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09-May-2011 11:15 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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I think the biggest mistake -

One must never think that " election" is like 'running of own business'!!!

Its never  been a  business, but  ,  a long forgotten  fundamental basic trrth  which is -----  ---

SERVING PEOPLE of that constituency!!!

pharoah88      ( Date: 09-May-2011 11:04) Posted:

O  V E R H E A R D :

The  lady  TALKED bIg ? ? ? ?

She  SAID:

" I am  Lina  LOH nOt  Lina CHIAM"   ? ? ? ?

" So I am  dIfferent  frOm  CHIAM See Thong  and  I will  dO thIngs  dIfferently"   ? ? ? ?

" ... I will " knock his HEAD"   if I  dOn't  agree  wIth  hIm"   ? ? ? ?

fOr  beIng  dIfferent,  she  caUsed  the 243 SPOILT QUOTES  ? ? ? ?

The Lady  fOrgOt  that  she  is  standIng  In  for  The  Gentleman ? ? ? ?

She is  taking on  a  Brand NEW  cOnstituency  on  her  own  merit ? ? ? ?

she  must be been  " ARROGANT"   on some occasions ? ? ? ?

she tOOk things for  granted  like  the PAP GRC Team at Aljunied ? ? ? ?

the  votes trend  was  falling and  she  did not  do  anything to REVERSE the established  Falling Vote Trend  ? ? ? ?

If  this  is  nOt addressed  Immediately,  POTONG  PASIR  will  become  PAP's  permanent turf  from  now  on  ? ? ? ? 

niuyear      ( Date: 09-May-2011 10:53) Posted:

The " Auntie image" has ruined the opposition's votes in potong pasir


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09-May-2011 11:04 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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He is contesting in an Election, he is  pinning down the other groups of oppositions  parties who  never made such a promise.

This will become an ISSUE or  SOURCE to quarrel  or    make things difficult for ALL opposition parties  .

So, THINK before one speaks.

They have much more to learn  from  Worker's party Low thia khiang.

Laulan      ( Date: 09-May-2011 10:55) Posted:

Some promises could not be retracted especially when it comes to offer of help from public figures.  

warrenbegger      ( Date: 07-May-2011 00:21) Posted:

Thats i not sure, maybe if they got chance to win, someone will ask them again  :

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09-May-2011 10:53 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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The " Auntie image" has ruined the opposition's votes in potong pasir


pharoah88      ( Date: 08-May-2011 13:52) Posted:

And as the night closed, it came to a nail—biting finish at Potong Pasir SMC.

Veteran Opposition leader Chiam See Tong had left his stronghold of nearly 30 years to contest in Bishan—Toa Payoh GRC.

Mr Chiam’s Singapore People’s Party team lost, and was clearly disappointed.

" Thank you residents of Bishan," he addressed his supporters.

Mr Chiam’s wife Lina, who stood in his place in Potong Pasir SMC, lost by a margin of just 0.72 percent. She received 49.64% of valid votes.

Mrs Chiam said: " I feel like a winner because all my supporters came here and they really supported me and they thought I had done a good job. There’s only a narrow margin of 112 or 114 votes."

She is the best performing loser among the Opposition, and qualifies for an NCMP seat.

With six seats going to the Opposition, that leaves three Non—Constituency MP seats available. These will be offered to losing candidates who garnered the most number of votes.

— CNA/de

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09-May-2011 10:50 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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LO!!    If  ALL   of these happen ,

Very soon,

Singapore will vanish.

2 or 3 pointers are acceptble.but not all.   


pharoah88      ( Date: 08-May-2011 14:20) Posted:


wIll  be  BETTER

- nO  GST

- lOw    InflatIOn

- cheap  hOUsIng

- cheap  transpOrtatIOn

- FREE  transpOrtatIOn  fOr  senIOr  cItIzens

-  PENSION  fOr  ALL  retIrees

-  UNemplOyment  InsUrance

- lOw  cOst Of lIvIng

- hIgh  employee  wages  benchmarked  tO  ministerial  salary

- hIgh  CPF  Interest  rates

- hIgh    bank depOsIt  interest rates 

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09-May-2011 10:45 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Giving half to needy?

Sure?  .

cathylmg      ( Date: 07-May-2011 00:05) Posted:

Thats good new. Btw, is it for the whole term of 5 years or just 1 or maybe for the time being?

warrenbegger      ( Date: 06-May-2011 19:06) Posted:

I heard The team of jurong NSP also donate part of their govt salary to the needs

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06-May-2011 13:53 Others   /   GE2011 Co-driver analogy...haha       Go to Message
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Mr George Yeo is singing :

" 其 实 不 想 走 , 其 实 我 想 留 , 留 下 来 陪 你 每 个 春 夏 秋 冬 “

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUTWFmHd26c& feature=related

pointer      ( Date: 06-May-2011 10:53) Posted:

Some ministers are indeed good men of integrity, eg. George Yeo,  a pity if  he loses  his MP seat, that's equivalent  him losing  his porfolio.

