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08-Apr-2011 11:06 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Government says  :      Grey hair?    Go  Yun Nam hair care.





niuyear      ( Date: 08-Apr-2011 10:10) Posted:

Next worry is  : greying singaporeans.

HDB flats getting more expensive and majority will not want to have  more  children or not even want to get married and have children.

warrenbegger      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 23:08) Posted:

Which Party dare to said this will win this year erection!


All over 55 year old dont had to pay medicial fees, all free, got free gift too.

All low income family below $3000 buy flat all 50% discount, as govt said wish we all had flat of our owns.

All those old until cannot work liao dont had to worry, govt will support u till u live in lim chu kang condo. All sponsored by singaporepools.

Govt got so much $$$$$, pls give and support more for our pioneer old that had build our country with sweat and blood. Give them free medicial and not stress and worries.



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08-Apr-2011 10:53 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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In Stock market  -  people cares only  making  $$$$,  no one will care whether the  TIAN  will  look at us or not.    hahahah!

We will look at the TIAN only when we are in deep trouble, and we will pray to  TI GONG BO BI  arhhhhhh......


cathylmg      ( Date: 08-Apr-2011 10:46) Posted:

Ren Zai Zhuo, Tian Zai Kan. Those with a good heart will be rewarded handsomely.

royyang      ( Date: 08-Apr-2011 10:41) Posted:

Isolator, u really have a very good heart. Like and appreciate your advice. Keep it going. Probably your  comment shall be answer by  next week. 

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08-Apr-2011 10:49 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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buying into 0.125 again....., may be this time can hit 0.14?  May be only.        Unless we know this counter'sBB action.  Try your luck.

Anthony never treated PL to good dinner, thats why still stuck at 0.125.    hahaha!

saverman8      ( Date: 08-Apr-2011 09:45) Posted:

good move! told u liao... coming down to 0.12 and below again...

  Junk stocks lah. 

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08-Apr-2011 10:35 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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I am still thinking correction might not hit 2900,  3000 should be a base. 

We put $100 each into the bottle, if it drains out all, i.e. 2900, you have the $100,  if not, i have the $100........lol!


Isolator      ( Date: 08-Apr-2011 10:30) Posted:

When  water start to flow quiet out of a bottle, the bottle will be empty soon... and water will evaporate in the bottle too... lol....

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08-Apr-2011 10:24 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Sembmarine finally reached $6 and wait for this fella to cheong to near target price first then ..............Isolator's dream may be come true liao....

alexchia01      ( Date: 08-Apr-2011 10:17) Posted:

Haha... Ya a 3 weeks trap? Don't know how you see this as a trap after 3 weeks of Bull Run.

Anyway, I've already made my 1st round of profit, probability taking more today.

I'm ready for the fall. If STI really fall to 2900 as you predicted, good for you.

I would make another round all the way down.

Isolator      ( Date: 08-Apr-2011 09:57) Posted:

Just busybody here... The longer they endure, the  stronger the drop.... They will soon to found out is a trap...

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08-Apr-2011 10:10 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Next worry is  : greying singaporeans.

HDB flats getting more expensive and majority will not want to have  more  children or not even want to get married and have children.

warrenbegger      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 23:08) Posted:

Which Party dare to said this will win this year erection!


All over 55 year old dont had to pay medicial fees, all free, got free gift too.

All low income family below $3000 buy flat all 50% discount, as govt said wish we all had flat of our owns.

All those old until cannot work liao dont had to worry, govt will support u till u live in lim chu kang condo. All sponsored by singaporepools.

Govt got so much $$$$$, pls give and support more for our pioneer old that had build our country with sweat and blood. Give them free medicial and not stress and worries.



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07-Apr-2011 16:29 SGX   /   SGX       Go to Message
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Is $10 enough to apease the voters for coming election.?

Is dip in Housing price  enough to make us happy?

We want SGX go up, but we want housing price to come down, price of kopi-o to come down,  divorce fee to come down., Casnio levy to come down.



Laulan      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 16:21) Posted:

Was holding 2 lots, so treat as long term investment.

New123      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 16:01) Posted:

Why you didn't take profit when it was $10

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07-Apr-2011 16:23 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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Anthony,  can you go ask PL  this one got  more upside bo.?

Is he contesting for election and needs money isit?    LOL!!

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 15:50) Posted:

How to short this counter. It's not in the CFD list.

If u short, u must cover at the end of the day.

Anyway, did u short at $0.125?

saverman8      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 11:40) Posted:

just short... wait for the price to come down to 0.10 or even below.. then we can buy back... then play again and again... haha :) junk stock!

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07-Apr-2011 15:30 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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There is betrer counter to short for more profit  than this one today.   

Isolator      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 10:39) Posted:

Why warning? I see shorties counting profit now... lol

ruanlai      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 10:37) Posted:


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07-Apr-2011 15:24 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Cheering to Isolator  running to finishing line..............which one is Isolator...........

