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Latest Posts By tonylim - Master      About tonylim
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15-Dec-2009 12:32 Ezion   /   Niche services to the offshore sector       Go to Message
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Wow, fantastic ! No wonder there is such high volume lately.  Thanks for the update.

tradersgx      ( Date: 15-Dec-2009 12:28) Posted:

Ezion at top 5 vol and up +0.025!

Ezion Holdings Limited :
(Ezra Holdings owns 14.02% of Ezion )

Group (Year-To-Date) 9 months ended 30.09.2009 vs  9 months ended 30.09.2008

Revenue:                              $56.48mil   vs   $20.49mil   +175.6%
Profit before income tax:       $12.11mil   vs   $5.98mil     +102.5%
Net Profit for the period        $11.47mil   vs   $5.86mil       +95.8%
Earnings per ordinary share   1.72 cents  vs     0.91 cents   +89.0%

A commentary: for the next 12 months
-The Group has more assets to be deployed in 4Q FY2009. The first unit of multi-purpose self-propelled
jack-up rig ("liftboat") would be delivered before the end of FY2009.

-We also expect positive contribution from our joint venture in Australia in 4Q FY2009. Barring unforeseen
circumstances, the management expects the Group's performance in FY2009 to be better than that of FY2008.

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15-Dec-2009 12:12 RafflesEdu   /   Raffles Edu       Go to Message
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Some bogus private schools had dampened the Singapore brand name.  There seems to be a spill over effect. Government need to tighen control on these schools !!!

boyikao3      ( Date: 15-Dec-2009 12:07) Posted:

I cannot post charts here. Only can describe the levels. So that's as much details as you're gonna get. Smiley 

tanstg      ( Date: 15-Dec-2009 11:12) Posted:

Will you be kind enough to detail out your thought on Raffles as posted?

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15-Dec-2009 08:38 SMB United   /   Going up up all the way !       Go to Message
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Switch gear systems  are in demand with building boom (especially the 2 IRs).  Sure, it will switch to high gear and romp up.

victorian2      ( Date: 14-Dec-2009 20:56) Posted:

Buy ups continue to be very strong today. 30c had 2 big buy up at almost 600 lots.

Bollis have started to diverged.....interesting to see if break out is imminent as we approach the 32c level....

EDMI gapped up 3 1/2c today.

it looks like action time within the next 2 weeks for this counter...........

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15-Dec-2009 08:31 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Dear Paul1688

Good analysis on this stock.  Only those with holding power will prosper. After you have done your research, please share your findings.

BTW, have you invested in this stock?

paul1688      ( Date: 14-Dec-2009 20:02) Posted:

We all have our belief in what is a good investment or not.  In the past I did not like Midas as I felt it is too speculative and price seems "manipulated" by BBs.  Recently (3 weeks ago) though, I begin looking into this stock based on 2 good friends who separately deal with the Chinese rail / subway industry.  Midas is high on my friends' investement portfolio because .......

1. Substantial share sold because (corporate statement) it was to a strategic investor (unnamed) owing to strong demand.

2. The chinese rail network is "massively" expanding.  I was informed by the friends without vested interest for me to do anything on the chinese rail plan that is already firm and I can tell you I see no other economies at this scale for confirmed plan alone.

3. What caught my interest in Midas was apparently (I am still researching the detailed facts) it is one of very few companies (think there is only a total of 4) that is qualified to supply the specialty train carriages.  Even with the new lines for Midas, their supply is anticipated not to be able to catch up with demand - Midas smartly in my opinion is not over expanding by over leveraging its financial means.

4.  The dual listing was meant to unlock value and profile (we know the HK market allows for higher PE than Singapore). 

I am just sharing here.  I am looking at the short term price trend for an initial foray, then considering the longer stake. Not enticing anyone to do the same.  Good luck to investors.


DanielXX      ( Date: 13-Dec-2009 14:46) Posted:

China Railway Group & China Railway Construction are trading at 10X PE on HKSE and Midas is trading at 20X PE. Good luck to those who think a HKSE listing is good. It will be the catalyst for a derating. Railway orders from PRC govt are slowing down and that's why the smart HKies are not buying railway stocks anymore. And did substantial shareholder Chen Weiping not sell his shares recently? All the signs are pointing to distribution, my dear Watson. You better not be the last one out, otherwise it could be a long recovery process from there.

