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16-Apr-2009 23:11 Straits Times Index   /   Can STI reaches 1800 tomorrow?       Go to Message
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Today phillip security research

Phillip Securiti

STI Displaying Strong Momentum

Thursday, 16 April 2009

The equity market is rallying strongly on its own steam. When the US Dollar weakens,

causing commodities to strengthen, the strong commodity market should push

equities even higher. STI is displaying strong momentum but will soon approach the

intermediate term high on the weekly charts at 1950 to 1960. The STI will almost

certainly see a reaction at this region and we caution investors regarding this.

es archhttp://www.remisiers.org/research//tech041609.pdf

Technical Analysis –

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16-Apr-2009 22:24 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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 some remisiers say  STI WILL TEST 1400 BY NEXT FEW WEEK.

Every one know by end of 2009 the market will recovery.

by 4Q 2009 WILL TEST STI 2100

Tomorrow the blue chip will be un load.

small cap then got time to run up

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16-Apr-2009 21:51 China Hongxing   /   China Hong Xing       Go to Message
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we - 11% for 1Q2009 , 2Q 2009 MAY BE -8% . 3Q - 5 % 4Q2009 + 1%

CIMB-GK: "80% chance of upside this year

THERE IS an 80% probability that Asean stocks would move up this year, according to CIMB-GK report released yesterday (Jan 5).

Even if the markets have been buoyant from year-end till now, an entry now may be rather early given the severity of the financial and economic crisis.

That’s why CIMB-GK said 2Q09 “could look a more conservative bet.”

”After a 52% hammering the MSCI Far East ex-Japan index received in 2008, things should start to look up. The year of the castrated bull seems appropriate given our expectations for 2009,” wrote Toh Hoon Chew, the CIMB-GK analyst who authored the report.

Compelling valuations

Even if we assume that the bear market phase has yet to reach its conclusion, the risk-reward ratio looks enticing, wrote Hoon Chew, who is based in Kuala Lumpur.

”Valuations look compelling and will be the main driver. Just as valuation compression had the far bigger impact on equity prices than earnings per share revisions in 2008, valuation expansion should work to investors’ favour in 2009, as the true extent of the downturn is gradually and fully priced in sometime in the next few months.”

With a current 80:20 probability of upside to downside in P/BV valuations for the MSCI Far East ex-Japan

index, the risk-reward ratio is indeed enticing, wrote Hoon Chew.

Put another way, the MSCI Far East ex-Japan Price/Book Value valuations have an 80% probability to move up and a 20% probability to move down from current levels, based on the normally distributed P/BV data since 1996.

”At 80:20, the risk-reward ratio does indeed look attractive.”

Entry point

“We believe that 1H09 will still be a time to digest the ongoing weak economic data points that have yet to let up.

”We fancy the chances of significant 6 to 12-month returns for those with holding power,

with an entry sometime in 2Q09.”

This is based on the assumption that the previous bear markets in 1997 and 2000 provide a good guide to the timing of entry into equity markets. Both the previous bear markets have lasted 19-20 months, while the current bear market has just passed the 14
month mark.

”If one believes that the current bear may take a little longer to be put to sleep, then a 2Q09 entry could look a more conservative bet.”

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16-Apr-2009 21:47 China Hongxing   /   China Hong Xing       Go to Message
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Today CIMB-GK post Mr Maket 80% up side , then 20 % is sell down. to sti 1400.


CIMB-GK: "80% chance of upside this year"


CIMB-GK put out a 48-page bullish report, upgrading Singapore market from ‘neutral’ to ‘overweight’. Here are excerpts:

We believe the current rally still has legs. We believe that further gains until May/June are not impossible. Markets have been so pessimistic that they have thrown P/E valuations out of the window, and then cast doubt on P/BV valuations as default risks arose.

Finally, corporate fraud and dilution risks from potential capital raisings elevated riskaversion to an extreme level. Right now, the first leg of the rally is attributed to abating risk aversion.

