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02-Aug-2011 15:06 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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eXtremely childish & fOOlish ?



withOUt  jUNCKET,

there are nO  CASINO

but  Just  PUNTING  CLUBS  ? ? ? ?

sIngapOre  Only

gOOd  fOr

betting  bOOths  ? ? ? ?
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02-Aug-2011 14:59 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Macau defies expectations


Cash-rich mainland gamblers, who contribute the bulk of earnings in the enclave an hour from Hong Kong by ferry, have helped the former Portuguese colony maintain stellar gaming revenue since the start of the year. A maze of glitzy facades and kitsch interiors, Macau is the only place where Chinese citizens are allowed to legally gamble in casinos.

Revenue last month was 24.2 billion patacas (S$3.6 billion), the second highest gain this year and just shy of May’s record 24.3 billion patacas that was attributed to a week-long public holiday and the opening of a new casino resort.

Macau, a major market for United States casino operators including MGM China, Sands China and Wynn Macau, is likely to post full-year revenue more than five times higher than that of rival Las Vegas.

Macau chalked up US$23.5 billion (S$28.2 billion) in gambling revenue last year and is forecast to grow that by between 25 and 50 per cent annually.

That was well ahead of Las Vegas’ US$5.8 billion and Singapore’s US$5.1 billion.

Singapore is set to overtake Las Vegas this year to become No 2 with a rojected US$6.4 billion in turnover, according to the American Gaming Association.

Casino shares skyrocketed yesterday in Hong Kong, with Galaxy Entertainment up 8.42 per cent, Sands China up 5.76 per cent, Wynn Macau up 3.31 per cent, MGM China up 2.99 per cent, SJM up 4.99 per cent and Melco International up 7.37 per cent.

Billionaire Sheldon Adelson’s Las Vegas Sands and casino mogul Steve Wynn’s Wynn Resorts posted strong second-quarter profits, bolstered by stellar growth in their Macau casinos.

MGM China, Galaxy Entertainment, SJM and Melco Crown International are due to post secondquarter earnings later this month.— Macau, the world’s largest casino market, blew past expectations to post a 48-per-cent rise in July gambling revenue, underscoring unflagging demand from China’s newly minted millionaires and burgeoning middle class.


World’s largest casino market posts 48.4% rise in gambling revenue

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02-Aug-2011 13:55 User Research/Opinions   /   MAY BANK initiates GROWTH ERA tOday       Go to Message
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RHBRI Top Picks





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Genting Msia








Jaya Tiasa




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02-Aug-2011 13:53 User Research/Opinions   /   ******** GENTING ******* BERHAD ********       Go to Message
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Genting Bhd: Signed deal with consortium to buy Pan Malaysian Pools for RM2.1bn?                                     



News Update


¨            It was reported in the Edge daily that Tanjong plc yesterday signed an agreement to sell its entire stake in Pan Malaysia Pools (PMP) for RM2.1bn to a consortium comprising Genting’s Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay, Hong Leong Group’s Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan, Lion group’s Tan Sri William Cheng and Tan Sri Chua Ma Yu. The businessmen’s bid includes plans to eventually list the NFO.

Included in the winning bid is a charity element, whereby a portion of PMP’s profits would be allocated to charitable causes, including schools.



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Genting Msia








Jaya Tiasa




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02-Aug-2011 13:03 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Norway PM to politicians:

THiNK before yOu speAk


Mr Jens Stoltenberg did not single out anyone but seemed to be referring to harsh immigration discussions when he told Parliament the July 22 attacks gave reason to rEflEct on “what we have thought, said and written”.

“We all have something to LEARN from the tragedy,” he told law-makers at a ceremony honouring the victims. “We can all have a need to sAy, ‘i wAs wrOng’, and be respected for it.’’

That goes for politicians and newsroom editors, in everyday conversations and on the Internet, the Prime Minister said.

“Our promise is that we take with us the spirit of July 22 when political work resumes. We will behave with the same wisdom and respect as the Norwegian people,’’ Mr Stoltenberg said.

Norway’s political parties will postpone campaigning for September’s local elections until the middle of this month as the nation mourns those killed.

