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Latest Posts By AnthonyTan - Elite      About AnthonyTan
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09-Jun-2011 13:22 Others   /   S-chips like rubbish and shit now!       Go to Message
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Rich old man can only sit but cannot stand, hahaha

yummygd      ( Date: 09-Jun-2011 11:58) Posted:


AnthonyTan      ( Date: 09-Jun-2011 11:50) Posted:

It's really matter tremendously bec china mei mei

love rich old man, hahaha









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09-Jun-2011 11:57 Others   /   S-chips like rubbish and shit now!       Go to Message
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10q v v much. This is oso 1 of my strategy.

Hulumas      ( Date: 09-Jun-2011 11:34) Posted:

Remember: make more money and make more % holding of that particular share!

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 09-Jun-2011 10:16) Posted:

Whether u speculate or invest in stock, the ultimate

end result is trying  to make money.

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09-Jun-2011 11:50 Others   /   S-chips like rubbish and shit now!       Go to Message
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It's really matter tremendously bec china mei mei

love rich old man, hahaha









Hulumas      ( Date: 09-Jun-2011 11:32) Posted:

SHE or HE does not matter, as it makes no different to your pocket money!

yummygd      ( Date: 09-Jun-2011 11:26) Posted:

SHE IS A HE haha for e last time Hulumas is a man. a old rich man.

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09-Jun-2011 10:40 IPO   /   PERENNIAL CHINA RETAIL TRUST       Go to Message
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Suka suka now list ipo @  $0.70. Previously, intend

to list higher. Totally china exposed  property stock.

If no stabilizing manager, maybe  it could end up below water.

With  this mkt condition, more likely downtrend than

uptrend. My view only. No call.
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09-Jun-2011 10:16 Others   /   S-chips like rubbish and shit now!       Go to Message
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Whether u speculate or invest in stock, the ultimate

end result is trying  to make money.
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09-Jun-2011 09:58 Others   /   S-chips like rubbish and shit now!       Go to Message
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Hulumas, yr interest and investment in s-chips stock,

I'm indeed very curious to know yr investment whether

paper gain/loss. If it's the former, kindly give some tips

and recommendation. Cheers
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08-Jun-2011 17:42 China Jishan   /   >8,888% capital gain within five years.       Go to Message
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If china jishan move up, the whole mkt will move

in tandem also. Cheers and good luck

Hulumas      ( Date: 08-Jun-2011 16:03) Posted:

Yes, we shall hold and wait for China Jishan's SPECTACULAR PERFORMANCE for the next five years!

chinton86      ( Date: 08-Jun-2011 15:56) Posted:

Ok. Happy waiting

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08-Jun-2011 17:24 China Fibretech   /   ChinaFibreT, is sometihng brewing...       Go to Message
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If it is that good and damn cheap, only $0.07

why r the ppl waiting for? Somewhere along the

line it is not right, my personal point of view.

Disclaimer: not an inducement to buy/sell.

Hulumas      ( Date: 08-Jun-2011 17:02) Posted:

You have loss trust and scare about S-chips, in some large extent, you have loss the opportunity too, which I will not comment further. After all, thank you for your kind concern, I 'll do accordingly!

catalyst      ( Date: 08-Jun-2011 16:46) Posted:

Just ask yourselves this question.

What makes you think your " investments" are safe in these counters?

The risk  is so high and it's not like that are no better counters to put your hard earned money at right.

In fact, you don't even sound so sure about your own trade by keeping accumulating as it goes lower and lower.

Lower and lower and leads to Suspension, how?

Im not saying all S-chips are chin chia lat. But I would do myself a favour by staying away coz my capital is important to me.

And don't go gamble away at these high risk counters.

With all the negative exposure on S-chips globally, it will lessen confidence on these counters.

So stop gambling.

