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04-Aug-2011 14:21 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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“Despite the Dow's abysmal performance of late, at the beginning of the year the Dow was actually lower than it is now - in fact on January 3rd it was at 11577.43.

At that very same time, s-chips like Yangzijiang, Sino Grandness, Eratat Lifestyle were all much higher than they are now, in fact they were mostly quite close to their 52 week highs.” – ethan999

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04-Aug-2011 14:19 Others   /   STI to cross 3383 by 2011 Nov       Go to Message
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“Despite the Dow's abysmal performance of late, at the beginning of the year the Dow was actually lower than it is now - in fact on January 3rd it was at 11577.43.

At that very same time, s-chips like Yangzijiang, Sino Grandness, Eratat Lifestyle were all much higher than they are now, in fact they were mostly quite close to their 52 week highs.” – ethan999

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04-Aug-2011 14:17 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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“Despite the Dow's abysmal performance of late, at the beginning of the year the Dow was actually lower than it is now - in fact on January 3rd it was at 11577.43.

At that very same time, s-chips like Yangzijiang, Sino Grandness, Eratat Lifestyle were all much higher than they are now, in fact they were mostly quite close to their 52 week highs.” – ethan999

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04-Aug-2011 12:20 Others   /   Presidential Election - 27 August       Go to Message
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TAN  KIN  LIAN  did  the MOST  work  on  PEOPLE's  ISSUES


[Check  TAN KIN LIAN  blog and blog LINKS]

Tabulated summary:


Contribution  Rate Nominal interest rate Partial Withdrawal Full Withdrawal Minimum Sum/ Mandatory annuity?
Employer Employee Total Age Allowed amount Age
Malaysia 12% 11% 23% 5.8% (as of 2010) 50 30% 55 No
India 1.11% 12% 13% 9.5% (as of 2010) 54 90% 55 No
Hong Kong 5% 5% 10% N/A (returns depend on performance of investment funds) N/A Not allowed 65 No
Singapore 15.5% 20% 35.5% 2.5% (OA) and 4% (SMRA)
Variable rate for SA/RA after Dec 2011
55 Everything except Min. Sum + Medisave Min. Sum N/A (not possible to withdraw everything  due to CPF Life)


Comparison of real returns from 1999-2009

In order to provide an adequate perspective on how real CPF returns measure up against that of the other countries, I’ve crunched all the above tabulated data and graphed them for better visualisation (click to enlarge) of real returns by the provident funds over the period of 10 years as follows.

Click to enlarge

Notes: IW- Industrial worker, UNME – Urban non-manual employee, AL – agricultural labourer
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04-Aug-2011 12:13 Others   /   Presidential Election - 27 August       Go to Message
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  • Presidential hopefuls call for dignified campaign
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    04-Aug-2011 12:11 Others   /   Presidential Election - 27 August       Go to Message
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    If  thE chOIce

    Is  nOt  a  chOIce

    thAt  Is  nO  chOIce

    O V E R H E A R D :

    peOple  wAnt

    geOrge  yEO

    hE  Is  thE  bEst chOIce
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    04-Aug-2011 12:03 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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    wIthOUT    JUNCKET  in  CASINO

    is  like  hAvIng  :

    nO  hOstesses  in  nIghtclubs

    nO  stewArdesses  in  plAnes

    nO  mOnks  in  temples

    nO  prIests  in  churches

    nO  dOctOrs  in  hOspitals

    nO  prOstItUtes  in  GEYLANG
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    04-Aug-2011 11:55 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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    jUst  lOOk at gOOgle's  share prIce

    new  business  mOdel  is 




    PAY  And  PAINS

    WHY  BAN  ? ? ? ?

    FREE  cOaches  ? ? ? ?

    FREE  fOOd  ? ? ? ?

    becAuse  nO  GST  ? ? ? ?
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    04-Aug-2011 11:48 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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    TIME  tO  gO  nOrth

    > > > > > > > >


    O V E R H E A R D :

    Once  UpOn a tIme,  sIngapOra  wAs  knOwn  fOr  its  greAtest  Assets:

    sIngapOrean  whO  eArn  hIgh  salaries.

    sIngapOre  tOday  has  nOthIng

    becAuse  sIngapOreans'  salaries  are  DEPRESSED  by  fOreIgn  tAlent  INFLUX.

    the  Only  thIng  left  is  prIce  SKY  PROGRAM

    sIngApOre  can  dO  nOthIng  bUt

    jUst  tO  pUsh  prIces  tO  the  SKY

    tO  mAxImIse    GST    rEvEnUE

    and  restrIct  Bank  Savings Interest  rAtes tO  neAr-zerO

    nO  fUtUre  fOr  wOrkers  &   retIrees  ? ? ? ?
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    04-Aug-2011 11:35 Others   /   STI to cross 3383 by 2011 Nov       Go to Message
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    WASHINGTON (AP) 3 Aug--
    Shoppers won't shop.
    Companies won't hire.
    The government won't spend on economic stimulus -- it's cutting instead.
    And the Federal Reserve is reluctant to do anything more.......