Confessed killer Anders Breivik said his attacks were an attempt to purge Europe of Muslims and punish politicians who embraced multiculturalism. — Norway’s Prime Minister on Monday called on political leaders to show restraint as the country emerges from mourning the 77 victims of a bombing and youth camp massacre by an anti-Muslim extremist.AP

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02-Aug-2011 09:08 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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现 金 不 再 称 王 ?

● 许 丽 卿

    有 人 雀 跃 , 强 劲 的 新 元 升 势 , 使 到 新 元 币 值 越 来 越 大 , 买 进 口 货 时 会 更 加 便 宜 。

    然 而 , 也 有 人 感 叹 , 现 在 在 新 加 坡 买 一 辆 车 , 比 三 年 前 贵 了 至 少 30% , 甚 至 贵 了 整 倍 , 完 全 没 有 因 强 劲 的 新 元 而 受 惠

    事 实 是 , 新 元 兑 美 元 汇 率 自 去 年 以 来 已 涨 了 超 过 13% , 我 们 的 钱 却 没 有 “变 得 更 大 ”, 人 们 也 没 有 “变 得 更 有 钱 ”。        

    新 元 兑 美 元 汇 率 持 续 上 扬 , 一 度 达 到 不 用 1.20新 元 就 可 换 到 一 美 元 的 高 水 平 。 照 理 说 , 强 劲 的 新 元 或 新 元 币 值 越 大 , 我 们 应 该 越 富 有 才 对 , 但 感 觉 上 我 们 好 像 反 而 变 穷 了

关 键 在 于 我 们 的 物 价 不 断 攀 升 。

    因 为 房 价 和 汽 车 价 格 比 预 期 高 , 金 融 管 理 局 把 我 国 今 年 的 通 货 膨 胀 率 调 高 到 4% 至 5% 。 而 6月 份 的 通 胀 率 仍 高 企 在 5.2% , 接 下 来 的 通 胀 走 势 仍 不 容 乐 观 。

外 来 热 钱 多   车 价 房 价 齐 涨

    政 府 以 让 新 元 继 续 升 值 来 舒 缓 通 胀 压 力 , 但 是 太 强 势 的 新 元 也 导 致 我 国 第 二 季 制 造 业 同 比 萎 缩 5.5% , 环 比 萎 缩 22.5% 。 不 漂 亮 的 数 据 , 大 部 分 固 然 是 受 欧 债 危 机 问 题 所 影 响 , 但 太 强 势 的 新 元 也 是 主 因 之 一 。

    一 般 货 币 政 策 是 包 括 汇 率 与 利 率 政 策 , 但 新 加 坡 比 较 特 别 , 只 看 到 汇 率 政 策 , 不 见 利 率 政 策

汇 率 升 值 了 , 利 率 却 依 然 在 低 档 , 造 成 国 内 新 元 游 资 太 多 再 加 上 新 元 不 断 升 值 , 外 来 热 钱 进 来 的 也 更 多 。 于 是 , 汽 车 价 格 和 房 地 产 价 格 齐 飙 涨

    最 新 一 轮 的 拥 车 证 成 价 全 面 飙 涨 , 中 小 型 车 组 的 拥 车 证 已 涨 到 近 6万 元 , 这 个 价 码 在 两 三 年 前 已 可 以 买 下 一 辆 中 小 型 日 本 车 。 大 型 及 豪 华 型 车 组 的 也 已 破 7万 元 , 8万 元 以 上 的 高 拥 车 证 看 来 也 指 日 可 待 。

    感 叹 买 不 起 车 的 是 那 些 中 等 收 入 的 工 薪 族 , 有 钱 的 专 业 人 士 和 大 老 板 当 然 不 受 影 响 , 要 买 车 的 照 买 , 要 换 车 的 照 换 , 否 则 拥 车 证 价 格 也 不 会 越 标 越 高 。

    通 胀 的 后 果 是 现 金 缩 水 低 息 的 后 果 是 房 价 节 节 上 升 国 内 外 游 资 泛 滥 , 投 资 什 么 好 呢 ?