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07-Apr-2011 14:41 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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$37.600  with CD paying,    very cheap.............hahaha!

Isolator      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 14:36) Posted:

Just take a look on STI componet expensive counters like Jardinesss... lol...

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07-Apr-2011 14:37 SGX   /   SGX       Go to Message
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I think,  SGX  is  short gun!!

Pregnant liao., so how??

chris168      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 13:49) Posted:

Sure bo?

Well, better to be the target being chased then we can all collect dowries, errr premiums in the married deal, done or not Smiley 11

Ahh rumours always surfaced after a failed bid to spice things up.

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07-Apr-2011 14:34 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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SGG_SGG      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 14:26) Posted:


warrenbegger      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 12:43) Posted:

No one go, no one stay. No one right and no one wrong.

Market always up and down  with bull always fight with bear.

In the cycle of stock market, no ones is right and market always right.

With billions of investor out there doing different thinking, no ones will be right.

Bull, cow or bear? Times and market will tell us, not we tell them, and thats make human guessing fun.


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07-Apr-2011 14:33 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Future singapore propertie scenarios -

The escalating property prices is an undenying facts, and, how is government going to 'inject' the vitamins into this area to add  MORE VALUES to it and make it value for $$ for the invested properties,. -

1) a true blue education hub - build more quality universities to attract foreigners send their children here to study and invest a place to stay

2)  medical hub / wealth management - attract the mighty rich to come here to seek physical well beings as well as medical treatments.

3)  convenience in transportatino and linkage of the entire singapore

Some of which  are already in progress, and,  are we smart enough to TAP on the valuable progression ,  its up to individual's choice.  :)





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07-Apr-2011 13:18 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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U.S. Government Shutdown Would Delay Data on Overseas Trade, Import Prices

April 6 (Bloomberg) -- Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the American Action Forum, a non-profit group that favors smaller government, and a former director of the Congressional Budget Office, talks about the likelihood of a federal government shutdown if agreement isn't reached on a 2011 spending compromise, and Representative Paul Ryan’s budget proposal for fiscal 2012 that would cut federal spending by $6 trillion over the next decade and end traditional Medicare for future generations. Holtz-Eakin speaks with Mark Crumpton on Bloomberg Television's " Bottom Line." (Source: Bloomberg)

April 6 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. Representative Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican and House Budget Committee chairman, talks about his budget proposal, which would phase out the traditional Medicare program and replace it with subsidies to buy private insurance. Ryan’s plan forecasts shrinking federal deficits starting over the next decade, from $995 billion in fiscal 2012 to $385 billion by 2021. Ryan speaks with Peter Cook on Bloomberg Television's " In the Loop." (Source: Bloomberg)

A partial shutdown of the federal government forced by the budget impasse in Congress would delay release of U.S. economic data, making it more difficult to determine the influence on growth of the recent jump in commodity prices.

About 800,000 government workers would be affected by a shutdown, an administration official said today. That would include staff at the Labor and Commerce Departments who compile information on everything from consumer prices and the unemployment rate to retail sales and trade.

“They won’t be working,” said David Resler, chief economist at Nomura Securities International Inc. in New York, recalling what happened in 1995-1996, the last time federal agencies closed due to a budget dispute. “It really mucked up our ability to understand what was going on in the rest of the economy because we had no data.”

Federal government offices closed for six days in November 1995 and for another 21 days from December until a funding agreement was passed on Jan. 5, 1996, sending employees back to work the following Monday, Jan. 8. After the second shutdown, the federal agencies struggled to put out a backlog of reports.

Now, a partial shutdown of the government would delay three reports scheduled for April 12. These include Labor Department data on import prices for March, Commerce Department figures on the trade balance for February and the Treasury’s budget for last month. Depending on the length of a shutdown, other reports next week could also be delayed, including March retail sales figures, the weekly data in jobless claims and figures on consumer prices for last month.

Extended Closure

The longer the shutdown, the more time it would take government workers to catch up with the backlog of data, a government official said. A closure lasting one day would probably delay reports by a day or so, the official said.

Using the 21-day 1995-96 episode as a guide, one of the first bits of data available after federal offices reopen will probably be weekly figures on the number of Americans filing applications for jobless benefits. Claims data were released less than two weeks after offices reopened on Jan. 8, 1996.

Investors took the shuttering of government offices in stride 15 years ago.

In the month leading up to the first shutdown in November 1995, the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index climbed 1.3 percent. In the month after the January 1996 agreement that restarted the federal government, the stock index rose 4 percent. During the same periods, the Dollar Index fell 0.3 percent and rose 1.4 percent.

Past Performance

Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s U.S Treasury Master Index rose 0.3 percent during first shutdown and 0.76 percent during the second.

Investors today are more focused on Federal Reserve policy than on economic data, making a government shutdown less critical to them.