This rally should easily carry us to 2,000 or the equivalent of 12x forward P/E. At any other time, 12x P/E would mark the lower end of the P/E band for FSSTI. This rally could potentially see the FSSTI sailing past 2,000 but to do so, corporates would have to deliver on earnings and guidance would have to come in ahead of expectations in the 1Q09 results season.


Such an event is not yet certain, which is why we speculate that reality may sink in again, in May/June. However, if one is willing to bear the pain of another sell-down, market timing looks increasingly favourable.


Kenneth Ng, head of research, CIMB-GK

From the bottom, share prices are driven by a mean reversion of valuations from very depressed levels. This comes as risk aversion subsides. We believe this is already in motion.

Beyond that, equity prices are driven by earnings. We believe it would be timely to zoom in on the major sectors on the FSSTI, to assess the prospects of a sustained earnings recovery. We are mindful that for some sectors, overbuilding had occurred in the recent past and we would be wary of sectors with excess capacity.

Sectors that come to mind are shipping, ship-building, commercial and residential property. Top-down, we believe sectors that will benefit from a recovery are Financials, Offshore & Marine and Plantations.

Singapore Financials stand to gain from a less competitive lending environment, as foreign banks pull back. Offshore & Marine stands to benefit from an easing of credit. For this sector, we expect the negative news flow of further order cancellations to give way to the positive news flow of major contracts announcements as banks start to lend.

Lastly, we are optimistic on Plantations as we see the demand for basic commodities doing well when we transition to a back-to-basics world.

Is this upgrade too late?

Is it too late to chase the market after nearly a whole month of rallying? To this, the adage “better late than never” comes to mind. Investors who have been seasoned by bear markets typically won’t come back until an economic recovery is evident. By then, a good chunk of performance would have been over.

On all counts, the FSSTI is not expensive even after a good rally. We currently forecast 24% EPS growth for 2010, powered by the banks as loan loss provisions recede. Based on our market earnings, the FSSTI trades at 11.6x CY10 P/E or 13.3x 12-month rolling forward P/E, even after March’s rally.

Regressing to historical P/E bands, such valuations reflect a trough over a 12-year time span. By all counts, such valuations are not lofty. 

We believe that valuations had swung to extremes on concerns over corporate defaults and book-value risks. As fear abates,markets would gravitate back to P/E valuation pillars and will realise that markets are not expensive.

The catalyst for this is when companies start to meet expectations again. We believe this will happen in the next two results seasons
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16-Apr-2009 10:43 Sino Techfibre   /   SinoTechfib       Go to Message
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upload will be 0.10 due to last few contra player


please hold unstill u see 0.30
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15-Apr-2009 22:24 Sinotel Technolo Rg   /   Sinotel IPO       Go to Message
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becarefull electronic manufuction is very slow at current status
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15-Apr-2009 22:20 Sino Techfibre   /   SinoTechfib       Go to Message
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BECARE contra player will unload tomorrow

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15-Apr-2009 22:04 Swiber   /   at what price to buy?       Go to Message
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drop since  $3.20 at 20-May-08  

Now is time to recovery   0.70

Swiber Holdings Limited

Co Reg No. 200414721N

12 International Business Park, CyberHub@IBP #04-01 Singapore 609920

Tel: +65 6505 0800 Fax: +65 6505 0802


A World Class Company

In the Offshore Industry




The Board of Directors of Swiber Holdings Limited (the “Company”) wishes to announce that subsequent

to the release of the Company’s announcement of its unaudited results for the year ended 31 December

2008 on 28 February 2009, the Auditors of the Company has made certain reclassification to the

unaudited consolidated cash flow statement of the Group for the financial year ended 31 December 2008.

In the Company’s Annual Report FY2008 the audited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year

ended 31 December 2008 is provided in pages 49 and 50.

Shareholders are to note that the reclassification did not have any impact on the Company’s results.

