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12-Apr-2011 11:32 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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Louise came back from bukit timah hill, and sold his 0.125 to me.....haize.......i  'hop' those with 2 hands maciam holding gold like this.  Hope is not from his nose.  hahaha!

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 12-Apr-2011 10:57) Posted:

Back to sleep unless BBs accumulate

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12-Apr-2011 10:49 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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I think the Possible scenario :

A gradual merger of  2 consituencies. (become  2 in 1)........and more GRCs......  in 10 or 20 years down the road.


niuyear      ( Date: 12-Apr-2011 10:46) Posted:

The BEST system is:

All become  GRCs.

Single constituency is not likely to handle matter more efficiently.    With the " growing" population in singapore , we need more people to serve instead of one man show...........

So,  3 to 5 people GRC is the best for everyone in singapore.


pharoah88      ( Date: 12-Apr-2011 10:39) Posted:

Do GRCs raise stakes too high?

Letter from Sin Wei Xiang

Mr Low Thia Khiang is right to say that the stakes of him leading a team to fight a Group Representation Constituency are “very high” (“I believe in evolution: WP’s Low”, April 9).

The introduction of the GRC scheme and the People’s Action Party’s (PAP’s) institutionalised practice of having Cabinet Ministers helm GRCs have upped the ante of the General Election into a high-stakes game.

This current electoral system necessitates that the Opposition would need to field candidates of a similar stature to potential office holders anchoring the PAP team in order to have a fighting chance at winning a GRC.

Under this system, you can’t have your cake and eat it, too. For the PAP, it cannot enjoy the benefits of inducting new candidates and potential office-holders under the GRC scheme in the name of leadership renewal, without the risks of losing Cabinet Ministers and existing appointment holders.

For Mr Low, he cannot lead a GRC team in an attempt to grow the Opposition presence in Parliament without the attendant possibility of losing his incumbent seat – an “all-or-nothing” outcome.

As for the issue of the Opposition being not yet ready to form an alternative government, vis-a-vis the issue of voting for the

Opposition in the upcoming GE, this really is a chicken-and-egg question. The electorate cannot expect to see a stronger Opposition that is “ready to form an alternative government” in the future, while denying them the opportunity to contest and win GRCs now.

As our political landscape evolves, and when the scenario arises whereby either capable Cabinet Ministers or effective Opposition leaders lose their seats in GRCs, it may be time to revisit the pros and cons of the GRC scheme, and whether it serves the long-term interest of Singapore.

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12-Apr-2011 10:46 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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The BEST system is:

All become  GRCs.

Single constituency is not likely to handle matter more efficiently.    With the " growing" population in singapore , we need more people to serve instead of one man show...........

So,  3 to 5 people GRC is the best for everyone in singapore.


pharoah88      ( Date: 12-Apr-2011 10:39) Posted:

Do GRCs raise stakes too high?

Letter from Sin Wei Xiang

Mr Low Thia Khiang is right to say that the stakes of him leading a team to fight a Group Representation Constituency are “very high” (“I believe in evolution: WP’s Low”, April 9).

The introduction of the GRC scheme and the People’s Action Party’s (PAP’s) institutionalised practice of having Cabinet Ministers helm GRCs have upped the ante of the General Election into a high-stakes game.

This current electoral system necessitates that the Opposition would need to field candidates of a similar stature to potential office holders anchoring the PAP team in order to have a fighting chance at winning a GRC.

Under this system, you can’t have your cake and eat it, too. For the PAP, it cannot enjoy the benefits of inducting new candidates and potential office-holders under the GRC scheme in the name of leadership renewal, without the risks of losing Cabinet Ministers and existing appointment holders.

For Mr Low, he cannot lead a GRC team in an attempt to grow the Opposition presence in Parliament without the attendant possibility of losing his incumbent seat – an “all-or-nothing” outcome.

As for the issue of the Opposition being not yet ready to form an alternative government, vis-a-vis the issue of voting for the

Opposition in the upcoming GE, this really is a chicken-and-egg question. The electorate cannot expect to see a stronger Opposition that is “ready to form an alternative government” in the future, while denying them the opportunity to contest and win GRCs now.

As our political landscape evolves, and when the scenario arises whereby either capable Cabinet Ministers or effective Opposition leaders lose their seats in GRCs, it may be time to revisit the pros and cons of the GRC scheme, and whether it serves the long-term interest of Singapore.

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12-Apr-2011 10:35 Genting HK USD   /   Genting HK US$       Go to Message
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Simple,  just put a monkey god to couter those do monkey business.