“The overriding factor in the marketplace is what the Fed is going to do, and how they’re going to do it,” said Thomas L. di Galoma, head of U.S. rates trading at Guggenheim Capital Markets LLC, a New-York based brokerage for institutional investors. “People aren’t as concerned with the government shutdown.”

The Labor Department’s employment report for March may have helped assuage concerns about the strength of the U.S. economy even as a government shutdown looms. Employers added a bigger- than-forecast 216,000 workers to payrolls, and the jobless rate fell to a two-year low of 8.8 percent.

Hiring Plans

Anecdotal evidence is reinforcing the government’s information. McDonald’s Corp.’s U.S. unit is seeking about 50,000 workers during its National Hiring Day event to commence on April 19, the company said last week.

“We all know hiring is starting to happen with or without the government telling us,” said Rick Fier, a trader at Conifer Securities LLC in New York. “Everyone is pretty much on board with the economy and labor market improving.” He said “although a shutdown is on people’s minds, it’s not on the front of their minds.”
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07-Apr-2011 13:12 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Citigroup Barred From Adding Indonesian Wealth-Unit Clients

Bank Indonesia Governor Darmin Nasution

Darmin Nasution Bank Indonesia governor. Photographer: Dimas Ardian/Bloomberg

Citigroup Inc. (C), the U.S. bank that derives about half its profit from emerging markets, was temporarily barred from adding wealth management clients in Indonesia amid a probe into fraud allegations.

The nation’s central bank questioned New York-based Citigroup’s executives including the country head because of problems with its internal controls, Darmin Nasution, Bank Indonesia’s governor, told lawmakers yesterday at a hearing in parliament. The regulator is also reviewing debt-collection practices at its credit card unit, he said.

A local relationship manager allegedly stole 16.1 billion rupiah ($1.9 million) from three clients in 2009 and 2010 by using blank forms signed by the customers, National Police Director for Economy and Special Crime Arief Sulistyanto said in a statement e-mailed to Bloomberg. The bank filed a case against the employee on March 14, he said.

“We have sent a letter to ask the bank to settle the problems without causing further losses to customers, to improve the internal controls and temporarily halt accepting new Citigold customers,” Nasution said. The ban against seeking new clients has been in effect since March 16, Bank Indonesia deputy governor Halim Alamsyah said at the hearing.

Citigroup has called customers that may be affected by the alleged fraud and will return the stolen money, Shariq Mukhtar, Citigroup’s Indonesia country head, said at a hearing on April 5.

‘Cooperating Fully’

The U.S. bank said it’s cooperating with investigators, and the case isn’t interrupting business with current clients.

“Our focus is on cooperating fully with all authorities to bring the investigation to a conclusion and resolve the matter,” Jon Diat, a spokesman for the bank in New York, said in an e-mailed statement. “We understand it was said to be a temporary measure, and has no impact on the services we offer our existing Citigold customers.”

Under Chief Executive Officer Vikram Pandit, the New York- based lender’s Asian consumer-banking unit made a $2.17 billion profit last year, or about 20 percent of overall net income. Citigroup’s Indonesian consumer bank had revenue of $354 million, according to a presentation Pandit gave last month.

To contact the reporters on this story: Femi Adi in Jakarta at fadi1@bloomberg.net Donal Griffin in New York at Dgriffin10@bloomberg.net
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07-Apr-2011 12:03 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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The Finishing Line

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niuyear      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 11:44) Posted:


Lets  stand by your sportmanship.    I am sure everyone here would want to see you stand  on your " testimony of STI breaching 2900"   Bannar,  holding firmly by you till it comes and not letting it becomes someone's ball .  We  are earnestly waiting for that and cheering for you  .      :)


Isolator      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 10:09) Posted:

I will entrust the task of counting down to you.... Let's see who is the last man standing...lol.. Enjoy..

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07-Apr-2011 11:44 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Lets  stand by your sportmanship.    I am sure everyone here would want to see you stand  on your " testimony of STI breaching 2900"   Bannar,  holding firmly by you till it comes and not letting it becomes someone's ball .  We  are earnestly waiting for that and cheering for you  .      :)


Isolator      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 10:09) Posted:

I will entrust the task of counting down to you.... Let's see who is the last man standing...lol.. Enjoy...

cathylmg      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 10:07) Posted:

Ah yes! I nearly forgot to count down today.

Journey towards 2900. 15 minus 4 trading days. Akang Datang! Smiley


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07-Apr-2011 10:56 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Pharoah,  your " A"   team is in progress of  realisation..........

pharoah88      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 09:38) Posted:




Thursday: 28 APRIL 2011

Resorts   World   Sentosa  [RWS]


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07-Apr-2011 10:50 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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You are one super power BBs...............


Isolator      ( Date: 07-Apr-2011 10:35) Posted:

Hey, I am not leaving... I only will post less especially on views... I like to TCSS here... De stress and kill time.... lol

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