股 票 在 通 胀 环 境 下 像 债 券 一 样 表 现 不 佳 , 这 已 经 不 是 秘 密 在 没 有 其 他 更 好 的 投 资 管 道 下 , 只 好 集 中 在 房 地 产 的 投 资 , 尽 管 本 地 私 宅 租 金 回 报 率 不 过 6% , 但 2% 的 资 金 成 本 有 6% 的 回 报 已 算 不 错 了

    更 何 况 , 本 地 私 宅 价 格 显 然 无 视 政 府 降 温 措 施 , 第 二 季 依 旧 稳 健 上 升 2% 。 而 自 2009年 回 弹 以 来 , 本 地 私 宅 价 格 已 上 涨 了 52.3% 。 这 么 漂 亮 的 数 据 , 难 怪 投 资 者 会 当 降 温 措 施 透 明

一 旦 升 息   房 价 下 跌 在 所 难 免

    新 加 坡 的 私 宅 市 场 没 有 所 谓 的 刚 性 需 求 , 目 前 的 房 价 完 全 是 低 息 环 境 的 产 物 , 一 旦 加 息 , 支 持 高 屋 价 的 基 础 就 不 存 在 了 , 房 价 下 跌 是 难 免 的

    尽 管 如 此 , 投 资 者 甘 冒 房 价 下 跌 的 风 险 , 依 然 进 场 , 为 的 就 是 不 愿 眼 睁 睁 看 着 手 头 上 的 现 金 缩 水 , 还 有 就 是 早 买 早 赚 的 预 期 心 理 使 然 。

    股 神 巴 菲 特 曾 说 过 , 现 金 是 最 危 险 的 资 产 , 甚 至 感 叹 道 , 因 为 通 胀 , 他 出 生 时 候 的 一 美 元 , 现 在 只 值 6美 分 了 。

他 的 言 论 更 让 人 相 信 , 所 有 货 币 都 逃 脱 不 了 贬 值 命 运 , 这 种 资 产 最 终 不 会 带 来 任 何 回 报 。

“现 金 为 王 ”本 是 投 资 上 的 一 句 金 科 玉 律 , 但 巴 菲 特 显 然 对 此 颇 不 以 为 然 。 从 早 期 的 “现 金 为 王 ”拥 护 者 , 到 最 近 的 不 以 为 然 , 巴 菲 特 的 投 资 理 念 似 乎 也 在 改 变 中 。

    三 年 前 , 或 许 我 们 还 可 学 学 香 港 首 富 李 嘉 诚 高 喊 “现 金 为 王 ”, 但 在 高 通 胀 、 超 低 利 率 及 强 势 新 元 的 今 天 , 或 许 现 金 已 不 再 称 王 了 。

    因 为 , 如 果 你 知 道 你 的 朋 友 三 年 前 以 100万 元 买 下 的 公 寓 , 最 近 脱 手 套 现 超 过 150万 元 ; 又 如 果 你 三 年 前 敢 敢 换 新 车 , 今 天 就 不 用 买 贵 车 了 ; 再 如 果 你 的 朋 友 告 诉 你 , 他 三 年 前 进 场 买 下 而 今 天 仍 握 在 手 中 的 数 万 美 元 , 账 面 亏 损 若 干 % 的 时 候 , 你 会 更 加 相 信 现 金 不 再 称 王 的 事 实 。


《 联 合 早 报 》
( 编 辑 : 黄 秀 茱 )

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02-Aug-2011 08:37 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Q2  NET  PROFITS  DROPPED  by  53%  to S$35 million  ? ? ? ?






TP  S$0.99  ? ? ? ?
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02-Aug-2011 08:33 RH PetroGas   /   What happen to RH PetroGas       Go to Message
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RH PETROGAS' chairman is 10th richest man in Malaysia, and a serial successful entrepreneur
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a) timber
b) oil & gas
c) palm oil
d) media publishing
d) salmon farming
e) mining
f) property development
g) optical fibre manufacturing

A rare serial entrepreneur, Tan Sri Datuk Sir Tiong Hiew King has money in all these ventures and more, which have contributed to his net worth of US$1.2 billion. He was ranked the 10th richest Malaysian on the Forbes list for 2010.

Despite his immense wealth and the award of knighthood by Queen Elizabeth in 2009, Tan Sri, 75, is relatively low profile  and not many  Singaporeans know him well.

