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10-Feb-2010 14:30 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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They free transport (Bus) to Resort world singapore casino , During openning Days

and $100 ticket to casino change to $100 Token for first 1000 vistors only (may be.)
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10-Feb-2010 12:33 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Genting sp will be Announcements in this afternoon or after 5:05 PM  for Tomorrow opening Universal Studios theme park  and casino .

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10-Feb-2010 12:21 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Tip to WIN In Casino / Sure Win TIP

1.) Don't gamble. Don't Go In Casino ????

2.) When fell sick Don't Play Any Games


3.) If you are having "a bad day" then don't continue to play by risking large amounts of money to get regain your loss - trying to do this will only worsen things when it does not come off as you hope. Leave it for another, hopefully "better" day.

4.) Don't gamble money that you can't afford to lose.



5.) Don't drink alcohol or take drugs while you are betting on These things can seriously impair your judgement, as can continuing to bet on  when you are tired or ill.



6.) Don't drink alcohol or take drugs while you are betting on These things can seriously impair your judgement, as can continuing to bet on when you are tired or ill.


7.) Don't gamble all your money on one Game unless you are prepared to lose it all.


8.) Don't be greedy, if you make a big win then lose it all again then this is a sure sign of greed wanting to grow your funds too quickly.


9.) Overall winnings is what is important when you play card or any other Casino game. If you have made a loss in one session don't try to play Baccarat until you have win your money back, there's always tomorrow.


10.) Baccarat is NOT a game of probability and prediction, all cards dealt from the shoe are random.


 11.) Bring enough Money before you go ( cash) (It  is safe  to you ????) . singaporean only play cash ????


Some  Banker and player games Tips from internet


DON'T BET ON THE TIE - THE ODDS ARE MORE AGAINST YOU AS THE PLAYER- unless of course you are playing at the "Be The Dealer" casino where you look forward to better odds of you winning as the dealer if your player bets on "Tie"!!



The Casino Tips Group "Go with the flow" TipTake a note of the Baccarat hands played and "Go with the flow"Although the Baccarat is a game of chance, in "The Casino Tips Group" research we found it sometimes quite profitable to "play the trend" of the cards - i.e. if you spot a trend such as the ones listed below then try to get in line with it ...


Below (P) represents Player win, (B) represents Banker Win, (T) represents Tie in order as recorded whilst playing


Hand Winner List




B, P, P, B, T, B, P, T, T


No Flow


B, P, B, P, B, P, P, B, P


An almost alternating Flow


P, P, P, P, B, B, B, T, P,


Group Flow



Good Luck



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10-Feb-2010 09:35 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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CHINESE NEW YEAR rally? Quite likely, says professor

THE Business Times had a full-page interview with four professors from the Nanyang Technological University this morning.

The article titled ‘Lowdown on China stock markets’ discussed many aspects of the Chinese markets.

The last Q&A is of more than academic interest to most readers. It is a prediction of a pre-CNY

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09-Feb-2010 23:20 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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American stock market (American Markets)
Stock Index Change Proportional The maximum Minimum Open This year the performance of Local
The Dow Jones industrial 10,052.67 144.28 1.46% 10,052.82 9910.06 9910.28 -3.60% 10:13
Nasdaq 2149.45 23.40 1.10% 2154.71 2143.38 2153.10 -5.28% 10:14
Russell 2000 592.89 6.40 1.09% 595.34 590.91 591.63 -5.20% 10:14
S & P 500 1070.11 13.37 1.26% 1071.50 1060.06 1060.06 -4.03% 10:13
The Philadelphia Gold and Silver 154.62 5.28 3.54% 154.62 150.72 150.75 -8.10% 10:14
Dow Jones Precious Metals 310.11 9.48 3.15% 310.47 301.02 301.02 -8.78% 10:10
CBOE Gold 183.63 5.10 2.86% 183.97 178.52 178.52 -8.22% 09:58
AMEX Gold bug 388.75 13.99 3.73% 388.75 374.76 374.76 -9.57% 10:13
AMEX Energy 548.85 10.08 1.87% 549.68 538.77 538.77 -4.00% 10:13
NYSE Energy 10,647.38 179.52 1.72% 10,672.40 10,467.89 10,467.89 -6.72% 10:13
Philadelphia Oil Industry 192.93 4.95 2.63% 193.51 189.45 189.45 -1.02% 10:14
AMEX Oil 1002.67 14.84 1.50% 1005.03 987.83 987.83 -6.14% 10:13
The Philadelphia semiconductor 323.44 4.58 1.44% 326.15 321.39 322.45 -10.13% 10:14
NSDQ Finance 1933.65 18.52 0.97% 1943.30 1925.99 1940.19 -3.46% 10:14
NYSE Financial 4431.08 76.36 1.75% 4447.72 4354.75 4354.75 -6.14% 10:13
NBI Biotechnology 848.56 7.29 0.87% 851.33 845.48 850.70 0.59% 10:14
AMEX Biotech 969.42 8.73 0.91% 972.29 960.69 960.69 2.90% 10:13
Philadelphia Drug 179.25 1.27 0.71% 179.64 178.31 178.35 -2.93% 10:14
Canada 11,254.97 139.67 1.26% 11,254.97 11,115.30 11,210.03