Conclusion  :  Casinos must pray to  Monkey God then can prosper.  In RWS and MBS ,  may be the CEOs' offices got  pray to monkey god.

They cant put  the  CROSS in the office, confirm cant prosper.



gambler      ( Date: 12-Apr-2011 10:21) Posted:

The company is a cash cow, the management is monkeying with it.

niuyear      ( Date: 12-Apr-2011 10:13) Posted:

I know only piano needs to be 'tuned' every few months,  neve did i know  musicians need to be 'tuned'.  How to tune musicicans huh?    hehehe!

Lay the guy on the floor,  plunk his rib cage huh.....hahaha

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12-Apr-2011 10:22 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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" ..............But, as the rich have successfully pressed for tax cuts and reductions in government spending, children from poor and working-class households are far less likely to receive a high-quality education, and the US government has failed to provide for training or adequate infrastructure. The result is a growing youth unemployment crisis among poor and working-class youth......................"


Likewise in singapore -  If a child aspires to be a doctor and his result qualifies him to be one, but, if his family cant afford the  " subsidised rate"   in the medicine school in NUS, he is not likely to be accepted into the medicine course.

pharoah88      ( Date: 12-Apr-2011 10:10) Posted:


Only one high-income region has done a reasonably good job of preparing its youth, and its overall economy, for tough global competition: Northern Europe, including Germany and Scandinavia (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden). In these countries, public education is excellent, and the transition from school to work often involves programmes like the apprenticeships for which Germany is especially famous.

In developing countries, the main advances are found in countries that emphasise excellence in education, public investment in infrastructure, and serious on-the-job training.

South Korea is probably the leading success story, with superb educational attainment and strong employment of young people, having taken it from developing country to high-income status within one generation. And South Korea has accomplished this feat in China’s intensely competitive immediate neighbourhood.

The US, by contrast, is a case of failure, except for youth from high-income households.

American children raised in affluence succeed in obtaining an excellent education and have good job prospects after a bachelor’s degree.

But, as the rich have successfully pressed for tax cuts and reductions in government spending, children from poor and working-class households are far less likely to receive a high-quality education, and the US government has failed to provide for training or adequate infrastructure. The result is a growing youth unemployment crisis among poor and working-class youth.

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12-Apr-2011 10:13 Genting HK USD   /   Genting HK US$       Go to Message
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I know only piano needs to be 'tuned' every few months,  neve did i know  musicians need to be 'tuned'.  How to tune musicicans huh?    hehehe!

Lay the guy on the floor,  plunk his rib cage huh.....hahaha!

gambler      ( Date: 11-Apr-2011 12:45) Posted:

With regards to your post, weather this news is good for the stock? My view is that they have just legalized money laundering.

The piano is usually in good condition, but the musician needs tuning.

Tangwp      ( Date: 01-Apr-2011 22:46) Posted:

Isn't a good news?

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12-Apr-2011 09:57 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Unless one has the chart of the big players'   movements..

epliew      ( Date: 12-Apr-2011 09:37) Posted:

u are very bad...

lucky i did not buy....


freshmind      ( Date: 11-Apr-2011 15:00) Posted:

Finally, BBs have quietly and successfully to catch all the small fishes.  So many in the net and how many can escape on time...

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11-Apr-2011 16:55 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Crude Falls From 32-Month High in London on Prospects of Libya Cease-Fire

Oil fell from a 32-month high in London after the African Union said Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi agreed to a plan that called for a cease-fire, fueling speculation that exports from North Africa producer may recover.

Brent crude declined as much as 0.9 percent in London after surging to its highest price since August 2008. The union of African states said Qaddafi agreed to “the immediate cessation of all hostilities” and to negotiations “with the view to adopting and implementing the political reforms necessary for the elimination of the causes of the current crisis.”

“Oil is falling because of the peace talks in Libya, and also because the recent price increases are considered excessive,” said Eugen Weinberg, head of commodity research at Commerzbank AG in Frankfurt. “Current prices aren’t justified by the supply-and-demand scenario.”

Brent oil for May settlement declined as much as $1.11 to $125.54 a barrel and was at $125.86 at 9:12 a.m. in London on the ICE Futures Europe exchange. Futures earlier rose to $127.02, the highest front-month price since August 1, 2008, after surging 6.7 percent last week. Oil for May delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange fell 42 cents to $112.32 a barrel.

