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Latest Posts By risktaker - Supreme      About risktaker
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20-Jul-2012 14:17 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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Anyone close to raffles place for kopi ....
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20-Jul-2012 14:12 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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Rotijai ..... U there ?
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20-Jul-2012 14:07 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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not many BB  in the market that has the kind of muscle ........ one is Zhou Yu and the other is Cao Cao........

risktaker      ( Date: 20-Jul-2012 14:00) Posted:

for PSL see the closing to confirm its trend.... beware....... but this stock has a history of strong up and strong down.......... at this moment i cant tell the direction...... the BB playing this counter is very strong and smart........

viromics      ( Date: 20-Jul-2012 13:23) Posted:

but seemingly a strong buy at 0.295, should i cut?

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20-Jul-2012 14:00 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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for PSL see the closing to confirm its trend.... beware....... but this stock has a history of strong up and strong down.......... at this moment i cant tell the direction...... the BB playing this counter is very strong and smart........

viromics      ( Date: 20-Jul-2012 13:23) Posted:

but seemingly a strong buy at 0.295, should i cut?

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20-Jul-2012 12:59 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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PSL breaking 0.30 support is not good...... haizzzz...... becareful......
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20-Jul-2012 11:59 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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U made liao?...... Big player has small comm.....  3-5 cents can break even ..... Small retailer usually need 10 cents....... Good luck .......... I am off for lunch............

JUNWEI9756      ( Date: 20-Jul-2012 10:44) Posted:

towkay... 10 cent profit no need minus broker fee ? Then i will zhun zhun buy at 11:00? U might as well say 1 cent also profit.. Haiz... Then what now ?? Hold or sell ?? Me stuck leh..

risktaker      ( Date: 20-Jul-2012 10:09) Posted:

How u lose money ? I say buy at 11.00 .... Now is 11.15 lol ....

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20-Jul-2012 11:55 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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Be cautious with Gsh..... Even though its by Sam and he may inject assets..... this stock has a big float.... so at this price is over valued.......

rambo6      ( Date: 20-Jul-2012 11:38) Posted:

Hi RT, may I know you take on GSH Holdings? I bought some at 95cents. Should I sell?

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20-Jul-2012 11:40 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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buddy business is slowing down..... u think downturn wont hit them ? ...... becareful.... really..... too hopeful will kill .....

dingbat      ( Date: 20-Jul-2012 11:07) Posted:

Thanks. It's not  a small loss though. From what I've read, many of the shareholders plan to hold out since they have faith in the stock which seems to be  faring respectably  considering the economic downturn. We'll see.

risktaker      ( Date: 19-Jul-2012 22:36) Posted:

My suggestion accept this offer ..... It's main bulk of business is in US ..... Given its current economy condition in US .... It's unlikely the business will turn around in near terms .... Bite the bullet and move on to other counter ..... Even though the value they offer is a discount.... Take it ...

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20-Jul-2012 11:38 Keppel   /   keppel Corp       Go to Message
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go listen to this song..... this song will tell u buy or sell :)
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20-Jul-2012 10:49 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Ok later .... Will go up again ....

JUNWEI9756      ( Date: 20-Jul-2012 10:44) Posted:

towkay... 10 cent profit no need minus broker fee ? Then i will zhun zhun buy at 11:00? U might as well say 1 cent also profit.. Haiz... Then what now ?? Hold or sell ?? Me stuck leh..

risktaker      ( Date: 20-Jul-2012 10:09) Posted:

How u lose money ? I say buy at 11.00 .... Now is 11.15 lol ....

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20-Jul-2012 10:30 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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Traders are shorting because funds are selling ..... Doest look good .... May break 1.20 this time ....

Smokey      ( Date: 20-Jul-2012 10:23) Posted:

Boss any thought on Sakari? Thanks!

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20-Jul-2012 10:09 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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How u lose money ? I say buy at 11.00 .... Now is 11.15 lol ....

JUNWEI9756      ( Date: 20-Jul-2012 09:37) Posted:

lost money leh... hello..

ur trick wont work anymore.. buying days before result announcement... expect a push up..


risktaker      ( Date: 18-Jul-2012 14:43) Posted:

我 在 买 kepcorp. 快 来 买

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20-Jul-2012 08:45 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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Don't worry it's Friday :) .... Take a break if ur over trade ....
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20-Jul-2012 07:58 IPO   /   IHH - Former Parkway - Healthcare Stock       Go to Message
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We apply for 10 million in total give us 60,000 shares ... A High profile counter will run ..... Anyone wanna do a married deal ? For 1 million shares ?
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20-Jul-2012 07:47 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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Lol ... If I am trying to show ... I would already post what I did this week ...... U can say I am naughty but not show off ..... Just wanted to piss some people cos I think it's fun ..... )

jj8899      ( Date: 20-Jul-2012 00:45) Posted:

so show off... trader need to be humble..

risktaker      ( Date: 20-Jul-2012 00:43) Posted:

Ehhhhh how come Dow is up ? :

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20-Jul-2012 07:37 NeraTel   /   Loss of my favourite dividend child - Nera Telecom       Go to Message
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Read this .... Will help u a little....

h.y.o.m      ( Date: 16-Feb-2012 10:20) Posted:

I have vested interest in Nera Telecom. I wrote an article on it after learning that ST Electronics is buying over for a price which is too low.

I like to own companies that pay good dividends. I view them as my children. These children pay me annual allowance for my living expenses.