The Company wishes to clarify the aforesaid reclassification by appending below the Unaudited

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement and Audited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended

31 December 2008:-

Consolidatd cash flow statement

Year ended 31 December 2008

Audited Unaudited Differences Notes

US$'000 US$'000 US$'000

Operating activities

Profit before income tax 45,235 45,235 -

Adjustments for :

Interest income (832) (832) -

Allowance for doubtful debts 4,043 4,043 -

Interest expense 11,131 11,131 -

Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 8,656 8,656 -

Property, plant and equipment written off 10 10 -

Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment (3,377) (3,377) -

Gain on disposal of assets held for sale (12,279) (12,279) -

Provision for employee benefits (18) (18) -

Negative goodwill - - -

Share of profit of associate and joint venture (2,839) (2,839) -

Operating cash flows before movement in working

capital 49,730 49,730 -

Trade receivables (21,099) (21,099) -

Engineering work-in-progress in excess of progress

billings (79,387) (79,387) -

Swiber Holdings Limited

Co Reg No. 200414721N

12 International Business Park, CyberHub@IBP #04-01 Singapore 609920

Tel: +65 6505 0800 Fax: +65 6505 0802


A World Class Company

In the Offshore Industry

Inventory (4,681) (4,681) -

Other receivables (38,943) (38,942) (1) A

Other assets (18) (18) -

Trade payables 48,527 48,526 1 A

Other payables 61,258 61,258 -

Cash generated from / (used in) operations 15,387 15,387 -

Income taxes paid (2,099) (2,099) -

Interest expense paid (13,167) (11,131) (2,036) B

Cash generated from / (used in) operating activities 121 2,157 (2,036)

Investing activities:

Interest income received 832 832 -

Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and

equipment 19,475 19,475 -

Proceeds on disposal of assets held for sale 34,706 34,706 -

Purchases of property, plant and equipment (224,223) (226,259) (2,036) B

Additions to non-current assets held for sale (33,112) (33,112) -

Minority interest contribution for share capital of

subsidiary 48 48 -

Investment in subsidiary - - -

Investment in associate (156) (156) -

Investment in joint venture (2,274) (2,274) -

Net cash used in investing activities (204,704) (206,740) (2,036)

Financing activities:

Repayment of bank loans (133,426) (133,426) -

Pledged deposits 8,472 8,472 -

Proceeds on issue of bonds 92,282 92,282 -

Proceed on issue of shares - - -

Purchase of treasury shares (2,507) (2,507) -

Share issue expenses - - -

Repayment of obligations under finance leases (721) (721) -

Redemption of bonds (8,331) (8,331) -

New bank loans raised 235,077 235,077 -

Net cash from financing activities 190,846 190,846 -

Net (decrease) / increase in cash and cash

equivalents (13,737) (13,737) -

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 82,632 82,632 -

Effects of exchange rate changes on the balance of

cash held in foreign currencies

(808) (808) -

Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 68,087 68,087 -

Swiber Holdings Limited

Co Reg No. 200414721N

12 International Business Park, CyberHub@IBP #04-01 Singapore 609920

Tel: +65 6505 0800 Fax: +65 6505 0802


A World Class Company

In the Offshore Industry

Notes :

A : Rounding errors

B: Reclassification of capitalised borrowing cost to Interest expense paid instead of Purchases of property, plant and



Goh Kim Teck

Executive Chairman and CEO

14 April 2009


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15-Apr-2009 21:54 China Hongxing   /   China Hong Xing       Go to Message
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China Hongxing   everyday top20  Volume. up just like GoldenAgr start run from 0.13 also everyday Top 20 ,after 6 months now 0.385.