South African President Jacob Zuma yesterday presented Qaddafi with the plan, which also calls for cooperation in delivering humanitarian aid and protecting foreign nationals in Libya. The AU delegation will meet today with rebel leaders in Benghazi, their stronghold in the east.

To contact the reporters on this story: Ayesha Daya in Dubai at adaya1@bloomberg.net
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11-Apr-2011 15:51 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Best Currency Forecasters See Dollar Weakness as QE2 End Looms

Best Currency Forecasters See Dollar Weakness

The dollar weakened 1.7 percent last week to $1.4483 per euro, and strengthened 0.8 percent to 84.76 yen as the European Central Bank boosted its benchmark rate on April 7 to 1.25 percent from 1 percent. Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg

The most-accurate currency strategists see no recovery for the dollar in coming months as the Federal Reserve delays raising interest rates after the end of its $600 billion asset-purchase program in June.

Wells Fargo & Co., the top forecaster for the second straight quarter, and No. 2 St. George Bank Ltd., say America’s currency will be little changed through June as the Fed lags behind central banks boosting rates. Schneider Foreign Exchange Ltd., Societe Generale SA and Bank of Nova Scotia, the next three analysts during the six quarters ended March 31 as measured in data compiled by Bloomberg, say the dollar will keep falling after its weakest start to a year since 2008.

“The currency of just about any central bank that has been willing to contemplate an interest-rate hike in this environment has performed strongly as money flowed to higher yield assets,” said Kit Juckes, London-based head of foreign-exchange research at Societe Generale. “The U.S. would like to keep interest rates as low as possible for as long as it can.”

While diverging central banks may stop the dollar from appreciating from a 16-month low, the policies are helping the U.S. recover from the biggest downturn since the Great Depression as the Fed begins to drain some of the more than $2 trillion of stimulus it pumped into the economy. U.S. exports have risen each month since August to a record $167.7 billion in January, Commerce Department data show.

Helping Obama

Fed policy has also helped keep borrowing costs on 10-year Treasury notes below a two-decade average of 5.22 percent for the entirety of President Barack Obama’s term, helping the U.S. fund a deficit the Congressional Budget Office projects will be in excess of $1 trillion for a third consecutive year. Obama and congressional leaders agreed on April 8 to cut about $38 billion of federal spending to avert a partial government shutdown with less than two hours to spare.

Treasuries due in one-to-three years yield about 0.78 percentage point less on average than the rest of the global market for government bonds of similar maturity, Bank of America Merrill Lynch indexes show. There was no difference in the yields a year ago. In that period, IntercontinentalExchange Inc.’s U.S. Dollar Index fell 8.1 percent to 74.912 as of 12:34 p.m. in Tokyo.

“We have to get past this period of very easy monetary policy from the Federal Reserve, but then we feel that the dollar is going to make a comeback against the euro and yen,” said Nick Bennenbroek, head of currency strategy at Wells Fargo in New York. Low expectations for any rise in rates also means there’s more room for a shift in perception that may benefit the dollar at the conclusion of quantitative easing, he said.

Higher Rates

The dollar dropped 1.7 percent last week to $1.4483 per euro, and strengthened 0.8 percent to 84.76 yen as the European Central Bank boosted its benchmark rate on April 7 to 1.25 percent from 1 percent, and ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet signaled more increases may be on the way. The greenback traded at $1.4460 and 84.72 yen today.

Brazil, Chile and Colombia have raised rates twice this year while Peru has lifted them by 25 basis points every month in 2011. Sweden, Hungary, Poland, China, India, Indonesia and Taiwan also increased borrowing costs in 2011, with the U.K. predicted to join them, according to Bloomberg surveys.

The median estimate of more than 70 economists surveyed by Bloomberg is for the Fed to keep its target rate in a range of zero to 0.25 percent through year-end.

Bank of Nova Scotia in Toronto predicts the dollar will end this year at $1.45 per euro, and Schneider sees the U.S. currency at $1.42. Wells Fargo predicts an advance to $1.40 at the end of June and $1.34 by year-end, while St. George forecasts $1.38 at the end of December. Societe Generale says it will slide to $1.50. The median of 50 estimates compiled by Bloomberg is for the greenback to climb 6.3 percent to $1.36.

Dollar Bulls

Statements by central bankers have encouraged dollar bulls.

Fed Bank Presidents Thomas Hoenig, Jeffrey Lacker, Charles Plosser and James Bullard have signaled optimism about the U.S., with St. Louis Fed President Bullard saying the central bank may be able to cut about $100 billion from its $600 bond-buying plan. The Federal Open Market Committee has reiterated rates will be kept at “exceptionally low levels” for an “extended period” for the past 25 months.

