  CPI Hungary Hungary june 2011 -0.237  % 3.522  %
  CPI Iceland Iceland june 2011 0.538  % 4.235  %
  CPI India India may 2011 0.538  % 8.721  %
  CPI Indonesia Indonesia june 2011 0.548  % 5.540  %
  CPI Ireland Ireland june 2011 -0.096  % 2.668  %
  CPI Israel Israel june 2011 0.386  % 4.205  %
  CPI Italy Italy june 2011 0.098  % 2.747  %
  CPI Japan Japan may 2011 0.100  % 0.301  %
  CPI Luxembourg Luxembourg june 2011 -0.078  % 3.518  %
  CPI Mexico Mexico june 2011 -0.005  % 3.276  %
  CPI Norway Norway june 2011 -0.382  % 1.320  %
  CPI Poland Poland june 2011 -0.420  % 4.126  %
  CPI Portugal Portugal june 2011 -0.232  % 3.355  %
  CPI Russia Russia june 2011 0.226  % 9.394  %
  CPI Slovakia Slovakia june 2011 -0.064  % 3.923  %
  CPI Slovenia Slovenia june 2011 -0.498  % 1.340  %
  CPI South Africa South Africa june 2011 0.515  % 5.117  %
  CPI South Korea South Korea june 2011 0.166  % 4.416  %
  CPI Spain Spain june 2011 -0.141  % 3.185  %
  CPI Sweden Sweden june 2011 -0.237  % 2.743  %
  CPI Switzerland Switzerland june 2011 -0.242  % 0.564  %
  CPI the Netherlands The Netherlands june 2011 -0.483  % 2.286  %
  CPI Turkey Turkey june 2011 -1.431  % 6.236  %
  CPI United States United States june 2011 -0.107  % 3.559  %


sIngApOre  CPI  is  mIssIng  ? ? ? ?

sIngApOre  CPI  is  nOt  benchmArked  ? ? ? ?

UsIng  dIfferent  fOrmUla  ? ? ??
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28-Jul-2011 10:51 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Strong Sing dollar

could hurt exports

Lin Yanqin



This, as Asian currencies rose to new highs on investor fears of the United States losing its triple-A credit rating, amid political wrangling over a plan to reduce its debt deficit.

The impasse means that the US could default on its massive debt obligations for the first time in its history.

The Australian dollar also soared to a 28-year high to US$1.1063 yesterday, as higher-than-expected inflation put more pressure on the central bank to raise interest rates.

Policymakers face dilemma say experts as currency hits new high against US dollar— The Singapore dollar crossed a key psychological barrier yesterday, dipping below the S$1.2000 mark against the greenback to hit S$1.1992 before gently rebounding, sparking worries that its strength could affect the Republic’s export competitiveness.

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28-Jul-2011 10:46 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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The Sing dollar is already trading at the high end of the (exchange rate policy band),

growth is shaky, and

inflation is high.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch economist Chua Hak Bin



bEcAUsE it  mAxImIsEs  G S T

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28-Jul-2011 10:42 Others   /   STI to cross 3383 by 2011 Nov       Go to Message
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The Sing dollar is already trading at the high end of the (exchange rate policy band),

growth is shaky, and

inflation is high.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch economist Chua Hak Bin

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28-Jul-2011 10:34 SIA   /   A380 A Great Way to Fly       Go to Message
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By Agence France-Presse, Updated: 27/07/2011

Singapore A380 turns back after engine shuts down

Singapore Airlines said Wednesday an Airbus A380 bound for Hong Kong was forced to return to the city-state this week after one of its engines shut down.

" Following inspections of the affected aircraft in conjunction with Rolls Royce, an engine change was put in place and the aircraft went back into operation on 27 July," it said.

" Investigations are currently being carried out on the affected engine in conjunction with Airbus and Rolls Royce."

SIA said the pilots turned back the flight as a " precautionary measure" and no one was hurt.

Problems with Rolls Royce engines in A380 aircraft -- the world's biggest passenger plane -- came to light after a Qantas superjumbo made an emergency landing in Singapore in November last year because of a mid-air engine explosion.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau said in a report that the blast on the Qantas aircraft could have been caused by a possible manufacturing issue related to oil pipes in the Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine.

The Australian safety watchdog said the problem could lead to fatigue cracking, oil leakage and potential engine failure from an oil fire. Qantas initially grounded its whole A380 fleet over the incident.


dId  sIa  bUy  ALL  the  wrOng  aIrplAnes  ? ? ? ?

blAstIng  A380  ? ? ? ?

rIsky wAy tO fly  ? ? ? ?
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28-Jul-2011 10:31 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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By Agence France-Presse, Updated: 27/07/2011

Singapore A380 turns back after engine shuts down

Singapore Airlines said Wednesday an Airbus A380 bound for Hong Kong was forced to return to the city-state this week after one of its engines shut down.

