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09-Jan-2010 09:40 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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Before You buy the company share , you must study the company product and how the product can do.

this help you to understand .

singaporean only during chinese new year eat abalone
while in china and taiwan this is they lunch set..

Next week when bule -chip down properites down ,S-chip will  be they show time fiy

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08-Jan-2010 22:02 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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Age and growth of abalone

The growth in the shellfish abalone family belongs to the type of relatively slow. From the fertilized eggs begin to commodity specifications 6-8 cm long it usually takes 1-4 years or even longer. To our wrinkles abalone, for example, approximately the past 3-year growth to reach 7 cm or so. abalone growth rate of growth decline with age. abalone shell during the growth process will leave a similar tree-ring growth patterns. the growth pattern of the apparent or not, with their environment season and feeding bait in the categories. In the fast-growing season, the growth pattern evident from the wide; in slow-growing season, on the contrary, the growth of grain density, short distance. Sometimes the positive from the abalone shell is not easy to direct the growth of grain to determine its exact age. We can be attached to the shell surface of miscellaneous algae cleaned lime insects and other items, will see the abalone shell electric lighting perspective of their growth rings


Classification of abalone

Abalone to process forms a "dry abalone" and "fresh abalone" to the other; "dry abalone" was divided into "light dried" and "salty dried" two; taste "dry abalone" to "light dried" as well is to require its quality, heads Thick, plump and succulent juice of the sweet fragrance; and taste "fresh abalone," then the emphasis on the fresh abalone, andDeliciousThe meat, in May of each year the most luxuriant, and in a more lean meat, 10,11 month.

"Dry abalone" cooking generally takes longer to use the top of refined taste soup simmer again, so that "dry abalone" can fully absorb the flavor of other materials, so full-bodied flavor, sweet, succulent Gan; the original only "dry abalone" in Need for more emphasis on large, meat-feng and the "candy heart."

"Fresh abalone" in cooking is different, it was very particular about the furnace of the grasp of the furnace is not taste fishy, fire the meat tough changes made hard; therefore, attaches great importance to abalone seasoning well, shades of the appropriate, or abalone its own flavor is get out of.

The level of abalone by the "head" a few dollars, every Sima jin (commonly known as Hong Kong scales, about 655 grams) of "2" "3," 5 "" 10 "" 20, "ranging from the" head " The fewer the number of the more expensive price; the so-called "Money can not buy two abalone." currentlyNet BaoThe first few at least, the Kyrgyz goods abalone ranked second, Wo Ma smallest, the first few are up to; 2 Wo Ma and Kat goods has become a rare species, have been the same as if the antique treasures.

Abalone species are more about the world's many varieties, also known as "Big Bao" "abalone snails" in ancient times called "sea ear" or "abalone fish", with its Latin name can be translated as "sea ear", English name can be translated as "ear shell." Made mostly concentrated in theAustralia,Japan,Mexico,Canada,Korea,South Africa,New Zealand,South KoreaAnd ChinaDalian,Taiwan,Fujian,Shanwei,ZhanjiangAnd other countries and regions near the sea; more "native abalone" and "cultured abalone" parts. Of course, "home-grown abalone" in meat quality and taste are more "cultured abalone," is much more delicious.

Identification of the quality of abalone

Dried abalone, to texture, dry, oval of the ingot tablet form, the edge of a flower with a ring, the middle protrusion, body integrity, no impurities, unleavened by the top grade. Available on the market in purple abalone abalone, Ming BAO, gray three kinds of dried abalone, in which the individual large purple abalone, was purple, with bright, good quality, Ming BAO individual large, color yellow, the quality is better, Gray Powell individual small, color dark gray, quality time. In fact the astaxanthin content,AstaxanthinShowed high levels of the purple, astaxanthin content is low then the yellow, the oxidation of astaxanthin is grayed[2]. Astaxanthin content and its nutritional value is related to activity of astaxanthin content of the higher nutritional value, the higher.


Abalone Nutritional Analysis

1. Abalone are rich in protein, also has more calcium, iron, iodine and vitamin A and other nutritional elements;

2. Abalone high nutritional value, rich in the rich globulin; abalone meat also contains a known as "Bao Su," the ingredients that can damage cells necessary for the metabolism of substances;

3. Abalone can be Yin, Pinggan, Gu Shen, adjust the adrenal glands, with two-way role in regulating blood pressure;

4. Abalone have Tiaojing, Runzao Lee intestinal effect, can cure irregular menstruation, constipation and other diseases;

5. Abalone with Ziyin yang effect, and is a complement rather than dry seafood, there is no pain after eating, nosebleeds and other side effects, eat it anyway.