It will be great if we can just vote some ministers off their appointment.

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06-May-2011 13:43 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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so, " those who were not given a flat" sitll staying there, and the rests already moved out?

Laulan      ( Date: 06-May-2011 11:35) Posted:

Not all PAP Mps are bad.   But few are good.   Out of 87 MPS, only a handful can be said to be doing real good work for the people.

There are many policies that are stifling the people.   Look at this situation I came across.

There was an enblock at a certain area in Sims Drive. (Aljunied GRC?).   The HDB wants back the couple of blocks for re-development (sometimes it eventually turns out for something else, so we won't knw the real purposes).   Owners were given new flats in exchange at a new location.   But " stupid" HDB policy prevented some owners from getting the new flats because they are lower income families judging from their CPF contributions.   So theoretically cannot afford future installments, according to HDB's theory.   They are refused to be given their entitled flats after agreeing to enblock.   They were not given the new flats to select. So I think they will become homeless soon, i.e. when their enblocked flats are pulled down or redeveloped. Currently the families are still staying there, but who knows what HDB can do.   I know the MPs have not done anything to help, nearly a year already and soon these people will suffer without homes..

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06-May-2011 13:37 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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If you  want to see  " Chiam See Thong makes Bishan/TPY his kind of Town" ,  then you vote for him. 


I would think   DONT  " VOID" a vote,  it is silly thing to do just because   unsure of which party to vote for.

All adults are capable of making some decisions especially the big thing like Election.

bishan22      ( Date: 06-May-2011 08:47) Posted:

Bishan is under Wong Kan Seng, you think i should vote for him?? Mas Selamat what says you???

chris168      ( Date: 06-May-2011 08:26) Posted:

And his(George Orwell)  other book " 1984" . Those who've  read this book wld know .... emotions stirred up so easily ...

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06-May-2011 11:38 Others   /   Is Market open on Monday?       Go to Message
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Wowsey, AK, you are back! 


Students got to go back on Monday help clean the schools..............hahahah!

AK_Francis      ( Date: 06-May-2011 11:15) Posted:

School teachers r the front runners during the polling day. Ie, preparation for the d polling day venue(normally school), organise d smooth running of the polling process during d polling day, counting of votes casted after polling ends. Worst, they hv to stay until their respective polling centre polling results r officially announced, and stay much later, if re-count of votes casted was requested.

In ds case Monday is an off-in-lieu for the teachers, students r joining d ride.

gavinl      ( Date: 06-May-2011 10:44) Posted:

Sorry,my bad.Thought school will be closed,that's why.

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06-May-2011 11:27 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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No need, since they  are much wanted to be voted " out" of the system and replaced by other parties.

So, the issue of " TOP Notch Salary"   will not be an issue any more. 

Ones pays LV hangbag for $10,000.00, for  their quality,  other pays $50 fake LV bags for their cheapness but yet,they can have the LV brand though lousy quality.



pointer      ( Date: 06-May-2011 11:11) Posted:

Then do we still need that minister to be around?

niuyear      ( Date: 06-May-2011 11:06) Posted:


If the price of  housing is one of the biggest issues and for that,  i  wont be surprised,  singaporeans will just need to RENT, instead of BUY.

NO MORE ownership of  HDB  .    Just pay monthly , and be happy.  No more COV to talk about, or unfairness,  and  Cooling measures are not needed. anymore.


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06-May-2011 11:06 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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If the price of  housing is one of the biggest issues and for that,  i  wont be surprised,  singaporeans will just need to RENT, instead of BUY.

NO MORE ownership of  HDB  .    Just pay monthly , and be happy.  No more COV to talk about, or unfairness,  and  Cooling measures are not needed. anymore.


niuyear      ( Date: 06-May-2011 10:49) Posted:

Change??    What you want to change in singapore?

Strong S$ to become weaker?  Do away with the convenience of transportation as in mrt etc

No more Ownership of  HDB, since everyone complains cant afford to buy , ok, lets rent to you, you cant own any HDB flats any more.

No tax means no more subsidy in healthcare

Crisis - what crisis?    No more national reserve, you fan for yourself.


A fair game in letting oppositions to show " how they could lead " , the only way is to vote them into the seats of Parliament. 

But, ideally in a more progressive mannar where performance is to be gauged over a long period of time.    Only with proven track record, people's confidence level raised,    then you could know, can their system work and  can the nation progress thereafter? 






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06-May-2011 10:52 GLD USD   /   Gold & metals       Go to Message
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Looks   like it.

Hope my friend never got burnt , cos he go open silver ac when it was already trading $37 back then.    Its always like this, when at its low, no one wants to buy, but, buy when prices are already at its peak.

krisluke      ( Date: 05-May-2011 22:16) Posted:

Gold and Silver " gostan" quite a lot these days. Does this show that risk appetite had been diverted to a much more risky asset investments  like equity market ? ??