China HongXing drop from 1.42 at 29-Oct-07



Tomorrow will up up 0.17...0.19 ..0.25
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14-Apr-2009 14:23 China Hongxing   /   handon trading...       Go to Message
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targetting 0.22 ,


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13-Apr-2009 16:26 Swiber   /   at what price to buy?       Go to Message
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Swiber  (13 Apr 2009)

By Carmen Lee
Mon, 13 Apr 2009, 08:20:12 SGT

Market Pulse: Swiber & Willas-Array (13 Apr 2009)


Swiber Holdings: Reducing debt, but valuations look stretched

According to a recent article by upstreamonline, Thai contractor CUEL is planning to buy Swiber’s derrick pipelay barge. In such a case, Swiber’s leverage ratio may be reduced if the group channels the proceeds to pay off some of its debt. The group has also undertaken a few activities to pare down its debt. Although the above is positive news, we note that 1Q09 earnings may continue to feel the impact of previous delays in vessel deliveries. Management expects net gearing (1x as of 31 Dec 08) to fall with delivery of vessels under its sales and leaseback programme, but this is heavily dependent on timely vessel deliveries. We are keeping our FY09/10 estimates and fair value estimate of S$0.35 but are downgrading the stock to a SELL purely based on valuations. (Low Pei Han)

For more information on the above, visit www.ocbcresearch.com for detailed report.

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09-Apr-2009 23:44 China Hongxing   /   handon trading...       Go to Message
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Notice of Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting  




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09-Apr-2009 22:56 Swiber   /   at what price to buy?       Go to Message
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Company Registration Number: 200414721N



1.1 The board of directors of the Swiber Holdings Limited (the "

with its subsidiaries, the "

subsidiary, Swiber Offshore Construction Pte. Ltd. ("




1,407,030 ordinary shares (the "

Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("

1.2 The Sale Shares represent 30% of the issued share capital of OBT.

1.3 As the Sale Shares represent the Group's entire interest in OBT, upon the completion


to be the date falling seven days from the Signing Date, the Company will cease to

have an interest in OBT, and OBT will cease to be an associated company of the

Company as defined under the listing manual of the Singapore Exchange Securities

Trading Limited (the "Company" and togetherGroup") is pleased to announce that its wholly-ownedSwiber Offshore"), has today (theSigning Date") entered into a sale and purchase agreement (the "Sale and Purchase") on a willing buyer willing seller basis with Mineral Energy Pte. Ltd. (thePurchaser"), pursuant to which Swiber Offshore agreed to sell to the PurchaserSale Shares") in the issued share capital of OBTOBT").Completion") of the abovementioned sale (the "Proposed Sale") which is scheduledListing Manual").


2.1 The consideration (the "

2.2 The Consideration is to be satisfied in cash in the following manner:

(a) a sum of US$2,000,000, payable seven days from the Signing Date;

(b) a sum of US$500,000, payable 30 days from the Signing Date;

(c) a sum of US$500,000, payable 60 days from the Signing Date; and

(c) a sum of US$900,000, payable 90 days from the Signing Date.

2.3 The Consideration of US$3,900,000 is calculated based on the book value of OBT as

disclosed in the latest announced unaudited financial statements of the Company for

the financial year ended 31 December 2008 of approximately US$3,973,940.

2.4 The Proposed Sale is a Non-Discloseable Transaction under Rule 1008 of the Listing

Manual.Consideration") for the Proposed Sale is US$3,900,000.

- 2 -


3.1 Based on the latest announced unaudited financial statements of the Company for the

financial year ended 31 December 2008:

(a) Book Value

The book value of OBT is approximately US$3,973,940.

(b) Net Tangible Asset Value

The net tangible asset value of OBT is approximately US$3,012,317.


None of the Directors or controlling shareholders of the Company has any interest,

direct or indirect, in the Subscription, save for their interests arising by way of their

directorships in the Company and Victorious.


A copy of the Sale and Purchase Agreement may be inspected at the registered office

of the Company at 12 International Business Park, #04-01 Cyberhub @ IBP, Singapore

609920 during normal business hours for a period of three (3) months from the date of

this announcement.


Goh Kim Teck

Executive Chairman and CEO

7 April 2009



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14-Oct-2008 15:59 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Cosco delivers third pontoon to Jurong

Filed from Singapore 10/10/2008 1:29:47 PM GMT

Cosco Pontoon-1089 sails for Jurong Shipyard

DALIAN, CHINA: China's Cosco Shipyard Group recently delivered a third pontoon to Singapore's Jurong Shipyard.