European stock market index,Africa's stock market index
Stock Index Change Proportional Local
Russia 1385.65 10.31 0.75% 18:11
British stock market 5121.85 29.52 0.58% 14:57
French stock market 3624.87 17.60 0.49% 15:57
German stock market 5521.00 36.15 0.66% 15:57
Turkey 50,511.79 578.41 1.16% 17:12
Hungary 20,579.68 279.57 1.38% 15:56
Austria 2420.51 12.92 0.54% 15:57
Poland's stock market 37,806.85 469.57 1.26% 15:56
The Czech stock market 1113.20 20.40 1.87% 15:56
Swedish stock market 950.04 11.62 1.24% 16:11
Finnish stock market 6509.75 39.97 0.62% 17:11
Norwegian stock market 320.56 5.16 1.64% 15:57
Greek stock market 1898.15 91.75 5.08% 16:56
Italy 21,548.11 122.66 0.57% 15:57
Luxembourg 1337.00 -10.68 -0.79% 15:28
Dutch stock market 317.79 1.29 0.41% 15:57

All  stock up up up
Good Post  Bad Post 
09-Feb-2010 23:14 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Genting will be open its Universal Studios theme park at RWS on Feb 11 and the casino on tge same Day

4日立春 ◆19日雨水
农历庚寅木年 十二月大 廿八日
戊寅土(季冬)月 壬辰水奎满日
岁煞南 龙日冲(丙戌)狗
宿名:西方奎木狼-凶 六曜:赤口
值日:金匮(黄道日) 五行:常流水
彭祖百忌:[壬不泱水 辰不哭泣]
◎天亮:06时33分 ◎天黑:18时51分
◎日出:07时03分 ◎日落:18时21分

feng shui master

opened the Optional Day

Optional on opening day would like to wish our people, full day, Chengri, open day, five-rich day.

Optional day opening bogey-breaking month, weekdays, closed day, robbery evil, disaster evil, evil month, month sentence, month disgust, five tombs, large, Tianli, small consumption, days, thieves, four consumption, 4 poor, 5 from the four waste, nine empty.

风水师  择日




农历庚寅木年 十二月大 廿八日
戊寅土(季冬)月 壬辰水奎满日
岁煞南 龙日冲(丙戌)狗
宿名:西方奎木狼-凶 六曜:
(黄道日) 五行:常流水
彭祖百忌:[壬不泱水 辰不哭泣]





12 Feb Not Good for opening

农历庚寅木年 十二月大 廿九日
戊寅土(季冬)月 癸巳水娄平日
岁煞东 蛇日冲(丁亥)猪
宿名:西方娄金狗-吉 六曜:
(黄道日) 五行:常流水
彭祖百忌:[癸不词讼 巳不远行]

     癸巳         宜:祭祀,修墳,涂泥,餘事勿取
平日        忌:移徙.入宅.嫁娶.开市.安葬

13 Feb 2010 also Not Good for Opening
农历庚寅木年 十二月大 三十日
戊寅土(季冬)月 甲午金胃定日
岁煞北 马日冲(戊子)鼠
宿名:西方胃土雉-吉 六曜:
(黑道日) 五行:沙中金
彭祖百忌:[甲不开仓 午不苫盖]

