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Latest Posts By ruanlai - Master      About ruanlai
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19-May-2010 13:47 SoundGlobal   /   Epure International       Go to Message
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All standby.......Get ready for the wave up after 2pm......

FMs on the way........90cents today, tomorrow $1

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19-May-2010 10:59 SoundGlobal   /   Epure International       Go to Message
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19-May-2010 10:35 SoundGlobal   /   Epure International       Go to Message
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A lot of buy and accumulation at 83.5cents and 84cents.

Afternoon will shoot up above 90cents again then $1 by weekend......

Cheers for those who vested
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19-May-2010 10:32 SoundGlobal   /   Epure International       Go to Message
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Price no less than S$1.20........according to the last report.....from house
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19-May-2010 08:46 SoundGlobal   /   Epure International       Go to Message
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HK dual listing confirm ?
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01-May-2010 14:18 Sinotel Technolo Rg   /   another germs !!!       Go to Message
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First Quarter 2010
Financial Highlights
                                    1Q20101                     Q2009        Change

Revenue                       118,400                       96,567         22.6%
Gross Profit                    45,208                       39,809         13.6%
Net Profit after Tax         28,738                       28,827         (0.3%)
In RMB ‘million

Singapore, 30 April, 2010 – Sinotel Technologies Ltd. (“Sinotel” or the “Group”), an innovator in the provision of wireless telecommunications infrastructure and solutions in the PRC, posted a 22.6% increase in revenue to RMB118.4 million, reaping net earnings after tax of RMB28.7 million for the first quarter of FY2010 (“1Q2010”).

Revenue in 1Q2010 for the Group increased by RMB21.8 million compared to the same period last year attributed mainly to the increase in revenue derived from the sales of equipment of RMB18.8 million, Emergency Mobile Communications System of RMB7.2 million and system integration projects of RMB6.4 million.

The increase was offset by decrease in revenue from indoor and outdoor wireless coverage solutions of RMB3.6 million and sales of 3G cards of RMB7.0 million. The decrease in indoor and outdoor wireless coverage solutions was mainly due to Telcos’ transitional period to streamline their wireless infrastructure development.

Overall gross margin for the quarter was 3.0% lower at 38.2%, compared to the first quarter of 2009 (“1Q09”) at 41.2%. This was mainly attributed to the increase in sales of equipment by participating in the Telco’s central procurement policy and the increase in contribution of sales derived from system integration projects which command lower margin. Correspondingly, there was no income derived from these two business segments in 1Q09.

2010 also marks the end of the Group’s income tax exemption for first three years (i.e. FY2007, FY2008 and FY2009). Nevertheless, the Group will continue to enjoy a discounted tax rate of 7.5% for the next three years (i.e. FY2010, FY2011 and FY2012) before resuming its full income tax rate of 15% in FY2013.

Earnings per share contracted from 10.3 RMB cents in 1Q09 to 8.8 RMB cents in 1Q2010. As at 31 March 2010, Net Asset Value per share was 204.4 RMB cents, compared to 189.2 cents as at 31 December 2009.

Outlook and Future Plans

In the interest of streamlining their processes, cost savings and improving efficiency, Telcos have begun to revamp their tendering system and segregate the process of building their wireless network infrastructure. The new workflow involves pre-qualifying vendors for each of the processes, i.e. procurement of wireless equipment, design of network system and installation of infrastructure.
In light of these recent developments, the Group has begun to reposition itself and realign its business objectives so as to properly adjust to the changes. Margins are expected to be weaker as the Group ventures into sales of equipment, which commands lower margin, since the Telco’s adoption of the centralised procurement policy. Said Mr Jia Yue Ting (“贾跃亭”), Executive Chairman of Sinotel, “To better position ourselves for these transitions, the Group aims to bid for more system design and infrastructure installation projects going forward where margins remain healthier than sales of equipment.”