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10-Dec-2009 21:00 Golden Agri-Res   /   GoldenAgr       Go to Message
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Don't forget Kencanaagri, it will move it tandem.

j3r0m3      ( Date: 10-Dec-2009 19:20) Posted:

 A while downgrade, a while upgrade...

 Source: OCBC Research

Upgrade on brighter CPO outlook

 Acquires small plantation player in Indonesia. Golden Agri Resources (GAR) has recently entered into a deal to acquire 100% of Enterprise Capital Corporation (ECC) - the owner of several oil palm  plantations in Indonesia - for US$110m; GAR will pay US$80m upon signing the agreement and the balance by 15 Jan 2010 upon ECC fulfilling certain conditions. We understand that these plantations (around 84k ha; 13k planted) are located in Kalimantan and are in the vicinity of GAR's existing facilities. GAR has earlier signalled that it intends to increase planted area by 30k ha this
year, with 20k of own planting and 10-15k of acquisition. However, due to the young age of ECC's plantation (<3 years), we are unlikely to see any significant contribution until FY11 onwards.

CPO prices may continue to rise in 1H10. CPO prices have staged a nice rebound since Oct, rising by nearly 10% to an average of US$691/ton in Nov. Besides the support from the steady crude oil prices, industry watchers attributed the CPO price rebound to stronger-than-expected economic recovery and growth in key markets like China and India. Although the still-robust production of CPO is likely to cap any sharp gains in the near term, production is expected to ease in 1Q10 due to seasonal factors
as the monsoon rains hamper harvesting in Indonesia. In addition, the El Nino impact - which has been mild thus far in Indonesia - may continue to exert its influence well into late 1H10 and curb CPO production especially in Malaysia.

Expecting average 2010 CPO price of US$720/ton. Likewise, we are expecting GAR to achieve a higher average CPO price of US$720/ton in 2010; this is a 10.8% increase over our previous estimate of US$650/ton. And in line with our revised CPO forecast, we raise our FY10 revenue figure by 4.3%  and our net profit estimate by 11.1%. However our US$720/ton estimate remains conservative,  as GAR tends to achieve lower CPO prices vs. the spot market rates, where its average rates could be  reflecting 3- month old market rates.

Upgrade to BUY with S$0.58 fair value. In line with the recent re-rating of CPO stocks on the SGX,  we note that the average forward PER has risen to around 14x. Applying a similar valuation to our FY10F EPS, we derive a fair value of S$0.58 for GAR. Given that the outlook for CPO has also  improved, we upgrade our rating to BUY.

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10-Dec-2009 20:53 SMB United   /   Going up up all the way !       Go to Message
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Switching gear and poised to speed above 30 cents

shplayer      ( Date: 10-Dec-2009 20:36) Posted:

Broke out of Bollies since yesterday.......today's vol is high.

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08-Dec-2009 22:29 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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That will be very sad if he off load long time ago for such a strong supporter and knowledgeable person like him.  Most people are affected by those soothe-sayer.  The best is yet to be.

yongjp      ( Date: 08-Dec-2009 22:10) Posted:

Heh.... probably sold off long ago

tonylim      ( Date: 08-Dec-2009 20:53) Posted:

Dear RichTan,

Where are you?  You must be very happy and rich.  Any more new chart and insight ?

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08-Dec-2009 22:09 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Where is your promise of Karaoke session? Or have off load already?

niuyear      ( Date: 08-Dec-2009 21:18) Posted:

Richtan and Midas rawk...........

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08-Dec-2009 20:53 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Dear RichTan,

Where are you?  You must be very happy and rich.  Any more new chart and insight ?

jasonsg      ( Date: 08-Dec-2009 20:38) Posted:

It is just my view: If I have this shares, I will sell half of them at tomorrow morning and wait and see. If price break 0.91 I will sell rest of them.

my trading blog: www.sgtrendtrade.blogspot.com

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08-Dec-2009 18:03 CSC   /   CSC - Construction sector       Go to Message
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It joins force with Soilbuild for a Tuas project.  So , watch it !