甲午     宜:交易,立券,会友,签約,納畜
定日    忌:种植,置业,卖田,掘井,造船

February 2010
Lunar New Year in December Gengyin large wood on the 30th
Tiger soil (Ji-Dong) On Sino-Japanese gold stomach Tingri
The day phenology: fish on the ice

-Year-old evil beima Oki (Wu Zi) rat
Jiuxing: Four Green - blatantly stars (wood) - soothe the nerves
Su Name: Western stomach soil Pheasant - Kyrgyzstan 6 Yao:
Friends of the cited
Duty: White Tiger
(Gangster days) The five elements: gold in the sand
PANG 100 bogey:[A not unlocked the cells and afternoon does not thatch cover

Sino-Japanese War
  Yi:Transactions, Li coupons, church members, signed a contract animal Na
Ji:Planting, home ownership, selling land, dig wells, shipbuilding


February 2010
Lunar New Year in December Gengyin large wood on the 30th
Tiger soil (Ji-Dong) On Sino-Japanese gold stomach Tingri
The day phenology: fish on the ice
-Year-old evil beima Oki (Wu Zi) rat
Jiuxing: Four Green - blatantly stars (wood) - soothe the nerves
Su Name: Western stomach soil Pheasant - Kyrgyzstan 6 Yao:Friends of the cited
Duty: White Tiger(Gangster days) The five elements: gold in the sand
PANG 100 bogey:[A not unlocked the cells and afternoon does not thatch cover]
Sino-Japanese War
Yi:Transactions, Li coupons, church members, signed a contract animal Na
Ji:Planting, home ownership, selling land, dig wells, shipbuilding
Good Post  Bad Post 
09-Feb-2010 21:49 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Last 2009 June I have brough $ 0.68 and sell during sep at $ 0.80. I have wait for Five this baby did not gobelow $ 1.02 . currently is between $1.05 - $ 1.18.

now all European stock market up . So Tomorrow Asia stocks will up.

nickyng      ( Date: 09-Feb-2010 17:37) Posted:

this kinda of news is to let BBs UNLOAD in LORRIES to YOU !! :P haha..... :) i will wait till <$1 or near the 95cts "rumoured" forced bond conversion price ! :P

sbkm999      ( Date: 09-Feb-2010 17:32) Posted:

aiya...tis kind of news should out b4 5pm mah..let ppl rush n buy in

den can close high highhhhh...best TP $2 haha

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09-Feb-2010 21:40 Sinotel Technolo Rg   /   Sinotel       Go to Message
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SINOTEL TECHNOLOGIES LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) (Company Registration Number: 200614275R)


The Board of Directors of Sinotel Technologies Ltd. (the "Company", and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") refers to the issue of 70,000,000 new shares at S$0.51 each in the capital of the Company pursuant to the initial public offering of its shares on 12 November 2007 (the "IPO").

The Company wishes to update that it will re-allocate the balance IPO proceeds of S$2.0 million as general working capital of the Group. The original usage was to expand the Group’s presence in the mobile entertainment segment. As part of its ordinary course of business, the Group has disposed of its Mobile Media Streaming Platform (the "Platform") by way of a sale to China Unicom for the consideration of RMB24.85 million and will no longer need the funds for the original intended purpose. The Platform has not generated any income to the Group in the past. The sale of the Platform will contribute a gain of approximately RMB11 million to the results of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2009.

By Order of the Board

Jia Yue Ting

Executive Chairman

9 February 2010

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09-Feb-2010 17:22 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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Oceanus FY09  on 24 Feb 2010

100% profit
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09-Feb-2010 17:19 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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CIMB-GK Research, Bloomberg


Genting Singapore Plc


Target: S$1.50

RADING BUY MaintainedSecond visit to RWS

Maintain Trading Buy.

some 40 buy-side analysts and fund managers from Malaysia and Singapore. We

came away from our second half-day tour still generally impressed by what we saw.