" Following inspections of the affected aircraft in conjunction with Rolls Royce, an engine change was put in place and the aircraft went back into operation on 27 July," it said.

" Investigations are currently being carried out on the affected engine in conjunction with Airbus and Rolls Royce."

SIA said the pilots turned back the flight as a " precautionary measure" and no one was hurt.

Problems with Rolls Royce engines in A380 aircraft -- the world's biggest passenger plane -- came to light after a Qantas superjumbo made an emergency landing in Singapore in November last year because of a mid-air engine explosion.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau said in a report that the blast on the Qantas aircraft could have been caused by a possible manufacturing issue related to oil pipes in the Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine.

The Australian safety watchdog said the problem could lead to fatigue cracking, oil leakage and potential engine failure from an oil fire. Qantas initially grounded its whole A380 fleet over the incident.

dId  sIa  bUy  ALL  the  wrOng  aIrplAnes  ? ? ? ?

blAstIng  A380  ? ? ? ?
Good Post  Bad Post 
28-Jul-2011 10:26 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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jUst  lEt

AmerIcans  mEss  thEmsElvEs  dOwn  # # # #

eUrOpeAns  mEss  thEmsElvEs  dOwn  # # # #

WHY  sIngapOrE  stIll  want  tO  ? ? ? ?

hIre  wEstErnErs  as  ChIEfs, mAnAgErs,  prOfEssIOnAls  ? ? ? ?

WHEN  thEy  AlrEAdy mEssEd  dOwn  thEIr Own  tUrfs  ? ? ? ?

Is  sIngapOrE  sO  vEry  stUpId  ? ? ? ?

tO  lEt  thEm  mEss  Us  dOwn  ? ? ? ?

mEssIng  dOwn  MAS    GIC    TEMASEK  ? ? ? ?

mEssIng  dOwn  sIngApOre  bAnk  sAvIng  IntErEst  rAtes  ? ? ? ?

mEssIng  dOwn  sIngApOrEAns'  CPF  and  rEtIrEmEnt  ? ? ? ?

mEssIng  Up  sIngApOrEAns'  cOst Of  lIvIng  ? ? ? ?


Is  USA's  CPI  InflAtIOn  rAtEs  fAllIng sO  lOw  at  0.5% ~ 0.4%  ? ? ? ?


Is  sIngApOrE's  CPI  InflAtIOn  rAtEs  sO  TEN  TIMES  sO  hIgh  at  5.0% ~ 6.0% ? ? ? ?


prIces  Of  US  gOOds    In  sIngApOrE  dId   nOt fAll  by  33.33%  ? ? ? ?

sInce  US$  fEll  frOm  S$1.85 tO S$1.19  ? ? ? ?


dId  sIngApOrE  hIrEd  thE  wrOng  ecOnOmIsts  And  bAnkErs  ? ? ? ?
Good Post  Bad Post 
28-Jul-2011 10:11 Genting Sing   /   Traders Lounge - Daily opportunities for everyone       Go to Message
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jUst  lEt

AmerIcans  mEss  thEmsElvEs  dOwn  # # # #

eUrOpeAns  mEss  thEmsElvEs  dOwn  # # # #

WHY  sIngapOrE  stIll  want  tO  ? ? ? ?

hIre  wEstErnErs  as  ChIEfs, mAnAgErs,  prOfEssIOnAls  ? ? ? ?

WHEN  thEy  AlrEAdy mEssEd  dOwn  thEIr Own  tUrfs  ? ? ? ?

Is  sIngapOrE  sO  vEry  stUpId  ? ? ? ?

tO  lEt  thEm  mEss  Us  dOwn  ? ? ? ?

mEssIng  dOwn  MAS    GIC    TEMASEK  ? ? ? ?
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28-Jul-2011 10:04 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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28-Jul-2011 10:01 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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By Channel NewsAsia, Updated: 27/07/2011

President can be alternative channel to Parliament: Tan Kin Lian

President can be alternative channel to Parliament: Tan Kin Lian

Tan Kin Lian (Photo: channelnewsasia.com, Hester Tan)

SINGAPORE: Presidential hopeful Tan Kin Lian believes the president can act as an alternative channel to Parliament.

Speaking to reporters before delivering a talk on Wednesday evening, Mr Tan said Singaporeans should not just depend on one avenue to convey their views on important issues.

The former NTUC Income chief was invited by the Marketing Institute of Singapore to speak on the subject of " Leadership Guided by Values" .

Mr Tan said values such as honesty, fairness, courage, positive attitude, and public service, can help businesses to strive. These values can also be used in political leadership.