6, abalone nutrition than the Australian walnut 7 times


Cooking abalone

Fresh abalone shall live abalone. This fresh abalone, using brushes scrub their shells, will be dug Whole abalone meat, cut out the middle with the surrounding hard body to be attached to the mucus crude salt in clean water. Treatment of live abalone in a clean, generally without deliberately cooking, you can enjoy excellent flavor, of which "Sashimi"Health and eat more common, there are Whole char-grilled and boiled style of cooking.


☆ dried abalone


Fresh abalone is dried after being produced by the seasoned dry abalone, seafood had quite expensive ingredients Among them, JapanAomoriThe net Bao best quality.


Whole dried to casserole slow simmer for ways to cook, in order to preserve its delicious flavor, so the process of cooking than other types of complex, far more needs technology. The basic approach are:


1. On the night before soak in cold water.


2. The next day remove the abalone, dried abalone will be surrounded by scrub clean, otherwise it will affect the taste and quality of abalone.


3. Wash off after being flooded abalone, place steamer Steam over high heat within 10 hours.


4. In casserole add the abalone, the old hens, pigs small row, raw materials such as lard and sugar, simmer 10 hours (can also use the steamer or electric cooker steam, but the casserole with thermal insulation function and therefore the best results).


5. Removed after slow stew, add juice, oyster sauce, the whole slow-burning stars, you can enjoy delicious abalone taste great. The size of dried usually catty the "first number" to calculate, such as the nine head, it means that there are nine abalone catty, so the first few smaller, on behalf of each abalone larger, the price is also more expensive.


Dried in the purchase, they can carefully observe the shape, choose a complete shape, plump flesh, the normal shape and color of those who dressed better quality. Buy dried home, first in sequence to plastic bags, newspapers and a complete package sealed plastic bag placed in the freezer, as long as not too damp, which can store about six months to a year.


☆ frozen abalone


Frozen abalone can be purchased in local supermarkets to buy back later in the need to be stored in the freezer, and after not capable of freezing ice immediately after removal from the freezer should be used when the meal is completed, otherwise it would be the loss of flavor, taste is not into the abalone's delicious. Frozen abalone how to cook it? First thaw, and then scrub it clean with a knife surface in tapping both sides of abalone meat, so meat naturally soft, add protein, wine and other seasonings mixed with salt, after, you can stir-fry, or boiled and so on, taste very good, if the cooking Kungfu correctly, the system can also be baked approach.


☆ canned abalone


Canned abalone is the most commonly used types of abalone, in addition to quality, not bad things, time-saving convenience is its greatest advantage, it is in open cans, it can be placed in the mouth, or cooking. Since cook canned abalone would get the older, so do not cook when cooked a long time. Recommended that canned into hot water. Should pay attention to the purchase of its date of manufacture and should be consumed within the shelf-life. After the soup cans do not completely drained, as if there is no one food is completed, can be immersed in the broth in the abalone, and sealed tight and placed in cold storage preservation, can be avoided with abalone meat dry, aging, loss of the original taste. However, the best preserved of time should not exceed 5 days.


[Edit this paragraph]


The practice of abalone




Steamed Abalone









Materials〕〔200 grams of fresh abalone about 5 grams of salt, cooking wine 10 grams, shallot 10 grams, MSG 2 grams, ginger 30 grams, 20 grams of vinegar, pepper 5 grams, 15 grams of soy sauce, sesame oil 5 grams.


〔1〕 practice. Ji, on both sides of the abalone oblique straight knife, cut from the middle; 2. Wash onion ginger, spring onions cut into strips, ginger and half of the mince, the other half slice; 3. Will be put abalone dish, add cooking wine, monosodium glutamate , soup, 100 ml, onion article, ginger, pepper and salt, on the steam tray; 4. steaming about 10 minutes out, picked onions, ginger, pepper; 5. bowl by adding vinegar, soy sauce, ginger, sesame oil and turned into ginger juice; 6. eat, it will be ginger with abalone along the table, eating ginger dip




Braised abalone









Method 1:


Materials〕〔Bao dried purple, old hen, net ham,Scallops, Grilled shark's fin soup, dried scallop soup, sugar, salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, starch, chicken oil, etc..