    CONSUMERISM    > > > >   sUb-prIme  credIt 
    [Near-zerO Interest rAtes] 
    > >   > >   > >   > >   wOrld  fInAncIAl  tsUnAmI
    [wOrld  dEbt  defAult]
    > > >     > > >     > > >     > > >       wOrld  bAnkIng  sYstem  cOllApse

    ivanignatius      ( Date: 04-Aug-2011 11:27) Posted:

    Current buyers of the market are very brave.   The real world looks awful:   The US debt problem has been delayed not solved, and the US economy is weak, weak, weak, whether you look at housing, employment, industrial production, new orders.   Italy and Spain may spark a far more serious crisis in Europe, as they are the third and fourth largest economies in Europe, not unimportant tiddlers like Portugal, Ireland and Greece.   In China and India and Brazil, the economies are overheating and so the governments have put up interest rates to high levels.   But remember these economies rely on the West to buy their output, so if the West is weak, the emerging markets will get slammed.   Even in Singapore, consumer confidence is weakening, and big companies like SIA are producing poor numbers.   Singapore is   possibly the most vulnerable to any slowdown as so much of GDP relies on the tech sector, tourism, and the financial sectors.   Warren Buffett has said that investing is easy because you have the choice not to do anything, simply wait at the plate for the perfect ball to be pitched at you.   Surely at a time like this, with so much uncertainty, it is better to sit on the bench, rather than just 'hope' to justify investing.  

    Good Post  Bad Post 
    04-Aug-2011 11:31 Others   /   Dow up the ladder       Go to Message
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    WASHINGTON (AP) 3 Aug--
    Shoppers won't shop.
    Companies won't hire.
    The government won't spend on economic stimulus -- it's cutting instead.
    And the Federal Reserve is reluctant to do anything more.......

    CONSUMERISM    > > > >   sUb-prIme  credIt 
    [Near-zerO Interest rAtes] 
    > >   > >   > >   > >   wOrld  fInAncIAl  tsUnAmI
    [wOrld  dEbt  defAult]
    > > >     > > >     > > >     > > >       wOrld  bAnkIng  sYstem  cOllApse

    handon      ( Date: 04-Aug-2011 00:16) Posted:

    peter schiff said get out of US assets? so funny... USD down.... DOW should Cheong mah... 

    Boss dont quite understand why get out of US assets??? 

    Something not logical leh.... Smiley

    Good Post  Bad Post 
    04-Aug-2011 11:25 Others   /   QE 3 departure       Go to Message
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    WASHINGTON (AP) 3 Aug--
    Shoppers won't shop.
    Companies won't hire.
    The government won't spend on economic stimulus -- it's cutting instead.
    And the Federal Reserve is reluctant to do anything more.......

    CONSUMERISM    > > > >   sUb-prIme  credIt 
    [Near-zerO Interest rAtes] 
    > >   > >   > >   > >   wOrld  fInAncIAl  tsUnAmI
    [wOrld  dEbt  defAult]
    > > >     > > >     > > >     > > >       wOrld  bAnkIng  sYstem  cOllApse
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    04-Aug-2011 11:24 User Research/Opinions   /   QE 3 to save Backside from Burning!!!       Go to Message
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    WASHINGTON (AP) 3 Aug--
    Shoppers won't shop.
    Companies won't hire.
    The government won't spend on economic stimulus -- it's cutting instead.
    And the Federal Reserve is reluctant to do anything more.......

    CONSUMERISM    > > > >   sUb-prIme  credIt 
    [Near-zerO Interest rAtes] 
    > >   > >   > >   > >   wOrld  fInAncIAl  tsUnAmI
    [wOrld  dEbt  defAult]
    > > >     > > >     > > >     > > >       wOrld  bAnkIng  sYstem  cOllApse
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    04-Aug-2011 11:18 User Research/Opinions   /   MAY BANK initiates GROWTH ERA tOday       Go to Message
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    04th August 2011



    Top Story: MBSB – Set to soar to greater heights                                                              Outperform


    Briefing Note


    ¨            Management expects personal financing to continue to be the main driver for loan growth this year and targets to achieve around RM6-7bn in disbursements. Apart from that, loan growth would be further supported by rising contribution from new products introduced in 1H11 such as contract financing and SME cash express where to date, approvals have reached close to RM1bn.