ROI25per      ( Date: 08-Dec-2009 10:09) Posted:

singapore property is hot, now they going into it also 

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08-Dec-2009 17:52 Ezra   /   Ezra       Go to Message
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EZRA never fail to impress with its upward price movement. 

iPunter      ( Date: 08-Dec-2009 07:32) Posted:

If they are planning to sell, it may be a practical idea to promote it for maximum gain... Smiley

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08-Dec-2009 17:48 StarHub   /   Starhub       Go to Message
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Don't jump into conclusion too soon.  Wait for its bundle and it will give Singtel a run for its money !!!  Not late to buy now !

niuyear      ( Date: 08-Dec-2009 10:06) Posted:

Why starhub iphone sucks? iphone features different?

taychunkiang      ( Date: 07-Dec-2009 18:59) Posted:

Starhub Iphone sucks M1 is so much agressive.Attract new customer sure lose to M1

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08-Dec-2009 17:43 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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PATIENCE is a VIRTUE especially for good stocks with strong fundamentals and growth potential.  RichTan the ardent supporter must be smiling now.  Should hit above $1 soon.  Sorry for those who are impatient and bad mouth about Midas.

Bintang      ( Date: 08-Dec-2009 17:39) Posted:

Without looking at the chart , we can know that  midas is already turning around with key reversal today .

Bon3260      ( Date: 08-Dec-2009 17:25) Posted:

Y crying? @ least u got Midas on hand tis morning... I din buy any Midas / hold any Midas. But I felt happy Midas can finally cheong... ('',

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04-Dec-2009 17:57 SingaporeLandGrp   /         Go to Message
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As mentioned before, the 2 BBs battled out for a controlling stake in UIC is in indeed a blessing for all who of invested or intend to invest.

shplayer      ( Date: 04-Dec-2009 16:33) Posted:

Looks like something may be brewing?.....price been creeping up past few trading days and gapped up to 18c today (now 16c)....supported by vol.

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01-Dec-2009 10:10 SingaporeLandGrp   /         Go to Message
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Hope they outbid each other to the delight of investors

shplayer      ( Date: 01-Dec-2009 09:11) Posted:

Yesterday, 30 Nov, SGX announced that Gokongwei acquired 208,000 shares from the open market.

Tally now stands - WCY - 37.014%

                              JG    - 35.347%

Is this the beginning of a tussle for control?

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30-Nov-2009 14:34 SPH   /   SPH       Go to Message
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A safe bet and wise decision.

Juzztrade      ( Date: 30-Nov-2009 14:16) Posted:

I am still holding 50-Lot at 2.38 and is now planning to increase to 100-Lot for the benefits of good dividend.

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28-Nov-2009 16:28 Others   /   Dubai in serious trouble       Go to Message
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Small caps will buck the trend - PEC, PacAndes, GoldenAgr, Midas, Ezion, Ezra

tonylim      ( Date: 28-Nov-2009 16:19) Posted:

Not all blue chips.  Perhaps banking stocks (esp DBS) and City Development will be affected.

Hulumas      ( Date: 28-Nov-2009 16:02) Posted:

Up to you

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28-Nov-2009 16:19 Others   /   Dubai in serious trouble       Go to Message
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Not all blue chips.  Perhaps banking stocks (esp DBS) and City Development will be affected.

Hulumas      ( Date: 28-Nov-2009 16:02) Posted:

Up to you!

Raindrops      ( Date: 27-Nov-2009 22:35) Posted:

Hmm... is it wise to sell all the blue chips on monday?

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28-Nov-2009 15:33 PEC   /   PEC IPO result out?       Go to Message
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Did anyone took heed of this stock.  Should be touching 70 cents anytime soon.  TP is 88 cents

tonylim      ( Date: 26-Nov-2009 16:03) Posted:

A rising star soon.  Watch it as company is performing well and has niche area with growth potential.  Give good bonuses to its employees.

tonylim      ( Date: 21-Nov-2009 16:17) Posted:

This could be another Rotary?  Lots of potential and enjoys good profi

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28-Nov-2009 15:22 Q&M Dental   /   Potential Gem       Go to Message
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People scared to go to dentist.  I sold mine @3.55

commando      ( Date: 28-Nov-2009 14:17) Posted:

defensive stock

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