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08-Jun-2011 16:47 China Fibretech   /   ChinaFibreT, is sometihng brewing...       Go to Message
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Isn't it very expensive to survey and visit the factory

in China whenever you buy shit-chips, wahlou eh

Hulumas      ( Date: 08-Jun-2011 16:28) Posted:

We should have gone to the factory survey and visit before investing it! Have you done so? Sorry, I can't give any comment temporarily.

brunica      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 21:34) Posted:

This counter is not moving since Gaoxing is suspended.. i have accumualated at 0.075. shall i keep or accumulate again or sale ? what do you think of this counter that became so quiet after china gaoxing scandal

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08-Jun-2011 09:31 Others   /   S-chips like rubbish and shit now!       Go to Message
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If in doubt abt china stock, the best policy

is not to trade them." Only some r good" may

turn bad later, who know. We have seen bal. sheet

and a/c reflected cash balances but in actual fact, it

is in somebody personal bank a/c, hahaha

warrenbegger      ( Date: 08-Jun-2011 01:43) Posted:

Just 2 words

S-Shit !!!

Most r hidden bomb, only some r good,

But, u know which and who can be trust!

S-shit / S-cheat / Sick-chip / Suck-chip / Siao-chick / Sai-chip / Sorry-cheat / Sian-cheap / Super-cheap / Zzzzzz...

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07-Jun-2011 12:34 Others   /   S-chips like rubbish and shit now!       Go to Message
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They are foreign talent, hahaha.

What nonsense and rubbish is this.

niuyear      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 12:22) Posted:

Are they PR  or  they are already singaporean?

PR can own hawker stalls? 

These people from china are  learning fast, from  working as cleaner, helper and now  become  store owner selling Korea food?

Salute      ( Date: 07-Jun-2011 11:35) Posted:

just to side track my experience at the local food court, one is the republic.   food in suntec and is the one next to the national library. You know the grill fish serve in Korean cuisine.

normally, we got one fish(of course only half side of the fish). well, the republic had an extra 3 inch x 2 inch piece of fish...could it be from other collected back dish.

the second store is even worst, no extra but the fish was so soggy soft with lots of oil. after eating felt funny.

these 2 stalls owners are china chinese.

next time I will not order such dish from china chinese stall, they are quality in food standard concept is still back home as cost saving is their top prority. why buy fresh fish at high price, it's grilled or fried so just settled with cheaper unfresh ones.........I guess so

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03-Jun-2011 17:05 CapitaMalls Asia   /   First Day trading open at $2.30       Go to Message
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Wah piang, very rich indeed.

wangwa      ( Date: 03-Jun-2011 16:17) Posted:

I did'nt know you are that aggresive as me. I keep adding on as the price drops and I have accumulated for close to 6 mths liao.

I am prepared to treat this as Fixed Deposit, and will still pump in more $$ to secure more lots.

I do not think its that lousy. Fixed Deposit also need 3 years to mature for decent results.

My last entry was 1.60 for just 40 lots (not much money liao...), so my next entry is 1.40 if it drops to this level.


Hulumas      ( Date: 03-Jun-2011 12:44) Posted:

Thank you for your suggestion, luckily I hold slightly less than you only 480 lots, so I 'll follow your style. Next target, buy again at < Sgd. 1.40 then

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03-Jun-2011 11:06 Excelpoint   /   >500% capital gain within two years.       Go to Message
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Did u buy stratech and mdr??????

Non traded stock.

Hulumas      ( Date: 03-Jun-2011 10:40) Posted:

That is very good, I mean I always BUY non traded counter!

Hulumas      ( Date: 03-Jun-2011 10:38) Posted:

I always non traded counter, I hate traded counter, Please bear in mind,   because I am an genuine investor not trader

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03-Jun-2011 10:31 Fragrance   /   Fragrance       Go to Message
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Don't know whether shareholder got discount or not

when check in.
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03-Jun-2011 10:12 Healthway Med   /   healthway, healthy?       Go to Message
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hulumas, show a photo of yourself, hahaha

yummygd      ( Date: 02-Jun-2011 13:17) Posted:

seriously he old man la. im not kidding. but he is rich old man.

dealer0168      ( Date: 01-Jun-2011 21:33) Posted:

wonder hulumas is young one or old one.....heh

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01-Jun-2011 10:33 Others   /   S-chips like rubbish and shit now!       Go to Message
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Hope u buy the right stock.

Anyway, high risk high return.

Cheers and good luck.

