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05-May-2011 12:52 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Ok lar,  use  KISS    the main  drivers, instead of saying SLAP the main drivers,   sound much more romantice and nicer.


warrenbegger      ( Date: 05-May-2011 12:40) Posted:

I agree PAP is good in most of the thing and maybe some weakness here and there, that why opposition got so much chance this year. Most of the PAP is good but some really need to replace them lor, u know which to replace la. If can let some good opposition to replace some of the idiot also not a bad thing for singapore. It not like change all the PAP la, 87 seat give 5 to 10 seat to opposition can die ah? Singapore can fall ah? 70+ PAP VS 10+ opposition can singapore gone case? Then all those 70+ talented PAP sleeping ah? If opposition really do rubbish during this 5 year, u think what happen to them after that 5 years? It will sure be 100% PAP and i also sure will support PAP back. If last time PAP = also opposition we also dont give them chance, u think now got PAP meh? For fairness to opposition, cant u all see that PAP want no opposition meh, so that PAP can rule 100%. They said only, u only can listen and cant do anything. Is that fair to the people of singapore that we singapore dont had chance to voice out anything good for our own people?

warrenbegger      ( Date: 04-May-2011 22:34) Posted:

We Need More Opposition to kiss PAP!!! 

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04-May-2011 16:07 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Looks like    people are fearing at this juncture. 

tmchai      ( Date: 04-May-2011 15:34) Posted:

STI continues to slip and slipped more than 1% since opening (04 May 2011) this morning.

Can this be the efffect of pre 2011 general election?

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04-May-2011 15:57 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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One System, but  2    platforms.


Isolator      ( Date: 04-May-2011 15:20) Posted:

Those who has farsight should know why single party will be a failure in near future.... What you see so beautiful outside may not be the same inside it....

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04-May-2011 15:41 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Warren Buffet  doesnt buy stock  at  cheapest level.   

Riskless      ( Date: 04-May-2011 10:56) Posted:

Your buddy is Warren Buffet? Alright man!

capland      ( Date: 04-May-2011 10:49) Posted:

while we are posting. My buddies just called me that he had bought 200 lots @3.26 level. See , they had millions to burn. But they are the " smart" ass. Who keeps buying when everyone is running.

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04-May-2011 15:35 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Mr Tan of SDP:

Were you stopped  out   by  that Samantha (who despised the heartlanders when they were dining in Holland Village) when you are doing your rallying in Holland Village?

pharoah88      ( Date: 03-May-2011 17:43) Posted:

SDP: SM Goh wrong on ministerial pay
SINGAPORE - Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) candidate, Mr Tan Jee Say, 57, said Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, 69, was wrong when he said most of the population were not concerned with ministerial pay.

Mr Tan said many residents had told the SDP candidates during their walkabouts that they were concerned about the high salaries ministers drew.

Mr Tan is part of a four-man team contesting in the Holland-Bukit Timah Group Representation Constituency (GRC).

His fellow candidate for the GRC, Ms Michelle Lee, 35, said it was a pity the People's Action Party (PAP) has shot down their economic proposal so quickly instead of examining it more closely.

This was in response to PAP candidate Mr Christopher de Souza, 35, who had commented that the SDP's plan was a " rushed patchwork of ideas" .

Ms Lee was speaking to MediaCorp during her team's walkabout in Ghim Moh this morning.

Mr Tan said he had spent more than a year researching and writing his economic proposal, which was published in February.

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04-May-2011 15:17 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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I think it '  might'   bounce up.

Yesterday, saw a lot of people go take their Ang pow given out by government, so,  everyone is very  HAPPY and in very joyous mood, this has forced some bad energy out and the positive energy is on gaining ground.

Isolator      ( Date: 04-May-2011 15:04) Posted:

Dont be surprise to see under 3100 today...

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04-May-2011 15:12 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Election Centres got  guard dogs this time round.    They wll guide you instead of  Human (save costs)!!

They will  stay by you when you are writing your vote, and if you vote wrongly, they will bark at you before you leave the centre................hahahah!!! .

pharoah88      ( Date: 04-May-2011 12:14) Posted:

dOg  bItes  gOd  ? ? ? ?

Laulan      ( Date: 04-May-2011 09:32) Posted:

That's the reason why slavery has been abolished by heros of the past because they empathised with them and made it possible for them to be free. Tody's dogs become man's best friends, but they do sometimes bite without warning, if agitated..

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04-May-2011 15:04 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Reason: some said the end of the world is end of 2012. LOL!!!!

Hulumas      ( Date: 04-May-2011 10:16) Posted:

Any supported reasons behind?