He is, of course, better known in his home country where he owns significant business interests and continues to live and work.
Singapore-listed RH Petrogas' chairman is Tan Sri Datuk Sir Tiong Hiew King, the Rupert Murdoch of the Chinese media, and the tycoon behind the largest forestry group in the world.

HOW MANY successful local or regional entrepreneurs do you know who is into businesses as diverse as the following?

And now....RH Petrogas:

Tan Sri Datuk Sir Tiong Hiew King, executive chairman, RH Petrogas

RH Petrogas Limited  aims to be a leading independent oil and gas company in the region.     

Its first oil and gas project is a production sharing contract with China National Petroleum Corporation to jointly develop and produce hydrocarbon resources in Block 1 of Fuyu in the Songliao Basin, Jilin Province, the PRC.   

RH Petrogas has also successfully completed the acquisition of Singapore-based Orchard Energy on 14 June 2010.

Orchard Energy is an oil and gas exploration and production company which holds a production sharing contract in relation to the exploration and production of petroleum in West Belida Block, Jambi, South Sumatra, Indonesia, covering an area of approximately 1,402 sq km.

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02-Aug-2011 08:27 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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RH PETROGAS' chairman is 10th richest man in Malaysia, and a serial successful entrepreneur
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a) timber
b) oil & gas
c) palm oil
d) media publishing
d) salmon farming
e) mining
f) property development
g) optical fibre manufacturing

A rare serial entrepreneur, Tan Sri Datuk Sir Tiong Hiew King has money in all these ventures and more, which have contributed to his net worth of US$1.2 billion. He was ranked the 10th richest Malaysian on the Forbes list for 2010.

Despite his immense wealth and the award of knighthood by Queen Elizabeth in 2009, Tan Sri, 75, is relatively low profile  and not many  Singaporeans know him well.

He is, of course, better known in his home country where he owns significant business interests and continues to live and work.
Singapore-listed RH Petrogas' chairman is Tan Sri Datuk Sir Tiong Hiew King, the Rupert Murdoch of the Chinese media, and the tycoon behind the largest forestry group in the world.

HOW MANY successful local or regional entrepreneurs do you know who is into businesses as diverse as the following?

And now....RH Petrogas:

Tan Sri Datuk Sir Tiong Hiew King, executive chairman, RH Petrogas

RH Petrogas Limited  aims to be a leading independent oil and gas company in the region.



Its first oil and gas project is a production sharing contract with China National Petroleum Corporation to jointly develop and produce hydrocarbon resources in Block 1 of Fuyu in the Songliao Basin, Jilin Province, the PRC.


RH Petrogas has also successfully completed the acquisition of Singapore-based Orchard Energy on 14 June 2010.

Orchard Energy is an oil and gas exploration and production company which holds a production sharing contract in relation to the exploration and production of petroleum in West Belida Block, Jambi, South Sumatra, Indonesia, covering an area of approximately 1,402 sq km.

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02-Aug-2011 08:21 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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72 PRC Tycoons Died ‘Unnatural Deaths’ Since 2003
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Former China Mobile vice-chairman Zhang Chunjiang was recently sentenced to death for accepting bribes. Photo: ceoworld.com

SINCE 2003, 72 yuan billionaires in the PRC have met an unnatural demise, with 19 illnesses, 17 suicides, 15 homicides, 14 executions and seven ‘accidents.’

And this month, Mainland Chinese prosecutors have begun targeting perceived executive excesses in the telecom industry, with former China Mobile vice-chairman Zhang Chunjiang recently handed down a death sentence for accepting bribes.

A Chinese language piece in New Culture News asks whether being ultra rich is becoming somewhat of a health hazard.

In a piece entitled: Wealth and Death, the Shortened Lives of the Super-rich, an expert on the social impact of rapid wealth in society says: “In Mainland China it is quite ironic that for a growing number of tycoons, that for which so many of us strive (supreme wealth) and that which we take so many precautions to avoid and delay (death) are becoming oddly intertwined of late.”

China's 'Dead Billionaires Club' accepting new members at somewhat alarming rate

For reference’s sake, let’s begin with the start of the period under study, January 22, 2003.