〔〕 Approach to dry water-emptive good purple bow, add chicken, ham, scallops, Braised lit 3 hours, it will remove the abalone, the original Tang Guo Luo standby; Ji will be spent on abalone knife, then cut into half-centimeter-thick oblique on-chip; to the original 100 grams Braised abalone shark fin soup and kao soup, dried scallop soup into the ears with the pot, after boiling into the abalone slices rolling boil for 10 minutes, add sugar, salt, soy sauce, cooking wine and other spices, with starch tune into the gravy, add a little chicken oil pan before.


Method 2:


Materials〕〔live abalone; old chicken, Lao Ya, spine, ham, onions, ginger; spices: abalone sauce, soup, seasoning sauce, chicken powder and oil source, salt, chicken oil, wet starch.


〔〕 Approach to the slaughter of live abalone viscera, leaving the meat using a toothbrush to brush clean, clean, take casserole bottom of the pad chicken, duck bone soup plus, the above will deal with the clean water you have not seen put abalone abalone prevail in the fire opened, simmer 8-9 hours over low heat can be baked thoroughly tasty abalone transfer to a plate; the other clean wok with soup, add spices, fine-tune the taste and color, thicken with starch mecamylamine oil poured on the cooker is a good abalone Serve.


Method 3:


Abalone 4〕 〔materials (weighing about 750 grams), amount of broccoli. On the soup, salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, sesame oil, rice wine, the amount of wet starch.


〔〕 Practice home fire pan, pour the soup, add salt, soy sauce, rice wine, the next burning tasty abalone, and then hook the wet starch thin qian, pending resumption juice MSG, sesame oil, and absorbed clean wok, transfer to a plate, the West Orchids can be decorated on the plate edges.




Abalone soup









Materials〕〔250 grams of canned abalone, cooked ham 15 grams, 15 grams of fresh mushrooms cylinder, pea sprouts 15 grams, 10 grams of salt, cooking wine 15 grams, 3 grams MSG and chicken broth 800 grams,


〔〕 Practice (1) abalone knife to cut into oblique films. Cut thin slice fresh mushrooms. Cooked ham cut into small pieces like the eyes. Pea sprouts leaves left, to the root, wash. (2) 300 grams of chicken broth into the Chao Shao stir boiling, the cooked ham, fresh mushrooms films, abalone chips and pea sprouts are fully cooked fish out the next spoon, into the 10 soup, the spoon in the soup, such as not to can be drained. (3) the remaining 500 grams of chicken soup into the spoon get angry, and added salt, MSG, cooking wine tune good taste, skim floating foam, Sheng into 10 small soup bowl in the Serve.




Abalone Porridge









Materials〕〔abalone 1 / 2, 3 ginger, green onions 2, chicken 4 2, Flammulina 2 2, shiitake mushrooms, 1, celery 2, m 1 / 2 cup water 4 cups, salt 1 / 4 tablespoon dried fish and MSG 2 tsp white pepper 2 tsp sesame oil 2 tsp


〔〕 Practice (1) abalone washed into清水中浸泡about 1 day (can be placed in cold storage), then add material (2) Tongzhu, boiling, after boiling down Gaixiao fire about 2 ~ 3 hours, until abalone flame and then soaked to soften after a half-day and finally remove the abalone slices cut back. (3) material washed, chicken slices, Flammulina cut into sections, mushroom slices, celery, mince spare. (4) Wash rice by adding 4 cups of water, first to fire after boiling Gaixiao fire boiling down, this time adding abalone pieces and continue cooking chicken pieces for about 30 minutes, then add Flammulina velutipes, mushrooms, celery at the end with all the seasonings can be cooked and mix well.




Abalone Salad









Taste: light, refreshing


Raw Materials: New Zealand Blue Abalone


Production process:


1, with peeled orange slices and white soy sauce, Japanese rice wine, Japanese mirin, rice wine vinegar and fresh ginger make decorative dishes.


2, the abalone bake 10 seconds on each side.


3, everyone had struck the other ingredients and use spices a little embellishment.