Isolator      ( Date: 04-May-2011 10:13) Posted:

For the future of Singapore, opposition must win 20% of the seats..... Not much time left....

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04-May-2011 14:40 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Do not just becos of  RED, then cast your vote wrongly  and live to regret which is  IRREVISABE !!!

One GRC and 1 or 2 single SMC of opposition is good enough to 'check' and 'slap' those sleeping drivers,but,  if too many, will become a crowd , and too many slaps can bring the whole building down.


rotijai      ( Date: 04-May-2011 14:26) Posted:

hm.. PAP chooses the wrong date for election.. those share players might vote against them with this kind of redness now..

*just my opinion

Gaecia      ( Date: 04-May-2011 14:21) Posted:

uncle Bon,  it is anti-cheong out there.

HSI is also facing $ drain

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04-May-2011 14:34 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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The country is  having 'Negetive energy' by this elcection.

Now the country is " No government" , the " 正 气 "   is forced out for the time being, coupled with the  Unusual sudden surge of  " opposition parties" contesting, making the negetive energy stronger than usual.............

PAP must 拜 拜 , then can win this election.

Talking  COCK .................hahahah!

Gaecia      ( Date: 04-May-2011 14:21) Posted:

uncle Bon,  it is anti-cheong out there.

HSI is also facing $ drain.

Bon3260      ( Date: 04-May-2011 09:49) Posted:

Mkt's hving healthy corrections lah...


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29-Apr-2011 17:36 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Dont waste ur time in rebutting Isolator's posts, cos , his STI 2900 didint realise 2 weeks ago and hence, he has to bet it till its last breadth!!  LOL!

Think!!      DOW has picked up 20%, but  we are still hovering at 3100 and 3200.  Are we not still lagging behind??     





capland      ( Date: 29-Apr-2011 17:11) Posted:

in fact, it is already in placed. Thats why these 2 days sg and hk markets not moving.

eplepl      ( Date: 29-Apr-2011 17:08) Posted:

ha ha....

i heard china might announce some interest rate hike..... to control property .....

I am keen to support u too !


Btw, the GAR i made some money ! shorting it

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29-Apr-2011 17:16 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Apr 29, 2011 - PropertyGuru.com.sg
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Many Singaporean consumers are doubtful about the real  estatemarket, with many adopting a “wait-and-see” approach towardsproperty  acquisitions in the following 12 months, according to PropertyGuru’s recent Affordability Sentiment Survey.

According to the survey, 71 percent of respondents still feel thatproperty  is expensive across all segments in Singapore, unchanged from the 71 percent recorded in the Q4 survey. 

Meanwhile, approximately 68 percent of the respondents believe thatHDB  flats  are expensive, slightly more 67 percent in the Q4 survey. 

Similarly, nearly 80 percent of the respondents said private  residential  property  is still expensive, while 56 percent think  HDB  prices will further increase in the next six months, compared to 41 percent in Q4 last year.

Almost 44 percent of the respondents believe that prices will decline in the next six months, compared to 59 percent in last year’s Q4 survey.

“There is considerable ongoing debate about  property  affordability in the run-up to the Singapore general elections. Our latest quarterly survey reveals that the majority of the 1,670 respondents still feel that the  propertymarket  is too expensive, with almost half wanting to see the government doing more,” said Steve Melhuish, CEO of PropertyGuru.

The cooling measures biggest impact was seen in new and resale condominiums, with 40 percent of the respondents expecting a decline in sales.

Despite the recent implementation of more cooling measures, a number of respondents felt that the government’s efforts were insufficient to keep Singapore  property  prices affordable.

“In addition, an increased number (almost three-quarters of all respondents) are now adopting a ‘wait and see’ approach, presumably uncertain about the future of the market,” said Mr. Melhuish.

“Despite this, the January cooling measures seemed to have impacted sentiment towards the privateresidential  market, more than HDB, with 40 percent expecting  condo  transactions to reduce and prices to decrease by at least five percent within 12 months. We will see whether the latest government measures this month will impact sentiment in our Q2 survey.”

In addition, the survey also showed that 89 percent of the respondents agree that the Council for  EstateAgencies (CEA) will result in more transparency and protection for consumers, as well as increased confidence in  property  agents.

PropertyGuru’s  Property  Sentiment Survey was conducted in early April 2011 with 1,670 respondents, the majority of which were between 30 to 49 years of age.

PropertyGuru said the “quarterly online survey aims to gain a better perspective on the  property  market, current consumer sentiment and how it may affect future  property  decisions, including the tracking of a consumerproperty  sentiment index.”
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29-Apr-2011 17:06 SGX   /   SGX       Go to Message
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We are seeing   REFORM in SGX.  