Futures traders have trimmed holdings on the dollar’s decline over the last month, data from the Washington-based Commodity Futures Trading Commission show. The difference in the number of wagers by hedge funds and other large speculators on a drop in the dollar compared with those on a gain reached 405,267 last month, the most since the data began in 2003.

Repeat Performance

Strategists are betting the currency market won’t repeat its performance following the end of the first round of Fed bond purchases, or quantitative easing, in March 2010. Back then, the Dollar Index posted a two-month, 10 percent rally to a 15-month high. The index tracks the currency against the yen, euro, pound, Swiss franc, Canadian dollar and Swedish krona.

That rally was underpinned by a flight to safety as Europe’s debt crisis erupted, resulting in a bailout of Greece. Europe’s leaders last month beefed up an aid fund for nations that can no longer fund themselves.

Spanish 10-year bonds have rallied relative to benchmark German bunds this year, indicating the risk of contagion has diminished after Ireland and Portugal also requested aid. The yield spread narrowed to 1.78 percentage points last week from a euro-era record of 2.98 percentage points on Nov. 30.

Euro Surge

Europe’s unified currency gained 3.5 percent in the first three months of this year against a basket of currencies tracked by Bloomberg Correlation-Weighted Indexes, the best first quarter performance since the shared currency was introduced in 1999. The euro advanced last week even as Portugal said it needed rescuing as well.

“Even though there will be times that the euro shakes on the back of sovereign concerns, overall at this point the framework is in place to support Europe,” said Camilla Sutton, chief currency strategist at Bank of Nova Scotia in Toronto.

The ECB’s primary mandate is containing inflation, while the Fed must also promote full employment. The U.S. central bank’s preferred measure of inflation was 0.9 percent in February. Consumer prices that month rose 2.4 percent in the euro region and 4.4 percent in the U.K., both of which target about 2 percent.

U.S. Unemployment

Policy makers may avoid raising rates even if U.S. inflation accelerates as long as unemployment remains elevated, according to Stephen Gallo, head of market analysis at Schneider Foreign Exchange. The Labor Department said April 1 that the jobless rate was 8.8 percent in March, compared with 4.6 percent the last time the central bank boosted benchmark borrowing costs in mid-2006.

While weakening, the dollar remains the world’s reserve currency. The dollar’s share of foreign reserves held steady in 2010, ending at 61.4 percent, according to the International Monetary Fund in Washington. The dollar was involved in 85 percent of currency trades from April 2007 to April 2010, compared with 90 percent in the three years through 2001, data compiled by the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland show.

China, the largest investor in U.S. government debt after the Fed, has increased its Treasury holdings by 30 percent to $1.154 trillion in January from a year earlier, helping the U.S fund its fiscal deficit and keep interest rates at a record low. Japan’s Treasury holdings have climbed 16 percent to $885.9 billion over the same period.

‘Structural Decline’

The dollar’s decline has supported the U.S. economy, with the trade deficit 30 percent smaller than before the financial crisis in August 2008. The economy may expand 3.1 percent this year, compared with 2.2 percent for the euro area, 1.8 percent for the U.K., 0.8 percent for Japan and 2.8 percent for Canada, according to Barclays Capital.

“The Fed will be quite late in raising rates,” said Besa Deda, chief economist at St. George, a unit of Westpac Banking Corp. “I’m not looking for a lot of dollar strength as I still think the U.S. dollar is in a structural long-term decline.”

Bennenbroek was the best forecaster for the second-straight quarter, helping Wells Fargo beat 51 firms across eight currency pairs with a 4.61 percent average margin of error, even as his call for a stronger greenback failed to materialize, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The firm’s margin in the survey ended Dec. 31, 2010, was 4.97.

Survey Methodology

Wells Fargo was followed by Sydney-based St. George at 4.79 percent London-based Schneider at 4.86 percent Paris-based Societe Generale at 4.93 percent and Toronto-based Bank of Nova Scotia at 5.11 percent.

The firms were compared based on estimates at the end of each quarter for the close of the next, starting with the fourth quarter of 2009. One annual pick which was made at the end of March 2010 for exchange rates as of March 31, 2011, was also included. All estimates were weighted equally.

Only firms with at least four forecasts for a particular currency pair were ranked, and only those that qualified in at least five of eight pairs were included in the ranking of best overall predictors. In all, 51 firms submitted enough forecasts to be ranked in at least one currency.