Abalone Mushroom Chicken Soup






1. Crushed abalone pieces


2. The old chicken and a half only (can be peeled first butcher shop please go to oil), or bamboo bamboo can also be (a lot of gum)


3. Jiduo mushrooms


4. Ginger a little


5. Pinch of salt




1. Abalone clean sheet (no foam)


2. Shiitake mushrooms soaked until soft


3. The old chicken Wash boil for a short hot look


4., And another pot of water, until the whole material will be placed in the water to boil until the water is boiling and then turn the small Simmer 3 to 4 hours, until soft and tasty abalone pieces


5. On the table can be re-salt.



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08-Jan-2010 21:55 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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  • 鲍鱼海鲜焗饭

  • http://www.57575777.com/AESH10017604/detail.aspx

    歐聖與阿一鮑魚合資成立的阿一天下,在中國已有 18間分店,明年在中國的規模至少倍增至36家,2010年 3月也將在台開設第1家分店,黃子耀評估,台灣的餐飲 市場最少也可開10多家分店;等歐聖集團發展到一定的 規模後,肯定將會把阿一天下這間公司拉出來獨立上市 ,優先考慮在台灣或是香港上市,但目前比較偏向台灣 。

    黃子耀表示,歐聖集團在銷售和利潤方面,保守估 計每年都會有30%的成長,目前的本益比大概是訂價的9 倍多,所以歐聖未來成長的空間很大;在台灣投資人的 帶動下,發行TDR訂價與新加坡原股價格相比,從溢價7 .71%轉到折價7.8%。

    黃子耀分析,歐聖集團的鮑魚經營版圖有3部分, 分別是生產、加工與零售,意圖做一個價值鏈的生意, 並強調從事鮑魚生產,必須掌握最低的成本加上規模, 才能成為全球最大;生產鮑魚的毛利是70-80%,1斤鮑 魚的成本不到30元人民幣,雖然加工的毛利不會高大約 是30%,但是進軍加工業後,歐聖才能控制鮑魚產業。


    Good Post  Bad Post 
    08-Jan-2010 15:55 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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     请耐心等待 up wave to come 
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    08-Jan-2010 14:46 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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    Taiwan Market close at 11.50 =S$0.50

    if tonigh us report is good Next week monday (  12- 12.30 )

    910579歐聖 走勢圖 成交明細 技術分析 新聞 基本資料 籌碼分析
    資料日期: 99/01/08 910579 歐聖 成 交 明 細 列出前五十筆成交明細
    時 間 買 進 賣 出 成 交 價 漲 跌 單 量(張)
    13:30:13 11.45 11.50 11.50 △0.50 304
    13:24:19 11.50 11.55 11.50 △0.50 9
    13:23:53 11.50 11.55 11.50 △0.50 2
    13:23:28 11.50 11.55 11.55 △0.55 1
    13:22:09 11.50 11.55 11.55 △0.55 6
    13:21:48 11.50 11.55 11.55 △0.55 1
    13:20:56 11.50 11.55 11.55 △0.55 13
    13:20:29 11.50 11.55 11.55 △0.55 14
    13:19:41 11.50 11.55 11.55 △0.55 3
    13:19:12 11.50 11.55 11.55 △0.55 4
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    08-Jan-2010 11:35 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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    Taiwan market up up up


    910579歐聖 走勢圖 成交明細 技術分析 新聞 基本資料 籌碼分析
    資料日期: 99/01/08 910579 歐聖 成 交 明 細 列出前五十筆成交明細
    時 間 買 進 賣 出 成 交 價 漲 跌 單 量(張)
    11:35:04 11.50 11.55 11.50 △0.50 60
    11:34:42 11.50 11.55 11.50 △0.50 23
    11:34:14 11.45 11.50 11.50 △0.50 4
    11:33:53 11.50 11.55 11.55 △0.55 20
    11:33:29 11.50 11.55 11.50 △0.50 50
    11:32:59 11.50 11.55 11.55 △0.55 5
    11:32:34 11.50 11.55 11.50 △0.50 10
    11:32:15 11.50 11.55 11.50 △0.50 40
    11:31:47 11.50 11.55 11.50 △0.50 9
    11:31:21 11.45 11.50 11.50 △0.50 50
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    08-Jan-2010 10:01 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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    Today Taiwan market still up up up ( 11.75 -11. 30) $11.50 =S$0.50