He is using the same values as part of his election platform in his bid to run for president.

Mr Tan added the president can play a useful role in conveying views of the people. He said Singaporeans can still turn to their MPs in raising concerns, but the president can be an alternative channel.

He said: " Of course, we don’t want that to be exercised in a way that is quarrelsome, we don’t want to quarrel with the government. Of course, people say Parliament is the way to convey those views but I think we should not only depend on one channel. Parliament may have its own obstacles and structural obstacles. So the president could be another useful channel.

" Of course, the idea is that the president should work in cooperation with the government to bring some of these views of the people and I think this can be a very useful role for the president."

Mr Tan expressed his confidence in getting the Certificate of Eligibility to contest in the Presidential Election.

He also wished Andrew Kuan all the best in making a second attempt at running for the presidency.

Mr Kuan, who is the former chief financial officer of JTC, collected application forms for the Certificate of Eligibility at the Elections Department on Wednesday morning.

Mr Tan said it is good that more people are contesting in the Presidential Election as this gives Singaporeans a wider choice.




He  earlier deemed  S$300,000  compensation  as  adequate for himself as PRESIDENT.


In his " PROMISED WORDS" , he  should be donating whatever presidential compensation in EXCESS of S$300,000  to  CHARITIES  ? ? ? ?

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27-Jul-2011 17:11 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Wednesday: 27 JULY 2011  CLOSING

S$1.920    289,930,000
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27-Jul-2011 16:50 Genting HK USD   /   Genting HK US$       Go to Message
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Genting Hongkong

Bullish break suggests further recovery


Downtrend channel broken.

Genting Hongkong could see more upside ahead after staging a strong bullish break above the upper boundary of its near 1-year downtrend channel, 100-DMA and US$0.40 resistance on heavy volume three sessions ago the optimism was later reaffirmed by a successful retracement and rebound off these levels yesterday.

Indicators still bullish.

With the RSI still trending up (but not yet overbought) and MACD doing likewise, these suggest that the upside momentum is still intact.

Initial resistance at US$0.52.

We expect the counter to test the immediate resistance at US$0.52 (key peak in Nov ‘10). The subsequent resistance can be found at US$0.60 (psychological resistance).

Immediate support at US$0.40.

Meanwhile, US$0.40 is now the newly established key resistance-turned-support, with the subsequent key support pegged at US$0.31 (key resistance-turned-support).

27 Jul 2011 MITA No. 020/06/2010

Please refer to the important disclosures at the back of this document.

Philip Teo

(65) 6531 9807

e-mail: philipteo@ocbc-research.com

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27-Jul-2011 16:42 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Code Name Type Expiry Exercise Price
OK4W GentingSMBeCW120104@ Call 04-Jan-12 1.90
NV4W GentingSMBePW110902@ Put 02-Sep-11 1.90
L2PW GentingSMBeCW130103@ Long Dated 03-Jan-13 1.80

Expects 2Q to have been seasonally higher
According to MER, 2Q is largely driven by June (May/April were largely flat QoQ) which benefitted by the school holidays regionally and greater visitation in to Singapore - this is also likely to have some flow on effects onto July. Excluding this, MER thinks that the market is likely to show 5% - 10% QoQ growth.
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27-Jul-2011 16:34 Genting HK USD   /   Genting HK US$       Go to Message
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Charted Territory - 27 Jul 2011

Genting Hongkong -
Bullish break suggests further recovery

Levels to Watch in Trading:        

Resistance set at US$0.52
                                                                                                          Support set at US$0.40

Stock Rating:                         No Rating
Target Px:                                 NA

Last Closing Px:                         US$0.42
52-week Px Range:                         US$0.22 - US$0.55

SGX Code:                                 S21
BLP Code:                                 GENHK SP Equity
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27-Jul-2011 16:30 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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USA : Las Vegas Sands Profit Beats Estimates on Asia Casino Growth : Bloomberg

Las Vegas Sands Profit Beats Estimates on Asia Casino Growth
2011-07-26 20:22:47.703 GMT

By Beth Jinks
    July 26 (Bloomberg) -- Las Vegas Sands Corp., the U.S.
casino company expanding in Asia, reported second-quarter profit
that beat analysts’ estimates, on Singapore and Macau growth and
a recovery in Las Vegas.
    Net income was $367.6 million, or 45 cents a share,
compared with a loss of $4.68 million, or 1 cent, a year
earlier, Las Vegas Sands said today in a statement. The figures
reflect preferred dividend payments. Profit excluding some items
was 54 cents, more than the 44-cent average of 23 analysts’
    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Sheldon Adelson
predicted in May his company would generate more than $3 billion
in cash flow this year as gambling in Asia accelerates and Las
Vegas recovers. Quarterly sales jumped 47 percent to $2.35
billion, reflecting gains from the Marina Bay Sands in
Singapore, which opened starting in April 2010.
    Las Vegas Sands rose 3 percent to $47.69 in extended
trading. The shares gained 12 cents to $46.3 at 4:15 p.m. in New
York Stock Exchange composite trading.