To contact the reporters on this story: Allison Bennett in New York at abennett23@bloomberg.net Garth Theunissen in London gtheunissen@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Dave Liedtka at dliedtka@bloomberg.net Daniel Tilles at dtilles@bloomberg.net.
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11-Apr-2011 15:29 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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If green back oversold, and when it bounces up fast,  it might send stock price down .......

Gold has been UP for fifth trading day....

niuyear      ( Date: 11-Apr-2011 15:26) Posted:

If US$ is still in  oversold region now,  are we not seeing    PRICe of stocks to dip then?   

Price dip =  DOW  dip =  STI dips      ....


Gaecia      ( Date: 11-Apr-2011 12:26) Posted:

It only  takes one policy rate change for the greenback to reverse its current trend, it is closing in on oversold territory. ECB has raised its interest  by a  certain  basis points  last week.  US inflation  data will be out later this week, Obama would want  Americans to see him as re-electable

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11-Apr-2011 15:26 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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If US$ is still in  oversold region now,  are we not seeing    PRICe of stocks to dip then?   

Price dip =  DOW  dip =  STI dips      ....


Gaecia      ( Date: 11-Apr-2011 12:26) Posted:

It only  takes one policy rate change for the greenback to reverse its current trend, it is closing in on oversold territory. ECB has raised its interest  by a  certain  basis points  last week.  US inflation  data will be out later this week, Obama would want  Americans to see him as re-electable.

niuyear      ( Date: 11-Apr-2011 11:45) Posted:

My take is:


The weaker the USS, will take more of the people to buy anything priced in $$ (including stocks), which will cost the  Price to rise,.


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11-Apr-2011 11:48 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Richman steady , every time buy on dip..  :)

Richman      ( Date: 11-Apr-2011 10:23) Posted:

I am going long for this counter.  Went in at 3.95 and later DCA at 3.30.

epliew      ( Date: 11-Apr-2011 09:32) Posted:

rich man......which way are u heading ?  up or down.... today seems to be down down down...

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11-Apr-2011 11:45 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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My take is:


The weaker the USS, will take more of the people to buy anything priced in $$ (including stocks), which will cost the  Price to rise,.


Gaecia      ( Date: 09-Apr-2011 14:04) Posted:

hmm... somehow i'm reading  that  Dow's double top formation is in the making near term  and the greenback's into  oversold range. The  big name techs has fallen since more than  a week ago &   may still go down more before earnings season.  i will short a blue chip (u96)  that has gone into an overdrive come monday if it cannot  regain last  Fri's high, just a small position to train myself up because i'm being silly.  Will check  on the general mkt sentiments prior.

You see uncle bon, the professionals  will  sell shorts when the cow's still in the market, not when the cow has already left.  They  tend not  to  arrive late  & people will  so laugh at them for being early. You think not? 

Bon3260      ( Date: 09-Apr-2011 09:05) Posted:

U r rite...
Especially those sell shorts  pple when they still c a Cow in e Mkt...


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11-Apr-2011 10:06 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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This stock dont care whether got release of US economic data this week or not.

It just dies and rebirths at its own pastes...............lol!!
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11-Apr-2011 09:48 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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U.S. legislators reach budget deal

Government shutdown averted for at least 6 days

Posted: Apr 8, 2011 9:06 AM ET

Last Updated: Apr 9, 2011 12:16 AM ET

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U.S. President Barack Obama poses for photographers in the Blue Room at the White House Friday after speaking about the budget deal that averted a government shutdown. U.S. President Barack Obama poses for photographers in the Blue Room at the White House Friday after speaking about the budget deal that averted a government shutdown. (Charles Dharapak/Associated Press)

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Capitol Hill countdown4:15
Play iconThe White House and U.S. Congress are facing a showdown over the budget, which must pass by midnight Friday night or the government will shut downCapitol Hill countdown4:15

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With less than two hours to spare, the White House and congressional leaders reached a short-term deal late Friday to cut billions in spending and avert a midnight shutdown of the U.S. government.

The last-minute deal keeps the government running until next Thursday — time enough, all sides hope, to flesh out a more permanent measure that would keep federal operations functioning for another six months.

The agreement, which calls for more than $37 billion US in federal spending cuts through Sept. 30, prevented the first partial closure of the U.S. government in 15 years. That closure lasted 21 days.

If the deal had not been reached, hundreds of thousands of federal workers would have been furloughed and services from national parks to tax-season help centres would have been shuttered.

Cuts 'painful': Obama

The agreement was possible because " Americans of different beliefs came together," President Barack Obama said in a late night television address.