We were encouraged to learn that the gradual ramp-up of the hotel room inventory is

on track. Although we were on site only fewer than 10 days ago, the progress of work

was visible. Festive Walk has, since 1 Feb, been opened and there was noticeably

less finishing work at Universal Studios Singapore (USS). We continue to believe that

the casino and USS could debut in time to capture Chinese New Year festivities. No

change to our FY09-11 core earnings estimates and sum-of-the-parts target price of

S$1.50.Last Friday, we toured Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) with

RWS visit

Last Friday, we toured Genting Singapore’s RWS with some 40 buy-side analysts and

fund managers from Malaysia and Singapore. Our half-day tour took us through its

key areas: hotels, retail portion, casino and USS. Our visit ended with a brief

presentation and Q&A session with Genting Bhd’s head of strategic investments and

corporate affairs, Dato’ Justin Leong.


A similar walkthrough.

first one on 26 Jan when Genting Singapore’s management hosted 20-plus sell-side

analysts. We started off at RWS’s convention centre, where we saw its column-free

ballroom, which could fit up to 7,300 people, being partitioned for a smaller even

Q&A session

Genting Bhd’s head of strategic investments and corporate affairs, Dato’ Justin Leong,

gave a quick presentation before dinner. For us, there were no major revelations,

apart from slightly more details on Genting Plantations’ plans to operate premium

outlet stores in Johor. Questions fielded were mostly RWS-related.

When are casino and USS opening?

of the casino licence, which has since been issued, and opening dates for the casino

and USS were hot questions. Echoing our previous session with RWS’s president and

CEO, Tan Hee Teck, two weeks ago, the answer to theses queries was ‘soon’. But

given Saturday’s award of Singapore’s first casino licence and the fact that it would

only take 2-3 days for the casino to convert from trial to live mode, we believe a

Chinese New Year debut remains possible. Some press reports yesterday even

suggested that the casino could open by the end of this week, which would coincide

with the first day of the Lunar New Year on Sunday.For Genting Singapore, the timing of the award

What will happen to Genting Malaysia?

Malaysia’s Resorts World Genting (RWG) was raised. While indirectly acknowledging

that cannibalisation is inevitable given the novelty of Singapore’s new integrated

resorts, management pointed out that both properties actually appeal to different

market segments with price points being the key differentiating tool. More importantly,

RWG’s strong day-trippers market should help contain the degree of cannibalisation,

beyond the initial novelty period.The issue of the cannibalisation of Genting

Excited about premium outlets in Johor.

prospects for Genting Plantations’ upcoming premium outlet mall in Johor. We gather

that Genting Plantations’ partner, Simon Property Group, is already successfully

operating about 60 such outlets worldwide. While such a business model is new in

Malaysia, it has been a success particularly in the US. Phase 1 of this project, which

will feature about 80 outlets, is expected to be operational by 2011. Genting

Plantations’ investment outlay is small at just RM150m+ and this will be funded by a

combination of debt and equity.Management remains upbeat on the

Looking at opportunities in the US.

group’s continuous efforts for M&A opportunities, particularly in the US. This is not

surprising given that group chairman, Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay, recently singled out the

US as a potential expansion market for the group. At the same time, management

acknowledged that current valuations could be inflated. Alongside a still-difficult

operating environment, any potential deals are likely to be medium- to long-term in

nature.During the presentation, we were drawn to the

Valuation and recommendation

Still generally impressed.

what we saw. We were encouraged to learn that the gradual ramp-up of the hotel

room inventory is on track and yet, hotel bookings remain solid. Feedback from the

attendees was mixed on the feel and façade of the property, particularly the hotels.

But most agreed that USS will be a key attraction for RWS. Also, most of the

participants concurred with our earlier view that the casino and USS are ready to

welcome their first customers.We came away from our tour still generally impressed by

Closer to the finishing line.

we could visibly observe progress. Notably, Festive Walk is now a new attraction in

RWS, in addition to the four hotels and high-end retail area, Galleria. We were also

encouraged to see much lesser finishing work at USS and more attractions and

restaurants taking shape within the theme park. Additional signboards have been put

up within the premise to ease navigation. We continue to believe that the casino and

USS could debut in time to capture Chinese New Year festivities.Although we were on site only fewer than 10 days ago,

Reiterate TRADING BUY.