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06-May-2011 10:49 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Change??    What you want to change in singapore?

Strong S$ to become weaker?  Do away with the convenience of transportation as in mrt etc

No more Ownership of  HDB, since everyone complains cant afford to buy , ok, lets rent to you, you cant own any HDB flats any more.

No tax means no more subsidy in healthcare

Crisis - what crisis?    No more national reserve, you fan for yourself.


A fair game in letting oppositions to show " how they could lead " , the only way is to vote them into the seats of Parliament. 

But, ideally in a more progressive mannar where performance is to be gauged over a long period of time.    Only with proven track record, people's confidence level raised,    then you could know, can their system work and  can the nation progress thereafter? 





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05-May-2011 18:59 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Is this the effect of  Nuclear plant explosion?

The flesh starts to melt away.........teeth start to fall off..

Joe2020      ( Date: 05-May-2011 15:44) Posted:

You mean we are going to be like this?


Isolator      ( Date: 05-May-2011 15:39) Posted:

I  have high hope for WP in Aljunied and Nee Soon.... If they lost, democracy will fail....

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05-May-2011 18:55 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Big mouth associates with Sexy!

Overheard that:  Big mouth woman  eats  up the husband??      True of False?

niuyear      ( Date: 05-May-2011 18:53) Posted:




Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has been named Sexiest Woman in the World by FHM magazine, with Katy Perry and Rihanna placed second and third respectively.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

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05-May-2011 18:53 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has been named Sexiest Woman in the World by FHM magazine, with Katy Perry and Rihanna placed second and third respectively.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

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05-May-2011 18:43 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Fourth animal who arrived is the very curious Rabbit

Chinese Horoscope the Rabbit


Horoscope 2011, forecast for the 2011 year of the white Rabbit

The coming 2011 year of the metal Rabbit is around the corner. It is not the size of this animal that makes sense for the whole year, but its inner nature. It looks like we've got quite sophisticated period with gracious manners and sensitivity. This 2011 year of the white Rabbit your may pin hopes on your sense of intuition. But don't be impatient or be in harry, in 2011 year of the Rabbit without concentration you will fail.


On Winning the votes (PAP or Opposition), one must have this in them :

This year forcusing on

inner nature -

gracious mannar and sensitivity -           

concentration -






niuyear      ( Date: 05-May-2011 18:33) Posted:

If PAP could stay above 61%,  (looks likely) , good for stock market.

Hope no one shorted PAP?    hahaha !

Rabbits year this year,  White rules.

alexchia01      ( Date: 05-May-2011 18:18) Posted:

STI may has a technical rebound tomorrow.

After that is the Election Day.

Next Monday, after everyone knows the result, STI is most likely to fall further.

How far the fall depends on the how many seats PAP losses.

The more they loss the more STI is going to fall.

This is just my personal views. You invest at your own risk.

Good luck.

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05-May-2011 18:33 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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If PAP could stay above 61%,  (looks likely) , good for stock market.

Hope no one shorted PAP?    hahaha !

Rabbits year this year,  White rules.

alexchia01      ( Date: 05-May-2011 18:18) Posted:

STI may has a technical rebound tomorrow.

After that is the Election Day.

Next Monday, after everyone knows the result, STI is most likely to fall further.

How far the fall depends on the how many seats PAP losses.

The more they loss the more STI is going to fall.

This is just my personal views. You invest at your own risk.

Good luck.

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05-May-2011 18:13 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Your appetite is getting bigger.


Isolator      ( Date: 05-May-2011 16:53) Posted:

Be patient... it is getting there soon.... and $2 too...

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05-May-2011 18:03 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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MARKETS & INVESTING | Staff Reporter, Singapore
Published: 3 hours 20 min ago
Trend shows PAP win tied to STI gains

Trend shows PAP win tied to STI gains

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Data from past polls show the index typically outperforms if the percentage of votes won by PAP is high, said DMG Research.

In a statement, the analyst noted that while there is no clear historical trend of the STI's performance over a one-month period post Polling Day based on the past five Ges,an analysis of the index's performance against the percentage of votes won by the People’s Action Party (PAP) show a “discernible positive relationship.”

In the 2001 GE, the STI rose by 11.9% for the one-month period post Polling Day following PAP's success in securing 75% of votes, the highest over the recent five GEs.

In contrast, PAP's failure to win more than 61% of votes-- its lowest over the past five GEs-- led to a 3.1% STI decline over the following month.

DMG Research said the upcoming polls present a trading opportunity both for investors who are banking on a PAP sweep and those who remain skeptical of the party.

“We believe the results for the coming GE will impact the STI over the next few weeks.

If one believes the PAP will win a higher percentage of votes, he should be buying into the current equity market weakness.... If one believes PAP will achieve a lower percentage of votes, then he  should be reducing his equity holdings,” DMG Research said.

Tags: DMG Research, People’s Action Party, General Elections
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