The Group will continue to expand on its ancillary business, the Emergency Mobile Communications System (EMCS) division. Sinotel has always been actively supplying proprietary wireless solutions and will continue to develop on this business segment.
Also recognising the need to strengthen and develop a steadier income stream, Mr Jia added “One of the Group’s priorities is to increase the contribution of projects that generate recurring revenue. As such, adding on to the current maintenance projects already secured in the Shanxi province, the Group aims to bid for more similar contracts in the coming quarters.”
Barring unforeseen circumstances, the Group anticipates that the financial outlook will remain profitable for the rest of the financial year 2010.

Sinotel began operating in 2002 as merely a handset distributor and has evolved into a wireless telecommunications innovator that provides a wide range of customized applications and solutions across the telecommunication value chain. Having only started in Shanxi six years ago, the Group’s business now spans across eight other major provinces. Sinotel serves reputable customers like major telecommunications companies, China Unicom and China Mobile.

The Group’s key Network Infrastructure Solution is its proprietary multi-carrier wireless system, which enhances customers’ wireless telecommunication networks and is compatible with various communication networks such as GSM, CDMA, PHS and WLAN as well as 3G networks such as WCDMA and CDMA2000.
The Company’s Network Support Solutions can be integrated into existing telecommunication network infrastructure to deploy new and enhanced voice communication services for wireless communication users and manage provision of increasingly popular value-added data services.

The Group recently ventured into two new business segments, the distribution of 3G network cards and development of the Emergency Mobile Communications System (“EMCS”).

3G network cards are essentially PC cards that enable mobile users the ability to connect wirelessly to the internet. Sinotel is one of the pioneers to have developed and distributed the 3G network card in collaboration with its partner China Unicom.
The EMCS is a mobile RF (Radio Frequency) communications system mounted on top of a vehicle. The EMCS is able to restore network coverage to trouble stricken areas or functions as a booster at places with high capacity demands.

Through the development of its proprietary wireless telecommunication applications and solutions, the Group aims to be the leading 3G wireless telecommunication solutions provider in the PRC.

For more information, please contact:
Ben Ng
VP, Corporate Communications and IR
Mobile : (65) 9168 9988
Email : ben@sinotel.com.sg
30 April, 2010
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27-Apr-2010 16:40 Sinotel Technolo Rg   /   another germs !!!       Go to Message
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Some ppls force sell plus double sell down to crash this counter....

Another CHINA SUN.......CHINA MILK.........

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27-Apr-2010 16:37 Sinotel Technolo Rg   /   another germs !!!       Go to Message
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Wow siao....

1 Million Shares force to sell down........

Siao liao.....

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27-Apr-2010 15:38 Sinotel Technolo Rg   /   another germs !!!       Go to Message
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When the price keep dropping......

A lot of force selling.....going on.......

When they force to sell, they are unwillingly to loose the money so they rolled over.......

When they rolled over and price still keep dropping......they force sell again.

The cycle keep repeating .......

Avoid this stock from now.....
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27-Apr-2010 10:58 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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27-Apr-2010 10:55 Sinotel Technolo Rg   /   another germs !!!       Go to Message
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26-Apr-2010 19:34 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Share market like gambling table.

Every Morning to Eveing,  the BBs who think that they wanna to play down the market or this counter, they will first prepare to age down with budgetted amount say $1B. Short all the way follow by the wave down of panic sellers.....like us........

Then they will call it a day........Buy up.......the price will shoot up and up all the way follow by the wave up of panic buyers like us.......

So place your bet. Bet up or bet down is up to you......

BET : YZJ will sell down and keep selling down till $1.20 again.........
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26-Apr-2010 16:05 Sinotel Technolo Rg   /   another germs !!!       Go to Message
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another germs ??? scandal ??

SELL DOWN day after day......

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26-Apr-2010 15:01 China Hongxing   /   China Hongx       Go to Message
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Avoid from NOW.....

FMs are dumping together........

S H I T....
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26-Apr-2010 14:55 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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China is cooling the properties in very aggressive way.....