sum-of-the-parts target price of S$1.50. Retain TRADING BUY on the stock with nearterm

catalysts still expected to come from short-term positive news flow on RWS. After

the award of the casino licence, we believe further share-price triggers could come

from: 1) the opening of the casino and USS, especially if it coincides with Chinese

New Year; 2) a stronger-than-expected debut; and 3) a longer-than-expected
No change to our FY09-11 core earnings estimates and
Our two-hour plus tour last Friday was quite similar to our

Good Post  Bad Post 
09-Feb-2010 10:18 Sinotel Technolo Rg   /   Sinotel       Go to Message
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CHANGTIAN PLASTIC: US fund manager who luvs (some) S-chips

ANDREW BARRON WORDEN is a US fund manager whose name increasingly surfaces as a substantial shareholder of S-chips in Singapore.

The latest S-chip he is buying into is Changtian Plastic & Chemical, which manufactures chemical-based products serving the packaging, water treatment and oil sectors.

The company announced yesterday (Feb 8) that Andrew Barron Worden has crossed the 5% shareholding threshold with a 3,081,000 share purchase on Feb 4 and 5 at 20.2 cents apiece.

His total shareholding together with the funds managed is 34,911,000 shares, or 5.29%.

Mr Worden, 44, is chairman and CEO of Barron Partners LP, which is a private investment fund specializing in micro-caps (barronpartners.com/management.html).

On his sparse website (andrewworden.net/), he says he has more than 20 years of experience founding, managing, analyzing and investing with public and private companies

Barron and Mr Worden’s other holdings:

* China Kunda: 9.37% stake, or 33 million shares.

* Sinotel Technologies: Last reported on Aug 31 to be holding 4.33% or 12.2 million shares, which was a comedown from 5.05%. Since Barron and Worden had ceased to be a substantial shareholder, they no longer had to declare their shareholding.

As with Sinotel, similarly with China Kunda: Barron and Worden has sold off at least some holding within months. In late Dec, they sold 500,000 shares of China Kunda.


Good Post  Bad Post 
09-Feb-2010 10:14 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Reply to Mr. Bankrupt.


For the Genting singapore if you are shorts-terms play will not make money.

If you long-terms will you make 100 % , ( after 2 to 3 year )

one of my friend told me he father 30 year back buy genting maylaysia for one share ( M$ 500) , after 30 yaer become M$ 100,000.



Mr.Bankrupt      ( Date: 08-Feb-2010 17:17) Posted:

Fighting Spirit Changes Mode:

From thisSmiley to these SmileySmileySmileySmiley

Samson, other from DBS and OCBC, any other positive bank report? Hee hee....

*Still learning, be more patient, always positive in life*


Good Post  Bad Post 
08-Feb-2010 17:10 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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DBdbs S Group Research Equity

DBS Group Research Equity

Let The Games Begin!

New Year peak seasonCasino licence awarded – opening just before Chinese

impending opening to draw in the massesFirst mover advantage over MBS; Universal Studios

Likely to start off slow and ramp up progressively

look rich. Maintain Hold and TP of S$1.20.Potential positive knee-jerk reaction, but valuations

Casino licence in the bag.

awarded Genting Singapore (GENS) its much awaited casino

licence last Saturday. We understand GENS may need a week

or so to tie up loose ends before officially launching its casinos

in time for the Chinese New Year peak season (14-28 Feb). We

expect crowd-puller Universal Studios to open soon pending

completion of ride testings. GENS will be the first integrated

resort to open in Singapore, cementing its first mover

advantage over Marina Bay Sands, due for soft launch in

Apr10 (at the earliest).The Singapore government has

Slow and steady ramp up.

off with 500 mass tables and 100 VIP tables (capacity to ramp

up to 760 tables), along with up to 1500 slots. We expect

minimal contribution from junket VIPs in the early stages due

to the strict junket regulations released on 31 Dec 09 (may

need longer time for compliance). But junkets will still be

required to kick start the VIP segment and help reduce RWS’

credit risk.We understand GENS will likely start

Positive development, but rich valuations.