    (Visit LIVE < GO> to hear Las Vegas Sands executives discuss
earnings from 4:30 p.m. New York time.)

For Related News and Information:
Casino news: NI CNO < GO>
Most-read Macau gambling news: MNI MACAU CNO < GO>
Company liabilities: LVS US < Equity> FA 22 < GO>
Employee data: LVS US < Equity> FA 10 < GO>
Las Vegas reports: NSE CASINO LAS VEGAS < GO>
Estimate history: LVS US < Equity> EEG < GO>
Revenue breakdown: LVS US < Equity> PGEO < GO>
Peer comparison: LVS US < Equity> PPC < GO>
Risk comparison: LVS US < Equity> RSKC < GO>

--Editors: Anthony Palazzo, Rob Golum

To contact the reporter on this story:
Beth Jinks in New York at +1-212-617-5825 or

To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Anthony Palazzo at +1-323-782-4228 or

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27-Jul-2011 15:48 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Genting Singapore (GENS SP S$1.91 OUTPERFORM TP S$2.79)

What happened: Las Vegas Sands (LVS) held a conference call on its 2QFY11 results, shedding light on the performance of its Singapore property, Marina Bay Sands (MBS). MBSs 2Q result was outstanding, to say the least.   It reported adjusted EBITDA of US$405m (S$487m) in 1Q, which was an increase of 43% qoq in 2Q10 and more than tripled the US$95m (S$114m) during the same period last year. Operational improvements were seen across the board.

What we think: The duopoly gaming market in Singapore suggests that MBS's gains could have come at the expense of RWS. However, contrary to many, it was stated that the Singapore market is far from saturation. With only a little more than a year in operations, we tend to agree that it may be too early to conclude that the Singapore gaming market has peaked. If this is the case, we may see a quarterly blip in 2Q due to the rapid expansion of MBS, but the mid-to long-term growth story for GENS is still very much intact. We are projecting EBITDA of approximately S$330m for GENS in 2Q, which is pretty much in line with consensus expectations. This implies a 38% qoq decline sequentially.

What you should do: Look beyond 2Q's short-term blip. RWS's 2Q could be soft on 1) seasonal factors and 2) normalised luck at the VIP segment. MBS's stellar 2Q performance also suggests an element of cannibalisation. But the 20% share price fall from the high of S$2.24 in April to the current S$1.81 may be an indication that the market has already factored these negatives in. Valuations look attractive at this level, i.e. 11.9x EV/EBITDA (FY11) and 10.2x EV/EBITDA (FY12).

Pending review, maintain OUTPERFORM on the stock with an unchanged TP of $2.79. We see the stock as a good proxy to Singapore's growing tourism industry. It is also the only listed gaming entity with direct and pure exposure to the lucrative Singapore gaming market.

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27-Jul-2011 10:24 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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词 : 黄 霑   曲 : 黄 霑
专 辑 : 《 完 全 . 陈 百 强 》
沧 海 一 声 笑 滔 滔 两 岸 潮
浮 沉 随 浪 只 记 今 朝
苍 天 笑 纷 纷 世 上 潮
谁 负 谁 胜 出 天 知 晓
江 山 笑 烟 雨 遥
涛 浪 涛 尽 红 尘 俗 世 几 多 娇
清 风 笑 竟 惹 寂 寥
豪 情 还 成 了 一 襟 晚 照
( Music )
沧 海 笑 滔 滔 两 岸 潮
浮 沉 随 浪 记 今 朝
苍 天 笑 纷 纷 世 上 潮
谁 负 谁 胜 出 天 知 晓
江 山 笑 烟 雨 遥
涛 浪 涛 尽 红 尘 俗 世 几 多 娇
苍 生 笑 不 再 寂 寥
豪 情 仍 在 痴 痴 笑 笑
( Music )
啦 啦 啦 .......

pharoah88      ( Date: 27-Jul-2011 10:17) Posted:

沧 海 一 声 笑

歌 手 :许 冠 杰

sinetic8      ( Date: 27-Jul-2011 09:40) Posted:

Acquisition by Genting Overseas Holdings Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Genting Berhad, of a total of 9,600,000 ordinary shares in Genting Singapore Plc from the open market. Parkview Management Sdn Bhd is deemed interested in the Genting Singapore Plc shares held by Genting Overseas Holdings Limited.


Genting news from SGX Web.


So many shares being bought. Something is really brewing..

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