    RHBRI Top Picks





    FV (RM/sh)




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    FV (RM/sh)




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    Genting Msia








    Jaya Tiasa




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    04-Aug-2011 11:15 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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  • Presidential hopefuls call for dignified campaign
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    04-Aug-2011 11:09 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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    If  thE chOIce

    Is  nOt  a  chOIce

    thAt  Is  nO  chOIce

    O V E R H E A R D :

    peOple  wAnt

    geOrge  yEO

    hE  Is  thE  bEst chOIce
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    04-Aug-2011 11:03 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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    By Channel NewsAsia, Updated: 03/08/2011

    PE: Presidential hopefuls call for dignified campaign

    PE: Presidential hopefuls call for dignified campaign

    Dr Tony Tan (Photo: channelnewsasia.com, Hester Tan)

    SINGAPORE: Potential candidates vying to contest the forthcoming Presidential Election have issued their statements following the announcement of the dates for Nomination and Polling Day.

    Former deputy prime minister Tony Tan said given the present economic uncertainties, it is highly likely that the next President will be involved in decisions about the economic future of Singapore.

    He said this may require the President to invoke his formal powers on whether to draw down past reserves.

    Dr Tan said that was why he had resigned from jobs that he loved — to step forward and offer his candidacy.

    He added that he looks forward to a vigorous exchange of views during the campaign, which should be carried out with decorum and in a manner befitting the Office at stake.

    Dr Tan said he remains confident that Singaporeans are able to make an informed choice about who best can carry out the responsibilities of the President.

    Separately, the former CEO of NTUC Income, Tan Kin Lian, said he looks forward to receiving the result of his application for the Certificate of Eligibility to contest the Presidential Election.

    He expressed confidence that he has met the stipulated criteria.

    Upon receipt of the Certificate of Eligibility, Mr Tan said he will finalise his nomination papers to contest the Presidential Election.

    He called on donors, companies and civic organisations not to be wasteful when spending on political advertisements for their preferred candidate.

    Another hopeful, business man Andrew Kuan, said he will submit his forms for the Certificate of Eligibility on Friday.

    The other two Presidential hopefuls are former MP Tan Cheng Bock and former opposition member Tan Jee Say.

    Meanwhile, observers said Singaporeans want a President who can articulate their concerns, but at the same time be able to work with the government.

    They said this is a sign of changing times and reflects an electorate that is more demanding.

    Dr Eugene Tan, assistant professor of Law at the Singapore Management University, said: " But I think that doesn’t take away from the basic criteria of someone who has the ability and the experience.

    " Because I think in the end, to do the job of the Elected President, especially in the exercise of custodial powers, whether to draw down the past reserves of the country (or) to make key appointments such as the Chief Justice, you need someone who has the experience, the capability, but also the temperament."

    — CNA/al

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    04-Aug-2011 10:56 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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    Google Chromebook (Verity Burns  MSN)

    Larger image


    Made by Samsung, this Chromebook is the first of what Google plans to become a line of Chromebooks - all built around and optimised for the web.

    It features a 12.1-inch screen, Intel Atom processor, 2GB RAM, a webcam, stereo speakers and a full-sized keyboard, and has a price tag of £399.

    [It  shOUld  be prIced  cheAper  thAn  NETBOOK ?]

    A Chromebook from Acer is next in line to come to market, with talks with other manufacturers already in progress.

    Top 10 mobiles right now

    Good Post  Bad Post 
    04-Aug-2011 10:51 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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    Need to know - Google Chromebook

    Get clued up on all you need to know about Google's hard drive-free laptop.

    Google Chromebook(Verity Burns  MSN)

    In pictures: Google's Chromebook

    Google's first Chromebook is now available in shops, but should you go for it instead of a standard laptop - and what's even the difference?

    We got some hands on time with it earlier this week to see what all the fuss is about.

    Can a laptop without a hard drive really hold its own in the market?

    Read on to find out all you need to know about the Google Chromebook.

    Good Post  Bad Post 
    04-Aug-2011 10:49 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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    WASHINGTON (AP) 3 Aug--
    Shoppers won't shop.
    Companies won't hire.
    The government won't spend on economic stimulus -- it's cutting instead.
    And the Federal Reserve is reluctant to do anything more.......

    CONSUMERISM    > > > >   sUb-prIme  credIt 
    [Near-zerO Interest rAtes] 
    > >   > >   > >   > >   wOrld  fInAncIAl  tsUnAmI
    [wOrld  dEbt  defAult]
    > > >     > > >     > > >     > > >       wOrld  bAnkIng  sYstem  cOllApse 
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