That marks the fateful, and fatal, day when two childhood friends met in adulthood to discuss a proposed property deal – Feng Yinliang was seeking to sell a parcel of land to Haixin Steel’s billionaire Chairman Li Haicang.

When Li turned his old friend down, Feng pulled out a shotgun, put the sawed-off barrel to his tycoon friend’s head, and pulled the trigger. He then turned the gun on himself, saving the authorities the speedy trial with the identical outcome.

The authorities called it a “commercial dispute” that went horribly wrong, ending in a murder-suicide.

However, it was one of many deaths of PRC billionaires over the past eight years that smack of a latent rage ignited by economic jealousy.
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01-Aug-2011 21:20 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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I N S A N E ? ? ? ?

UN B E L I E V A B L E ? ? ? ?
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01-Aug-2011 21:17 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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WHO  are beIng  cheAted  ? ? ? ?

Is  there  a  scAm  ? ? ? ?

pharoah88      ( Date: 01-Aug-2011 21:15) Posted:

O M G WHO are beIng cheAted ? ? ? ? Is there a scAm ? ? ? ?

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01-Aug-2011 21:15 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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O M G WHO are beIng cheAted ? ? ? ? Is there a scAm ? ? ? ?
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01-Aug-2011 21:08 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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WHY ? ? ? ?

WHY is  sIngapOre  nOt  wOrld's  No. 1  in  HIGHEST Provident Fund's  INTEREST  RATES  ? ? ? ?

WHY is  sIngapOre  nOt  wOrld's  No. 1  in  HIGHEST Banks'  Savings  INTEREST  RATES  ? ? ? ?

O V E R H E A R D :

becaUse  these  twO  items  determines  the  cItizens'  WEALTH  &   RETIREMENT  WELLBEING  GREATLY  ? ? ? ?
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01-Aug-2011 21:02 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Tabulated summary:


Contribution  Rate Nominal interest rate Partial Withdrawal Full Withdrawal Minimum Sum/ Mandatory annuity?
Employer Employee Total Age Allowed amount Age
Malaysia 12% 11% 23% 5.8% (as of 2010) 50 30% 55 No
India 1.11% 12% 13% 9.5% (as of 2010) 54 90% 55 No
Hong Kong 5% 5% 10% N/A (returns depend on performance of investment funds) N/A Not allowed 65 No
Singapore 15.5% 20% 35.5% 2.5% (OA) and 4% (SMRA)
Variable rate for SA/RA after Dec 2011
55 Everything except Min. Sum + Medisave Min. Sum N/A (not possible to withdraw everything  due to CPF Life)


Comparison of real returns from 1999-2009

In order to provide an adequate perspective on how real CPF returns measure up against that of the other countries, I’ve crunched all the above tabulated data and graphed them for better visualisation (click to enlarge) of real returns by the provident funds over the period of 10 years as follows.

Click to enlarge

Notes: IW- Industrial worker, UNME – Urban non-manual employee, AL – agricultural labourer
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01-Aug-2011 21:00 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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01-Aug-2011 20:57 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Year Annual Inflation rate CPF OA interest rate CPF SA Interest rate CPF OA real interest rate CPF RA real interest rate CPF variable SA Interest rate CPF SA variable real Interest rate
1999 0.00% 3.46 4.96 3.46% 4.96% 5.50% 5.50%
2000 1.30% 2.50 4.00 1.20% 2.70% 5.37% 4.07%
2001 1.00% 2.50 4.00 1.50% 3.00% 4.49% 3.49%
2002 -0.40% 2.50 4.00 2.90% 4.40% 4.49% 4.89%
2003 0.50% 2.50 4.00 2.00% 3.50% 3.92% 3.42%
2004 1.70% 2.50 4.00 0.80% 2.30% 4.23% 2.53%
2005 0.50% 2.50 4.00 2.00% 3.50% 3.92% 3.42%
2006 1.00% 2.50 4.00 1.50% 3.00% 4.36% 3.36%
2007 2.10% 2.50 4.00 0.40% 1.90% 3.88% 1.78%
2008 6.60% 2.50 4.00 -4.10% -2.60% 3.78% -2.82%
2009 0.60% 2.50 4.00 1.90% 3.40% 3.31% 2.71%
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01-Aug-2011 20:54 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Year Nominal EPF interest rate Inflation rate for Real EPF interest rate for
Urban non-manual
Urban non-manual
1998-1999 12% 13.1% 11.6% 11.0% -1.1% 0.4% 1.0%
1999-2000 11% 3.4% 4.5% 4.4% 7.6% 6.5% 6.6%
2000-2001 11.25% 3.7% 5.4% -0.3% 7.5% 5.9% 11.6%
2001-2002 9.50% 4.3% 5.1% 1.3% 5.2% 4.4% 8.2%
2002-2003 9.50% 4.1% 3.8% 3.2% 5.4% 5.7% 6.3%
2003-2004 9.50% 3.7% 3.7% 3.8% 5.8% 5.8% 5.7%
2004-2005 9.50% 4.0% 3.8% 2.7% 5.5% 5.7% 6.8%
2005-2006 8.50% 4.2% 4.6% 3.8% 4.3% 3.9% 4.7%
2006-2007 8.50% 6.8% 6.6% 7.6% 1.7% 1.9% 0.9%
2007-2008 8.50% 6.4% 6.0% 7.6% 2.1% 2.5% 0.9%
2008-2009 8.50% 9.0% 8.9% 10.0% -0.5% -0.4% -1.5%
2009-2010 9.50% 12.4% 13.0% 14.0% -2.9% -3.5% -4.5%

