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19-Aug-2011 09:49 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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STATURE to stand with world leaders

Dr Tony Tan

asked voters to put their trust in his years of experience and assures them that he will represent the nation with confidence, dignity and a steady hand to protect the reserves.

He said: " We cannot afford to confuse matters just to score political points. There is simply too much at stake now for political games. I ask you to consider the two most important roles of the President.

" The first role of the President is to be the Head of State. At home, the President stands for all Singaporeans. He has to be independent and above politics.

" He must be fair, knowledgeable and balanced, especially when called on to resolve disputes between different organs of the state.

" Abroad, the President is Singapore’s face to the world. He has to carry our flag with confidence and dignity. He must have the stature to stand with world leaders and represent our country.

" The second important role of the President is to protect our nation’s financial reserves — which is our country’s savings. This responsibility is what makes our Presidency special and is why we are having an election."

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19-Aug-2011 09:45 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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江 山 易 改 本 性 难 移

Mr Tan Jee Say

argued the President must be independent of the ruling party and not be influenced or hampered by past ties.

He said: " My three opponents are honourable men but they were members of PAP for 20 to 30 years until they resigned from the party with two of them having quit only very recently.

" During this period, they ate, slept, walked and breathed PAP. Do you now expect them to have a breath of fresh air?

" Mentally and emotionally, it will be very difficult for them to think differently from the ruling party and challenge their former colleagues and friends.

" Unlike them, I do not have the same emotional baggage that they carry because I have never been a member of the PAP."

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19-Aug-2011 09:40 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Dr Tan Cheng Bock

said there is a growing desire for a clear distinction between the government and the office of the President.

" To strengthen the independence of the presidency, one of my proposals will be to ask the government to shift its operations from the Istana grounds to another location," said Dr Tan in the broadcast on Thursday.

" The Prime Minister and Cabinet offices should not be housed in the same compound as the President, as this familiarity attracts unwanted suspicion of undue influence. It may sound drastic but I believe this is the correct thing to do for Singaporeans," he added.

Dr Tan Cheng Bock also plans to introduce an annual statement to let Singaporeans know whether the President is doing his job in safeguarding the reserves, the people’s CPF, the appointment of civil servants, charitable activities, and national identity programmes in the arts, sports and culture.

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19-Aug-2011 09:33 Genting Sing   /   Traders Lounge - Daily opportunities for everyone       Go to Message
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you are back

as a Land Lord now ?

just  sit there and shake legs

gOOd  mOve 

BullishTempo      ( Date: 19-Aug-2011 00:49) Posted:

U know, in this market being a remiser in STI makes no sense.

  I rather just be happy earning my rent 

eastcivic      ( Date: 19-Aug-2011 00:21) Posted:

i'm ok la..... still learning TA and trying to improve....

the last time i heard from you, you were training to be a remisier..... so now switch to real estate agent? or are you doing both

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18-Aug-2011 15:59 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Robbing the poor to help the rich

Officials have stolen millions from the government’s National Development Agency (NDA), which distributes money to organisations that serve the poor. It has also been discovered that R7.5-million donated by the European Union for poverty relief was used for “ineligible expenditures”. The NDA is now liable to return this money to the EU.

Police have arrested a former accounts clerk at the NDA, Sheila O’Reilly, in connection with the theft of more than R3.6-million from the agency. Her bail hearing was postponed on Thursday. Police have seized a R1.4-million deposit on a house and R1-million paid on the sale of another house and held by transferring attorneys on her behalf. Also seized were a Toyota Hilux double-cab bakkie O’Reilly bought in March and a Land Rover she bought in April.
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18-Aug-2011 15:23 Genting Sing   /   Traders Lounge - Daily opportunities for everyone       Go to Message
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people are

slim and in good shape


muifan      ( Date: 18-Aug-2011 13:37) Posted:



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18-Aug-2011 14:59 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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立 体 快 巴



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    18-Aug-2011 14:57 ComfortDelGro   /   ComfortDelGro       Go to Message
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    立 体 快 巴



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    18-Aug-2011 14:23 SMRT   /   SMRT       Go to Message
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    立 体 快 巴



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    18-Aug-2011 14:20 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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    hOw mAny cOmpAnIes  In  AmerIcA  ? ? ? ?

    hOw mAny cOmpAnIes  In  sIngApOrE  ? ? ? ?

    hAs  pAId Up cApItAl  Of  S$100 mIllIOn  ? ? ? ?
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    18-Aug-2011 14:16 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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    Tan also hoped for a review on taxes, saying: " The fact that you have accumulated huge surpluses every year... is excess of revenue over expenditure. So by having more revenue than necessary to finance government service, you are overtaxing the people. I think that's wrong." [15]

    Tan also called for a minimum wage in Singapore, saying that not having one would be " unconscionable." [15]
    3.2 Eligibility

    Doubts were initially raised over his eligibility as a presidential candidate as he did not meet the criterion of being the chief executive officer of a Singapore company with a paid-up capital of S$100 million.[17][18] Tan said he was CEO with the title of regional managing director of AIB Govett Asia which managed total assets in excess of S$100 million which, in his view, would make it equivalent to managing a company with a paid-up capital of S$100 million.[11]
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    18-Aug-2011 14:06 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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    Friday, July 15, 2011

    Tan Jee Say's participation in the Presidential Election

    Here is my statement.