The best children are those with growing income and pay me a reasonable percentage of their income as dividends. This percentage should not be so high until their own growth is stunted because they are not reinvesting enough of their profits back into the business. This percentage should also not be so low until I have problems paying for my living expenses. No parents like children who are stingy with their allowance despite earning fat salaries. A fast-growing income means that the children can afford to pay me rising, comfortable allowance without holding back their own wealth accumulation or even putting themselves into hardship. These are the best sort of companies to buy for dividends. They are very hard to find but if you can find them, they will not only deliver consistent dividends but good capital gains as well.

I do not like children who pay me generous allowance when times are good and ask for the money back (and more) from Papa when bad times hit. These children share a common name. Not all of them behaved this way but quite a number of them did in the credit crisis of 2008. The name of these children is REIT. I forgave them because the law stipulates that they have to pay at least 90% of their income as dividends which means they may not have enough internal cash to put back into the business. It is not their fault but this defining characteristic means the sustainability of dividends paid by REITs is questionable. I will consider buying REITs on a depressed basis when bad times hit and after they have raised money from other people.

One of my favourite child is Nera Telecommunications. Although this child does not enjoy growing profits, it has been able to pay out very generous dividends because of its strong, consistent cashflow. See the table below to judge how filial this child has been to me for the past 8 years.

Cannot publish table here. See table at link below

For the past 8 years, Nera Telecommunications have been paying dividends with yields ranging from 7.65% to 47.37% (yes it's 47%, no typo error). On a growth basis, NeraTel is not impressive. In fact, the book value has been sliding down since 2003. Its earnings has been quite flat over the years too with earnings per share hovering at around 3cts per share. PE ratio is not impressive at an average of 17 for the past 4 years. So, one way to interpret this is that NeraTel has been sacrificing growth to pay generous dividends to its shareholders. So shareholder-friendly. Such a filial child.

A good question to ask at this point is whether the dividends are sustainable. Since dividends are paid from hard cash and not accounting profits, it is better to look to the cashflow statement rather than the income statement for the answer. NeraTel's operating cashflow grew 15% in 2010, 16% in 2009 and a whooping 80% in 2008. The absolute amount of the operating cashflow is comfortable enough to cover the generous dividends. Based on the cashflow numbers, there is good reason to believe that the generous dividends are sustainable in the years ahead. There must be something about the business being a cash gusher that enables it to have a consistent track record of paying generous dividends for 8 years throughout good and bad times.

On 10 Feb 2012, ST Electronics made an announcement to buy my favorite child away. The price offered is $0.45 cents per share. The actual price paid by the Acquiror is only $0.39 excluding 6cts of dividends that will be paid by NeraTel.

Is the offered price $0.39 too cheap? If the worth of a company is the sum of its future cashflows, then NeraTel is surely worth more than $0.39 based on its strong, consistent, stable dividends in the past decade. In fact, the dividends that NeraTel paid in the past 7 years alone already exceeds $0.39 which is the offered price today. ( I hope any potential acquirer will take note of this point) Now, ST Electronics wants to pay only $0.39 to swallow up all the future dividends for decades to come.

This cheap $0.39 offer comes at a time when the no-growth baby is starting to show some growth after expanding their Telecom business to new markets in Middle East and North Africa. In the latest announcement for FY2011, NeraTel net profits grew 23.9% and increased its already high dividends by 50% to 6cts per share.

Some may ask, if NeraTel is really worth that much, why is its biggest shareholder Eltek selling it so cheap? The answer is found in their balance sheet for FY2010. Eltek has NOK600m debt versus NOK6.8m cash. With the ongoing European sovereign crisis, it is not surprising Eltek is hard up for cash and has to sell its assets cheap to raise cash.

It is very hard for me to find a better child than NeraTel. Nera Telecom has been a good child to many minority shareholders. Don't insult me with a cheap price tag. I will vote no! How about the rest? What say you?

Disclosure: This post has been written with vested interest.


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20-Jul-2012 07:29 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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I am just trying to prevent people to simply go listen some stupid calls to short Dow yesterday night ...... Because those people maybe using u to cover their position ......
It depends on how u want to understand my post ...... I know I will often offended some other BBs when I can see thru thier plan ...... And warn people against it ..... I do not wished any return ..... Because I think what goes around comes around .......

risktaker      ( Date: 19-Jul-2012 13:17) Posted:

Tested today.... Still feel the strength bull going on..... STI may test 3100 next week ..... Profit taking may kick in early August or late next week .....

Noble is quite weak ..... STI has been surging but stock has not been moving up .... Personal view unless global economy turn around .... Upside will be cap at 1.20 ..... It's not a good stock to trade if u have spare cash u can prob try half of ur cash at 1.06-1.09 level ..... The near term catalyst will be its financial report ...... Good luck ......

Smokey      ( Date: 19-Jul-2012 13:07) Posted:

Im currently holding Noble and possible looking to expand my portfolio. any thoughts on the market tomorrow

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20-Jul-2012 00:43 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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Ehhhhh how come Dow is up ? :)

risktaker      ( Date: 19-Jul-2012 22:43) Posted:

Long dow ..... )

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19-Jul-2012 22:43 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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Long dow ..... )
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19-Jul-2012 22:36 Others   /   Risktaker forecast       Go to Message
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My suggestion accept this offer ..... It's main bulk of business is in US ..... Given its current economy condition in US .... It's unlikely the business will turn around in near terms .... Bite the bullet and move on to other counter ..... Even though the value they offer is a discount.... Take it ....

dingbat      ( Date: 19-Jul-2012 18:32) Posted:

Question for the sage:

My elderly father bought K1 some years back at 18cents under some ill advice. This counter has skidded down one slippery slope since and just recently he received notice of  the company's  re-acquisition notice at 13.5 cents which  everyone knows  is grossly under-valued. Please advise what avenues are open to him. I'm sure many novices out here can learn from your pearls of wisdom.

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