Notes: Real interest = nominal rate – inflation rate

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01-Aug-2011 20:49 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Is this TRUE and TRUE ? ? ? ?


pharoah88      ( Date: 01-Aug-2011 20:46) Posted:



Inflation rate EPF  Interest rate

Real  interest rate

1983 3.7% 8.5% 4.8%
1984 3.6% 8.5% 4.9%
1985 0.5% 8.5% 8.0%
1986 0.5% 8.5% 8.0%
1987 0.8% 8.5% 7.7%
1988 2.6% 8.0% 5.4%
1989 2.9% 8.0% 5.1%
1990 3.1% 8.0% 4.9%
1991 4.2% 8.0% 3.8%
1992 4.8% 8.0% 3.2%
1993 3.6% 8.0% 4.4%
1994 3.9% 8.0% 4.1%
1995 3.5% 7.5% 4.0%
1996 3.5% 7.7% 4.2%
1997 2.5% 6.7% 4.2%
1998 5.2% 6.7% 1.5%
1999 2.8% 6.8% 4.0%
2000 1.5% 6.0% 4.5%
2001 1.4% 5.0% 3.6%
2002 1.8% 4.3% 2.5%
2003 1.2% 4.5% 3.3%
2004 1.4% 4.8% 3.3%
2005 3.0% 5.0% 2.0%
2006 3.6% 5.2% 1.6%
2007 2.0% 5.8% 3.8%
2008 5.4% 4.5% -0.9%
2009 0.6% 5.7% 5.0%
2010 2.4% 5.80% 3.4%

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Inflation rate EPF  Interest rate

Real  interest rate

1983 3.7% 8.5% 4.8%
1984 3.6% 8.5% 4.9%
1985 0.5% 8.5% 8.0%
1986 0.5% 8.5% 8.0%
1987 0.8% 8.5% 7.7%
1988 2.6% 8.0% 5.4%
1989 2.9% 8.0% 5.1%
1990 3.1% 8.0% 4.9%
1991 4.2% 8.0% 3.8%
1992 4.8% 8.0% 3.2%
1993 3.6% 8.0% 4.4%
1994 3.9% 8.0% 4.1%
1995 3.5% 7.5% 4.0%
1996 3.5% 7.7% 4.2%
1997 2.5% 6.7% 4.2%
1998 5.2% 6.7% 1.5%
1999 2.8% 6.8% 4.0%
2000 1.5% 6.0% 4.5%
2001 1.4% 5.0% 3.6%
2002 1.8% 4.3% 2.5%
2003 1.2% 4.5% 3.3%
2004 1.4% 4.8% 3.3%
2005 3.0% 5.0% 2.0%
2006 3.6% 5.2% 1.6%
2007 2.0% 5.8% 3.8%
2008 5.4% 4.5% -0.9%
2009 0.6% 5.7% 5.0%
2010 2.4% 5.80% 3.4%
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