    I like to wish Tan Jee Say all the best in getting the Certificate of Eligibility and in  contesting the Presidential Election. With more candidates entering the contest, the  voters of Singapore will have a wider choice of selecting the next President of  Singapore. A larger pool of candidates should help to make more citizens aware of  the importance of this position and educate more people on the need to make a wise 

    I will not change my campaign, as set out in my campaign website:  www.tkl2011.com.

    I also pledge to donate at least half of the President's salary towards charity and 
    other causes. See http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=161923467213647
    for more details.

    I will also bring my values of honesty, fairness, positive attitude, courage and public service to the decisions that I have to make in the future, in whatever capacity that I may be in.

    Tan Kin Lian

    sO  thIs presIdent  Is 

    nOt  After  the  PEOPLE's  mOney  ? ? ? ?

    A gOOd  fEElIng
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    18-Aug-2011 13:59 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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    Leong Sze Hian /

    I refer to the articles “GE: “I didn’t propose closing factories   “, says Tan Jee Say” (Channel News Asia, Apr 28) and   ”SM: Ex- aide’s proposals easier said than done” (ST, Apr 25).

    Looking at the onslaught that is being thrown at my Rafflesian schoolmate Tan Jee Say, from no less than more than half a dozen or so Ministers – Goh Chok Tong, Lim Boon Heng, Lim Hng Kiang, Grace Fu, Lee Yi Shyan, etc, I think it may be an understatement to say that to my living memory, I don’t think any opposition candidate has ever garnered such a rare honour of attention by the ruling Government.


    Because I think Jee Say is arguably the most qualified and experienced candidate ever fielded by the opposition in the history of Singapore.

    In particular, his experience as Principal Private Secretary to former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong, heading economic strategy at the Economic Development Board and Secretary to Dr Albert Winsemius, the Dutch economist who has been credited with being the architect of Singapore’s economic development in our early years following independance, in my view, throws to the wind what the ruling
    Government has always been saying – that the opposition do not have the experience to form the Government.

    The ruling Government has also always said that the opposition is abundant in rhetoric, but lacking in concrete policy solutions and detailed plans.

    Well, Jee Say has published a 45-page plan for the future of Singapore, with a focus on the urgent need to change our economic strategies and policies.

    Has any ruling Government candidate ever come out with even a 20-page paper?

    The fact of the matter is that the ruling Government’s new batch of candidates pales in comparison to the likes of Tan Jee Say and Chen Show Mao.

    Jee Say is also perhaps uniquely qualified in diversity, as he has been in Government as well as the private sector, something which few of the ruling Government’s new candidates can boast of.

    More significantly, Jee Say is one of their own – a ‘member of the club’, so to speak.
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    18-Aug-2011 13:32 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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    Warren Buffett :

      Last Monday, we spent more

      money in the stock market buying

      than any day this year

    ~ rhbinvest tweets Tue 16 Aug 21:05


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    18-Aug-2011 13:31 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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    Warren Buffett :

      Last Monday, we spent more

      money in the stock market buying

      than any day this year

    ~ rhbinvest tweets Tue 16 Aug 21:05



    Warren Buffett :

      Last Monday, we spent more

      money in the stock market buying

      than any day this year

    ~ rhbinvest tweets Tue 16 Aug 21:05


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    18-Aug-2011 13:06 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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    Change in GENT's indirect shareholdings in Genting Singapore Plc (" GENS" ) as a result of the acquisition by Genting Overseas Holdings Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of GENT, of a total of 1,900,000 ordinary shares in GENS from the open market for a total consideration of SGD3,443,984.73.  [S$1.813]


    Acquisition by Genting Overseas Holdings Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Genting Berhad, of a total of 1,900,000 ordinary shares in Genting Singapore Plc from the open market. Kien Huat Realty Sdn Berhad is deemed interested in the Genting Singapore Plc shares held by Genting Overseas Holdings Limited.

    pharoah88      ( Date: 18-Aug-2011 13:01) Posted:

    Citigold         ( Date: 28-Jul-2011 19:47) Posted:

    Genting Berhad bought in 1,900,000 ordinary shares in GenSp from the open market.Can see this stock start to fly soon

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    18-Aug-2011 13:01 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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    Citigold         ( Date: 28-Jul-2011 19:47) Posted:

    Genting Berhad bought in 1,900,000 ordinary shares in GenSp from the open market.Can see this stock start to fly soon
    Good Post  Bad Post 
    18-Aug-2011 12:02 Fixed Deposits   /   $$$$ F D Interest Abnormalisation MLM BUBBLE $$$       Go to Message
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    Good Post  Bad Post 
    18-Aug-2011 11:47 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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    FU TU R E     T R U C K S

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFdCp0DMLGk& feature=related

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    18-Aug-2011 11:22 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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