Are we? 

pharoah88      ( Date: 29-Apr-2011 17:02) Posted:

SGX’s CFO Seck quits

Christopher Howells


SINGAPORE — The long-standing chief financial officer of the Singapore Exchange (SGX), Mr Seck Wai Kwong, will be leaving for a new role with State Street Bank & Trust Co, the bourse said yesterday.

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29-Apr-2011 17:04 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Biggest worries :

Seats that are won by oppositions ,   can be kept to ONE big thoughts or   many multiple thoughts by different parties representing in parliament?
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29-Apr-2011 16:56 GLD USD   /   Gold & metals       Go to Message
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SILVER and GOLD   good hedge against weak US$.
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29-Apr-2011 16:46 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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28 april 11 - 

Bernanke : - 


““The Federal Reserve believes that a strong and stable dollar is both in the American interests and in the interest of the global economy,” he also said.

I do believe that the second round of securities purchases [QE2] was effective,” Bernanke said. “We saw that first in the financial markets. The way monetary policy always works is by easing financial conditions. We saw increases in stock prices.''''''''''''



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27-Apr-2011 17:25 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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PRs are having biggest worries!  Where do they go from here (after election).

The PR issues will be the debate in the parliament constantly , and, being the PR, do they see light at the end of the tunnel?

Laulan      ( Date: 27-Apr-2011 17:17) Posted:

But don't make us suffer.   That is important.   People prefer heaven than suffer on earth.   Everyone needs a roof over his head.   And he must be able to afford this.   Don't let the " unable to" sleep in the park or near public voids. It can happen.

Laulan      ( Date: 27-Apr-2011 17:05) Posted:

The reason for opposition politics is real.   Extreme views are bad for health.   We don't need servitude in our lives.   Kill us if you can.

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27-Apr-2011 16:44 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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If everything else fails,  she    stilll    can go home serve her husband.  :)

pharoah88      ( Date: 27-Apr-2011 15:48) Posted:

TIME  to  enlist  ALL  FEMALES

both  Singaporeans And PR  FEMALES.

How can  FEMALE  be    MP and MINISTERS and CEO 

if  she  cannOt  serve the cOUntry 

pharoah88      ( Date: 27-Apr-2011 15:43) Posted:

NS liabilities for PRs, citizens

Letter from Colonel Desmond Tan

Director, Public Affairs

Ministry of Defence

IN RESPONSE to public queries, MINDEF would like to clarify the National Service (NS) liabilities of Singapore permanent residents (PR) and citizens.

Under the Enlistment Act, all male Singapore citizens and PRs are liable for NS. This has been the case since the Enlistment Act was enacted in 1970. Like all male Singapore citizens, PRs who are liable for NS will be enlisted after age 18.

Failure to serve or complete NS would have an adverse impact on any immediate or future applications to work or study in Singapore, or for Singapore citizenship or PR status.

For male Singapore citizens, the acquisition of foreign citizenship or any claim of dual citizenship does not exempt them from their NS obligations.

Like all other male Singapore citizens, they will be enlisted for NS after age 18.

They would be in breach of the Enlistment Act and liable for prosecution if they fail to register or enlist for NS as required.

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27-Apr-2011 16:43 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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For those who complained about too many ERP gantries and  fee are  expensive  or high COEs  ,      Lets  Shut down all the ERP gantries , do away with all the flyovers and express ways.....Back to basic, see whats going to happen in the traffice system in singapore.
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27-Apr-2011 16:20 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Which opposition  member wants to sell his/her flat at below valuation price??

Plese publishe his/her name here.......lol!!    I want to buy from them.

The HDB record will show  who and who sold their flats and  what price, i am sure, among them,    some already made hugh profits, and, they got the cheak to want to help push down the HDB selling price.??

cathylmg      ( Date: 27-Apr-2011 15:50) Posted:

You don't understand what I am talking about. I am speaking from a HDB flats owner voter point of view.

80% of the voters stays in HDB now. MBT ward is a matured estate with limited new flats. Do you think residence here wants the value of their flats to come down? Yes, young new couples will want it to come down so that they can hop on the train, but once they are on, do you think they will still hope the prices of their flats to come down further?

The election has always been about the HDB. Queing of new flats, upgradings of old flats, infrastructures near to the flats.....Think about it, why not ask the opposition ward members to lead by selling their own flats at a lost to set an example? There are many things to talk about, why fight a losing battle by picking  on  an issue which is a double edge sword?



SGG_SGG      ( Date: 27-Apr-2011 15:35) Posted:

Especially for the many young couples/singles out there who want to purchase a home in the near future, it is indeed a strain on finances.

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