casino licence is within our expectations. Although there may

be a positive knee-jerk reaction, valuations look rich at 20x

2011 PE and 13x 2011 EV/EBITDA vs sector’s (Asia Pacific) 16x

and 11x respectively. Share prices of casino operators tend to

come off post-casino openings as initial earnings are unlikely to

meet with street's full-year expectations. We also see potential

share overhang from the mandatory conversion of remaining

S$321m Convertible Bonds 2 at 95Scts on 9 Feb 2010 (338m

shares). Maintain Hold and sum-of-parts target price of S$1.20

(valuing RWS using discounted cashflows, assuming 7.8%

WACC and 1.5% long-term growth).The timing of the

Good Post  Bad Post 
08-Feb-2010 16:58 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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OCBC Investment Research’s

Genting Singapore (GS) has obtained the license to operate the country's

first casino over the weekend. Although the company has declined to

officially comment on when it plans to open the casino, but with its casino

floor already fully decked out with just under 500 gaming tables (equal split

between grind and VIP tables) and some 1300 new slot machines, we

believe that it will be able to open its doors to the public within a couple of

days. Likewise for the Universal Studios Singapore (USS) theme park, we

understand that GS is in the process of putting on the final touches to the

attractions; and is also awaiting the green light. While it may be ideal that

both attractions can open at the same time, the news of GS getting the

casino license should prove to be quite positive for the stock; this as the

stock was earlier swamped by concerns that GS may not get the license

until Mar. As such, we maintain our

if adjusted for dilution from the mandatory conversion of its CBs by 09


http://www.remisiers.org/research//Market%20Pulse-100208-OIR.pdfBUY rating and S$1.39 fair value (S$1.35(Carey Wong)

Good Post  Bad Post 
07-Feb-2010 10:02 Oceanus   /   RTO of Oceanus Bio-Tech       Go to Message
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Oceanus, an abalone farming and restaurant enterprise, is a very interesting stock for technically savvy investors.

With extremely Hi Volume at Hi Prices, it has done an “inverted pyramid” topple-over to the present price, 32.5c.

Down-side risk is limited.

Look out for volume to accumulate and it would be rewarding to jump in as the down-side risk is limited.

The immediate resistance is 34.5c and up to 39c.

Good Post  Bad Post 
07-Feb-2010 09:53 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Today is good for bron in Dragon year   , five star  good for fire group item

值日:青龙(黄道日) 五行:霹雷火

岁煞南 鼠日冲(壬午)马  Sount direction Not Good , rat day Not Good for Horse bron in 1942 year.

If CEO Mr. Lim Bron in Dragon Year toDay is Very Good day to open Casino.

They are open or only VIP From 4 feb 2010 for the Drive test.

Yesterday also open to VIP only.

suggestion To Genting Singapore CEO : For The share Holder Casino shell issues the SPVIP cards and use the sp Greens land doN't need to pay $100 for day tickets. Because we are part of the owner.

Good Post  Bad Post 
07-Feb-2010 00:58 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Tomorrow is Very Good so Sunday , Why waiting for next weeks. Time is money money money

I belive  Genting Singapore Casino will be open tomorrow Good .Time 8 :08 Am ,8:18 Am ,8:28 Am , 8: 58Am

2010年2月7  星期日
农历庚寅木年 十二月大 廿四日
戊寅土(季冬)月 戊子火虚开日

岁煞南 鼠日冲(壬午)马


宿名:北方虚日鼠-凶 六曜:

(黄道日) 五行:霹雷火



Good to do : Worship, bath, open light, plastic painting, praying, seeking heir, setting leagues, Nace, headgear, carpet weaving, tailoring, wedding, ground-breaking, in addition to clothing, as clothing, ground-breaking, Kai drilling, travel, pestle Wei, Drainage, opening, Li coupons, trading

Good Post  Bad Post 
06-Feb-2010 10:11 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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A sign casino will open soon

SINGAPORE - The Singapore Police Force (SPF) will start serving some 3,500 Exclusion Orders to those with serious criminal backgrounds from Saturday - to keep them out of the two casinos due to open at the two integrated resorts (IRs) - Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) and Marina Bay Sands (MBS).

In a statement on Friday night, the police said the exclusion orders are "broadly targeted at criminals who are involved in serious syndicated crimes or those with the propensity to operate criminal organisations, as well as those involved in illegal activities which will directly affect the crime-free gaming environment".