Hulumas      ( Date: 01-Jun-2011 09:55) Posted:

I call it " Modern COLD WAR of  global capital market" . I keep my chance buying more and more good fundamental, extra-ordinary cheap China related stocks listed in SGX!

warrenbegger      ( Date: 31-May-2011 23:26) Posted:

This is the lastest about S-cheat on 15 May 2011. Pls read more if u still playing with S-cheat, just for your own good :)

There are still many S-cheat out there, is either U play them or U play by them, go find out more yourself before U kanna burn :)

Chinese stock scams are the latest U.S. import


Pump and dump scheme. Finance chief resigned. A member firm of the " Big Four" accounting company's global network, severed ties to the company. Investors chase the next hot Chinese stock -- only to find themselves victims of scams. Many of the questionable Chinese companies gain access to U.S. capital markets through a back door. Of the more than 600 companies that obtained entry to U.S. exchanges this way between January 2007 and March 2010, a total of 159 were from the China region, according to the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). While many are legitimate, some turn out to be outright pump-and-dump schemes and other scams. This has taken U.S. exchanges by surprise. NYSE and Nasdaq have delisted several companies and have a veritable " skid row" of more than a dozen firms that have been halted for weeks or months pending requests for information about accounting problems and late regulatory filings. " You see these Chinese companies that have these great numbers, they never miss a quarter of earnings. They are always right on. Their expenses are low. Their growth is tremendous, regardless of the economy. So you go, 'Hmm, this doesn't make sense'," said Left. Efforts to inspect Chinese auditing firms have met resistance from Chinese authorities, but Doty told Reuters this week he expected progress this year, in part because the various problems with Chinese firms had shown authorities in Beijing the importance of credible auditing. " I'm afraid for my personal safety in some areas of China," Qin said. He told Reuters that some companies colluded with employees at major Chinese state-owned multinational banks to provide false bank statements, though he would not specify which ones. " Just because it is China doesn't mean it is a path to riches," Left said.

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31-May-2011 10:44 Qian Hu   /   Qian Hu dividend announcement 18 Oct 10       Go to Message
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On wat basis and calculation tat the share price

should be corrected to 0.055. Pl. elaborate and

explain. You own Qian Hu investors an explaination.

Mi luan luan kon. (don't anyhow say) to depress the

share price.

Hulumas      ( Date: 30-May-2011 17:59) Posted:

Global warming, China is facing DRY season, lack of fresh water. So Qian HU how to get good business selling decorative life fishes in China? Share price should be corrected to Sgd. 0.055!

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 30-May-2011 10:57) Posted:

Dividend yield is good

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31-May-2011 10:32 Others   /   S-chips like rubbish and shit now!       Go to Message
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Ample warning and whistle blowing have been

given few years ago about s-chip stock. Caveat emptor.
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31-May-2011 10:22 Others   /   S-chips like rubbish and shit now!       Go to Message
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Wat the f... is SGX doing????????

Let the sick-chips listed here to con Singaporean' money????????

Bal. sheets and a/c  look good with cash but actually no cash around.

wishbone      ( Date: 30-May-2011 11:04) Posted:

I look at it this way: Good Fishes will never reach Changi End because before it even reaches Katong it is already being caught at Tanjong Rhu. This means, good ones (S Chips) will likely be lured to SSE and HKSE and only the mediocre ones (or some worst ones) then will reach our shore.

Moreover, these exchanges (SSE and HKSE) do have some real expertise in China  in determining which companies are good and able to sieve the bad ones out. Also those bad ones know very well they could not get it listed there. So they try it in Singapore as SGX welcomes them with open arms and legs. 

Although not all S Chips are bad but in comparison to other exchanges, we seem to have more of the bad ones than the good ones. Just take a look at the S Chips listed in SGX.

Sian man!!!!!!


AnthonyTan      ( Date: 30-May-2011 10:34) Posted:

Good China stocks are listed in SSE & HKSE

but not in Spore, e.g. no China bank stock listed here,

WHY???????? What is SGX doing? Many sick-chips

than good chips.





















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30-May-2011 18:35 Qian Hu   /   Qian Hu dividend announcement 18 Oct 10       Go to Message
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Hulumas, u know or not. Only certain area but not the

whole of  China. Wahpian, like tat oso can ah.
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