    910579歐聖 走勢圖 成交明細 技術分析 新聞 基本資料 籌碼分析
    資料日期: 99/01/08 910579 歐聖 成 交 明 細 列出前五十筆成交明細
    時 間 買 進 賣 出 成 交 價 漲 跌 單 量(張)
    09:57:43 11.45 11.50 11.50 △0.50 77
    09:57:16 11.50 11.55 11.50 △0.50 2
    09:56:48 11.50 11.55 11.50 △0.50 3
    09:56:28 11.50 11.55 11.55 △0.55 11
    09:56:01 11.50 11.55 11.55 △0.55 7
    09:55:09 11.50 11.55 11.50 △0.50 89
    09:53:56 11.45 11.50 11.50 △0.50 12
    09:53:31 11.45 11.50 11.45 △0.45 5
    09:53:05 11.45 11.50 11.45 △0.45 7
    09:52:41 11.40 11.45 11.45 △0.45 26

    本 日 量 價 變 化 圖
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    07-Jan-2010 22:38 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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    Any News on this Dual Listing in hong kong ?

    Good Post  Bad Post 
    07-Jan-2010 22:34 Z-Obee   /   LISTING IN HONG HONG       Go to Message
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    Look like  interest had go water dual Listing stock

    Good Post  Bad Post 
    07-Jan-2010 22:25 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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    BREAKING NEWS: Epure seeking dual listing in HK

    EPURE INTERNATIONAL this morning announced a plan for a dual primary listing on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. It is the first Singapore-listed water-related business to do so.

    The rationale given is the usual one: the dual listing will
    provide the company with an additional channel to raise capital for its future business expansion, etc.

    EPURE (82.5 ct)  

    52-week Hi/Lo

    Dividend yield 0.93%
    PE ratio 22
    Net Asset Value 23.2 c
    Unlike many a S-chip trading at undery 8X PE, Epure can't be unhappy with the PE valuation it is getting in Singapore currently: Its stock trades at about 22X its 2008 earnings.

    Epure (market cap: S$1 billionprovides water and wastewater treatment solutions in China. It is involved in engineering, procurement, construction and equipment fabrication.

    It said it
    has appointed Morgan Stanley Asia Limited as the sole sponsor to the proposed HK listing and the sole global coordinator for the Global Offering.

    9 months ended Sept 09 (RMB ‘000)

    % increase/


    961,799 26.9
    Gross profit 295,299 12.7
    Profit before income tax 215,058 0.2
    Profit after income tax 212,018 16.3

    Attributable to equity holders

    212,018 16.3

    Epure proposes to allot and issue up to 430,000,000 New Shares. The issue price will be determined by the Company and Morgan Stanley.

    The net proceeds are currently proposed for the following:  

    (i) approximately 55% of net proceeds – for build-operate-transfer projects and other investment projects which the Company may identify in the future;  

    (ii) approximately 20% – for R&D, upgrading the existing manufacturing facility and/or setting up of new manufacturing facility;

    (iii) approximately 10% - debt repayment;  

    (iv) approximately 10% -  for general corporate and working capital purposes; and  

    (v) approximately 5% - for sales and marketing activities.

    What Allen Jiao, analyst, UOB Kay Hian, said this morning:

    Although HK-listed water treatment companies are trading at discount to their Singapore-listed peers, we believe the proposed dual listing of Epure will still trigger a re-rating for the company after the successful debut of China XLX (CXLX SP, 1866 HK) in HKSE recently.

    ”We remain positive on Epure due to its leadership position in the domestic water treatment sector, as well as its successful penetration into the global market. Maintain BUY with a target price of S$1.08 based on the peers' average of 22x 2010 PE.”


    highlighted that the proposed HK listing will involve fairly extensive preparatory work over an uncertain time frame.

    In addition, the listing is subject to, among others, the approval of SEHK and relevant authorities and the approval of the Shareholders at an extraordinary general meeting.

    When the market opens in a few hours, trading of Epure stock (which was halted yesterday afternoon) is likely to be active.

    Spillover interest could be seen in other water stocks such as United Envirotech, Sinomem Technology, Hyflux and Asia Environment.