The statement came on the heels of a rise in the share prices for Genting Singapore earlier in the day. Genting Singapore, which owns RWS - the first IR to begin operations here - saw its shares gain 2.8 per cent on the Straits Times Index (STI), rising to $1.11.

Market reports had attributed the rise to "market chatter that the company might open its Universal Studios theme park at Resorts World Sentosa on Feb 11 and the casino a day after". When contacted, RWS spokesman Robin Goh said the IR had "no comment to make" beyond saying that it is "on track to open in the first quarter of 2010". Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the Casino Regulatory Authority told MediaCorp it was still processing the casino licences for RWS and MBS.

RWS opened its four hotels on Jan 20, and will open its other attractions in phases, while MBS has said it will open in mid-April. Analysts say the move by the SPF to issue the Exclusion Orders could further raise public expectations that the opening of Singapore's first casino is imminent - and could happen before the Chinese New Year on Feb 14.

Known as the Commissioner of Police Exclusion Orders or CPEOs - these are different from the Exclusion Orders (EOs) issued by the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG). The EOs from the NCPG follow from applications by families to bar their loved ones from the casinos if they could prove to counsellors and a council-appointed committee that their family member has a serious gambling habit. Last month, individuals were also allowed to voluntarily bar themselves by applying directly to the NCPG.

However, under the CPEOs issued under the Casino Control Act, those who have committed serious criminal offences such as loan shark syndicate members, secret society members, money launderers, pimps and drug traffickers are targeted. The list of excluded persons - which is confidential - will be periodically reviewed and updated, added the police.

Anyone served the CPEO will not be allowed to enter, remain, or take part in any gaming, on any casino premises.

The penalty for contravening the Order is a fine of up to $10,000 or a jail term of up to 12 months or both.

Any winnings paid or are payable to the offender will also be forfeited.

The CPEOs, said the police, are aimed at keeping the gaming environment free from syndicated crime and vice activities.

Any excluded person who wishes to appeal against the EO can do so by writing to the Minister of Home Affairs.

Meanwhile, RWS announced on Friday that local songbird Stephanie Sun will perform at the IR's first concert by a solo artiste, which will be held on Feb 16.

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06-Feb-2010 10:08 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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A sign casino will open soon ?

Exclusion Order to keep those with serious criminal backgrounds from entering casinos

SINGAPORE: The police will serve some 3,500 Exclusion Orders on Saturday to those with serious criminal backgrounds to keep them out of Singapore casinos.

On the exclusion list are loanshark syndicate members, secret society members, money launderers, pimps and drug traffickers. The list of excluded persons will be periodically reviewed and updated.

The orders will prohibit them from entering or remaining on any casino premises. The period of exclusion depends on how serious the crimes are.

Those who wish to appeal against the order may do so by writing to the Minister of Home Affairs.

The orders aim to keep the gaming environment free from syndicated crime and vice activities. They go in line with preventive measures such as security checks, swift enforcement, investigation and prosecution of offenders.

The police said similar exclusion mechanisms are also used in other foreign jurisdictions.

They added that the basis for an Exclusion Order issued by the police is separate and distinct from Exclusion Orders which may be issued by other agencies, such as the National Council on Problem Gambling.

Notification is limited to the excluded person, the Casino Regulatory Authority, and the casino operators.

An excluded person shall not enter or remain, or take part in any gaming, on any casino premises. Those who violate the order will face a fine of up to S$10,000 or imprisonment for up to a year, or both.
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06-Feb-2010 09:44 Sinotel Technolo Rg   /   Sinotel       Go to Message
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Monday Asia stocks will be reboun, yesterday us stock up 10 points.

NEW YORK - A battered stock market recovered from a sharp drop in late trading Friday but still posted its fourth straight weekly drop.

The Dow Jones industrials, down nearly 170 points in afternoon trading, clawed their way back to finish with a gain of 10. But more stocks fell than rose on the New York Stock Exchange as investors contended with another series of troubling signals about the global economy.

Investors are concerned that European governments will have trouble getting their massive deficits under control. The Labor Department, meanwhile, offered only scant hope of improvement in the jobs market in its closely watched monthly report.

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