Avoid properties sectors.......for now till June when WORLD CUP OVER......

SHORT now and HUAT Lar........

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26-Apr-2010 14:35 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Short it and huat lar....
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24-Apr-2010 14:48 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Monday Morning Short at the high follow by the high of DOW....

Then direction will go all the way to south as things not confirm yet as someone is not accepting.

Short it and huat lar....
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24-Apr-2010 14:46 Baker Technology   /   It's time to rebound ????       Go to Message
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Monday Morning Short at the high follow by the high of DOW....

Then direction will go all the way to south as things not confirm yet as someone is not accepting.

Short it and huat lar....
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23-Apr-2010 19:47 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Cruising with the ship ..Yangzijiang       Go to Message
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Common sense will tell you la.....

Price up and halt will be for Good News......(Insiders know first)

Price Down and hlat will be for Bad News..... (From where.......Insiders know first).

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23-Apr-2010 19:29 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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BAD NEWS from the parent company........ Good indicator for the shortists to short all the way back to below $1.
China Cosco Posts Annual Loss on Overcapacity, Shipping Rates (By Wendy Leung_

   April 23 (Bloomberg) -- China Cosco Holdings Co., the
world’s largest operator of dry-bulk ships, slumped to an annual
loss after rates for hauling commodities and containers tumbled
on overcapacity and the global recession.
   The 7.47 billion yuan ($1.09 billion) net loss compared
with a restated profit of 11.6 billion yuan a year earlier, the
Tianjin, China-based shipping line said in a statement to the
Hong Kong stock exchange yesterday, citing international
accounting standards. The loss compares with the 6 billion yuan
average of 11 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg.
   China Cosco’s dry-bulk sales fell 62 percent last year and
container volumes dropped 9.6 percent as the global recession
and overcapacity sapped rates. This year, fees are rebounding
because of an economic recovery, capacity cuts and cooperation
among container lines to end price wars.
   “There’s going to be a profit this year, it’s just a
matter of how much,” said Allen Wong, an analyst at Quam Ltd.
in Hong Kong. “The key is how much bulk rates rise on China
demand. The container side can make a profit, but it won’t be
   China Cosco predicts container volumes may increase 8
percent to 5.67 million twenty-foot containers in 2010.
   China Shipping Container Lines Co., the nation’s No. 2 box-
carrier, said yesterday that it expects to return to profit on
Asia-U.S. routes after more than 80 percent of customers agreed
to an $800 per 40-foot box increase in Asia-U.S. west coast
shipping rates in contracts due to start around next month.

                          Dry Bulk

   China Cosco, China Shipping Container, A.P. Moeller-Maersk
A/S and 12 other lines agreed to seek an increase of that amount
after overcapacity and slumping trade caused industrywide loses
last year. China Shipping Container posted an annual loss of
6.49 billion yuan for 2009.
   China Cosco’s dry-bulk volume fell 7.4 percent last year.
The company operated 439 dry-bulk ships as of Dec. 31, with
another 30 on order. The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of dry-bulk
shipping rates, has risen 61 percent in the past year.
   China Cosco’s container fleet, China’s largest, suffered a
39 percent decline in sales last year. Volumes on transpacific
routes slumped 10 percent, while Asia-Europe cargos declined 22
   The shipping line, controlled by China Ocean Shipping
(Group) Co., fell 0.2 percent to HK$10.26 in Hong Kong before
the earnings announcement. It’s gained 7.4 percent this year,
outperforming the benchmark Hang Seng Index’s 1.9 percent drop.
   The company, the world’s second-biggest shipping line by
market value behind Maersk, won’t pay an annual dividend.
   Cosco Pacific Ltd., China Cosco’s container-terminal unit,
last month reported a 37 percent drop in 2009 profit. The unit,
which owns or has stakes in 21 terminal companies, predominately
in China, handled 5.1 percent fewer cargo-boxes in the period as
the global recession hammered demand.
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