    In December, CIMB-GK Securities rated Hyflux, Epure and Sinomem Technology “outperform” with target prices of $4.02, $0.88 and $1.20, respectively
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    07-Jan-2010 22:14 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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    Spillover interest  the Dual Listing in  Hong kong

    1.) Epure International  $ 0.60 went  up to $0.90 close at $0.875 ==> price too high

    other water stocks such as United Envirotech, close  at 0.325  ( history price 0.19 - 0.525 )

     Sinomem Technology close at 0.605 ( history price 0.47 - 0.73 )

    , Hyflux ( sin) price too high  and Asia Environment close at 0.305  ( history price  0.24 - 0.37 ) Low Volume
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    07-Jan-2010 16:42 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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    S'pore Market is down , but some of the   S-chip  is up and up  UP

    1.) CHINA FISHERY   1.56+ 0.14

    2.) COSCO CORP   1.30 + 0.04

    3.) YANGZIJIANG 1.25  + 0.03

    4.) MIDAS  1.010 + 0.025

    5.) SINOMEM TECH 0.615 + 0.035

    Good Post  Bad Post 
    07-Jan-2010 16:10 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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    Asia Market is down  today

    +1.66 +0.02%
    0.00 0.00%
    0.00 0.00%
    0.00 0.00%
    -49.79 -0.46%
    -90.20 -1.08%
    -20.42 -0.70%
    -1.37 -0.19%
    +37.85 +1.25%
    -27.20 -1.04%
    Kuala Lumpur
    0.00 0.00%


    reply to Cross_Stitch .


    if you already hold it , then wait for the up wave to come Next weeks. currently s'pore is over sell  for this baby.

    Luck good

    Good Post  Bad Post 
    07-Jan-2010 15:55 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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    Taiwan Market closing at S11 =S$ 0.48

    Currently the Mr. Market  over S'pore is doing some selling ( due to pass two week over bought)

    S'pore Oceanus  hold  S$0.405 - 0.42  are looking at Taiwan Market Tomorrow.



    910579歐聖 走勢圖 成交明細 技術分析 新聞 基本資料 籌碼分析
    資料日期: 99/01/07 910579 歐聖 成 交 明 細 列出前五十筆成交明細
    時 間 買 進 賣 出 成 交 價 漲 跌 單 量(張)
    14:30:00 11.00 11.05 11.00  - 573
    13:24:41 11.10 11.15 11.10 △0.10 28
    13:23:51 11.05 11.10 11.10 △0.10 2
    13:23:00 11.05 11.15 11.10 △0.10 2
    13:22:34 11.10 11.20 11.20 △0.20 5
    13:22:09 11.10 11.15 11.15 △0.15 1
    13:21:47 11.10 11.15 11.10 △0.10 11
    13:21:21 11.10 11.15 11.10 △0.10 1
    13:20:56 11.10 11.15 11.10 △0.10 34
    13:20:04 11.05 11.10 11.05 △0.05 3
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    07-Jan-2010 11:53 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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    910579歐聖 走勢圖 成交明細 技術分析 新聞 基本資料 籌碼分析
    資料日期: 99/01/07 910579 歐聖 成 交 明 細 列出前五十筆成交明細
    時 間 買 進 賣 出 成 交 價 漲 跌 單 量(張)
    11:52:30 11.30 11.35 11.30 △0.30 7
    11:51:46 11.30 11.35 11.30 △0.30 3
    11:50:56 11.30 11.35 11.35 △0.35 32
    11:50:29 11.30 11.35 11.30 △0.30 7
    11:50:03 11.30 11.35 11.30 △0.30 5
    11:49:37 11.30 11.35 11.35 △0.35 5
    11:49:15 11.30 11.35 11.30 △0.30 1
    11:48:51 11.30 11.35 11.30 △0.30 1
    11:48:24 11.30 11.35 11.30 △0.30 50
    11:48:02 11.30 11.35 11.30 △0.30 55
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    07-Jan-2010 11:05 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
    x 0
    x 0

    Taiwan Market is up up up

    910579歐聖 走勢圖 成交明細 技術分析 新聞 基本資料 籌碼分析
    資料日期: 99/01/07 910579 歐聖 成 交 明 細 列出前五十筆成交明細
    時 間 買 進 賣 出 成 交 價 漲 跌 單 量(張)
    11:03:21 11.25 11.30 11.30 △0.30 16
    11:02:57 11.25 11.30 11.30 △0.30 1
    11:02:32 11.25 11.30 11.30 △0.30 10
    11:02:10 11.25 11.30 11.30 △0.30 10
    11:01:21 11.25 11.30 11.25 △0.25 2
    11:00:54 11.25 11.30 11.25 △0.25 2
    11:00:30 11.25 11.30 11.25 △0.25 101
    10:59:15 11.25 11.30 11.30 △0.30 2
    10:58:51 11.25 11.30 11.25 △0.25 111
    10:58:03 11.25 11.30 11.30 △0.30 30
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    07-Jan-2010 10:47 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
    x 0
    x 0