The structure, Pontoon-1089, sailed away from Cosco's Dalian yard in China on October 7. Pontoon-1089 is destined to be outfitted into a semisubmersible rig at Jurong Shipyard.

Cosco delivered two other similar structures, Pontoon-1087 and Pontoon-1088, to Jurong last year.

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14-Oct-2008 15:51 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Cosco cuts steel on second Sevan 650 unit

Filed from Singapore 10/13/2008 5:56:01 AM GMT

NANTONG, CHINA: China's Cosco Shipyard Group started work on its second drilling unit for Norway's Sevan Marine. A steel cutting ceremony on the second Sevan 650 drilling unit was held on Oct. 10 at the Cosco Nantong shipyard.

To date, the Chinese shipyard is contracted to construct the hulls of three Sevan 650 drilling units. The first unit is due for completion by the end of this year or early 2009.

The cylinder-shaped Sevan 650 is designed for operations in ultra-deepwater and all ice-free areas, including the Barents Seas. Each of the drilling units is about 85 metres (279 ft) long, 75 metres (246 ft) wide and weighs about 55,350 tonnes (60,885 tons). The drilling unit will be equipped with 10,000 feet (3,048 m) of riser storage, an internal oil storage capacity of up to 150,000 barrels of oil and variable deck load of more than 15,000 tonnes (136,364 tons).

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12-Aug-2008 21:09 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Some remisiser said can buy some , After A weeks The Cosco new CEO will said some to stop price

going down and down  down to $ 2.00

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08-Aug-2008 11:43 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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On August 7th, Capt. Wei Jiafu, President and CEO of COSCO Group met with Mrs. Dora Bakoyannis, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic in Beijing. Minister Bakoyannis briefed Capt. Wei her participation in the Opening Ceremony and related events of Beijing Olympic Games. While Capt. Wei briefed the minister latest growth of COSCO and extended his appreciation to Minister Bakoyannis and Greek government for their support to COSCO on the terminal projects in Greece. COSCO Vice Presidents Mr. Chen Hongsheng, Capt. Xu Lirong and Greek Ambassador in China Mr. Michael Cambanis also attended the meeting. http://www.cosco.com/en/news/detail.jsp?docId=12019
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07-Aug-2008 15:51 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Cosco Corporation: President’s shock exit (BUY\S$2.70\Target S$3.82)



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04-Aug-2008 21:28 Sino-Env   /   strong selldown       Go to Message
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2Q 2008 REPORT Will be out on 11 Aug 2008 next monday , I think it wll be very Good
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04-Aug-2008 21:23 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Another Quarter of Solid Growth ( Tomorrow will cross $3.50)

surpassing the $1-billion mark in a quarter for the first time on broad-based expansion across
Turnover and net profit jumped to another all-time quarterly high

Q2 08 Q2 07 Chg 1H08 1H07 Chg

S$’000 S$’000 S$’000 S$’000

Turnover 1,047,137 512,341 +104% 1,764,793 868,127 +103%

Gross profit 245,438 152,199 +61% 446,060 244,689 +82%

Pre-tax profit 218,175 138,895 +57% 366,835 206,345 +78%

Net profit attributable

to equity holders

128,701 80,381 +60% 212,585 122,335 +74%

EPS-fully diluted


5.72 3.57 +60% 9.45 5.49 +72%


quarter for the first time on broad-based expansion across all key

segments.Turnover soared 104% to $1.05 billion, surpassing the $1-billion mark in a

driven by high-value offshore & conversion and shipbuilding projects.Ship repair, ship building & marine engineering turnover jumped 112%

expansion and operational efficiencies.Net profit attributable to equity holders rose 60% on successful business

expansion support positive outlook.Strong order book, efficiency & capability enhancement and capacity


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