He said the cuts would be " painful" but said the White House had managed to protect its priority spending programs from Republicans who had wanted deeper cuts. But he acknowledged that " both sides had to make tough decisions."

The result, said Obama, was " the biggest annual spending cut in history."

The key Republican in the talks, House Speaker John Boehner, said the budget deal would " cut spending and leave our government open." Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner had said his party wanted big budgetary concessions.
Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner had said his party wanted big budgetary concessions. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

" This is historic, what we've done," said the other key man in the talks, the Senate Majority Leader, Democrat Harry Reid.

The House and Senate were to rush through a stopgap bill until a broader bill could be finalized.

The feverish, last-minute negotiations came following a day in which Obama and senior government leaders worked feverishly behind the scenes to get past a budget impasse — even as they traded public barbs blaming each other for the divide.

The two sides spent the day trying to cobble together a deal on how much federal spending to slash, where to cut it and what caveats to attach as part of a bill to fund the government through the fall. A temporary federal spending measure had been set to expire at midnight Friday. If that deadline had been allowed to come and go, the U.S. government would have closed all non-essential federal programs.The Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, led the negotiations for the Democrats.The Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, led the negotiations for the Democrats. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

For a nation eager to trim to federal spending but also weary of Washington bickering, the spending showdown had real implications.

Critics said an unpaid temporary vacation for 800,000 federal workers would have inconvenienced millions of people and damaged a fragile economy.

Face the American people

Both sides will have to answer to their own base if they are perceived to have conceded too much.

Republicans had wanted deeper spending cuts than the Democrats, and had wanted provisions to cut off federal funds to Planned Parenthood and a stop to the Environmental Protection Agency's issuing of many anti-pollution regulations.

In the end, Democrats and the White House were successful in rebuffing Republican attempts to curtail the EPA's reach and they were able to sidetrack Republican demands to deny federal funds to Planned Parenthood.

But anti-abortion lawmakers did succeed in winning a provision to ban the use of federal or local government funds to pay for abortions in the District of Columbia.
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08-Apr-2011 17:23 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Watch the DOW tonight...


cathylmg      ( Date: 08-Apr-2011 17:17) Posted:

Is it possible?

niuyear      ( Date: 08-Apr-2011 17:16) Posted:

Next week,  if there is a sell down,  the reason would be the  europe debt crisis

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08-Apr-2011 17:16 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Next week,  if there is a sell down,  the reason would be the  europe debt crisis.

Isolator      ( Date: 08-Apr-2011 17:01) Posted:

What so excited about the countdown... I am always wrong u know... You are accurate, so dont bother about my call... lol

Salute      ( Date: 08-Apr-2011 16:59) Posted:

for the past week, bon, teeth and alex are very accurate so far..........impressed.

while waiting to see the count down call by isolator.

stay tuned............I a

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08-Apr-2011 15:42 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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I hv friends still holding s-chips, must email them this msg.

niuyear      ( Date: 08-Apr-2011 15:37) Posted:

Tks for your infor!

rotijai      ( Date: 08-Apr-2011 15:25) Posted:

not related to sti but..

Auditors warns on another 3 S-Chips
S-Chips China Fashion Holdings (CFH SP S$0.075 Not Rated) and Jiutian Chemical (JIUC SP S$0.05: Not Rated) auditors warned that their current liabilities exceed current assets, suggesting going concern issues. China Fashion is in negative equity position while Jiutians 2010 loss was widened from Rmb 126m to Rmb 160m due to more impairment losses needed for its property plant and equipment. Auditors of Reyphon (REY SP, S$0.115, Not Rated) have also qualified their opinion on the company.

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08-Apr-2011 15:37 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Tks for your infor!

rotijai      ( Date: 08-Apr-2011 15:25) Posted:

not related to sti but..

Auditors warns on another 3 S-Chips
S-Chips China Fashion Holdings (CFH SP S$0.075 Not Rated) and Jiutian Chemical (JIUC SP S$0.05: Not Rated) auditors warned that their current liabilities exceed current assets, suggesting going concern issues. China Fashion is in negative equity position while Jiutians 2010 loss was widened from Rmb 126m to Rmb 160m due to more impairment losses needed for its property plant and equipment. Auditors of Reyphon (REY SP, S$0.115, Not Rated) have also qualified their opinion on the company.

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08-Apr-2011 15:13 GLD USD   /   Gold & metals       Go to Message
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Gold cheong arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ozone - you still keeping your gold??
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