    up up up

    走勢圖 成交明細 技術分析 新聞 基本資料 籌碼分析
    資料日期: 99/01/07 910579 歐聖 成 交 明 細 列出前五十筆成交明細
    時 間 買 進 賣 出 成 交 價 漲 跌 單 量(張)
    10:45:28 11.20 11.25 11.25 △0.25 8
    10:45:04 11.20 11.25 11.25 △0.25 5
    10:44:40 11.20 11.25 11.20 △0.20 49
    10:44:13 11.15 11.20 11.20 △0.20 50
    10:42:11 11.15 11.20 11.20 △0.20 29
    10:41:16 11.20 11.25 11.20 △0.20 18
    10:40:32 11.15 11.20 11.20 △0.20 1
    10:40:03 11.15 11.20 11.20 △0.20 60
    10:38:21 11.15 11.20 11.20 △0.20 6
    10:37:08 11.15 11.20 11.20 △0.20 40
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    07-Jan-2010 10:27 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
    x 0
    x 0

    Taiwan market still up $11.20  = S$0.485

    910579歐聖 走勢圖 成交明細 技術分析 新聞 基本資料 籌碼分析
    資料日期: 99/01/07 910579 歐聖 成 交 明 細 列出前五十筆成交明細
    時 間 買 進 賣 出 成 交 價 漲 跌 單 量(張)
    10:25:30 11.15 11.20 11.15 △0.15 12
    10:25:05 11.10 11.15 11.15 △0.15 5
    10:24:40 11.10 11.15 11.15 △0.15 5
    10:24:15 11.05 11.10 11.10 △0.10 2
    10:23:50 11.05 11.10 11.10 △0.10 3
    10:23:26 11.00 11.10 11.00  - 112
    10:23:00 10.95 11.00 11.00  - 82
    10:22:35 10.95 11.00 11.00  - 4
    10:22:09 10.95 11.00 11.00  - 5
    10:21:45 10.95 11.15 11.00  - 41
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    07-Jan-2010 09:26 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
    x 0
    x 0

    Taiwan Market at $11.50 = S$ 0.50

    910579歐聖 走勢圖 成交明細 技術分析 新聞 基本資料 籌碼分析
    資料日期: 99/01/07 910579 歐聖 成 交 明 細 列出前五十筆成交明細
    時 間 買 進 賣 出 成 交 價 漲 跌 單 量(張)
    09:25:35 11.45 11.50 11.50 △0.50 525
    09:25:06 11.45 11.50 11.45 △0.45 21
    09:24:40 11.45 11.50 11.50 △0.50 506
    09:24:20 11.45 11.50 11.45 △0.45 20
    09:23:49 11.40 11.45 11.45 △0.45 100
    09:23:25 11.40 11.45 11.40 △0.40 149
    09:23:03 11.35 11.40 11.40 △0.40 88
    09:22:36 11.35 11.40 11.35 △0.35 51
    09:21:52 11.35 11.40 11.35 △0.35 244
    09:21:21 11.30 11.35 11.35 △0.35 63
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    07-Jan-2010 09:12 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
    x 0
    x 0

    up and up up again 11.35 = S$ .0.495

    910579歐聖 走勢圖 成交明細 技術分析 新聞 基本資料 籌碼分析
    資料日期: 99/01/07 910579 歐聖 成 交 明 細 列出前五十筆成交明細
    時 間 買 進 賣 出 成 交 價 漲 跌 單 量(張)
    09:10:34 11.30 11.35 11.35 △0.35 78
    09:10:06 11.30 11.35 11.30 △0.30 533
    09:09:43 11.30 11.35 11.30 △0.30 98
    09:09:19 11.25 11.35 11.30 △0.30 65
    09:08:53 11.25 11.30 11.30 △0.30 10
    09:08:26 11.25 11.30 11.25 △0.25 318
    09:08:00 11.20 11.25 11.25 △0.25 330
    09:07:36 11.20 11.25 11.25 △0.25 404
    09:06:48 11.20 11.25 11.20 △0.20 63
    09:06:23 11.20 11.25 11.25 △0.25 135
    Good Post  Bad Post 
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